women place in society

Hello bitlanders! In the past, western civilization allowed women only limited roles in society. They believed that women were suited……
Hello bitlanders! In the past, western civilization allowed women only limited roles in society. They believed that women were suited……
Hi BitLanders, Everyone in this world imagines to live and work in the best of the conditions around us. Hence I decided to……
Sometimes, each person complains of where you live for x reason, but have wondered: how to live in a country without democracy? Well,……
Source: Self Created bitLanders is platform where people not only earn through blogging, posting, micro blogging, watching videos……
This article has the list of 10 countries that are considered as dirtiest countries in the world. These countries are very much polluted.……
Robyn Rihanna Fenty , knowned as Rihanna was born in Saint Michael , Barbados in February 20 , 1988 .Her mothers name is Monica……
The choice for a higher lifestyles is occasionally so massive that it makes human beings depart their countries and their families……
History: MasterChef is a cooking reality show & the origin of this reality……
Most Populated Countries In The World According to recent reports world population has been increasing rapidly especially in poor……
Everyday new morning bring for us new hopes, opportunities and even challenges. And most important to cope with these we need lot……
GOOD NEWS -DENMARK: EMPLOYERS CAN NOW FIRE OVERWIEGHT EMPLOYEES? According to an EU regulation, the employers can fire the overweight……
I started to make these videos when I came to know that there are many people in Pakistan who do not know how to write, read, understand……
Kiribati The Republic of Kiribati is spread on three million square kilometers northeast of Australia. It is the first populated area……
Since I can't attach a photo here for blogs, I have thought of just posting plain texts only. So here I go. What I am posting here……
GDP projected in ASEAN Countries (source: PwC) Country 2014 2030 2050 GDP at PPP (2014 US$bn) Projected GDP at PPP (2014 US$bn) Projected……
Based on App Annie intelligence, here are top charts of iOS and Google Play apps in Q1 2015. Top Countries by Downloads - iOS App……
My name is muhammad kalim.I am a teacher by profession.I have been teaching english for the last 17 years.I came to know about this……
Based on Expat Insider, the biggest expat survey worldwide which surveyed expat’s life abroad from over 160 countries across……
Top 10 Countries in the 2015 GRI Index [Based on The Natixis Global Asset Management CoreData Global Retirement Indes (GRI) Report]……
Imagine generations of Afghan children enduing this brutal experience, being misplaced from everything familiar to their families,……
Top 10 Global Innovation Index, measured 6 dimensions including R&D, Manufacuting, Hi-tech companies, Education, Research Personnel,……
One day while I was going home from school I noticed a tall man with a long beard walking behind me. The next day, when the same man……
Take a look around yourself. Most of us see a very well developed country with low population in poverty. Then we wonder, if we are……
Again illiterate people don’t learn to live a peaceful life. Illiteracy is another major cause of terrorism. Another truth is……
I learned on the six o’clock news about the attack on the school in Peshawar in Pakistan where the Taliban murdered and injured……
When identifiey which countries reserved the largest gold , the results turn out as following. (June 2014) Rank / tonnes / percentage……
The latest report in Q3 2014 (reported by App Annie) Here are Top 5 Countries by downloads (iOS App Store) Rank 1 United States 2……
Our government has made several attempts to tackle this monster but so far all these efforts have been abortive. The government advance……
Their children are admitted to American and British school. They remain under the impression that they own the county and all the……
Poverty means a situation when people are unable to meet their expenses with the money that they get and have either to starve or……
During the rigorous training the American army, the Taliban’s came very near to the most confidential issue of America. After……
In this blog,I will tell you about Australia.Most of us are confused that,Australia is a country or Island.Australia is country,continent……
The top 32 countries including the host gather around every 4 years to take part in the FIFA World Cup. Firstly, before world cup……
Minerals and natural resources are very important for development of a country .Muslim countries has large numbers natural……
In arrivo Smartphones da 25 dollari Quanto accessibile possiamo rendere l'educazione? Beh, la Womens Annex Foundation ha già……
$25 Smartphones Are Coming How accessible can we make education? Well, the Womens Annex Foundation has already taken a few steps:……
Firstly, I’ll introduce myself, as I have introduced in previous blog “My first salary of Film Annex” and now sir……
