Laptop Buying Guide: Things To Look For When Buying a Laptop

Laptop Buying Guide: Things To Look For When Buying a Laptop Photo credit: - Edition by Amber255 via……
Laptop Buying Guide: Things To Look For When Buying a Laptop Photo credit: - Edition by Amber255 via……
A Guide on How to Choose a Right Graphics Card For the Computer Photo credit: - Edition by Amber255 via……
Generation of the computer (1) First Generation Computer Time Period : ……
Image Source: Hello! my fellow Bitlanders! It is been a long time since I have written any article for you.……
Hello everyone! Photo Credits: As you all know that I am a student of Computer Engineering,……
Image Credits: Technology and advancement is the best game ever played by the human. Every day is……
Hello, bitlanders fellows! Image Credits: This year 2018 is very dear to me as it brings many revolutions……
Image Credits: Laptops have been around for many years. They have gone through several stages of development. Long……
♥ Technology ♥ A thing which creates an ease for human is known as Technology. 21st century, the age……
This is to remind everyone that we must avoid phishing emails, fake 'virus' alerts, phony support calls, and other scams. Below……
Computer is a very useful machine in our life... but it takes bad place in our life .. we spent our mast time on computer
I. Computer KnowledgeLiteracy of computer knowledge and internet play important role to adopt the e-Government services. This factor……
Hello everyone, just is my second blog in bitlanders, if some of you did not read my first blog then i will suggest you to take a……
This is my first post, and I will be giving a recommendation for you on the 10 Best PC games with full specifications. Select 10 games……
Kadang kita sering kesal apabila komputer kita lambat atau lemot, dan anda kebingungan untuk bisa mengatasinya , karena mungkin……
Muhammad Raza is not your everyday 11 year old boy. While his peers go to school, play cricket and scrape the occasional knee, Raza……
The wireless or Wi-Fi connection links the camera to your cell phone and/or computer without a tangled mess of cords. You can, therefore,……
If you wanna get free money and prizes, you have to register here:……
In olden times, the means of communication and transportation were so poor and slow that it took weeks and months to travel and convey……
Computer Store BD is one best electronics store provide wide range of products at best price. If you Looking to buy New Computer or……
It’s for WhatsApp users and WhatsApp lovers. WhatsApp now publish a desktop version of its mobile WhatsApp for the desktop users……
How to hang the disktop that all the icons stop working even the user will not be able to click on it. First step is to goto disktop……
What if we were all a part of a computer game kind of like the sims? Meaning all our actions are made by people playing the game.……
If you delete recycle bin on your computer, where does it go? Photo Credit: Own
I really hate that I want to play on the computer, but I want to play on my PS3, but I really want to play Pokemon, but I really want……
You know you'll never restart the computer when it asks you to.
Computers don’t make mistakes, as suck, but they can make errors. When your laptop crashes, it has gone into an error condition……
What are main topics in computer science?
So, I accidentally deleted an important photo, and my recycle bin is disabled. I really want that photo back, I need to find……
package example; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * * Java program to demonstrate different……
“A good metaphor is something even the police should keep an eye on.” – G.C. Lichtenberg Although the brain-computer……
After playing this masterpiece of a game,investing almost 100 hours,creating 2 chars i was thinking to review the game.First……
Custom weapon king is a game where player use and weapon building interface that provides many pre-built primary parts to be attached……
CHAPTER NO: 1 INTRODUCTION The definition of education in common usage, that education is merely the delivery of knowledge, skills……
Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility,……
Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility,……
Istilah komputer (computer) diambil dari bahasa latin yaitu computare yang berarti menghitung (to compute atau reckon). Kemudian diadaptasi……
Programming language theory[edit]Main article: Programming language theoryProgramming language theory is a branch of computer science……
A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmedto carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically.……
A computer is basically a machine that performs two basic functions: running very quickly a sequence of instructions (a program) and……
Computer plays a very important role in oSoftwareur daily made our life so much easy and reliable as it contains fastest sending……
Source: Screen Shoot Hi Friends i am @mian-mehmood, as……
Alright so everyone has heard of the grand father paradox right?If not here is how it goes (Well in my verison)... A boy hates his……
C++ (pronounced as cee plus plus, /ˈsiː plʌs plʌs/) is a general-purpose programming language.……
