Mike Sweeney @ Seeking Alpha: l'ex Segretario del Tesoro statunitense Tim Geithner versus Nic Cary e i #Bitcoin

Tim Geithner, il presidente Barack Obama, e Ben Bernanke Tim Geithner è l'ex Segretario del Tesoro statunitense,……
Tim Geithner, il presidente Barack Obama, e Ben Bernanke Tim Geithner è l'ex Segretario del Tesoro statunitense,……
Tim Geithner, President Barack Obama, and Ben Bernanke Tim Geithner is the former US Secretary of the Treasury who served President……
Since the end of the GOP and Democratic Party Conventions, the US Dollar has fallen dramatically with respect to major currencies,……
QE3, (Quantitative Easing program Stage 3), has already made millionaire traders and speculators richer even before it was initiated……