Bitcoin in Africa Bitcoin is a decentralized, globally distributable digital currency. Previously, there was not a currency or system……
Modern civilization is dominated due to the scientific and specialization of education. The technical education is very important……
Sports and games are most common to all countries and cultures. They have gained great importance in physical and recreational activities.……
There are different kind of sports some are physical and some are indoor. International countries organize such sport events by which……
Most of the animals can easily swim into water when they entered fast time into the river. Dog, horses, beer and the buffalo do not……
Traveling has always been regarded as a part of younger education. In old days, it was a traditions in European countries that after……
all the big cities of the central Asia middle east and north Africa have their great bazaars.in Kabul Herat and, Julalabad ,in Tehran,……
Home is the place where all the people feel comfort and pleasure. Home is the only places where everybody becomes happy and feel relax.……
WOMEN AND SOCIETY The great Brigham Young says, "You educate a man;you educate a man.You educate woman; you educate a generation."……
Crimes are increasing all over the world. Many countries handle this because of their powerful and strong government. There are many……
Ukraine is under destruction.Many of the states are broken as quick as a 201st century melting ice.Russia on one side America……
Good citizen is the combination of lots of good qualities and it has some duties and responsibilities. We all are living in a free……
Tiger is the most strongest animal that lived in the forest. The food of the tiger is meat. They eat the meat of other small animals.……
Pesticides are used to increase the production of crops by destroying the useless plants, animals, and other living organisms. In……
In the nature every thing is so beautiful. Human beings, animals, plants, forests, mountains, seas. All that things combined to form……
Gold is also found in nature. It is present in rocks and mountains and under the earth. Gold is present in nature as well as it is……
As the country's head of state, in most countries the president is entitled to certain perquisites, and may have a prestigious residence;……
Sun is the biggest source of energy and present in the solar system. All the planets and also our earth revolve around the sun. It……
Horse is the most beautiful and strongest animal has compare to other wild animals. It is known as the noble animals. The physical……
Problem of unemployment is gripped the world. Even the developed countries claimed that there is full employment but the position……
Underdevelop countries are commonly that countreies which have low national income as compare with America or Canada.In other words……
Mother's Day in other nations Children who cannot at this day, along with his mother, often with a phone call, send a card, send flowers……
graphite is the allotropic form of carbon and is known as black lead.it is found in many countries like united states,Italy,Siberia……
Media is one the most important ways in communications world. In the past there was shortage ofmedia, it was difficult to have……
Years ago Afghanistan like other advanced countries was a civilized, cultural and stable country which was like radiant pearl in the……
Today I am going to write about cricket. The war to prove himself the king of Asian cricket will be start from today. Five teams will……
This is a very important topic that traveling is also included in the education. Because when we go outside we learn and get many……
To change the area from one place to the another place with the help of auto mobile is known as traffic.The rate of traffic and auto……
As many of you well may know, Film Annex will be moving to an all-Bitcoin compensation model for its blogger and filmmaker contributors……
Calling the US, same as Soviets', the Taliban has called upon the nation to stand against the 'US forces' and drive them out of the……
My traveling experience has always been fascinating, it’s the learning part that induces the desire within myself for more,……
According to Sampson, Higher Education and its importance have long been ignored in developing countries but since last two decades……
tourists and tourismtourism gives work to millions of people and some people belive that it is biggest industry in the world today……
Pakistan is a one of countries that have the atomic power in this world . Due to this the power of Pakistan is greater as compared……
在 Film Annex,我们创建了一个平台以教育年轻人撰写文章,博客和上传视频。此平台使用Film Annex 创建的“Buzz分数”(BuzzScore)演算法系统进行每日的财政分配,与其用户(电影制作人,作家/部落客,观众)共享收入。 ……
A profitable alternative in the form of gur-making is also available, and Afghanistan and the NWFP constitute a large and ready market……
Hazards due to nuclear radiation:- The dumping of nuclear wastes by the western countries has raised a hue and cry in all the corners……
Dressing in Western Countries remained a confusing matter all the time in the history. People think what they should wear to look……
