How much do you know about Bitlanders Artificial Intelligence Themed blogging?

Video Credits: Bitsonline via Youtube How much do you know about Bitlanders Artificial Intelligence Themed blogging?:……
Video Credits: Bitsonline via Youtube How much do you know about Bitlanders Artificial Intelligence Themed blogging?:……
Video Credits: Nora Kramer Designs via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Are you in need of some suggestions to……
Video Credits: Querlo Team via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders The announcement made by Micky regarding the Bitlanders……
Video Credits: Eric Spellman via Youtube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Blogging, the current trend in the marketing field,……
Hello guys, Recently, I was checking blogs of other users here on bitLanders, and especially, the ones who are on the……
Photo Credit Via Canva for Writing Tips for new writers in Bitlanders Hello there! Just like you, I was one of those……
Image Credit: Edited using Inkscape by @artbytes via bitLanders Hello bitLanders friends! Welcome to another C-Blog. When I……
Video Credits: Sharon Lopez via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders If you have been with Bitlanders for some time……
Video Credits: Daragh Walsh via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Many individuals are aiming to start their own……
Why You Should Try C-Blogging? In November of 2018, Micky-The-Slanted-Salerno introduced C-Blogging in his blog post: Introducing……
Blogging For Business: Why It Is Useful? - Photo credit:, Edition by Amber255 via A business……
Video Credits: Create and Go via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Blogging is currently one of the most popular……
Hey guys!! How are you all doing? I hope you are having a great time and had a good start this 2019. I've been missing……
video credits: Be Inspired via Youtube ...I'm Inspired to make a difference even as a Nigerian. Anything i want, good.……
(image source: Canva by Katsanslimites) Writing is an enjoyable activity to do. It's a good medium for sharing thoughts, stories,……
The future of blogging - The bitLanders C-blogging bitLanders, the worldwide blogging platform, introduces the future of blogging……
Since I went back blogging here, I often come across new people who are asking how to earn in BitLanders. There are also those who,……
Image Credit: Edited using Pixteller by @artbytes for bitLanders Hello, bitLanders friends. It's already over a year since I started……
You only get one chance to make a killer first impression. It’s easily one of the most important personal skills for an individual……
Hey guys! I hope you’re all having a great time! I would like to have this opportunity to continuously thank Bitlanders for……
Video Credits: Tasker Sama via YouTube Image Credits: The LeaderBoard (Sharon Samson Lopez) via Facebook Online earning is the thing……
What's up ladies and gentlemen? Photo Source: Jessica Knapp ( Honestly, I really don't know what to blog……
Image edited in Canva credits: Jean Beltran via bitLanders On the world wide web, earning money is possible. There are so many ways……
TRAVELLING IS EVERYTHING One of the most common justifications for not traveling is not having sufficient money. But while travelling……
2018 was one of the best year of my life because In this year I accomplished my milestone of watching FIFA World Cup in Russia. It……
video credits: Sylvie McCracken via youtube edited on canva Task you can outsource to a virtual assistant The biggest……
Image Credit: @artbytes via bitlanders Personal Blog Hello, Bitlanders. This is just another personal blog. After submitting……
Hello to each and everyone! Have a nice day! I would like to introduce myself as a newbie in this interesting world of bloggers club,……
Image credits: Banner by Naotalba via bitLanders and I know two months isn't a lot, compared to those who've been here for……
Image credits: Books by jill111 via NetGalley is a website I've been on since 2012, and over these past few years, it's……
Edited using Pixteller by @artbytes via Bitlanders Before I have submitted "Why I love PixTeller" it was over a week that I have not……
4 Reasons Why Blogging Is Good For Your Business video credit: Roberto Blake via youtube We are blogging on Bitlanders, for the……
BoredBee’s Blog Evolution in Two Months Original Image: DesignebyJess via Pixabay; Final Edits: BoredBee As I stated in my blog……
Video Credits: Allison Linstrom via YouTube Image Graphics Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Photo Credits: Stocksnap via……
Image edited in Canva credits: Jean Beltran via bitLanders Writing a blog every day has a 100% tendency of burning out the writer.……
Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Alright! So, you have your own blog and for some time you managed to run the site alone.……
Video credits: WPMU DEV via YouTube It is no secret that I love to post blogs about travel, may it be about our recent place of stay,……
Video Credits: LumoLink via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Hello everyone! Did you remember the recent……
This blog has been created in response to @artbytes' latest blog review entitled: Can You Create One Blog Post Per Day? Image edited……
Original Image: 472301 via Pixabay; Final Edits: BoredBee BitLanders is a social website that pays its users. In a way, we can say……
Cover image: My First 6 Months in Bitlanders created by @artbytes for Bitlanders Time Flies. I have just realized that I am already……
Before I started to write a blog again, I read hundreds of articles about blogging and the skills that help advance your blog beyond……
Edited by @artbytes for bitlanders Here in Bitlanders, we are rewarded 3 Buzz for submitting one blog for review in a day. Every time……
Abdul-weenab via BitLanders First things first, my aim for writing this article is to share my experiences here on BitLanders. I am……
Image edited in Canva credits: Jean Beltran via bitLanders Hello, bitLanders community! It is no secret that the best way to earn……
Image credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Learning is a continuous process and I must say that my eight (8) months of continuous……
Hello! everybody My name is Ahmad and today i am going to tell you about the Moto (G) Family Lineup. Mobile phones nowadays……
i,m Ahmad and today my topic is Moto (e) Family As we know that they have many phones and they belong to different families……
To all bitLanders' users: Our network went down for a couple of hours earlier today (April 09, 2018) because of an issue with……
All of a sudden, I developed a feeling of storytelling. I hope you'll find this interesting, please stay until the end of this post!……
Manny the movie guy "Manny the Movie Guy is a multi-Emmy award-winning film critic who has always had a passion for movies.……
I Am New To I am new to I was invited by one of my friend to join this website because……
Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders In my previous blog post, I have presented the 8 Types of Tools that Every Virtual Assistant……
Hurray!!! I finally made it to the #1 spot here on Bitlanders! Woooh! All that hard work was worth it! Booyeah! (ArtGirl's edited……
Greetings Bitlanders! Hope you all are doing good! And if not then grab a cup of coffee because I am here with an amazing new blog……
Blogging With Less Than 200 Dollar Equipment Image Credit: @artbytes via Bitlanders Why Do You Want To Start Blogging?……
Advantages of Blogging Video Credits: Being Zhenya Channel Via Hello friends I'm going to discuss the advantages……
Just writing as a newly blogger trying as a practicener on no other and upon nothing is my topic .
I am new here and i would like to introduce myself, my name is Cassandra Lewis and i am a blogger/article writer.
