I 2 C or TWI (Two Wire Interface) Programming
Objectives: To program and use the TWI feature of AVR To transmit a character from Master and receive at Slave ATmega16 microcontrollersusing……
Objectives: To program and use the TWI feature of AVR To transmit a character from Master and receive at Slave ATmega16 microcontrollersusing……
Objectives: To program and use the PWM feature of ATmega16 To generate a square wave of 20% duty cycle using PWM feature of……
Objectives: To program and use the ADC feature of ATmega16 Show the lower byte of ADC digital value on Port D and higher byte……
Objectives: To interface the serial port of PC with USART of AVR To learn that how to program ……
#include<iostream>using namespace std;void main(){ int choice, months, pass = 52452, pass1, choice1; ……