Noi di Film Annex abbiamo dato vita ad una piattaforma che desse la possibilità ai giovani di scrivere articoli, blog e di……
在 Film Annex,我們創建了一個平台以教育年輕人撰寫文章,部落格和上傳視頻。此平台使用 Film……
Here at Film Annex, we created a platform to educate young people to write articles, blogs and upload videos. This platform is distributing……
Among all the sacred places on earth the most sacred place is a heart of a child, a child’s perception of the is his mother,……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
Living in a home which has a window to the whole world is really full of excitement and joy. It considers that all the people……
With the adulthood everybody sees a lot of dreams from his open eyes of his career his life and about the most beautiful relation……
Hard times in life always has its end no matters what, the time alwaysgoes on… Women in my beloved land had the darkest era……
School is the only place that can be called the common house for education. In the past schools were in a awful situation,. The students……
It is said that man is a social animal by nature, but what makes this social animal a human, it is knowledge, and the knowledge……
Cohabitation is an arrangement of two people who are not married live together in the same place. I know it is a controversial topic.……
In Pakistan getting a job is like conquering Kashmir. Those who have a job are luckiest and considered superior to others. Having……
When we are talking about the Sustainable Education and Digital Literacy it means we are talking about the improvements of Education……
School is the only place that can be called the common house for education. Anciently The schools had ordinary shape as a few students……
Today’s world is the world of digital literacy, target thinking, and internet. The main reason of the success of the developed……
The fight for gender equality has revolutionized the world, as we know it. In each and every country, women have gained a significant……
Women’s Annex and Film Annex have started their activities in Afghanistan since one year and half, which they have worked on……
By Chauncey Ross | Gazette Staff Writer The eighth time is a charm — proverbially speaking. Edward Zellem, a well-traveled……
Vinícius Dônola is the former correspondent at Record TV, senior reporter at Record TV, Rio. Below is an interview of……
Education functions in relation to whole social milieu.Therefore its activity cannot be limited to providing only the background knowledge……
تخم مرغ یکی از غذاهای مورد علاقه مردم دنیا می باشد و مورد علاقه تمام کودکان……
لازانیا از ترکیباتی مثل سیزیجات و گوشت و پنیر تهیه می شود .و مورد علاقه همه……
Apparently we as human beings should be eating more insects according to a recent article in the National Geographic, due to……
What is Poverty? The concept of Poverty or the way poverty is perceived in developed and developing countries are not the same. For……
What’s more powerful than a billionaire? That’s right, a woman billionaire. And Sara Blakely is the epitome of a powerful……
میں نےہیلری کلنٹن کا مضمون پڑہا جس کا عنوان Helping Women تھاـ خواتین کی آزادی……
I have always been very curious about the world’s religions specifically the religion of Islam in all its intriguing practices……
We talked with a smuggler and will leave the country end of this week. Why do you stay here? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting……
به سرما خوردگی راآشنایی دارید که چه نوع ویروسی است و در کشور ما افغانستان……
I remember when I was a kid, I was so obsessed by doing many sports as much as I can. While I was in my primary and secondary school,……
It is almost ten years Afghan people use internet. Since 2004 they have been using Face book. In addition, they use other social media……
Stan Berman, Global Impact Chief Financial Officer Stanley Berman is the Chief Financial Officer of Global Impact, a charity that……
Developing countries defined as country which growing relatively low standards of living, those country with low level……
The most interesting interview that attracted me was that when Fereshteh Frough was speaking with a thought leader whose name is Peter……
Today, there are not only movies people watch through CDs, and Videos, but they watch through social media such as Film Annex, Twitter,……
After agriculture, textile industry is second in generating employment for both skilled and unskilled labors in India. Right now,……
For developed countries, fashion is one of the most necessary matters of the people, not only in developed countries but also in developing……
The development of a country depends on its economy. Turkmenistan has got huge underground resources such……
South Asia is located in the southern part of the Asian continent and is bounded on the south by the Indian Ocean.……
The future of any country depends on its level of education. Thus, the public education level of Kazakhstan……
Today, there are tens of internet marketing agencies delivering worthy contents and services to their customers……
However Kazakhstan is a country whose economy is growing fast, it is faced to some educational challenges.……
