Is artificial intelligence consciousness in danger?
Image credit: Mudassar via Pixabay, changed by Vimi "Is artificial intelligence consciousness in danger?" is my new C-Blog for……
Image credit: Mudassar via Pixabay, changed by Vimi "Is artificial intelligence consciousness in danger?" is my new C-Blog for……
Image credit: Sambeetarts via Pixabay "Artificial intelligence and philosophy" is my new C-Blog in the framework of "bitLanders C-Blogging."……
Image source: Accountancy Problems FB Page
Brain The brain is one of the most complex and magnificent organs in the human body. Our brain gives us awareness of ourselves and……
“A good metaphor is something even the police should keep an eye on.” – G.C. Lichtenberg Although the brain-computer……
Hello friends, its Deepak_meena again and today I am here with new article. Today I am sharing some cool tips for become a sharp and…… :تفصیلات پڑھیں
Some Mind Teaser Riddles 1. The eight of us go forth not back to protect our king from a foes attack ? 2. When i was……
How to start building you own custom Gaming computer ? A Gaming Computer, is basically a personal computer that can……
Train yourself to become ambidextrous is not easy at all you need a lot of effort. Contemplating what you really need to make yourself……
Train yourself to become ambidextrous is not easy at all you need a lot of effort. Contemplating what you really need to make yourself……
Memory Guard - Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease wаѕ firѕt ascertained bу a German head-shrinker in 1906 bу Alois……
Harvard researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), decided that meditation literally rebuild the gray matter of the……
Kidneys: Facts, Function & Diseases Kidneys are bean-shaped Most people have two kidneys. They……
Drug Abuse, Addiction, and the Brain Why Do Some People Become Addicted While Others Do Not?No single factor can predict whether or……
Do you think you already know everything that you're afraid of? Sure, everyone shares some pretty common fears: death, heights, spiders.……
Yawning has earned a bad rap over the years as a sign of boredom or rudeness—but it's actually your body's coolest trick! Here's……
The human brain works as a binary computer and can only analyze the exact information-based zeros and ones (or black and white). Our……
There isn't a hesitation a wholesome and sharpened head is the key with a more healthy in addition to a more happy lifetime. Preserving……
In a step closer to developing artificial intellect, Russian scientists have created a physical model of a brain that is able to educate……
Meditation, according to its spiritual gurus, is a universal panacea. Enthusiasts have long preached its benefits, which include its……
The Millionaire’s Brain… What's it about?The Millionaire’s Brain book is, merely, a manual. It explores essential……
The Brain Surgeon was about to perform a brain transplant. He told the patient, "You have your choice of two brains. For $1000……
Every year 1.7 million people suffer from a form of traumatic brain injury, of these numbers of 52,000 people die annually from TBI.……
The Brain Surgeon was about to perform a brain transplant. He told the patient, "You have your choice of two brains. For $1000……
Are you working a full time job like me? Question is, how will I find the time to blog professionally? If you think Blogging……
Interesting article. I've learned tunes in various ways. Some I can only play with the music, but others are stuck in my brain. I……
Sponges don't ponder about the meaning or origin of life. But in some ways they are better at the whole life thing than we are. They……
The Amazing Brain Since the Wheat Belly revolution, people all over the world have reported amazing results: being able to reverse……
Having the following things can make you a successful man in trading!--> Use your brain--> Don't afraid while trading otherwise……
While we often think of our bodies and minds as two distinct entities, it turns out they are much more entwined than we might assume.……
With eating this common food,worms can invade your brain. Once they are consumed and enter your organism, they can move throughout……
It basically describes as we all know, everything is comprised of division 0. Or the dot. No matter how deep we go particles will……
The brain is the most mysterious part of the human body. It is the most essential parts of our system, but what is really with the……
Top 5 foods to the proper functioning of the brain These foods will make you not a genius, but will give an impulse operating system……
PLANTS can SPEAK! WATER has memory. The universe is conscious!Scientific PROOF! Mythbusters - Plants have feelings (primary……
indie was archeologist, uesd the wippe the gun and the brain gaaisnt the nazis in egypt, india, south america, germany:bestseller……
Maraming paraan upang panatilihing malusog ang utak upang maiwasan ang pagiging malilimutin. Narito ang ilang mga gawain para mapanatilihing……
Where mobile is useful there mobile also has brought some destructions. It is a useful way for communication among……
◥◣◥◣◥◣ ◥◣◥◣◥◣ ◥◣◥◣◥◣ ◥◣◥◣◥◣ ╔═╦╗╔╦═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╦══╦═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╬╗╔╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝╚╝╚═╝ ◥◣◥◣◥◣……
The brain produces enough electrical energy to power a 40-watt light bulb for 24 hours. That’s a lot of energy for a human organ……
If you wish to prevent obesity, eat breakfast every day as skipping the first meal of the day increases food cravings and eventual……
Keeping a mobile phone to your ear for a long time of your time enhances activity in areas of the mind near the antenna , experts……
Everyone knows that bad night sleep can easily affect the whole day ahead. Even a relatively small (2-3 hours) loss of sleep leads……
filled teaters, bestseller in books, zane was a cowboy and wrot about cowboys, died 74 years ago!cowboy movies teach you how to use……
As caffeine molecules are similar to those of adenosine, adenosine receptors caffeine host. However, rather than activate them as……
launched clint that still uses its brain, still active around the world but not in portugla where there´s no teaters or tvs……
Top 10 biggest brain damaging habits according to World Health Organization 1 No breakfast2 Over eating3 smoking4 High sugar……
Now the scientists claim that they have invented such a memory device that will work like human brain. After a long time research……
Today i am going to talk about the nobel prize that was given to discoverer of medicine of brain's internal GPS. STOCKHOLM: Anglo-American……
