How is artificial intelligence going to change cities?

Image credit: Screenshot of Querlo chat Reading C-Blogs for "bitLanders C-Blogging" prepares me for the upcoming world's changes.……
Image credit: Screenshot of Querlo chat Reading C-Blogs for "bitLanders C-Blogging" prepares me for the upcoming world's changes.……
This is the Part Two of my blog 'Things the Filipinos should Change' and as promised, I will now be continuing what I was writing.……
Photo Source: There are a lot of things Filipinos should change. Being one of the third world countries, Philippines……
Women and power has always been the subject men debunk discussing as often as possible. Whenever suggestions are made that a……
Things change over time, it’s a fact. Our lives change, the things around us change. This isn’t the same world it was……
AFTER 9/11 a new politics emerged with a tremendous loss of lives. Around 2606 people died in twin attacks. US without informing UN……
A question that always has supressed me, i tried everything to solve this riddle, i tried to specify it, isolate it and even more……
",,"Duàà"* "dètà" "hài"* "dìll"* "Aàpkò" *"hàr" "sùkh" *"pànè"*……
you can change your galleries up a little bit when you post them if you want to make them look nice
Yesterday is a thing of the past. Do not be hard on yourself about things you cannot change. The past is past and it's time……
Whatever life gives us... don't give up, be ready to glide and slide to where it takes....
1. You will exercise a lot more One of the things that dogs love the most is walking outside. So if you own a dog you will have to……
BITLANDERS reward/earning : 1 gBM = 1,000 kBM = 1,000,000 BM1 kBM = 1,000 BM 1 gBM = 1,000,000 BM = approximately $1
A new change in #bitlanders has been done, the change is in the accounts and the currency. Bitlanders now offer bm, whereas in the……
Kyaraben (short for “character bento”) are boxed lunches, elaborately arranged to look like characters from popular media.……
Introduction Climate have such an important role in our environmental system that even smallest change can have impacts that……
Let me distract you for a moment and tell you four short stories. These are old stories – familiar stories. The people……
How to measure the performance of company (Image source: Google) Why we need to evaluate the performance of company? (Image source:……
How to start building you own custom Gaming computer ? A Gaming Computer, is basically a personal computer that can……
shaiera as a Social Media Image courtesy of Video courtesy of Md kamrul hasan milon……
Slumbering Info: Tips on how to Acquire This Slumbering Pattern And have A fantastic Times Rest Sleep is essential to a nutritious……
The important thing to understand about life is that change is an essential part of it and that nothing is forever. Being depressed……
Some time before Bitlanders change the payment system,And when we request for payment on Bitalnders then we add email address……
Image courtesy of Election time is near again-oh come on! Don’t be hypocrite. I know, you know……
So a day or two before, the citizens of Islamabad were all wearing light clothes as the weather was quite comfortable. Neither……
So a day or two before, the citizens of Islamabad were all wearing light clothes as the weather was quite comfortable. Neither……
1)Bitcoin and integration with the current system is a insane concept. Considering the very basis is decentralized ……
Kiribati The Republic of Kiribati is spread on three million square kilometers northeast of Australia. It is the first populated area……
We need to hack the system Look at this video, don't forget. #anonymous #activism #hacktivism
That climate change is a fact we participate. A fact as it is also global warming. Events that are living and those who increasingly……
True that. You only live once, so don't waste yourself. Don't give up on yourself. Don't underestimate yourself, you have the power……
GAMEPLAY UPDATE 6.84 GENERAL AoE Bonus Gold component based on Team Net Worth difference reduced by 25% AoE Bonus XP component based……
We may be very picky on our personal things even when it comes to our toothbrush. Personally, before I buy a toothbrush, I look at……
England's mid year could begin off wetter and colder than typical, conveying an end to the warm and dry spring. Climate forecasters……
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one……
Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.……
Man's Body Language can be recorded from the truth and lies || Psychologist The majority of experts agree that whatever we speak the……
Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of……
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one……
The changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than according to the demands of our conscience not from……
I read and walked for miles at night along the beach, writing bad blank verse and searching endlessly for someone wonderful who would……
Sometimes there are some aspects or specific areas in our life that we really want to change but we failed to do so. Perhaps you want……
I may not be aware of the reasons, why I have been facing failures in each and every part of my life. Seems like there wont be any……
I'm saying to be a hero is means you step across the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes always are making a sacrifice.……