Classification Of Computer Computer is Classification in to following main. categories on the basic of size performance……
What is a projector? A projector might be best considered as an altered camera, spitting light out of a lens instead of accepting……
How to start building you own custom Gaming computer ? A Gaming Computer, is basically a personal computer that can……
/* C++ program to check whether a number is prime or not. */ #include <iostream>using namespace std; int main(){ int n, i, flag=0;……
Bootable USB Have an previous USB get resting all-around you don't employ ever again? Transform it in to the running deploy hard drive……
Computer ScienceSr. No. Core Areas Percentage 1. Programming Fundamentals 06%2. Object Oriented Paradigm 05%3. Discrete Structures……
General Research Areas in Advanced Operating Systems: 1. Operating Systems architecture and structures (pros, cons, enhancements,……
Earn at Home through Computer Hello friends Like me there would be millions of persons wanting to earn from home and who got negligible……
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. © Albert Einstein * * * * * Anybody can become angry - that is……
Advance Happy New Year-2016 Image-source,,, Each 12 months you set new desires for your self. In case you’re like……
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Hey bitLander's . Hope all of you'll be fine. Today i'm writing on a individual He's my ideal All of you recognize him as a result……
This is how to update avira anti virus offline, please see the video.
(Image source: Interbrand is a brand adviser or consultancy which provides valuation of brands, strategical operation……
It's being highly noticed that people want to work their computer working all the time, but they have to switched it off for……
A new technology called Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) promises connections up to 100 times faster than Wi-Fi. According to researchers, the……
Now you Can Earn real money in hom with out any invest in home and learn complete computer free Programing designing typing Online……
Now you Can Earn real money in hom with out any invest in home and learn complete computer free Programing designing typing Online……
Image courtesy of Image courtesy of As an online writer that embraces the reason for it, it……
1. Computer Hardware Components 2. Computer Hardware components Motherboard CPU Keyboard Mouse RAM Monitor Floppy……
Creating a computer program requires knowledge of one or more programming languages, as well as other considerations. This page does not provide step by step instructions for creating a program, as the steps differ depending on the type of program being created and the programming language used to create it.……
this is the code for my first little application { class Program { static void……
IMAGE: Finally after almost 10 years, the computer that I'm using just ceased to function……
A major in computer science and programming opens many lucrative doors. Many of these students become software engineers and programmers……
By the word "Gaming" here I am talking about computer/console gaming.The word Gaming=the playing of games that simulate actual conditions……
Computers can be divided into three types.This division depends upon the design and working of a computer which differs on……
Computer game Advancement - Exactly what Could Perhaps Be Coming? A PC game is a video game that is used a computer just like it is……
I have avira antivir personal in my computer.And i scan my computer easily.This anitvir automatic catch the virus and then informed……
Computer game Evolution - Just what Could Perhaps Be Coming? A COMPUTER video game is a video game that is played on a computer system……
Video Video game Development - Exactly what Could Possibly Be Coming? A COMPUTER video game is a game that is played on a computer……
Computer game Development - What Could Potentially Be Coming? A COMPUTER game is a video game that is used a computer much like it……
First of all you should make a folder and rename it as 'my'.Move all your files on that folder and place it on desktop.Also Move a……
Russian researcher known as the “Dark Purple” in the online world. He, along with his colleagues from his workplace, created……
Russian researcher known as the “Dark Purple” in the online world. He, along with his colleagues from his workplace, created……
Russian researcher known as the “Dark Purple” in the online world. He, along with his colleagues from his workplace, created……
If you are willing to buy a new computer then you should have to acknowledge some points before buying it. 1.First of all you have……
Mouse: ……
Registers: ……
good position bad position
call from pc to mobile
If you are a professional architect or an architecture student that is looking for ways to make your work in designing much easier,……
Acelerar el acceso a los programas Aunque su equipo disponga de suficiente memoria RAM y pueda trabajar con varios programas……
Hello my visitors this blog to you see my teching videos by computer ok let's Go first introduction form computer A computer is a……
