No cost birth control decreases teen pregnancies and also abortions.

Teenagers who accepted free of charge contraception and also were intelligent regarding the advantages and disadvantages of a variety……
Teenagers who accepted free of charge contraception and also were intelligent regarding the advantages and disadvantages of a variety……
BIRTH CONTROLLING MICROCHIPS Is it going to happen really? Would it work ? Is it safe to implant a microchip for birth control ? Birth……
What causes acne? One of the biggest obstacles as an adolescent is overcoming acne. To some it might sound like it’s not a big……
“We cannot ignore the facts. Many young people are sexually active, and because of this, they may face risks to their……
Don't get it how rape is somehow wiped away as crime or moral offense by any union between the victim and rapist. Worse, if……
Less than five days after my award-winning NYC romantic comedy The Pill was released via the distributor FilmBuff on Cable……
Victory by Rick Santorum in 3 states (2-7-2012) places Republican Nomination process back to start. It also brings to forefront the……