Partnerships and easily integrated services will power the next era of business collaboration, according to Box's chief executive.……
Partnerships and easily integrated services will power the next era of business collaboration, according to Box's chief executive.……
GIV.NYC – The #GivingTuesday with New York Style Image Source: GIV.NYC Website On December 1, 2015, the New Yorker will have……
One of the Hip Hop singer 'Snoop Dogg' gives leaks new song with Pharrell Williams collaboration through video uploads. News reported……
Recently I was proud to share with you all the news that Left of the Border Films Collaboration Four had been selected for……
Well, this one is to give props again for the people that teamed up to work on the videoclip I reminded you of yesterday, 'Untouchable'.……
Those of you who read my blogs and follow me on Film Annex will know that alongside my photography work I produce experimental……
Hello fellow Film Annexers! Firstly I’d like to apologise for my recent absence on Film Annex. It’s been a busy……
Carles Puyol, Barcelona soccer team captain will be isolated at the end of the current season from the team. Barcelona's Spanish……
Film Annex is an online media that create an online space that gives its users the opportunity to filmmakers, authors and also those……
The world is changing all around us. To continue to thrive as a business over the next ten years and beyond, we must look ahead, understand……
Islam mentioned 20 tips that bring friendship between people and make them friends, which are: 1. Telling……
A non-profit organization founded by expedition leader Chris Fischer, the Ocearch mission is collaborative research……
I'm fortunate enough to work with a team of people, with varying skills, on a daily basis and I find that this makes me want to push……
Work continues (albeit slowly) on my new Left of the Border Films Collaboration project. The last time I discussed this project……
Left of the Border Films Collaboration Four has found me working with The Wyrding Module (Christopher Gladwin, he of Team Doyobi……
Happily and proudly, I have recently completed the third in my Left of the Border Films collaboration series. Left of the Border……
Recently through an earlier blog I gave details of future Left of the Border Films collaborations that I will be releasing for a limited……
Праздник! В Барнауле изготовили бутерброд из пяти литров меда, восьми килограмм……
Яичница или омлет - это прекрасная белковая трапеза для тех, кто только……
Человеку важно чувствовать, что его любят! Необходимо найти хоть чуточку……
Деньги из ничего – это работа разума или наитие, воля случая? Деньги из……
Человеческий организм способен творить чудеса: без еды пятьдесят суток,……
Что смертельно для человека, то для животных может не представлять никакой……
Только папа может вместе с детьми стоять на голове, валяться по полу, бить……
В пёстрой палитре фестивалей иногда встречаются особенно яркие, удивительные……
На планете около полутора тысяч съедобных насекомых - источник протеина……
This piece is my second collaboration with the talented Jan Los - www.janpl.com - under the Left of the Border Films name.……
Человек удивительное существо. И каждая часть нашего организма незаменима.……
Мы будем обязательно успешными завтра! Если найдём себе место среди роботов……
Пин-ап на советскую тему – это искусство небывалое и никому не нужное,……
In continuation with efforts for reform and development in regard to procurement in Afghanistan, an assessment of Public Procurement……
Радость солнца - это теплые картины от китайской художницы Линг Шу, детские,……
A large part of making a film is working with other people. Very rarely will you be able to make film by yourself. There are too many……