10 Things a Non-Fan Should Know About Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV Series (Spoiler alert!)

Are you a fan of fantasy shows? Do you know about this classic American TV show? If you're not a fan then let me tell you more about……
Are you a fan of fantasy shows? Do you know about this classic American TV show? If you're not a fan then let me tell you more about……
Quando sento la parola "slayer", la prima cosa che mi viene in mente è "Buffy the VampireSlayer", uno dei migliori show televisivi……
When I hear the word "slayer" the first thing that comes to mind is "Buffy the VampireSayer" one of the best television shows of all……
I need to establish a few things before I start to talk about The Avengers. First and foremost, I've been a Joss Whedon fan……