For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I……
life is full circle first sad then happy then again sad and so on you can say win or lose then win so on But without effort the life……
This heart criesFor those innocent soulsWho had just tasted theSweetness of lifeWho had just steppedOn the stairs of lifeWho had no……
What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must……
After three weeks of sembreak and of loooong rest (if earning online can be called as rest), school resumes today! Ugh. Here comes……
It was so hard when the death of my father occurred last August 2012. It was so hard when it comes to financial and from all aspects……
I’d love to be a boxer,Met a stern disapproval from my father,who thought my age would make me lighter,and my height would make……
Hey all BitLanders.Today i would like to ask you guys your experience of PS4. I have PS3, and im not that kind of gamer. I mostly……
Change can be terrifying, yet all positive growth and healing requires change. Sometimes you have to find the good in goodbye. Because……
Good Afternoon friends, How are you all. Time is constant and we have to upgrade ourselves all the time. I have one thought came in……
"Sometimes it`s beautiful" "Sometimes it`s painful" "But most of the time it`s both!" I saw this statement on my Facebook wall……
1: اگر آپ نے کسی کا قرضہ نہیں دینا اور اپ کی جیب میں کل پونجی 1089 روپے یا اس……
measure is He Who has given life to all creation. For instance, the sun casts its light upon the objects most fitted for receiving……
Some websites illegally modify your registry editor and set their website as default home page, for stop this, 1. Right-click on the……
How to change background of image using Photoshop Photoshop is vast software for the photo editing; you can change the background……
The main technique used to manage an organization, with regards to its human resources, is the management of change. It is bringing……
you are to be with me when i am sad,a major who feel so long i have lost,that lucky GOD give a gift to me.thank you so much .i love……
The Mosque was full of Muslims at Maghrib Prayer. There were 10 to 12 rows of people who came to offer the last prayer of holy month……
When I logged into Film annex yesterday I was surprised to see the Bitlanders logo instead of Film annex. I was really confused with……
It has been a very long time since I last used this site, I was very busy with a lot of work that I will be sharing with you all very……
To deny the importance of education is like that pigeon which closes his eyes when he sees cat is coming towards him, today no one……
Physical feature also change like other things in the world. However, this change is usually very low, and therefore it is sometimes……
You Can get what you want…… but How? You can make your Dreams come true. You can get all those things that you……
Changes in life are inevitable. One who accepts them and changes with them is the one who succeeds in life. There are instances in……
ELECTRONIC MEDIA IS SPREADING Nowadays both electronic and press media has a large influence on our lives.It can definitely effect……
VPN (Virtual Private Network) technologies lets a pc using a new public Connection to the internet join an exclusive network by way……
In the wake of BitPay’s success in raising a record $30 million in a financing round led by venture capital group, Richard Branson,……
Working and having activities which are the aims to have a prosperous life is appreciable, especially for the holly duties for country……
Change background of image in photo shop step 1. open photo shop, click on file click on "Open" and open the image from folder whose……
This has been a quite turbulent week for me. In preparing to do "Afghanistoons" with Edward Zellem (see, I got your name right,……
Life is a journey. For your existence, you have to keep on moving. Likewise in travelling on road, you find signals in the……
Sources of Motivational Energy You have……
5th April was the day of presidential and provincial council elections, which all Afghans above eighteen years welcomed this national……
As we know that television play a very important role in our life. And without it we can not get lots of information that are change……
The average temperature of earth is gradually rising day by day; it has change the climate of earth. The earth is getting warmer with……
People like to think they are born a certain way, that their nature, intelligence, personality, morals and more are deep-rooted, even……
Computer is an electronic machine which accept data processing it and give result and also store it . Functions of computer are accepting……
TRICKS OF GETTING A GOOD JOB PART 6 (Last Part) Competence: ……
Today we see that world has become a global village people are going to a modern life from a traditional and cultural traits and they……
Today my topic is information technology and its relation with country. If we talked about the top technology of the whole World,……
Complaining is considered normal by most of people , because of stresses and problems in life that most of people are fighting against……
Its the story of a girl who was living life in a village named DOBORI is located in a region of FATA, Upper Orakzai Pakistan. ……