Here are some way to improve your writing skills as a blogger for bitlanders video credits: Emma via youtube As a blogger on bitlanders,……
Image credits: The requirement to post blogs every day is challenging. That is for sure a struggle most especially……
10 Small Business Ideas to Start This 2018 Video Credits: Brian Tracy via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders……
Why Do We Have to Consider Color in Blogging? Video Credits: Neil Patel via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez……
(Stares at the laptop for few minutes....) Image credits: Brian A Jackson via Shutterstock Before creating my blog……
How to earn Rewards on bitLanders? Follow these easy steps: Write quality blogs Submit for review and get rated Buzz Score Increases……
We've all been there stuck in a rut, out of ideas to write. What can we do to get unstuck? Personally, the question is, do you have……
I am sure everyone wants to Earn Online in Pakistan and many people are earning by writing blogs, and by doing other jobs on internet.……
So today I wanted to write a blog about my life online!!! I stopped working in what I suppose we can refer to as "the real world"……
Image Credits: As I have explained in the previous blog that being a blogger is an easy thing but to……
Image Credits: Video Credits: Jay Baer via In these days, blogging……
What is blogging? Initially, blogging involved a personal web log, in which a person would journal about their day. From "web log"……
Tell me what you think about shit song is it good or bad comment and buzz if you can please and thank you
A word of advice: Blog with purpose. This video will definitely help you understand more about blogging with purpose. Video Credits: ……
Video Credits: Brian Tracy via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders The year 2017 is now in its final part. ……
Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Blogging is one of the most popular ways to earn online at present time. No……
Video Credits: Roberto Blake via YouTube Image Credits Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Blogging is not as easy as it may seem. I am……
Man can not discover new oceans unless he has the courage to of the shore."--Andre Gide *Image is credited to Rain Tajon……
Photo Credit: riona_craft_and_renovatio via Hello guys, Finally, but not for the last time I hope,……
After 2 year bitlanders is trying to get improve more and more and more and get lots of security to his work out who's trying to make……
You can not give something you don't have." --Anonymous *Image is credited to Rain Tajon via It is hard to……
Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Have you ever came to a point when you are ready to start writing but all of a sudden you……
Video Credits:: Freelance Writing Riches via YouTube Image Credits:: StockSnap via Pixabay Writing is a skill which can be……
CONFESSION OF A NEOPHYTE Image Credits: kneelyrac calligraphed using Adobe Photoshop CS5 Bitlanders was introduced to me by……
Video Credits:: Till Boadella via YouTube What is a Side Hustle? A side hustle or a sideline is a way to make some……
Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should be sipped, but will others, drink……
Hello everyone! Welcome ME! This is my first time to blog. It is my first post actually. Obviously, i just signed up and see……
Hello! Here I am to introduce myself. My nickname is Sam. I am a blogger and a professional writer for some large Indonesian and English……
Before I said I was an actress, but I decided to enter the blogging career. Truly I am from the U.K but I live in the U.S. Not many……
bitLanders "Content Review" bitLanders "Content Review" is a feature which allows users to submit their contents to our editorial……
Photo Credit: and edited via Hello, guys! It's a hot summer day here in my country.……
Questions like: "Please tell me a topic to write on" and "What should I write about, guide me" that are FREQUENTLY asked in the……
Howdy! Being at a lost state of mind confused on what to do is just what exactly happened to me for the whole summer.……
Why BitLanders is One of the Best Blogging Platforms Out There Blogging for Cash Photo credit: Unsplash via Blogging……
Photo Credit: Querlo, A chatbot with a human touch via LinkedIn Querlo’s development team continues to add new……
This blog is about how to earn money blogging. It describes all eight income streams of bitLanders and how the earnings on all eight……
Starting from today, every blog post must be submitted for review and it will only be published when rated positively. Every user……
Blog for Querlo and Earn higher rewards We have recently launched a new platform: Querlo, a chatbot with a human touch. We would……
Citing sources for your blogs A good blog post has to look good, and that means using images to make your blogs attractive and beautiful.……
Adding Photos and Videos on bitLanders Blog Posts A blog can appear to be interesting and appealing when accompanied……
V <3 V: Vern and Verniece Enciso Photo credit: Verniece Enciso via Aside from browsing through facebook,……
Hello guys! Good Evening check blog here please..
How to earn Rewards on bitLanders? Follow these easy steps: Write quality blogs Submit for review and get rated Buzz Score Increases……
If you run a small company, you may find that the worldof blogging for business owners is a world that youwant to be a part of. Blogging……
Because there are so many blogs and web sites aboutblogs on the internet, it can be tough to distinguish yourblogging web site from……
Here is my friend's blog. Look at this and do comments please!……
Hello, again BIT-yful people of Bitlanders! This is my second blog for this year. Ho-ho-ho! Yeah, I know I……
Hello friends! I'm samer here among you and i've joined here for writing articles and blogs. Your help will be needed. Thanks……
One misconception that forever bothers me is the belief that blogging doesn’t work unless it’s meta. People don’t……
Visiting the net, I found possibilities with advertisements linked to Google AdSense, which inserts targeted ads on the blog, and……
This is my first blog. I love blogging and want to be a successful blogger in the near future.