The Razer Firefly has me thinking about the role of the mousepad in modern computing. Why do we use mousepads? Sure, I know why we……
For a couple years I've been blaming it on lack of sleep and too much pressure from my job, but now I found out the real reason:……
Since the advent of the first computer different types and sizes of computers are offering different services. Computers can be as……
Dad writes on son's Facebook wall: "Dear Son, How are you? All are fine here. We miss you a lot. PLEASE! TURN……
Hello everyone :) , How's everything ? . today i'm gonna compare mp3 with flac , which it's better ? , before saying which it's……
This article is brought to you in association with LG Optimus 2X If you thought your PC was fast, wait until you see what Tianhe-1A……
What is a computer? A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability……
A laptop isn’t just a computer - it’s your entertainment, education, social life and business. The perfect laptop makes……
For a couple years I've been blaming it on lack of sleep and too much pressure from my job, but now I found out the real reason:……
Window 7 is the best window for my computer.If window 7 is not installed in your computer,Immediately install window 7 in your……
Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the……
If you want to build your own supercomputer so you can do all kinds of stuff, this is the cheap board for your nodes. A scalable alternative……
Computers make it possible for a mathematical proof to run as long as several thousand full-length novels combined. But human beings……
Method Stop all unneeded background processes. Look at the right corner of your Taskbar, to the left of the time,date,……
Mark 1 was developed in 1941 at the university of pennysilvania.. it weighed more then 5 tons and use 15000 vaccum tubes
OMG this game are crazy, Awesome effects!!
I always suffered from lower back, shoulder, and neck pains due to long computer usage until I learned about ergonomics. It's a big……
Computer graphics are pictures and movies created using computers - usually referring to image data……
I was approached by our neighbor, a teacher, complaining that her important documents in her USB flash drive can not be seen in the……
INTRODUCTION Today I'm gonna review the UseTitan GPT Webite Software Script in In-depth Review of the, I would say, Top-notch……
There are hundreds of people who have major contributions to the field of computing. The following sections detail the primary……
Today i will show the properties of my desktop pc. Its 2nd generation core I3 with 4Gb ram. and you are susrprised to see that i have……
Since the discovery of the world's safest computers were at risk. Photo: File Tel Aviv: defense agencies, banks and other……
Hi my name is Joseph "Arachnid Bytes" I have a passion for knowledge and am dedicated to sharing it with my colleagues in science.……
Greetings fellow BitLanders! So as some of you might know, the past few weeks have been like a roller coaster with my computer issues.……
Well, my actual computer is literally a beast. It has: - Intel Core i5 4690 - 8GB of RAM - 2TB of HDD - Windows 8.1 - GTX 780 Ti (NVIDIA)……
Becoming a computer cam expert is frequently seen as a lifestyle. It is something which you should adopt in your life in numerous……
Learning about bitLanders hyped me because of the thought of earning. Socializing while earning is a jackpot for me rather than……
I'm a programmer and yet I currently don't have one. I did back when I was in college but both my laptop and desktop have gone down……
Computer is a electronic machine that is also called an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form,……
Whether you are at home or at work, having a fast and efficient Internet connection is a vital component of your daily life. Slow……
Basically, computers work by taking commands and giving feedback: input and output. The hardware in the computer takes the input from……
A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical……
Computer Era – Where we going ? Since the invention of the first electronic computer, ENIAC, in 1946, the world……
gd morning friends
I couldn't figure out as to why my desktop computer just stopped suddenly. I was still using it and was bitlanding as well as working……
Computer troubleshooting-allow you to repair your personal computer at home. However, fixing your computer needs, your self……
More memory doesn’t always mean better performance – in fact, you may need less RAM than you think. Darien Graham-Smith……
I am always jealous of those online tutorials which covers their desktop activity with voice over as well. It makes studying stuff……
"A computer program, or just a program, is a sequence of instructions, written to perform a specified task with a computer.……
Computer has opened up an endless variety of leisure. Browsing on Internet, net chatting , playing games on computer are the……
A Protecting Computer With Browsing Increasing We are all more or less concerned with the Liquor computer. You can be assured that……
You may need to change to an alternate distributed storage administration — maybe moving to Microsoft's Onedrive to get that……