Since over the creation of this universe a fight has been going between God saton, between good and evil, between right and wrong.……
Family is a persion word which means community of men, women, and their children. Before we talk about family in Islam we are going……
As you know the young’s making backbones and basic of a country,the health of any society is belong to the health of young of……
First of all I have a question that what is the paper recycling mean? The paper recycling is a process, which old papers changes to……
Being far away from home on the special days are really hard, especially when all your heart is with your family thousand miles away,……
On 16-Nov-2013 Women's Annex participated in 4th Afghan Contemporary Art Prize 2013 at Baghe Babour in Kabul, Afghanistan.……
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the direction I’ve taking with the brand Chick Wrestler®. I developed……
We are the results of our thoughts and actions, if we think positively, if we are successful in our mind, we are successful in this……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
Those were his words, while listening to those words I felt a thrill coming through me, I felt I can move mountains, I can break rocks,……
The important decision that I had in my life was about my major in university. When I was child I wanted to be a filmmaker. I know……
When people with a fixed mindset are confronted with a difficult problem and experience early failure, they attribute that failure……
Stop looking at women in Afghanistan as victims rather view them as the leaders that they truly are. The women in Afghanistan……
With the embrace of social media across the world, the number of different social networks has increased highly as well, five years……
All we know that Afghanistan passed war and couldn’t improve in different parts like art, culture, business, economic and etc.……
Democracy is called the best form of the is true almost all the world is benefitting from it. With the exception of……
Robots are and have been taking over jobs. Now what? According to Wired Magazine, automation creates hundreds or millions of……
Introduction: In our first interview with Afghan-Canadian recording artist and pop star……
Let this fact resonate in your mind for a bit. According to the Huffington Post, 87% of Afghan women have experienced violence……
Generally most of us are worry before exam, basically our reasonable fear help and motivate us, but too much anxiety will cause problems,……
Today, I am missing someone or something. When I woke up this morning, I was thankful because I didn’t start my day with terrible……
Imagine knowing your car will tell the world if a thief steals your car and never having to go to the DMV or any motor vehicle……
Washington Metro’s “phantom planter”, who planted hundreds of flowers at the Metro Transit System received……
If you are a casual or a hardcore cinemagoer, I guess you’ve seen that advert. The dusty unused cinema seats and the people……
Introduction: When friends first told me about a brilliant, hip Afghan-Canadian female pop singer who was winning……
I was always a huge Malcolm Gladwell fan and I have to say his some of his greatest works are Blink: The Power of Thinking Without……
One night I was scrolling through films on TV, looking for something that may teach me something legitimate, so I went to the documentary……
Beatbox: the art of vocal music that has been uprising in culture coming up within the latter half of the past century,……
KANYE AND KIM’S NORTH WEST CAN CHANGE HER DIRECTION Celebrities are always under keen scrutiny and under watchful eye……
Climate change otherwise known as global warming is the topic of discussion for any individuals who vaguely care for the sustainability……
Introduction: In Part One of our interview with Khatera Yusufi, we talked about her international media career, her fame……
Our creative capacity is not entirely dependent on that of our parents – and theirs from their own parents and so on –……
Rape is not just a normal felony. It's a crime of its own kind that should be assessed and judged separately from any other offense.……
by: KEELY-SHEA SMITH “So I look at beauty and I think of young girls. Beautiful,” said Ashley Arbaugh, model scout and……
In Astrology, we are lead to believe, changes in our lives are in direct correlation to changes in the stars, planets and universe. ……
I have been doing posts on Afghanistan since almost a year now. And, it gives me great pleasure to read about the this new face of……
Perhaps it is mere coincidence, but as the wealth gap has grown in the US and middle class real income has lagged, the overall US……
September 17, 2012 will be the first anniversary since Occupy Wall Street, but this Saturday in Moscow may be the next big……
Perception: Marriage or Divorce, but Sharing a Bed is No Longer Working for Eurozone? George Soros in effect projects German policy……
When we are children we all dream of what we'll become when we grow up. But some of us from very early on know that we are destined……
Could it be that criminal gangs are becoming a threat to the world’s glaciers as well as climate change? In Chile police are currently……
New online database launched today by the UN will showcase successful strategies that businesses and communities are using to adapt……