what is Bitcoin ?

a type of digital currency in which a record of transactions is maintained and new units of currency are generated by the computational……
a type of digital currency in which a record of transactions is maintained and new units of currency are generated by the computational……
HELLO FRIENDS ...............where i will find followers please help me im waiting for your suggestion
Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket and not the thimble."--Warren Buffet *Image is from……
Today, I came upon this service which rewards you for blogging. I'm an advent blogger anyway so I thought I would try this service.……
Video Credits:: Bitlanders via Bitlanders Image Credits:: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders I often receive messages……
CPEC: China And Pakistan Miscalculated Corruption -- And India usama , Contributor AFP PHOTO / dominique faget (Photo……
Photo Credit: bitLanders.com and edited via BeFunky.com Hello, guys! It's a hot summer day here in my country.……
First, you mus tclick this link to sign up and fill the form below!! 1. Make the username : mohsodik 2. Type your active……
I was looking at my blog posts today and found something is missing. I realized, I have not made any total earnings blog entry for……
This month's earning is fifteen dollars lower compared to what I had earned last month of August. I don't know if I had been lazy……
Summary of the 30/09/2016
My Reviewed Post on Bitlanders Hello, Bitlanders Below Are The My Reviewed Posts, Hope You Will Like Them And For Eash Access Of My……
Hy Friends... Here Are Some Tips To Earn Fast On Bitlanders.. 1.Subscribe 200 Peoples Daily 2.Post 40 Microblog Daily... 3.Add 4 Movies……
Currently was writing on my husband and I's Siquijor Adventure when I thought I should stop with all the travel stories just for now……
Maayung adlaw sa tanan!(Good day to everyone!) I am Jean Beltran-Figues, a bitLanders user for more than two years. I started using……
all the best freebitcoin dogecoin and ethereum sites in one place ! getrich and makemoney earncash today! garantee minimum of……
The United States is a federal republic, with elected officials at the federal (national), state and local levels. On a national level,……
I was supposed to post this last June 30th however, I became very very busy that I had only made a draft of the post instead. Gladly,……
I admit, I have a tendency of going "cray" or "gaga" over new Fashionista items in the bitLanders shop. Ever since bitLanders……
Say bye bye to May and welcome June with wide wide arms open. It's another month, another start and another chance for everyone to……
Speaking directly and while answering survey in Chat Video Chat by Deepak Meena Just like a testing process or percentage, which……
Chinese Government Scholarship ApplicationFrom:China Scholarship Council Date:12-08-2015 Attention:290984 Print1. How can I get the……
While reviewing my earnings for this month of February, I got a little bit sad. It seems like I haven't been able to really redeem……
"#School failed me, and I failed the school. It bored me. The teachers behaved like Feldwebel (sergeants). I wanted to learn what……
Source: Personal Edited Awards are provided to the winners of any competition. So, today I am taking about the award winners……
What is bitlanders: Bitlander is a site of bitcoin. Bitcoin is a currency type. 1 bitcoin rate is 400$ minimum, you can earn money……
Hello here you upload any content image video from anywhere and get paid buzz user content and follow or sub other people will buzz……
How to increase earning on Bitlanders So many of you who have joined Bitlanders would be thinking how to increase earning on bitlanders.……
WHAT IS CRICKET ? Cricket is a sport played between two teams which consists of eleven players each.Cricket is also referred……
Source=Google.com Hello! All Cricket Lovers! Today My Topic is on How Pakistan Became World Champion of……
We all know that there are a lot of tips out there but so far base on my experience these are the best ways and take note, THIS DOES……
Method for making Block chain account Making a brand new bitcoin billfold normally takes basically a few seconds. It will be easy……
It is again time to share my earnings from bitLanders in the previous month. Last November, I have redeemed seven times which was……
Hello, I am SSAhmed, and I have been using this website (bitlanders.com) for 3 months. Today, I am going to tell you……
bitlanders.com review BitLanders, formerly known as the Film Annex, is a social media site that pays its users……
Today I saw a lot of website that will provide a system to give a free Bitcoin money, but when I saw this Bitlanders I think I found……
WHAT IS BITLANDERS ? Bitlanders is a social website 'WHERE SOCIAL MEDIA MEETS THE GAMING UNIVERSE' as the slogan says.As one……
(IMAGE SOURCE: www.google.com) Recently there has been quite a few reports of spamming on bitlanders. And also a few fellow members……
What is a WebTV? WebTV is a Web devoted to showing audiovisual content; It is a promotional tool that lets you create your own……
There’s more ocean than land in the Maldives, a chain of tiny islands and coral atolls far out in the Indian Ocean. Most of……
While we have known bitLanders as a social media that pays Bitcoin, it is far more than that to me. I have……
Today's blog is about my personal experience with this site - bitLanders. It all started when my brother, jjeeppeerrxx-beltran invited……
WHAT IS BITLANDERS ? Bitlanders is a social site which pays you for your content unlike any other social networking site.Bitlanders……
Ways to earn or increase BUZZ without spamming (Image Source: Goolge) When I came to join this Platform i saw……
In The Running Era We All Know About The Importance Of Money . Bitlanders Is Platform Where We Can Earn It Is A Social Media Or Social……
If you have read about the Tor Network and the Introduction to Bitcoins, then you’ve probably heard about this underground……
Is this my earning or the other one?
