hy friends how are you
hy friends how are you i am new hare so please friends follow me
hy friends how are you i am new hare so please friends follow me
First, you mus tclick this link to sign up and fill the form below!! 1. Make the username : mohsodik 2. Type your active……
The United States is a federal republic, with elected officials at the federal (national), state and local levels. On a national level,……
Chinese Government Scholarship ApplicationFrom:China Scholarship Council Date:12-08-2015 Attention:290984 Print1. How can I get the……
Dear Future Generations,I think I speak for the rest of us when I say,sorry, sorry we left you our mess of a planet.Sorry that we……
Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Recipe Classic Pineapple Upside-Down Cake PREP TIME: 15 min COOK TIME: 45 min TOTAL TIME: 1……
Earn Free Bitcoin Satoshi Every 5 MIni this is fentastic face you can Earn every 5 miniut 1000 + satoshi pleas click here and signup……
Update your bitLanders app for IOS bitLanders v. 2.0 It's time to update your bitLanders app if you are using an iPhone.……
Bitlanders sangat banyak diminati oleh orang-orang Pakistan, piliphina, Italy, Amerika, Jepang dan bahkan akhir-akhir ini sudah mulai……
LOOKING FOR LIFE PARTNER Make decision :mebuat keputusanChoose :memilihPerformance :penampilanComfortable :nyamanAppearance :penampilanPrinciple……
TOURISM PLACE Enjoy :menikmatiFresh :segarHaving fun :bersenang-senangHoliday :liburanVacation :liburanFriendship :persehabatanBenefit……
CAREER WOMAN House wife ……
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Why English? What is the difference between English language and yours? How to make your language to be international……
FLASH FLOOD What caused flash flood? Who must be blamed? Can you give solution How to prevent it? Please mention it? Earth……
LIFE IDEAL a) What is your life ideal?b) How to get your life ideal?c) What should you do if you can not achieve your ideal? Life……
THE FORMAL SCHOOL HAS FAILURE US1. Do you agree with that statement?2. What should our government do to make a good formal School?……
TO BE INTERESTING PERSON How to be interesting person? Why do we need be interesting person? What is interesting person like? ……
DISCIPLINE Discipline is very important to be successful men, but the problem is many people unrealized about that. ……
INFORMATION Everyone needs information to do many……
these are the pictures that I want to share for this time! please read my little blog to know what I want to tell. Rice is one of……
Laptop is very useful in our life if we know the benefits of it, the benefits of laptop such as; we can type letter easily, we can……
EDUCATION1. What is the important of education to you?2. How do you give good education to your children?3. What do you say about……
Life is choice where we can choose what we want but we must struggle to make it true. Life is simple for someone who have had much……
Evry one should have dream in their life to be more spirit and spirit to face the life. If there is someone who doesn’t have……
studying vocabulary is very important to know English easier and faster, why I said like that? because with vocabulary we can……
I am moh. sodik, many my friends call me sodik and sometimes Mr. Sodik.. I am a simple person but I always wonder with something new……
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Why English? What is the difference between English language and yours? How to make your language……
Jakarta is a capital city of Indonesia. It is centrally located within the country on the northwest coast of Java island at the mouth……
Let me remind you my experiences during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake happened, I was on my car. I was driving home……
Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and every evening, he ploughed his field with is buffalo. One day, a tiger saw the……
The picture above is Penataran temple which is located in Blitar East Java. I went to this place with my friends from different cities.……
If I want to go home to Madura, I must get on the bus above because it is very fast and cheap. I just need spend money Rp 35.000 until……
. Every one has different method to lose boredom. And now I will give you some tips that really works: 1. You have to know where the……
Mungkin di telinga kita masih kedengaran baru media sosial yang membayar usernya ini, tapi kalau di Pakistan, Filipina, Emirat Arab……
tsu is one of social media that pays the users who are active on it. please register here now https://www.tsu.co/mohsodik. you can……
who is family? is family important for you? how do they care of us? Family is the people who is staying together with us in our home……
Ada yang pernah ke kota Lamongan? Apa yang paling terkenal di kota tersebut? coba ayo lihat gambar di bawah ini! Masih belum tahu……
Nasi goreng bukan nasi sembarangan. Coba saja lihat dan cium baunya, pasti semua orang suka. Apa yang berada di benak anda saat……
Siapa yang belum tahu artis ini? Dia adalah salah satu deretan artis terkenal di Indonesia yang sempat dekat dengan salah satu presenter……
Tahukah anda siapa pemenang dari putri Indonesia tahun ini? dan dari manakah dia berasal? Apa tujuan dari diadakannya putri Indonesia……
teman itu banyak jenisnya, ada yang baik, jahat, cuek, perhatian,dan masih banyak jenis-jenis yang lainnya. tapi yang akan saya bahas……
Alhamdulillah saya mulai mengenal media sosial yang satu ini dari teman terbaikku di dunia maya, dia adalah dhelia dari bandung. Dia……
Ingredients : 1 egg, 50 g cheese, 1/4 cup of milk, 3 table spoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper. Utensils : Frying……
Many pictures, In Regional Discussion with my friends at Faculty of Marine and Fishery, Departement of Processing Technologi
According to the statistic that is realesed by some research institutions, foot ball is the most popular sport in this world. Nowdays,……
Opening and Closing of Speech Opening :Excellency : Mr. Amril the director of Food Factory Respectable : All teacher and functionaries……
This is many pictures when my friends and I dedicate our life in one of mosque in semarang city
it is not strange any more in our ears for someone who lways read the news or information from internet because this social media……
tSU is social media like 8share that can pay the users with dollar and we can get payout minimal $ 100 you can take this good……
this social media is very popular in malaysia http://bit.ly/1vvVKce because it pays the users who have contibuted to spread the news……
computer is one of technologiacal advances since last time until this time. many people use it to make their work be easier and more……
River is one of creatios in this earth that must be kept by us evry time. because without river we cannot see the beautiful phanorama……
ship is one of public transportations in this world that many people use it to make faster and faster in going to some places. it……
Teacher is very important in the world because he can educate and teach every people to know something new in order they can differentiate……
I always wonder with new knowledge in internet because with knowledge I can know something new in this world to make my life better……
tonight I am happy because I get good news from my friend that I can increase my buzzscore by writing in blog everyday 3 blogs minimally……
pare is the place where I can meeet with many people from different cities and the place where I can understang English well. This……
http://www.ezwealthbuilder.net/?mohsodik ini network terbaru yang bentar lagi akan booming di seluruh dunia. buruan daftar sekarang……
After taking bath I feel fresh and more healthy
gumul is high building built in kediri not too far from kedirir city. many people visit this place to loose their boredom in every……
Gumul is one of the favourite destination for all students in pare because this place is really attractive with the high building……
gumul is one of the unique building located in Kediri not too far from Pare where I am teaching English right now. It is very beautiful……
pare is located betwee jombang and tulunagung and very famous in Indonesia. I stayed in pare for two years before I continued my study……
Pamekasan is on of regions in madura islands which is located between sumenep and sampang. I was born in this city well and grew up……
Pare is one of the places where many people come to study English focusly. only one month if they study sincerely and seriously They……
English is really needed in this modern era to communicate with other people around the world in order we understand what the other……
my students in pare
it is my memory with my friends when I was still teaching English in Pare