The developments in computer science have revolutionized the world history and what we once heard in fiction now has been materialized……
NOA H42 Dual SIM Model V1277 Dual SIM Cards Dual Standby Unlocked 2G GSM 800/850/1800/1900MHz 3G:WCDMA/HSUPA……
In this article today i share that how to solve computer shutdown problem.. The most common computer problem is the computer shutdown……
Hello friends, what’s up! In this article I like to share with you something. I think you all like this article. Once……
What is mechatronics engineering? - Mechatronics definition. Mechatronics is a synergistic combination of precision engineering,……
(NewsUSA) - Buying a new computer's always a thrill -- but sooner or later, your fast new machine will start to act like a clunker.……
Hard disk is medium data storage on a computer that consists of a collection of magnetic hard disks and spinning, as well as other……
Computers combine knowledge with pleasure. Play is a naturally method of learning about something. Most of the computers programs……
How to earn good money by using your own computer? Earning money by using your own computer is very easy. You have two ways of earning……
Therefore, exactly what will your house office require? Let's have a look. Office Table and Office……
GO to Start Click > Run > type ; system.ini > EnterYou'll get one notepad file like this, Then you see this :; for 16-bit……
Which operating system is best for you? Have you ever tried other operating system which didn't came with your computer? Do you know……
(NewsUSA) - As technology advances, more of our lives take place on our computers. Work presentations, legal documents, personal……
Computer Virus Classification is easy when you understand the different types.A Computer Virus is a term used to generically identify……
Buy electronic products, ranging from computers, photocopy machines, printers, air conditioners, until the lights are labeled "energy……
you can visit to my blog :D
Cách đây mới hơn chục năm trước có lẽ không ai là không biết trò chơi……
Microsoft has officially announced Windows 10, not Windows 9 like most people were expecting. It looks……
Different memories are used by computer for storing data. These are following. RAM It is known as random access memory. It is non……
Hi, how are you? Here you can find many ways to earn money online! Check one of the ways below: GUIDE (WORKS ONLY WITH FIREFOX) 1.……
VLC is a video player with a lot of tricks. While you definitely would be aware about converting videos with it, the feature……
"Computer technology" and "Computer system" redirect here. For the company, see Computer Technology Limited. For other uses,……
A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer. The husband puts, "Mypenis," and the wife falls on the……
Tareef: computer electronic machine ha jo masla hl krnay k lia istmall hote ha jis k mtabic hm os ko hidayat detay han.……
It is an age of modern world. We have to gain knowledge about the whole things which make the world modern. For this purpose we have……
A computer is an electronic device used to solve problem according to the set of insruction given to it. A computer consists……
Technology has become perhaps the greatest agent of change in the modern world. While never without risk, positive technological breakthroughs……
Computer is your true friend. Computer help you when you are in problem. When you feel's nerves in your body so you play game……
Having battery life problems on your Windows 8.1 laptop? These tips will help you squeeze the most juice out of your battery ……
Just to share information about the 20 Best Browser For PC. For cyberspace activities must not be separated from this one tool that……
Computer Science is the investigative and pragmatic methodology to calculation and its applications. It is the deliberate investigation……
It happens one day out of the blue. You sit down to use your computer and turn it on, but instead of being greeted by a warm welcome……
Recently i managed to find a free animation software that works similarly to adobe flash. Giotto I installed it without any problems……
Computer is derived from the word computer which means compute. In early age the people use abacus to calculate. Chinese invent the……
Inventions is building something new that make our life easy. in the world there are billions of Inventions that save our time and……
Purchasing computer can be a big and costly decision. Below is a listing of helpful suggestions what to ask when……
TCP/IP and OSI Model TCP/IP Protocol Suite n Host-to-network : Physical and data link layer ¨ No specific protocol……
Computer is a human invention that man is a thinking man's brain, which shows we……
1 : Delete cookies and temporary files from your internet browser frequently 2 : Run your antivirus at least once a week to……
Computer serves as man Part 3 It is used in post offices, offices……
Dell computers is now the largest online retailer accepting Bitcoin payments. Dell teamed up with coinbase to accept……
Computer in the service of man. Science has revolutionized the life of modern man. Scientific inventions……