And It's lower than expected...
Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Recipe Classic Pineapple Upside-Down Cake PREP TIME: 15 min COOK TIME: 45 min TOTAL TIME: 1……
Unity can only be manifested by the Binary. Unity itself and the idea of Unity are already two.
The human brain works as a binary computer and can only analyze the exact information-based zeros and ones (or black and white). Our……
YES! i think it is better for #bitlanders to make some obligations under gem. why their need of this? logical answer: ……
Bitlanders Subscribers need:- After join this social site you need to……
Today our point is that how to profit online for nothing with Bitlanders and we give you Bitlanders tips to make 10$ every day with……
10th Blog Reviewed http://www.bitlanders.com/blogs/gmas-starstruck-dream-believe-survive-once-again-reality-tv-show-star-search/3526745……
Most people get into bitcoin due to making a quick buck by mining. Once they do however get in they realize that the beauty of bitcoin……
The Best of Bitlanders image source: bitlanders.com, google.com Hello everyone especially to beginners and to those who……
Hi friends, sometimes you might get surprised when you see blank status or blank comment or any other such things on facebook wall……
The tenth day of the month of Muharram on the lunar calendar, which falls on Friday, October 23rd this year, is a day to thank Allah.……
End of Story +1 Buzz Treasure After T - Days '' Treasure Days '' On ( 5 & 6 October 2015 ) bitlanders My Buzz Score and……
Hello fellow Bitlanders , you may join Gokano in order to purchase any Gadgets / Electronics / Accessories from it's……
MY STORY ABOUT TREASURE HUNT Im not good writer, only posting the picture and see HOW treasure hunt improve my ranked and daily earning……
My October - High Rewards Woohooo Thanks my Buzzers
And my earnings keep decreasing
Register in Below Sites to generate FREE BTC every Hour. One can take it as PART Time/Full Time Who Can do it? Housewifes/Jobbers/Job……
My Reward Today
My month End of August Reward!!!