Dear friends, Our mind is full of amazing capabilities and we are just using 5% brain for our day to day job.Mind has amazing……
There are many peoples are destroying theworld by poluting and terrorism ETCWe start campaihgn For protecting the world
HUMAN BODY PARTS (Part 2) In the previous lecture we have study about the Brain which is the very important and central part……
HUMAN BODY PARTS (Part-1) Any part of Human body is very importance because every part is having its own specific work……
Drug Abuse, A threat to Society Drugs pose……
Method of Study These days, there can be no knowledge without work. Study is much needed for the acquisition of knowledge.……
Il film francese Lucy, uscito nelle sale lo scorso 25 luglio, ci pone grandi domande, fornendoci anche qualche risposta. Domande quali:……
The movie Lucy, from France, released July 25, 2014, asks big questions and gives few answers. Questions like: Life has been around……
Yet those Instruments are Manufactured by our Nervous Systems which mean our Observations are Limited only to what our Nervous Systems……
Human brain is in charge of our body. It's our body boss. It controls every thing we do even when we fell asleep. Human brain have……
Green tea is known to be a very healthy type of tea which is made the same way as our normal tea. It comes in quite afew different……
Year 2013 has been a great year for technological and scientific innovations and discoveries, we have to remember the most important……
Continuing our b-horror film cycle, I present you "The Brain That Wouldn't Die". This movie was originally made in 1959 but released……
Some people hold the view that emotion must be given priority than logic. when it comes to making decisions, those who decide emotionally,……
Open heart surgery are that in which the chest is opened and surgery is preformed on the heart muscles, valves, arteries and other……
today i am talking about human human skeleton bones are very important from the birth human are 300 bones in there body and……
WHAT IS COMPUTER? The computer is an electronic machine which changes data (input) into useful information (output). According to……
PROTECTION FROM FATAL DISEASES Our parents love us very much. Our parents are constantly concerned about our health and safety. They……
What is important?? Beauty or Brain ?? It is widely discussed gossip that whether beauty is important or brain. By beauty we here……
Xcorps TV SPECIAL Report – The HAMMER MAN - Michael J Lavery Ok try this Xcorps TV viewers! Here is an Xcorps TV challenge to……
Xcorps TV SPECIAL Report – The HAMMER MAN - Michael J Lavery Ok try this on for size Xcorps TV viewers! VIDEO At……
A lot of us believe we get more done by multitasking. But research at the University of Michigan published in the Journal of experimental……
Eating too fast creates stress in the body, says nutritionist Marc David,author of The Slow Down Diet (Healing Arts Press,2005). That……
GROWING HERBS IN YOUR HOME can turn your windowsill into a medicine cabinet. The nutrients and antioxidants in herbs help boost immunity,……
"The outflow of qualified and skilled workers from Pakistan……
Human body is a wonder full machine. It perform several function without reset. After birth our body continues to work without……
Continuing on the Sasketchshow history (as much as I can remember) we have the one year ago today release of episode 4, Season 1 of……
Experts of Cambridge University (England) have told in present report that size of men’s mind is greater than women.……
Oh youth come aware and know yourself you have to know 1-Who are you? You are the eyes of you are society, so always see the……
It is believed that cancer is a new disease but in fact it is not a new problem, it has a huge number of victims yearly around the……
This is just yesterday when people were traveling on the horse backs and messages were sent by the doves but as soon as human entered……
The brain is the place where you think. How does the brain get things to think about? first, blink your eyes now pinch your ears,……
Some news enters through eyes and ears and reaches heart and brain. This news seems like an earth quick. A few days ago such news……
Mobile Phone is latest technology of 21st century and it is has made life very easy and thousands people are using mobiles and without……
In most education system human memory has special importance. Academic courses are mostly long and examiner wants to know that the……
One day, it was a cloudy weather, the shop of weapons (armory) was opened and old man having whitish beard was sitting in the shop.……
Using brain is voluntary act. Human tries to understand his environment and have control over his situation. So as compared to the……
Living in a home which has a window to the whole world is really full of excitement and joy. It considers that all the people……
Memory loss is a huge growing concern for many adults. Those who had or are at risk of a stroke or alzheimers disease face the fact……
Okay, so from my last Crazy facts post you learned about some crazy random facts. Here is more facts 26-50. I will be posting more……
Is there a better way to monitor patients who are in a coma? There is! According to scientists at MIT there is a system that can……
Living a comfortable life is very difficult. A lot of challenges and hurdles come on every step of life. To face all these challenges……
Physical work has never made people smarter. What differs us from animals is our brain, the instrument of all creation. That is the……
There are many facts that you may not know. Below are the first twenty five facts I've researched. The next fact part will be posted……
One of the most common myths that we hear about rabbits and mice is that rabbits love carrots and mice love cheese. Well not……
Thinking Skills are some of the most valuable skills you can learn today. The reason is simple. While in the past, people went to……
Quando si parla di "brani immortali" o di "classici senza tempo" in ambito musicale, si fa spesso riferimento a composizioni musicali……
Having a healthy body, and being mentally and physically healthy, helps people to have a better life. These days , people pay……
Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
Think BIG Mastermind mentoring brought to young entrepreneurs from the Young Britain Start Up scheme. ……
One of the most profound stories I can remember ever being told was that of the famous “Boston Crowbar case”, Phineas……
Breakthrough Thinker and International Luxury Brand Strategist, Dr. Bob Deutsch, to Give Keynote Speech at Exclusive Filmmakers Luncheon……