Buy yourself a computer with bitcoin! is now accepting bitcoin as a payment option, making it one of the largest names……
GLOBAL SPYING (TRANSLATION) Few days’ earlier American resources disclosed that during the government of Pakistan People’s……
The revolution, civil war and years of fighting in our country Afghanistan, made more people to leave their homes and immigrate to……
COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE (Part 2 Final) Computer Software When we want to give the some instructions to the computer……
COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE (Part-1) Computer hardware and software both are very important, because The HW needs SW to be……
Computer.. Computer is an electronic device that use for solve various problems according ……
Pharmacy in a chip: Imagine a drugstore that fits on a dime;that's one potential application for controlled release micro-chip invented.……
A computer is an electronic device meant for automatic and swift processing of data through a range of software applications. The……
Computer is very important in today's life and it play a vital role in our daily life. Basically the computer is very wast field.……
DIFFERENT TYPES OF COMPUTERS Now-a-day Computer play a main role in our life, computer helps the human in every field by making……
COMPUTERS BASICS PARTS The computer is very useful and helpful in today’s life because it helps us……
an Afghan company has started manufacturing and assembling computers and components, with big plans for the future.Blue Sonic is a……
As in the Previous blog i told u about phishing requires mind skills. You need to convince the victim to log in to the fake page .……
Phishing is the most modern way and the Simplest way to hack a Facebook account . In phishing fake pages are used also called as "spoofed……
What is a a computer? Computer is an electronic machine made by different types of mechanical chips. It is one of the most popular……
Today we are living in the modern world of the technologies where computer and internet is one of the best and latest technologies.……
If anything online makes me uncomfortable, I will tell my parents. ……
The present-day electronic computer was developed during the 20th century. During this time computers began to run on electrical power.……
Computer is a machine that can help us in counting things and in calculating large amounts of matters in few seconds. We can use it……
The abacus The scholars believe that the earliest known form of the computer that ever existed in history is the abacus. It features……
Computer is a great invention. In this age it become the need of every common man. In its early time as its name, it is only a computing……
History of computers: part 2: In 1st part history of computers was upto 1969 and now its on 1969. In 1970 Intel comes to the screen……
History of computers: The word “computer ” was first used in 1613 and it was referred to the people who performed calculations……
Computers: What is computer? Computer is a machine that take input from a user process that input and gives consists……
Some people believe that doing same things is better than trying new things, according to their views of point someone who deals with……
Folding@Home Folding@home è un progetto degli scienziati della Stanford University volto ad analizzare il complesso processo……
Folding@Home Folding@home is a project by Stanford University scientists that analyzes the complex process of protein folding.……
You will need to set up your email system before you can start to use it. This is normally a straightforward set of on screen instruction,……
WHAT IS COMPUTER? The computer is an electronic machine which changes data (input) into useful information (output). According to……
A lot of development has been seen in the means of information. Communication has become very easy by satellite. Satellite has taken……
Eccomi a casa mia! Oggi a Firenze è davvero una bella giornata. Questi sono i vantaggi di abitare in piena campagna.……
MEANS OF COMMUNICATION Replace of information with one an additional is called communication. There has been considerable expansion……
a computer is a machine that can be programmed to accept data process data into useful information and store it for later use. a computer……
Computer is the best invention for the humans.It is a electronics device.In the earlier of time the computer is so large and expensive……
Media is a mean of communication and information. There are two sources of media first is print and the second is electronic media.……
最近我和弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli) 拜访了中央皇后区特许学校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,简称CQA),于2014年才成立的中央皇后区特许学校是纽约市第一所针对亚裔移民学生需求而设立的免费公立初中,学校由华人创办,华人担任校长。大约有60〜75%为非英语系的家庭,其中大约有85%高度贫困的学员享有免费或减免的待遇。这所学校的重要核心价值就是素养,包括数位素养(digital……
最近我和弗朗切斯科魯利(Francesco Rulli) 拜訪了中央皇后區特許學校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,簡稱CQA),於2014年才成立的中央皇后區特許學校是紐約市第一所針對亞裔移民學生需求而設立的免費公立初中,學校由華人創辦,華人擔任校長。大約有60〜75%為非英語系的家庭,其中大約有85%高度貧困的學員享有免費或減免的待遇。這所學校的重要核心價值就是素養,包括數位素養(digital……
Di recente Francesco Rulli ed io abbiamo visitato la Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA), una scuola media……