Everyday when you sign in and Start using Bitlander, It is counted as a bonus for you. Check here! Buzz me, I'll buzz you back :)……
My reward this day
Fell Short for today, But its alright for my birthday gift
Here's my rewards for today guys!!! thanks for the buzz
https://bitgold.com/r/8vdkHV https://youtu.be/CEvbsaFmwCc
Image src https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Actions+Speak+Louder+Than+Words&rlz=1C1CHWA_enPK643PK643&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAWoVChMIj8jTvMvtxgIVxGvbCh07RAGU&biw=1024&bih=643#imgrc=01-xDnZ1M2UmQM%3A……
Earn Free Bitcoin Satoshi Every 5 MIni this is fentastic face you can Earn every 5 miniut 1000 + satoshi pleas click here and signup……
I have been wondering what is happening to bitLanders nowadays. My earning has been decreasing for the past days even if I had a fluctuating……
want free bitcoins? register here and get free bitcoins :)
I am always delighted to see my post in the homepage and that it makes me feel good each time I would earn a satoshi out from my own……
Today I post some Microblogs only. #aokidoki
, On my previous blog "The Easiest Way to Earn Free Bitcoins," I mentioned the best faucet rotator where you can earn free satoshis.……
What is Moon Litecoin? Moon Litecoin is a litecoin faucet with a difference...YOU decide how often to claim! Whereas most faucets……
Look fellow buzzers, buzzing a posted bitcharities donation by our fellow bitlanders, will earn us free satoshis. I have……
TO Find your Bitlanders and help others to BUZZ you > > > > > > > > > > > by aokidoki
While reviewing Inside Out – the 2006 autobiography of former Pakistan cricket captain, Mushtaq Mohammad – EspnCricinfo’s……
My childhood was filled with stories of angels, invisible creatures who would descend upon the earth every now and again to bless……
Update your bitLanders app for IOS bitLanders v. 2.0 It's time to update your bitLanders app if you are using an iPhone.……
http://bitcoinpuddle.com/…Free 3000 Satoshi Earn Every Hourhttp://www.satoshigarden.org/?r=6606Free 1600 Satoshi Earn Every……
The administrator of a trade for the virtual coin Bitcoin has confessed to maintaining an unlicensed cash transmitting business. Charlie……
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Sebetulnya ini bukan tulisan ku, kalian bisa membaca artikel aslinya disini , intinya sang Ceo ditanya : kira kira pertanyaannya……
¤NEW¤NEW¤~10% to 15% dailyhttps://bit-profit.biz/?ref=hasnainbhai¤155% After 4 Dayshttp://bitgrow.in/?ref=hasnainbhai *INSTANT……
My Iphone 5s 8 Mp Camera Digital Led Light ios version 8.1
Last week, I was supposed to submit my blog, Gloria's de Dapitan Fantasyland, Dapitan, Philippines, for review. Before submitting,……
Bitlanders sangat banyak diminati oleh orang-orang Pakistan, piliphina, Italy, Amerika, Jepang dan bahkan akhir-akhir ini sudah mulai……
Hello Everyone, I have been on bitlanders for almost two weeks. I have spent almost 40 hours, most of it being spent subscribing to……
I want to tell you about my unforgettable experience in this blog. I got information from my friend who is the first time told me……
I would like to introduce myself to all my friends in bitlanders users . my name is @moh-sodik I am from INDONESIA and my activity……
ZEUSHASH.COM opened its doors about two months ago and offers Bitcoin and Litecoin cloud mining lifetime contracts.……
Hello my all buzzer friends, are you all busy with your blogs and videos etc. I am here to tell you that, there……
help me buzz system buzz me
Help me Plz Skype ID : nacer.ahmmed mobile : +8801743554761
THE FORMAL SCHOOL HAS FAILURE US Do you agree with that statement? What should our government do to make a good formal School? ……
LOOKING FOR LIFE PARTNER Make decision :mebuat keputusanChoose :memilihPerformance :penampilanComfortable :nyamanAppearance :penampilanPrinciple……
TOURISM PLACE Enjoy :menikmatiFresh :segarHaving fun :bersenang-senangHoliday :liburanVacation :liburanFriendship :persehabatanBenefit……
CAREER WOMAN House wife ……
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Why English? What is the difference between English language and yours? How to make your language to be international……
THE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES1. What are the good and the bad effect for young generation?2. How to keep the young generation from the……
LIFE IDEAL a) What is your life ideal?b) How to get your life ideal?c) What should you do if you can not achieve your ideal? Life……
THE FORMAL SCHOOL HAS FAILURE US1. Do you agree with that statement?2. What should our government do to make a good formal School?……
“FACEBOOK IS A FRIEND” 1. Do you agree with that statement? 2. What can you get from Facebook? 3. How often do you go……
THE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES What are the good and the bad effect for young generation? How to keep the young generation from the bad……
TO BE INTERESTING PERSON How to be interesting person? Why do we need be interesting person? What is interesting person like? ……
PIRACY The piracy isn’t a strange word anymore for everyone. We have often found it in newspapers, magazines,……
INFORMATION Everyone needs information to do many……
these are the pictures that I want to share for this time! please read my little blog to know what I want to tell. Rice is one of……
Laptop is very useful in our life if we know the benefits of it, the benefits of laptop such as; we can type letter easily, we can……
