Need of Attention on Primary Education

Teachers of poor countries are victimized of severe hardships. There is need of policy to provide secure environment……
Teachers of poor countries are victimized of severe hardships. There is need of policy to provide secure environment……
Is it that someone ignored you, or made you feel stupid, or did they physically hurt you? Decide if you really care what that person……
Contribution Can Women Make to the Society of Pakistan ……
In Pakistani villages life is same as thousands years ago and they can not change with time. They are houses, dresses, manners and……
The role of teacher The teacher plays a key role in education . there ……
Good citizen is the combination of lots of good qualities and it has some duties and responsibilities. We all are living in a free……
This is a very important topic that are related to the education and the types of education. In the education , there are many branches……
Book has been victimized of declination because of electronic media. As internet has provided the information which is needed to people……
Today we talk about betterment of a country and its relation with English language in the developing of countries.Today the it is……
Today we talk about the technology of Pakistan and role of education in this modern world.First of all we say that education is most……
By “Empowerment” we mean boosting the status of a person or community with regard to social, political, educational,……
Agriculture play a very important role for the betterment of economy of the country.There is a suitable place need for agriculture.Pakistan……
Teacher's role in community The teacher plays a key role in education, there can be no revolution in education without revolution……
In latest hundred years Afghan girls destination have got many vicissitudes. Afghan girls had terrible condition in Afghanistan. They……