Assalam o Aleikum and Hello peeps... Its been long I haven't been around. SOoo How are you all? Anyways I have been busy with……
It has been a month and I guess I won’t receive an answer, or no asnwer is an answer. I wouldn’t admit it but I do miss……
1. Freelancer Freelancer is a global crowdsourcing marketplace, which allows potential employers to post jobs that freelancers can……
Thank you, Barack, for your steadfast & inspiring address tonight. It was our honour to host you in Parliament. Obama & Justin……
Una de las mejores formas de monetizar tu blog, sobre todo si está lleno de enlaces a descargas, es la de implementar enlaces……
The Adidas Ultra Boost AKA "The World's Best Running Shoe . Adidas Shoes Create Your Own Game feat. Messi, Bale, James, Özil,……
Before the rule changes, a lot of people are posting 30 microblogs a day, and they can get to Leader board by such strategy. They……
Are You A Blogger Looking To Make A Little Extra Money?? I Found A Great Site That Pays You To Write A Review And Post It On Your……
(Image Source : One of the films I waiting - waiting to be published in June next is a film Voltron: Defender Legendary.……
(Image Source : MY Camera)
(Image Source : My Camera)
(Source : My Camera)
I am alternately writing Bitlanders microblogs and doing housework. I hate doing housework, yet there are so many things to……
How to make money is a question I have asked many, many times. When I was young, I was fascinated with the shininess of the……
(Source : Google) Survey is a comprehensive study to a particular object that aims to obtain the expected data. Survey is one……
My name is David Alicea, i'am 31 years of age. I'am a newbie to bitlanders, i hope i can make new friends and also perfect my writing……
(Source : Google) Survey is a comprehensive study to a particular object that aims to obtain the expected data. Survey is one of the……
Please read carefully the update below on the rules about content on bitLanders. In order to make bitLanders a place where users can……
As people want information "real information" even they are using their social media profiles or reading your blog, they search for……
(Source : Google) On 09 april 2016, Bitlanders is conducting a survey on Global Chat, for those of you who want to get 10 bitMiles……
Our new double reward topic is here! Blog about the new Survey Chat and earn double rewards! We just launched today bitLanders Survey……
What is blogging? Are people really that bored they need to sit and write about unimportant things on the internet? Does anybody……
A time you wanted something and it belonged to someone else People who don’t have a certain thing or object and see it……
Photo Credit: I should have published this blog during my glory days here in Bitlanders a long time ago. LOL! Well,……
This week was long and challenging but i made it through in one piece. I went on a quest to find the Top 100 Faucets to earn free……
This is continuation of my blog post "How to create a blog that works - complete step by step guide". Its first part was……
A Successful Affiliate Marketer's essential favorable position is the way that they never surrender and an enthusiasm for what they……
Shortly after launching my blog I went on a marathon backlink building session and successfully submitted my blog to 50 free web directories.……
You have written a blog post to some topic your readers will hopefully find interesting. At least they did in the past. But now you……
Click on the + icon choose you post types click it it will open a new page. Now write you things or post pics and publish it
The 2016 Cricket World Cup starts soon! On bitLanders, a large part of our users come from or live in countries where Cricket is one……
Most any thermal process is governed by the Boltzmann factor:exp−EkT= e−E/kT (5.41)where k is the Boltzmann constant.……
Whenever an electric current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field is immediately brought into existence in the space surrounding……
AC GENERATOR Principle : A.C. generators or alternators (as they are usually called) operate on the same fundamental principles of……
Hello come Here who want learn online about engineering studies Join Here
How to write a blog in Image courtesy of BITLANDERS.COM is……
Blog about Cricket and our Avatar outfits and earn Double Rewards We know many of you like sports in general and cricket in particular.……
Even if I got my iPhone up and running again, I still couldn't do my blogging properly due to intermittent rains in this part of the……
Conversaty: Talking to Directors, Actors, Athletes, Businessmen and Women Watching interviews gives you a better……
Reach The Top Without Being A Spammer on BitLanders Part. 2 Takes a long time for me to start blogging back. If you have read my previous……
WHAT IS BITLANDERS ? Bitlanders is a social website 'WHERE SOCIAL MEDIA MEETS THE GAMING UNIVERSE' as the slogan says.As one……
I'm writing this blog on my favorite female tennis player, Daniela Hantuchova.Lets start the blog: DANIELA HANTUCHOVA Daniela Hantuchova……
MARIA SHARAPOVA Maria Sharapova is a professional tennis player from Russia.She is 28 years old and is currently ranked as……
SHAHID AFRIDI Shahid Afridi is a professional cricketer who represents Pakistan at the International level.He……
Discover our Web TVs, Blog, and Earn Double Rewards We developed a number of individual Web TVs dedicated to a series of themes:……
Do you have a passion of writing, and interacting with people? If you want to become a successful blogger, this article is for you.……
SERENA WILLIAMS Serena Williams, a 34 year old woman who is a professional tennis player from United States of America.She……
Image courtesy of Gone were the days where everyone you know was been once you talk personally.……
NOVAK DJOKOVIC Novak Djokovic, a 28 year old guy who is a professional tennis player from Serbia.He's the current world number……
Image courtesy of Communication is very much essential in human’s life. People use different……
Source: Self Created Bitlanders: The Best Platform for Earning Through Learning: BitLanders is a social……
WHAT IS BITLANDERS ? Bitlanders is a social site which pays you for your content unlike any other social networking site.Bitlanders……
Ways to earn or increase BUZZ without spamming (Image Source: Goolge) When I came to join this Platform i saw……
Now you Can Earn real money in hom with out any invest in home and learn complete computer free Programing designing typing Online……
Now you Can Earn real money in hom with out any invest in home and learn complete computer free Programing designing typing Online……
Image courtesy of Image courtesy of As an online writer that embraces the reason for it, it……
The title of this blog may not match the content, read at your own risk. Talking about the most painful events that have taught a……
This is your chance to earn double rewards for your content: Blog about Givkwik #GivingTuesday Campaign & Event Starting……
The Tools I Use For My Bitlanders Journey Introduction Since I joined Bitlanders, I have been searching……
WE CAN COPY PASTE BLOG ON BITLANDERS TO WORDPRESS I was try to copy paste my bitlanders blogs to WordPress. It works :D IT JUST RIGHT……
There are thousands of the webs, which are paying for the stuff they need to get from it's user.……
Today's social media has reached the four corners of the globe. The world has indeed shrunk with the far reaching and real time phenomena……
hello my friend. i hope all of you have had heard about online earning and all of you will have to think that how it is possible?but……
Source: google Hello Counselor: The Problem Solver TV Show Do you have a problem in your life? Have you overcome them? Each person……
The Best of Bitlanders image source:, Hello everyone especially to beginners and to those who……
Well its a personal theory of mine that a person can never reach the highest step of its success ladder. Each n every successful person……