What do you know about cat? do you like cat? how do you keep the cat? cat is one of pets that many people like to maintain it until……
EMC is one of the English courses in Pare Kediri which provides some programs, such as; vocabulary, speaking, grammar, Toefl,……
What is the meaning of the tittle above? The meaning is to imitate what the banana tree does in this life. Banana tree can grow every……
Do you know the meaning of “our future is in our hand?’”. Why do the people like tthat? What is the benefit of saying……
Evry one should have dream in their life to be more spirit and spirit to face the life. If there is someone who doesn’t have……
Water can be useful and can be useless depends on the condition and situation. many people use water to some needs, such as; to wash,……
writing is one of skills that must be known by students , because it is very useful when we want to exprees our feeling but we are……
grammar is the sentences where it is formed correctly according to the rule of arranging sentences. grammar is one of skills in English……
studying vocabulary is very important to know English easier and faster, why I said like that? because with vocabulary we can……
I am just human being who just studies and studies some knowledge for helping my mind in order that will be useful for my body. I……
Ok my friends, I would like to tell you the schedule of studying English in my English course. We have five time classroom obligation……
There some students who are studying and staying at EMC this period, they are; Nauval from Bondowoso, Lia from Sumenep, Eva from Pamekasan,……
It is one of my English coures programs to help students' English skill especially in speaking, because with this program, the students……
I get up at 04.30 and then I go to bathroom to take ritual ablution and prepare to pray dawn prayer and then I aproach PC in my office……
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Why English? What is the difference between English language and yours? How to make your language……
We often wonder why bread tastes sweeter when we chew it. Here is the explanation how it can be. In human digestion, or the process……
Yesterday at my school we had international day. we had performance, foods stalls, displays and some of us were dressed in costumes.……
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between money and corruption? Well, corruption is common……
For many years, many people believed that the cleverest animals after man were the chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof that……
Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and every evening, he ploughed his field with is buffalo. One day, a tiger saw the……
Was really busy yesterday that I wasn't able to maintain my buzz scores even after receiving the daily quests and although I was expecting……
I am in great awe when I received my bonus score last night. My sleepiness had been stripped away when the treasure box came in and……
hello every one some error this site today hosting but today is error remove am daily earn 1btc plus so u don't mis the chance ok……
Due to some internet issues yesterday around 8:15pm, I was not able to get my treasure box's screen captured and I was really sad……
I was a bit worried today, I mean this morning because it was almost 6 in the morning and I was still not able to log in online. Last……
The amount I had received last night, I credit it all to bitlanders' avatar shop. I guess I am almost done with purchasing these uniforms,……
Surprise surprise! I got a bigger amount of bonus score last night and I credit it all to the costumes which I had purchased yesterday.……
The majority members of bitLanders come from the countries who are participants of the Cricket World Cup this 2015. It is due to this……
I am just thankful to the new items available in the shop with additional buzzes that I was able to increase my buzz score yesterday.……
My total Buzz Score was recently playing around 64 to 65. It was actually increasing daily by 1 to 3 points only (no matter how active……
BitLanders' community is becoming more-and-more interesting because they are giving out a lot of bonuses to increase our earnings.……
After that huge amount I received the other day, my earning score last night had lowered six points down. As I checked on my buzz……
I couldn't quite fully understand what had caused my score both on the revenue and the buzz trend to drop, indeed we really can't……
Another bigger amount that I had received from bitlanders. I just can't believe that I am getting this big amount because of this……
Low buzz score means low earnings and that is why I am getting this amount for today's bonus score. Yesterday's buzz points has lowered……
Everyday, Bitlanders been really surprising me with the amount of bonus scores that I receive every 9pm. It makes me look forward……
Was happy receiving this amount as I had expected it to drop again but then it had maintained the 20 something score and I am satisfied……
As I had expected, my bonus score had drop from 25mB to 20mB. Well, I have not received a big amount of direct power ups and that……
I thought that the previous bonus score I had received two days ago was the maximum amount that I can get here with bitlanders but……
You know what I love about 9pm? I bet you know it already but I still have to say it, it’s the specific time of the day where……
I am a bit worried, my buzz score had decreased and when I checked my buzz score graph, it showed me that my base buzz score is the……