Recently Francesco Rulli and I visited Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA) which is a tuition-free public charter middle……
In this blog we talk about storage media of computer that store our data for large time in a disc that is called storage media. Media……
Today we talk about the types of dos command and their uses in this blog. there are two main commands that are work in the dos command.……
Everyday, we can notice the frantic search for new technology devices: computer are old after some months, cellphones after a week.……
RAM is stands for random access memory. It is temporary and read and write memory . Random access memory are used in the computer……
Computer are work on input and output commands that we give to the computer with some devices that are called input and output devices.……
Computer is an electronic machine which accept data processing it and give result and also store it . Functions of computer are accepting……
A computer is an electronic machine which process many programs at a time. It is a systematic machine which is use for so many calculations……
Here is a thought for you………. What is the greatest computer MAC & PC?How about the huge mainframe computer……
Human brain and computer:- The human brain is more complex than a computer....... Brain:- The vastly complicated network of brain……
Today i m talk about the human brain qualities with the computer qualities. We know that man has come up with countless inventions,……
Now my topic is computer crimes that seem to be an increasing problem in today's society, our government try to make control of information……
A hacker is a person obsessed with computers. At the heart of the obsession is a drive master the computer.It is only recently that……
Today, i am going to discuss the specifications of a very amazing brand of Q mobile. As we know that Q mobile is one of the best mobile……
Perhaps the greatest Invention of the 20th century is the computer. It is high leap forward in the field of science. A computer is……
The Age of Reason and Enlightenment immediately ushered into the Age of Revolutions that brought with it drastic political upheavals……
15 or 20 years ago people chose a day for reading book and that day they gathered together and one of them read book and others used……
Today my topic is information technology and its relation with country. If we talked about the top technology of the whole World,……
ما چرا از کامپیوتر استفاده میکنم ؟ همان طور که میدانید امروزه جهان با پیشرفت……
M Y L I F E. My name is Sharafat Sheikh, I was born……
New technology makes life interesting and prosperous. Fortunately new technologies were welcomed by most……
Email (or electronic mail) is simply the term used to describe any letters sent from one computer to another using the internet. It……
I am living in Multan for studying Engineering in civil . I study this degree in a private institute . The name of this institute……
فوتبال ورزش مهیج، زیبا و پرطرفدار در دنیا است که از جمله ورزش های گروهی به……
انتخابات و 2014 ، واژه های که درین سالها بارها و بارها آن را شنیده اید. سر و……
زمستان فصلیست که با فرارسیدن آن مکاتب و دانشگاه ها در افغانستان به سبب……
The keyboard is one of the thing is to use with computer as the primary input device of the computer. It is use for entering……
Computer Mouse And It’s Types Mouse is a pointing device which is used with computer as a pointing device. It give input to……
Comprehension means understanding something in all aspects. Most of us do not fully understand what we read. In order to be a good……
Marcia says that all of her friends have a cell phone, but Marcia’s mom doesn’t want to buy her one. Marcia’s mom……
The modern fountain pen was invented by Lewis Edison waterman in 1889 and technology hasn’t looked back since waterman created……
(Director Spike Jonze - IMDB image) Even before becoming a filmmaker, I've been watching movies for the last 20 years with a pretty……
Herat is one of the beautiful and historical cities of Afghanistan with different accent and kind people. Although, Herat is one of……
خانواده کوچکترین اما مهمترین اجتماع بشری است که در شخصیت پذیری و شخصیت گیری……
,Dear students The girls were waiting for their results patiently, when they passed their examinations. Fortunately they got their……
زمستان با شب یلدایش از راه رسید، شب یلدای که برای بعضی ها گرم و خاطره انگیز……
در حقیقت نفس عبارت از گرایش است، خوب و بد آن بستگی به نوع آن و طرز دید ما نسبت……
WHAT IS A COMPUTER Computer is an electronic machine which changes the data into useful information Or: Computer is……
Nowadays so many organizations are working for education and empowerment of women all over the world and are serious about this issue.……
:Dear students The final examinations of the students in Houz-e-Karbas high school finished during the last week. They passed their……
I am Student of Graduation and I study in Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan. ISP has become the famous and popular university of……
It’s eleven years since international community have come to Afghanistan and we are the witness of development in different fields,……