You can now earn money online via internet in the range of 50,000 Rs to 100,000 Rs per month by following all the methods ……
As I'm walking down the street, I witness a young couple getting into a verbal altercation and screaming match. They stop walking……
Blogger To WordPress This plugin automates setting up 1-to-1 mapping between (blogspot) blog posts and your new WordPress……
"The longest-running and most award-winning drama anthology in the Philippines hosted by Ms. Charo Santos-Concio that narrates real-life……
This is your chance to earn double rewards for your content: Blog about TV Shows popular in your country! Starting today and……
How to Start Your Blog Today A Free Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Make a Blog in 20 minutes “How do I start a……
How to Start Your Blog Today A Free Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Make a Blog in 20 minutes “How do I start a……
How to Start Your Blog Today A Free Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Make a Blog in 20 minutes “How do I start a……
The Voice of the Philippines is a great show to watch. It is based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland,……
I’d like to eliminate the, “Hey, what’s up?” text from our lives. It seriously does more harm than good. But……
Beginner's Overview of Blogging A blog site is essentially an online journal wherein you could electronically pen down your……
Beginner's Guide to Writing a blog A blog site is basically an on the internet journal where you could digitally pen……
Novice's Quick guide to Blog writing A blog is basically an on-line journal where you could electronically pen down your thoughts,……
How you can create perfect blogs So allows talk about how you can write perfect blogs for your web site or blog writer. So in the……
I noticed some old members of this site "migrated" to whzon. For curiosity sake, I joined that site too. Uploading pictures from my……
Ways to earn online on blogger - Merely produce your material and also keep an eye out for next online gaining tutorial. For more……
Blogging-- Why We Love It! Blogging is not a brand-new task, a minimum of for those that leapt on the blogger bandwagon a couple of……
The notion of first times always not being great is common but it isn't logic. Most of the times, first time tend to be the greatest……
Want to rank # 1 on bitLanders Leaderboard? Buy 1500 gems or Donate $100 to bitCharities from your OWN pocket (Bitcoin or Paypal).……
"What I like the most about the platform is the easy way to earn rewards by doing the thingsmany people usually do on mainstream……
Recently a friend asked me a question that any business that begins blogging will have to answer; What should your first post be about?……
As a lot of you know that BitLanders is a social media platform, just like any other social media platform but it pays to its contributors……
Everybody can write, but not all can write a good article. There are no binding rules for writing the status of Facebook, Twitter,……
If the question keeps hitting your mind as well as if it seems like what is a free blog? Then you remain in the right area……
I blogged some thoughts about the state of the Tsu social network. I'm making some money there, but it's not growing as fast as I……
And yes i was very glad to see the chat option in the mobile app of bitlanders and although i didn't really care that much about chatting,……
Last July 2014, Bubblews upgraded their website. Since then I could not post my articles using my old Nokia cellphone. I then bought……
Are you working a full time job like me? Question is, how will I find the time to blog professionally? If you think Blogging……
The first time I came across bitcoin was through a friend. He said that he read about this "digital currency" and that it is……
Life isn't doesn't matter how much money you have, how famous you are, or what you social standing is. There will ALWAYS……
Sebetulnya ini bukan tulisan ku, kalian bisa membaca artikel aslinya disini , intinya sang Ceo ditanya : kira kira pertanyaannya……
"My boyfriend looks at other woman all the time and i hate it especially when him and the other woman smile at each other..its……
I have been a keen observant as to how I'm going to earn greater buzz points. And thanks to other members here for sharing……
This is your chance to earn double rewards for your content! Blog about Bitcoin and Digital Assets Starting May 1st, we give our users……
As a member of the Bitlanders community your choice in selecting us as a platform for your thoughts and interests identifies you as……
It's been 6 months ago since I registered here but it was only after a month when I've decided to try out the site. For……
A cash cow for the enterprising, the Internet is littered with opportunities to make a fast buck. While it rarely qualifies as a solitary……
What The meaning Of blogging..?? blogging is worker Blogger Did you now google..?? google build a Blogger just for Blogging share……
Well well well, something's cooking in bubblews. It has been weeks that Papa A and Bear are sharing about the new bubblews and I have……
Yesterday, I read something about an intriguing news about Bubblews here at Bitlanders (Not sure if it was ate Lonie's or ate Sam's……
Insideblog is the world's greatest, the largest, most popular complete unicode based technology social blog, social networking,……
Initial qualification: A site must have been nominated more than once by multiple individuals. If someone nominated more than one……
Another surprise for today! I received a second review from Miss Hillary and I deeply believe that the reason behind it is the report……
I want to allot more time in this site so that I can add up more friends in the future. Well, I work for around 12 hours a day and……
1. TSU Peringkat Alexa pada saat tulisan ini ditulis 1988, atau bisa kalian check perkembangan Alexanya disini untuk……
I was actually expecting this rating (3/5 stars) for the second blog (On Saving Money!) that I submitted since it's quite similar……
Jejaring sosial adalah suatu yang menarik adalah suatu wadah yang didalamnya terbentuk beberapa jenis komunitas manusia secara digital,……
Rimba Internet adalah hutan buas yang berbahaya, disana banyak bisnis bertaburan dimana-mana mulai dari gratis sampai investasi yang……
I received my first blog review last Thursday evening, January 29, but I have no time to make a blog or even post a screenshot, so……
I Like To Write Blogs And I Have My Own Blog Name Of NewptcSites And Now I Am A Good Blogger Of Bitlanders Also
Last night was a great time for me and my bitlanders account, I had actually received a comment from mr. bitlanders himself and that……
Jejaring sosial yang pertama kali mempopulerkan Hashtag adalah Twitter , sedangkan orang yang pertama kali memposting hashtag……
Sure it is always fun to receive a blog review feedback. Miss Hillary was really working hard yesterday that she had reviewed……
isking plagiarizing online seem to be actions that people think they can get away with whether they realize the consequences or not.……
This is hilarious. So, I'm sure that everyone in the world has seen a video on YouTube by now, but, have you ever clicked……
I noticed some of the users are not reading the FAQS section……
Hi friends my earning is getting downgraded.In the first week of January in fact in the first 15 days my earning was increasing day……
Get a Higher BuzzScore: Submit your content for review To promote, encourage and reward high quality content and help its contributors……
Let Me Speak Today (From the heart of an Engineer)Can you just Imagine the feelings When people think about you that how lucky and……
Make Money with BlogI got payment today from bidvertiser. If you have a blog then must join this awesome site.……
My husband, Ray, and I didn't know Sophie had it before she was born; she was the first person with Down syndrome I'd……