12 years ago, when Taliban was on power in Afghanistan, they have been been breaking the disks of movies and cassettes. They were……
The chance of filming and being a professional film maker in a country like Afghanistan is so limitted. The lack of video production……
Tens of Afghan boys and girls graduate from the Journalism faculties of Afghan Universities every year. Among these, there are some……
To make money online with internet is today changed into a profession to the people of the world. Today, there are lots news agencies……
Tajikistan is a pretty poor country located in Asia. When it declared independence, Tajikistan’s economy situation deteriorated.……
Uzbekistan is a landlocked country located in central Asia. This is one of the 3rd world, and developing countries. The low quality……
Since the last ten years most Afghan youths are keen to fashionable clothing in Afghanistan. Thus, Afghan businessmen import new designs……
Afghan people enjoy many jobs the same as other people of the world. They feed their families through different jobs they are involved……
Introduction: Leena Alam لينا علم ……
Sports is not only the physical movement. It is a an inspirational and motivational source for people to compete, move on, respect……
There are different ways to become a film maker. For example, by reading different handbooks on movie making, referring to Internet……
Cloth manufacturing is one of Afghan famous industry. Different styles of clothes are sewn in different Afghan provinces. For……
The end of 2012 has revealed, for the first time in modern history, that Asia has become the richest region of the world, according……
I want to start this blog from a small intro. I live in Manhattan (Upper East Side) on the first floor and I could not help hearing……
Soccer is probably the most popular game in the world, considering the huge number of fans and all the rituals that are connected……
"God brought me to the bottom literally and figuratively. And picked me back up and said, 'You're gonna do it different.'" Robert……
Yesterday I read an article about Hillary Clinton: Helping Women Isn’t Just a ‘Nice’ Thing to Do in The Daily Beast. Depriving……
Nobody can forget about what happened on Friday December 14, 2012, in Newtown Connecticut where 26 people that includes 20 children……
Since the last few years Afghan people are acquainted with Internet. Despite this few years of of acquaintance with Internet, Afghan……
Important South Asian countries from the cultural point of view are: India, Pakistan, Iran, Nepal, or Sri Lanka. Pakistan is a young……
Film Annex Website is activating towards the growth of developing countries, such as Afghanistan, and other Central Asian Countries.……
Last Friday was March 8, which was International Women's Day. This week's 60 Minutes program was about one the most powerful women……
Hey, guys! Let me introduce you my lovely WEB TV. SweetAsiaTV.com! Being born in Europe, I'm fond of Asian culture and its traditions.……
Recently, the Russian language was added to Film Annex platform in order to attract more and more film directors and viewers around……
In Every country, region, or zone there are unique handicraft and cultural product that introduce the custom and tradition……
Introduction: Arif Parwani is an Afghan-American author and engineering consultant. He was born in Afghanistan’s……
Afghanistan is a state located in central-south Asia; other south Asia countries are: Pakistan, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Iran or Bangladesh.……
It is another Friday of my life in NYC with all the incredible moments and memories it brings. On Tuesday night, I saw the Afghanistan……
Wrestling is the very first sport of the Olympiad. It goes back to 708 B.C. In the recent years, Olympic Wrestling opened its doors……
I have started my week with a great news from Afghanistan. Afghanistan National Institute of Music has a tour in the USA and on February……
"Wadjda is the first film that was entirely filmed within Saudi Arabia, by that country’s first female director." Haifaa al-Mansour……
Introduction: This is the second in a four-part series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the American expatriate,……
Today marks the end of Sundance Film Festival's first half. The good news is that there are 5 more days of fun and movie-watching……
Music is the most powerful weapon ever! Each era, each country, each community has its own musical leader, its own musical……
Yalda night is the longest night of the year and it is in the end of last night of autumn and starts the first night of……
I am excited to say the first members of the SUNY New Paltz and Central and South Asia collaboration are officially signed……
Today, I had one of the most interesting meetings of my life. 5 motivated individuals (which I thought would be a good fit for the……
Overall, I know I have explained how excited I am to be a part of Building Schools in Afghanistan, and talking about Central and South……
This upcoming Monday, I have a meeting about the Afghan Development Project. I am extremely excited because I can finally see a strong……