La scorsa settimana io ed Adriana ci siamo recate alla scuola Mano Amiga di Chalco; Adriana è l'amica che mi ha presentato Film……
Today Science is very fast and it is century of machines. All machines have important part of human life. In these machines,……
Last week Adriana and I went to Mano Amiga of Chalco School, Adriana is my friend who introduced me to Film Annex and she have not……
Is it really hard to answer who can build the peace? No, it is too easy. Peace isn't a dream, everybody can make it and catch it.……
همه میدانیم که خلاقیت است که به زندگی رنگ دیگری می بخشد، آرزو ها را به حقیقت……
At the beginning no one can deny that we are living the victories and the revolution of the technology. And in this point I want everyone……
زمان از جمله نعمت های پروردگار است که از آن باید با برنامه ریزی دقیق و همه……
از آنجائیکه انسان یک موجود اجتماعی است و همواره معاشرت و همنشینی با دیگران……
Will the electric vehicle known as the segway alter the ways that individuals get around? Dean kamer, the inventor of the segway,……
لعل من أهم الأمور التي تشغل بال أصحاب الأجهزة الإلكترونية المختلفة (هواتف,……
Herat female students are now not only taking English and computer courses, but they learn how to use internet as well. More important,……
Today’s world is the world of digital literacy, target thinking, and internet. The main reason of the success of the developed……
According to me the difference between a human brain and a computer is can be expressed in single word complexity. The mammalian brain……
When we think of crazy people we usually think of someone with a billion piercings or someone daring enough to climb Mount Everest……
In the changing world, the education role is getting highlighted more and more every day. Stable Development needs knowledge and educated……
I remember listening to the NPR radio station at one point in time and hearing about the new ventures of I always……
Hi everyone,with this blog I have the intention to publish various posts about the present and the future of the Information Technology……
Hey there friends, let me tell you my story I am a high school student who is good at academics and I think i have good creativity……
I saw her about 8 years ago in the Herat computer science faculty for the first time. In that time she was a senior. Fereshteh Forough and……
Afghan citadel پہلا ادارہ ہے جو کہ IT کے شعبہ میں معروف عمل ہےاور اس کی ملکیت……
In Afghanistan women and men did not have always the same opportunities therefore women didn’t……
This is my very first time finding an educational work place like……
In 2001, no one was aware of internet in Afghanistan. Since then the internet started, and thousands of people entered and are getting……
The Examer is a vocational and education software which connects students to the world of business. The Examer improves the education……
World Wide Web is a world of technology, educational library, latest new methodologies, news and etc… These are all now available……
Afghan citadel is the first women-owned business company that works in information technology in Afghanistan. The company has been……
Roya Mahboob is an Afghan woman who has never thought about being in the list of most influential people in Time’s 100……
The students of Baqh Nazargha high school are very happy from Afghan Citadel and Film Annex to they are providing these safe……
Somiza azimi is happy to teach the student with information technology beside of that the student are helping and like her teach.……
Teaching of student with information technology is in process in Hoze-karbas high school. The students become more interest to the……
The procedure of registering and learning student with Online Examination system (Examer) is in progress. Haida Tawakol is going to……
The schools opened in the most of Afghanistan’s province with starting of Nowruz. The students are going to their schools and……
The Afghan Citadel computer training is continued in the Hatifi high school. As Hatifi High school is one of the biggest schools of……
March Eighth is equal to International Women's Day, which is usually celebrated with conferences and different programs all around……
Hatfi high school is one of the olden schools of Herat and has more than 8300 student in 4 shifts from female and male. Afghan……
Afghan citadel Software Company and Film Annex are starting IT training courses for school which under cover of these companies. These……
Hoze Karbas School is a little far away from City and it’s located in Hoze-Karbas district. In that location the training courses……
Afghanistan has improved in all angles since the last ten years, and education is one of those angles of improvement. Tawab is a 45-year-……
Citadel Team in Herat has tried to register more students into the Examer in Alisher Nawaie High School. Our registration number in……
Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, United States, is now operating ‘Titan’ – the fastest supercomputer……
Film Annex and partner Citadel Software Company are building Internet classrooms in Afghanistan. The goal is to build classrooms in……
The cold snap seems to be fading in to grey rainy weather in London right now, but there's joy in the fact that The Patroline Procedure……