What is a Blog? Please define it and describe its features and formation. Also express your opinion on how to write an effective blog.……
hello guys want to earn money online, you can earn 5000$ per month through online, make your own website and earn money through online……
Those who are spamming the web with keywords and spending half of their blogging hours researching on the keyword density, look into……
Blogging may sound too technical or too complex a word, but it is actually very simple. Consider your blog as an online diary that……
***HAVE YOU SEEN THE LATEST NEW PROGRAM*** You need to check this out!!! (OPEN UP TOMORROW 2014-11-25 FOR PURCHASES) Blogging System,……
ll I do daily is post ads, send emails and make a FULL TIME income FROM HOME. If you're looking for something that pays VERY well...……
"Everybody is dreaming about making money online." I know you have heard this sentence thousands time!!!! But in this article i will…… blogger create tariqa dekhne ka liye click link
Do you want to learn how to write an strong and attracting article? This one might help you a bit. A clear explanation is stated here……
Hi everyone ! Write passionately and you will get benefit from that! It's true!. Some people write for earning money but he……
During the ancient times, women are not allowed to be formally educated. They cannot have jobs like men have. They are often trained……
Hello Guys Got Paid From Shortest With Using The Method I m Going To Share Here So Lets Start The Journey For Stable And Awsome earning……
Today, I am in a good mood because I fave followed all my subscribers. I subscribed back and left a couple of shares to their profiles.……
We will Make money with everyone,next day, group will be buzz and sub for all member,what now ? Buzz and sub,all member will……
- Create a Professional LogoLogo is the identity of your company. Creating a company logo is attractive and professional is very important,……
How To Create A Blog Are you well known to internet what to earn without investment Yep you can earn from blogging……
Information on blogging . Many small and home business owners have heard the buzz or read information on blogging……
Chào mừng các bạn đến với blog hướng dẫn kiếm tiền của Bi Ngok :3 Hình thức……
In case you're searching for an approach to get your site presentation to emerge and truly charm your crowd, look to the feature.……
LibertaGia is an international company located in Lisbon, Portugal, which was Officially lunched and began it's operations on October,……
10 Mistakes done by newbie while blogging. Everyone has a tendency to make a mistake in new work they adapt.One is most vulnerable……
English 1. You need upload 1 image, 1 video, write 1 blog, and write 5 micro blogs everyday. Try and you will earn more $, more……
1. Sign up 2. Login 3. Subscribe as much as possible 4. Buzz for each person 1 times 5. Write a Microblog 6. Write a Blog 7.……
Earn 5 free bitcoins when signing up for latium account and earn more for inviting your friends. Please carefully follow the instructions……
New smart changes in Bitlanders Bitlanders introduced new changes with BUZZ SCORE TREND and REVENUES TREND. This is most helpful and……
Blogging is a way for people to express how they feel on the internet, but it can also be a great way to make money. Though you may……
Make Money With adfly Make Money With by shorting Urls... Its a great Site and pay through Paypal, Payza and Payoneer.……
One of the most technologically advanced company Apple is going to release its iOS 8 with awesome creative features added in all the……
Creating or posting a blog is what i am doing outside of Film Annex before i join. So i know how to do this thing blogging. But when……
Recently, Google has up to 90% off Publisher Account in Pakistan What does the future of blogs in Pakistan be disabled Adsense, why?……
This item is not for beginners, but also for those who have. Already Money Blogging There are many ways to make money with a blog,……
To help unemployed and looking for a way so why not make a living through blogs. This way, you do not have to face the difficult climate,……
There are so many questions arising in my mind about the budget which is fixed by filmannex for users from all over the world.……
Here I'll told you that how I joined Film Annex and how I started work at Film Annex. One of my friend told me about the Film……
Hello, I'm Amar-e-Yasir Nike name is Amar Annex. Today I'm writing a blog to the name of new comers of Film Annex. Dear……
Dopo aver riprogettato la pagina degli introiti, il sistema di upload dei video upload e le gallerie immagini, Film Annex sta inaugurando……
After the redesign of the revenue page, the video upload system, and the photo galleries, Film Annex is now launching its new blog……
A FREE blogging platform is what most marketers prefer to drive website traffic to whatever they are promoting. However a free blogging……
Por “Empoderamiento” nos referimos a impulsar el estado de una persona o de la comunidad con respecto a los parametros……
Dato che noi di Film Annex siamo un gruppo di persone che condivide le informazioni, ho ricevuto queste domande da un utente di Film……
As this is a sharing group here at Film Annex, I received these questions from a Film Annex user and I thought it would best to share……
Embed the Buzz Button on your website or blog: When a non Film Annex user clicks on it, he/she will be invited to join the platform……
Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a……
Film Annex è una comunità di 300,000 utenti, filmmakers e blogger provenienti da 245 paesi, isole e torritori. Come……
Film Annex is a community of 300,000 users, filmmakers and bloggers from 245 countries, islands and territories. As part of the launch……
HEY THERE! My name is John Tancredi I wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself to to you all here on Film Annex so here are……
2014年4月7-8号,Film Annex 和 Women's Annex 基金会将共同参与在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心(Javits Convention……
2014年4月7-8號,Film Annex 和 Women's Annex 基金會將共同參與在紐約市的賈維茨會展中心(Javits Convention……
Il 7 e l'8 Aprile al Javits Convention Center a New York City Film Annex e Women's Annex saranno al chiosco #404 per prendere……
On April 7-8 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City Film Annex and Women's Annex will be at booth #404 at the "Inside Bitcoin…… è ora pienamente operativo e totalmente separato dal suo fratello maggiore . Desideriamo…… is now a fully functional and a separate website from big brother We really want to grow this community……
When you visit Film Annex without being logged in, a registration box appears at the top right of the main page so non-users can join……
Hi there! This is Hafsa from Wah Cantt (Pakistan). I am a simple girl who has a keen interest in book reading, internet surfing……
Noi di Film Annex vogliamo fare in modo che ogni qualvolta i nostri utenti carichino foto, video e blog, abbiano la possibilità……
Here at Film Annex we want to make sure our users know that every time they submit photos, videos, or blogs they have the ability……
Film Annex is allowing filmmakers a place to get exposure for their content with an opportunity to get paid. I am trying to……
Film Annex is an online media that create an online space that gives its users the opportunity to filmmakers, authors and also those……
Tips für die Veröffentlichung von Blogs: 1) Schreibt die Blogs selber und teilt eure Freude am Thema mit euren Lesern; seid……
More than 90% or world's opium production comes from Afghanistan. Opium price has steadily increased during the……
"Con le varie opzioni di condivisione disponibili su Film Annex, attraverso i Social Media fino alle Web TV degli utenti, è……
"With the various sharing options available on Film Annex, through social media to user Web TVs, it’s easier for the audience……
Il mio figlio più grande ha cinque anni e legge in due lingue. Notevole? Beh, per quanto trovi costantemente notevoli i miei……