I love the fact that I have something to look forward to everyday with my bitlanders account. See, the treasure box which the site……
The additional buzz score because of the redemption I had made a few days ago which had arrive yesterday as well had helped me reach……
Joining bitLanders was a good decision I had made and I have here certain list of reasons as to why I love hanging out here.……
Guess what? I had earned a good number with my bonus score last night than the other day. I had done the same type of activities here……
Earning has increased from 9.9 to 11 something and I am glad that it had increased for that amount as I am planning of buying another……
A slight drop of my bonus score last night and it made me wonder if I had become lazy in terms of buzzing. I am thinking it is……
My bonus score is still good even after the ten buzz points was no longer added from the blog review made five days ago. Yes I had……
The treasure box last night was quite early, it had actually showed up at around nine in the evening sharp. I am quiet amazed that……
As expected, I got a lower bonus score due to not been able to post my video and blog consistently. But yesterday's a great day, me……
Last night’s new bonus score was bigger than the one from the other day. I am just glad I received that amount as I was expecting……
A day after the overwhelming amount received, I earned a lower number of buzz score and a lower number of bonus score as well. But……
Okay, I know it's not really the usual time of which I am posting bonus scores but since I am very much overwhelmed right now, I can't……
And finally! I have reached 3.0 score after days and days of working on it, what I did? Check the things below: >>> log……
I am disappointed as to why I can't move up to 3mB while in the consecutive three or four days, I have been getting this 2.9something……
Bonus Treasure box had given me a score which is just a bit low compared to the other day's for January 11. I am wondering why there……
Well oh well, I got a bigger amount of bonus score yesterday. I had 2.7 the other day and it seemed to be increasing daily. Yesterday's……
I don't know if the bitlanders scores are up to date, I mean if they are referring to your activity on that day or the previous one……
It's a bigger amount this time, although it didn't pass 2.4, it has been like that for the past days and I am just hoping I could……
I couldn't understand why but I still got the same number even if I wasn't able to do certain things on the 8th as I was in Bohol……
This is the earnings received on the 7th of January, 2015. A slight drop of my earnings because I wasn't able to do certain activity……
My bonus score of yesterday's increased again and this is actually a good sign. This means, I have improved in terms of maybe……
There's a small increase with my earnings tonight compared to last night, I guess my activity had helped since I had started buzzing……
A huge drop in my earnings yesterday. I have not done any activity for the past days, no buzzing, only posting of one or two mb, videos……
I am not sure if this is what the gems had been doing to my account or what but I had noticed a great increase to my bonus scores……
I admit it, I am sad about getting a low bonus amount because I am almost used to getting a huge scor these past few days. Well, it……
Today's my last day for Bitlanders' Christmas costume bonus, I wonder if I can repurchase the costumes and get another set of bonuses,……
Received a better number for the bonus score compared to yesterday's. I am totally amazed with how this buzz increase had helped with……
Have you guys noticed something these days? I am not sure if you have been checking your inventory but if you are used to doing so,……
A big amount of bonus score was received again tonight and this is all because of the amazing additional buzz from buying the Christmas……
Unexpected I was never expecting to receive this huge bonus amount from Bitlanders today. I was thinking of getting maybe 3+ since……
Oh oh! I am in trouble, I don't want my bonus to go down but I am getting a bonus which is lower than 3 but it is okay, there are……
A flactuation of bonus is going on and I am not sure as to why, I am not really that active anymore with bitlanders and I blame it……
Before I had received the bonus score for that day, I was already expecting a huge drop amount because of the very less activity that……
During the weekend, I was not able to engage in posting blogs and videos as well as interact properly with my network here in bitlanders……
Another big bonus amount I had received last December 14, 2014 and that was a Sunday. I am really glad that I got this amount even……
FYI this is for December 13 bonus... Thankful again to Bitlanders for giving me a higher bonus score after getting a big one……
So far the biggest bonus I have received and I am definitely happy, I can even make a perfect cartwheel right here in my seat! Now,……
There's a slight increase of my bonus earnings today compared to yesterday's and this is a good thing. I was greeted with a treasure……
Surprise from Bitlanders! Tonight, i have received again a new treasure box and it had contained a bigger amount of bonus. Yesterday's……
It's interesting that when I received my bonus today, it had increased a bit while my buzz score had certainly gone down one point.……
I have kind of stopped posting blogs because it s something which is not really often visited but today, I am starting to change things……