Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Autunno/Inverno 2014 a New York: immagini e video

Abbiamo incluso qui di seguito una selezione di immagini e di link ai video corrispondenti per molte delle sfilate della Mercedes-Benz……
Abbiamo incluso qui di seguito una selezione di immagini e di link ai video corrispondenti per molte delle sfilate della Mercedes-Benz……
We've included below a selection of images and the corresponding video links for many of the 2014 Autumn/Winter Mercedes-Benz Fashion……
It's that time of year again, the semi-annual Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week showcasing the Spring 2014 collections will take place in……
Does the new year bring a new look? Not really; it is more a new interpretation of items from the last seasons. 2013 is a wonderful……
The best part of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week for me is pre-show jostling for a space in the riser with the other professional photographers……
We met fashion writer Louie Rodrigues at the Faces of New York Fashion Week VIP event and am excited to have enlisted her talents……