My oldest son is five years old and is reading in two languages. Impressive? Well, as much as I always find my kids amazing,……
Wenn du in den U.S.A. wohnst, ist es möglich, dass du ein Kreditscore besitzt, das deine Kreditwürdigkeit repräsentiert……
Se vivi negli Stati Uniti, molto probabilmente ti è stato associato un valore di affidabilità creditizia che determina……
If you live in the US, chances are you have a credit score, which determines your financial reliability and takes in consideration……
“A universal system of integrated computer networks, which makes use of the typical Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to grant……
I always thought that the concept of earning money online was a scam. Especially earning money online by just browsing the Internet.……
Film Annex 推出新的额外收入系统-“联盟方案(Affiliate Program)” Film Annex 的用户在邀请朋友们加入Film……
"Grazie alla facilità di utilizzo (sia nel caricare i contenuti che nel connetterli ai social media) e al sistema di introiti……
"Thanks to Film Annex's ease of use (both with uploading content and connecting it to social media), as well as the revenue stream,……
Film Annex 推出新的額外收入系統-“聯盟方案(Affiliate Program)” Film Annex 的用戶在邀請朋友們加入 Film……
I've been working on social media for a couple of years, but in no way I have the presumption to know it all. On the contrary, I still……
New York, 14 Gennaio 2014 - A partire dal 1 Febbraio 2014 Film Annex pagherà la propria community di content partner (Filmmaker……
New York, NY, January 14, 2014 - As of February 1, 2014, Film Annex will be paying its community of Content Partners (Filmmakers……
"Film Annex adotta un sistema che funziona davvero, aiutando i filmmaker indipendenti a fare guadagnare, permettendoci di continuare……
Herat is one of the beautiful and historical cities of Afghanistan with different accent and kind people. Although, Herat is one of……
"Film Annex has a smart business plan and really works hard to help indie filmmakers make money so we can continue to make films."……
Questa settimana introdurremo il nostro nuovo programma di affiliazione, volto a far sì che tutti gli utenti di Film Annex……
This week, we are introducing our new Affiliate Program, so each user on Film Annex can let their friends know about the platform,……
Dar vita a un corto, sotto alcuni aspetti, è persino più difficile di un lungometraggio. Come mai? I creatori hanno……
Making short films, to some extent, is even more difficult than standard movies. Why is it so? The creators have a difficult task……
"What truly makes Film Annex stand out and above other platforms is the way it rewards users financially. I have never before encountered……
您已经试过我们的测试版了吗?只要点击在我们的主页右上角的连结(“Try the new测试版”)即可以开始使用了。请阅读以下的文章连结以了解更多测试版的新功能:FILM……
您已經試過我們的測試版了嗎?只要點擊在我們的主頁右上角的連結(“Try the new beta 測試版”)即可以開始使用了。請閱讀以下的文章連結以了解更多測試版的新功能:FILM……
To celebrate the end of 2013 and get ready for 2014, let's have a look at Film Annex today and the exciting projects ahead of us for……
2013 has been a huge year for myself in my career and as a person and in the next few blogs I will breakdown my year month by month……
Avete già provato la nostra nuova beta? Se non l'avete fatto, date un'occhiata a questo blog per scoprire tutte le novità.……
Have you tested our new beta yet? If not, check this blog to see all the new features. Today, we are presenting to you our new registration……
By “Empowerment” we mean boosting the status of a person or community with regard to social, political, educational,……
Film Annex ist eine Filmdistribution und Blog-Plattform. Das heißt, dass Filmemacher, neben dem Hochladen vom Videos, auch bloggen……
品质是好生活和成功的关键。 就像您期望您所吃的食物品质和您所呼吸的空气品质是好的,您也应该期望在您的网站的观众品质或社交活动的品质是好的。在过去的几个月里,线上广告业已经开发了新的工具,用来监控用户品质和特定的人口资讯以匹配广告主的期望。在Film……
La scorsa settimana io ed Adriana ci siamo recate alla scuola Mano Amiga di Chalco; Adriana è l'amica che mi ha presentato Film……
Last week Adriana and I went to Mano Amiga of Chalco School, Adriana is my friend who introduced me to Film Annex and she have not……
Is it really hard to answer who can build the peace? No, it is too easy. Peace isn't a dream, everybody can make it and catch it.……
Film annex has different parts, film making blogging, influence and sharing. Buzz score is a cause of revenue. Film making: You……
Immaginate di nuotare per 110 miglia, più o meno la distanza fra New York City e Philadelphia, più altre 13 miglia.……
Tutti gli scrittori di Film Annex sono premiati in base ai loro BuzzScore. Il BuzzScore di uno scrittore presente su Annex Press è……
品質是好生活和成功的關鍵。 就像您期望您所吃的食物品質和您所呼吸的空氣品質是好的,您也應該期望在您的網站的觀眾品質或社交活動的品質是好的。在過去的幾個月裡,線上廣告業已經開發了新的工具,用來監控用戶品質和特定的人口資訊以匹配廣告主的期望。在 Film……
Film Annex è una piattaforma di distribuzione e blogging. Ciò vuol dire che i filmmaker hanno la possibilità……
In World of Technology where the Wide World has been changed to a small Room and merely by a Single Click can share their Emotions,……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
Here's Part 3! What you have all been waiting for! The random crazy facts that you most likely didn't know. Hope you like it. Here……
Okay, so from my last Crazy facts post you learned about some crazy random facts. Here is more facts 26-50. I will be posting more……
I remember well what life felt like when I was 20 years old. It was the most exciting time I had yet experienced, and still now I……
( Evelyn and I set out this week to attend the……
Film annex, the most famous and familiar name which has activities in many countries across the world, is the greatest way and chance……
Introducing the new Film Annex Picks video Our team came together to create the best video to explain to you what is Film Annex Picks,……
With the embrace of social media across the world, the number of different social networks has increased highly as well, five years……
There are many facts that you may not know. Below are the first twenty five facts I've researched. The next fact part will be posted……
Film Annex 是一个电影发行平台和博客平台。电影制作人们除了上传视频以外,也可以发表博客文章,而作家,博主和用户们可以在平台上撰写文章以产生收入。所有Film……
Film Annex 是一個電影發行平台和部落格平台。電影製作人們除了上傳視頻以外,也可以發表部落格文章,而作家,部落客和用戶們可以在平台上撰寫文章以產生收入。所有 Film……
Film Annex 的奖励系统-Buzz分数(BuzzScore)不断地发展和演变,为了奖励平台上最活跃的用户,我们将提供额外的现金奖励给Buzz分数排列前10名用户们!例如:第1名的用户可获得50美元的额外奖金。……
Film Annex 的獎勵系統-BUZZ分數(BuzzScore)不斷地發展和演變,為了獎勵平台上最活躍的用戶,我們將提供額外的現金獎勵給Buzz分數排列前10名用戶們!例如:第1名的用戶可獲得50美元的額外獎金。……
Buzz分数(Buzz Score) 是一个非常个人化的计分制度,它反映了每一个人和公司的许多方面,包括影响力,内容的贡献和社交媒体的分享。每个人的决心和技能可以影响Buzz分数的等级。……
The BuzzScore continues to evolve to reward the most active members on Film Annex. The top 10 users with the best BuzzScore will now……
فیلم انکس, این نام خیلی مشهور و مانوس که در اکثر کشورهای مختف جهان فعالیت……
“Would you just come and eat your breakfast? You have been standing in front of mirror for an hour.” My mom said. “It……
Film Annex is a film distribution and blogging platform. It means that filmmakers can blog in addition to uploading videos, and also……
This week on Film Annex's radar: The BuzzScore evolves to reward high quality blogs! We also welcome a new member, TalentHouse, who……
Film Annex 不只是专属于电影制作人的一个平台,对于任何 Film Annex 的用户,博主(部落客;blogger)可获得的奖励都是基于他们的Buzz……
Bullying among teenagers is not a new phenomenon. It's been going on ever since kids were put together in a social setting for the……
Buzz分數(Buzz Score) 是一個非常個人化的計分制度,它反映了每一個人和公司的許多方面,包括影響力,內容的貢獻和社交媒體的分享。……
Lina Rozbih-Haidari is the main News Anchor for the Voice of America (VOA) Dari Ashna Television. Rozbih is an acclaimed and award-winning……
Ever since I "discovered" social media blogging, my life has changed, and for the better. Although I don't have excellent writing……
We crafted a new logo for "Target Thinking", and this new article on the TIME website is a good way to kick it off……
فلم اینیکس 300000 استعمال کرنے والوں کیساتھ ایک آن لائن پلیٹ فارم ہے۔ جن میں……
Imagine swimming for 110 miles, roughly the distance between New York City and Philadelphia, plus another 13 miles. Now imagine doing……
اگر آپ بلگینگ سے پیسے کمانے کی شوقین ہے تو سیکھے اور یہ مشکل نہیں خصوصاً……
I have been a longstanding contributor to I subscribe to their motto of “connecting everyone through film.” ……
اس لیۓ میں Buzz Score کے بارے میں سوچھتاہوں اگرچہ بظاہر ڈیزائن فلم سازوں کے حوصلہ……
The BuzzScore is a very personal scoring system that reflects many aspects of each individual person and company, including Influence,……
Film Annex 不只是專屬於電影製作人的一個平台,對於任何 Film Annex 的用戶,部落客(博主;blogger)可獲得的獎勵都是基於他們的 Buzz分數(BuzzScore)。Buzz分數是一個獎勵和計分系統,它可量化用戶的領導能力,用戶在社交媒體(social……
Film Annex isn't only a platform for filmmakers. As any other Film Annex's users, bloggers are rewarded based on their BuzzScore,……
Yesterday was Sunday, however it was a lazy one for me. I preferred to stay at home. Like every morning I turned on my laptop to see……
ایک سال سے کم عرصہ سےمیں نے Annex Press کے لئےبلاگز لکھنا شروع کیاہےجوفلم میکرزاپنا……
Juggling the indecisiveness surrounding "career" and where I want to live, mixed with the inability to prioritise interests, personal……
Film Annex revolutionizes the way filmmakers and bloggers make money online with their content. They are rewarded based on their BuzzScore,……
The Middle exam of the current educational year started last week. The teachers in Mahjoba Herawi high School prepared their Question……
Social Media Film Promotion 101 کو جاری رکھتے ہو ئے آج میں LinkedIn پرروشنی ڈالنا چاہتاہوں……
سیٹوں سوڈربرگ میرے پسندیدہ فلم بنانے والوں میں سےہےـ اس نے میرے کچھ پسندیدہ……
Все писатели на Film Annex зарабатывают на основе их BuzzScores. BuzzScore писателя, который……
Examer کاروبار کی دنیا میں طالب علموں کو جوڑتا ہے جو پیشہ ورانہ اور تعلیم کے……
Whether you are a filmmaker, writer, or a viewer, you earn money on Film Annex. Starting today, we are basing our revenue model on……
A US truck driver working in Iraq gets kidnapped. He wakes up, buried alive with a mobile phone, torch and a lighter. I noticed this……
Last week, we introduced Film Annex's new design, thanks to our website team in New York and Florence: Creative Director Eren Gulfidan,……
The Examer is a vocational and education software which connects students to the world of business. The Examer improves the education……
Making money blogging is a reality. It has been for quite some time. It's one of the easiest and quickest ways to make money online……
After surviving a disaster at sea, a young man is forced to share a rescue boat with a tiger. I was fortunate enough……
Continuing the Social Media Film Promotion 101 series, I'll focus this time on LinkedIn. Why LinkedIn? I believe that, after Twitter,……
When social media first appeared on the Internet, communication between people changed forever. All of the sudden we could instantly……
Steven Soderbergh is one of my favorite filmmakers. He directed some of my personal favorites like Ocean's 11 (and following), Erin……
Shine: First Animation Attempts The overall design for my film Shine is coming together nicely and I have begun animating the……
In case you are curious about how to earn with blogging, learn that it is not difficult, especially if you like to write. You should……
There numerous jobs in Afghanistan. For example, they work at different governmental and non-governmental organizations, the fresh……
As a teacher of young children, I often hear comments such as these: "Can I tell you about what I did this weekend?" "Let……
Since the last few years Afghan people are acquainted with Internet. Despite this few years of of acquaintance with Internet, Afghan……
Afghan economy has grown since the fall of the Taliban and flow of International troops to Afghanistan. When president Karzai became……
Less than a year ago I started writing blogs for the Annex Press, the media platform of Film Annex, a company that offers its website……
A photo shoot for the U.S. Women’s Wrestling Team has now commenced and the first official project for Chick Wrestler is now……
To choose the next film to write about in my Film Friday series, I went to the top 100 films and began to look for films……
In case you are curious about how to earn with blogging, learn that it is not difficult, especially if you like to write. You should……
by Jasmine Davis Wondering how to write a blog and get paid? One of the very first steps is building up your blogging ability. Writing……
Past week Citadel Team was busy with filmmaking. In this week we are trying to make good videos and broadcast our initiatives in Afghanistan……
Today I want to start with breaking news: Woman gives birth during flight from South Africa to New York.17 years old Fatawmatt Kaba……
Film Annex is an online film platform with over 300,000 users, of which 40,000 are professionals from the film industry. Each one……
A writer is "a person who is able to write and has written something". The definition doesn't specify whether or not this happens……
Blogging is a new phenomenon in Afghanistan, and fortunately the number of Afghan boys and girls are increasing in this field. According……
Afghan Software Citadel Company is a company for those who would like to both earn money and and increase their education capacity.……
This week was quite a busy week for me and I have done a lot of works. After coming back to Herat from Kabul Innovation Lab, I faced……
Transparency is the key to developed countries' success, in particular in the world of Internet, Social Media and Online Advertising.……
Last Thursday we passed yet another Valentine's Day. Couples from all over the world celebrated their love in honor and memory of……
Women empowerment in Afghanistan is synonymous of cultural evolution and revolution. It's the first step towards economic prosperity,……
Filmmakers today don't have an easy job. Unless you're already recognized by Hollywood or institutions like Sundance, finding distribution……
Я живу в городе, где небо сменяют тучи, облака сменяют туман. Где после солнечного……
For anybody involved in the sport of American Football, winning the Super Bowl means achieving a lifetime dream. More than a week……
I had a research about social media marketing, specifically in Afghanistan. I have found an interesting and important subject that……
"Film Annex is definitely the way for the independent filmmakers to promote their work and get rewarded for it. You can make your……
People are more and more interested in money making from internet, because it is more achievable now than in the past. If you are……
Spending your Friday night just like you spent it the week before, and the week before that isn’t having any positive change……
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls… What I am about to introduce to you is an opportunity to witness a group of talented……
There is a large event coming up February 8th, in downtown lower east Manhattan! Film Annex Music TV presents: FKBAND, the new Russian-American……
If you have some time to elapse, or want to hang out with friends and not turn your time into waste material, then you will enjoy……
Привет мальчики, девочки, дяди и тети. Неважно, где вы родились и где живете..……
The New Genre will be presented in New York City. How many songs do we hear on a daily basis? Most songs share many common characteristics.……
“Oppan Gangnum style” Sound Familiar? This one phrase became known INTERNATIONALLY within months; especially in the US.……
Today's world is the communication era. Many people around the world, regardless of their geographical borders, are connecting with……
Music is the most powerful weapon ever! Each era, each country, each community has its own musical leader, its own musical……
Hey Ladies and Gentlemen. Here are 6 new FAMusicTV artists with their independent videos. Let’s see what we have. ***……
Hi everyone. I just came from LA, full of emotions and full of energy. Want to explain everything to you, my young readers J First……
FAMusicTV – has turned one month. The end of the world is over, the organization of first FAMusicTV live show is in full swing……
In the video below Francesco Rulli wisely talks about speed, business and internet. He compares the speed required to make……
December 19th, 2012, 5:00 PM... This is 1st FK BAND and JERRRA BLUES Rehearsal: The bands should be fully prepared. They will perform……
Прошедшая неделя была очень разнообразной. Каждый день на официальной странице в FB,……
This pAst week was incredibly amazing. Every day on our FB, Twitter, and Tumblr pages we presented video works of different artists.……
Всем привет! Еще один блог на русском языке. Сегодня героем и объектом для……
Today I want to touch a very sensitive and holy topic. I want to discourse about love. L.O.V.E. - how amazing those feelings. You……
December 13, 2012… 8:24 PM… What’s going on?!! The new FAMusicTV video from Midnight Spin Band is hilarious! ……
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Do you want to find something fresh? Original? Independent? Spectacular? To watch??? The right……
Hi there and Welcome to the Film Annex Music TV (FAMusicTV). Hope the time you spent the last week was amazing. Today, as a……
The past week has been fully dedicated to the web promotion of the "Dolphin" band, a multifaceted team with quite an impressive history……
I don't know why, but out of nowhere, while listening the pianist Alexander Mahnev, I caught myself on thinking about "lost" people.……
In this test, students will answer questions about Tumblr and how to use it. The test also asks specific questions about sharing content……
While last week started with Sandy, this week started with Obama. This Tuesday, the American people chose their President for the……
This week has been pretty chaotic and will be remembered by most New Yorkers more as "Sandy Week" than "Halloween Week". That's right,……
In this test, students will answer questions about blogging online and Film Annex specifically. PART I A blog is a. An email……
In Afghanistan, writers and scholars can be paid as low as $100 per month, while here at Film Annex we pay a blogger up to $100 for……
by: NICOLE TAN: Once a dedicated lover to print, the Fashion Industry has since found a new companion in video. The industry’s……
Developed countries are growing at a slow pace. Asian developing countries are growing at a much higher pace. Afghanistan,……
To write a decent Blog involves a lot of discipline and excellent time management skills. If you are in a position to Blog……
This week was pretty much all about our filmmakers. We received several new videos from "Film Annexers" and also new comers. I think……
Is email dead? In the last few weeks, this question has been on the back of my mind. In 2001, I started carrying a business card where……
The word ‘Blogging’ may seem at first a rather ugly, modern word but there is no getting away from the fact that ‘Blogs’……
Someone told me that when you get older, times goes faster. Yes, I think it's true, and sometimes you can't even remember what……
Summer is over. For kids, it usually means buying new school supplies. At Film Annex, it means re-designing. This week, we implemented……
This month marked the 12th Anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. As the war continues in this country, the best way……
People often ask how you can build schools in Afghanistan and support Afghanistan's education and economy. Here are two ingredients……
What is a Blog? ……
Social media is an explosion that has taken the world by storm. As a species, human beings love to talk. And technology has widened……
Serbia President Tomislav Nikolic’s offer of direct negotiations with Kosovo’s leadership but oath not to recognize its……
“While recognizing that the driving force behind this state of affairs is rooted in security concerns, I encourage the Government……
In today’s world, writing and video blogging is a necessary step towards establishing a conversation and leadership. Long conversations……
“Six weeks ago, in visiting the memorial at Srebrenica, I said I did not want my successors to apologize years from now for……
This is the French translation of a previously posted blog post called Using Tumblr to Promote Your Content on Film Annex. ……
This is the French translation of a previously posted blog post called Using Google+ to Promote Your Content on Film Annex. ……
This is the French translation of a previously posted blog post called Using LinkedIn to Promote Your Content on Film Annex. ……
This is the French translation of a previously posted blog post called Using Twitter to Promote Your Content on Film Annex. Utilisez……
From a recent interview by Jordan’s King to the UN Refugee agency (UNHCR) the record of deliberate targeting of refugees……
Tous les blogueurs sur Film Annex sont rémunérés en fonction de leur BuzzScore. Le BuzzScore d'un blogueur qui……
NEW YORK, NY, August 13, 2012 - Film Annex, online film promotion and distribution company, announced that it has opened its blogging……
In advance of World Humanitarian Day, Beyonce recorded before a live audience at and dedicated to the United Nations and global citizens……
Building blogs with high quality and level depends on your performance of writing and style of selecting the most updated current……
The trend set in 2008 appears to project an ever greater correlation between who holds sway on the internet and who wins the……
... or at least, can UN borrow "intelligence" capacities of others? The UN does try to anticipate both crisis, threats to international……
Social media... a really popular topic at the moment, and one brought up rather often on Film annex, because of the fantastic ability……
Auditions can be a tricky process. Seeing how an actor can really make or break the film, the auditions are also one of the……
Hey guys! As a filmmaker I'm always interested in how other people have made their films, whether looking for tips, ideas, inspiration……
Writers and bloggers! Film Annex invites you to join its blogging platform, The Annex Press, where you can show your writing skills,……
Next to a ridiculous copy of Ozombie (Bin laden as a zombie...I'll say no more) I pick up a copy of Troll Hunter. I'm actually strolling……
Hiding myself away in a quiet corner, I grab a chewed pen and an envelope and scribble down the foundries of a hopefully new and challenging……
Hey Guys! Thanks for opening this up and hopefully I can keep you hooked. Just a brief few words as to what I'm about and what I can……
Read this post in Dari/Farsi (دری / فارسی ). What’s your BuzzScore? The Film Annex BuzzScore is a tool that measures the……
Blogging is a key factor when the conversation comes to Social Media. It's also a key chapter in the Film Annex Social Media Curriculum……
Read this post in Dari/Farsi (دری / فارسی ). Read this post in Russian (Читайте этот блог на русском……
All writers on Film Annex are compensated based on their BuzzScores. The BuzzScore of a writer who is part of The Annex Press is higher……
A new age is about to begin in Afghanistan. Its future looks bright now that the United Nations and President Karzai have agreed on……
“Social Media” is a very popular term today. On Google Adwords, it's claimed to have 2.7 million searches a month. The term “Social……
Being a professional Fashion photographer I am often asked: What does Fashion Mean? I respond to one's question with……
I got my first digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera long time ago, when I was a kid. And I was thinking all the time - How great……
One hundred years ago, a Russian documentary film, newsreel director, Dziga Vertov, created a new language for reporting the reality……
People have opinions, but very few are heard. Shouting at the street corner is not a good way to be heard. It might get you arrested!Writing……
We, “global citizen,” need information and context, and not mere opinions or current events flying at us with rapidity of breaking……
Mauricio Vargas made $1,900 without even having his Web TV or any of his movies featured on Film Annex's homepage. How did he do it?……