Highly skilled workforce has become a basic need to meet the challenges of contemporary era which is all about competitiveness and……
There was a day that only boys and men had the opportunity and permission of learning and……
FEMALE EDUCATION Not long ago, the idea of women’s receiving education was supposed to be a revolting one. People thought that……
The line and the origin of knowledge and science is all well and good ability Kamgar society and brings prosperity. Human dignity……
The idea of women,s receiving education was supposed to be revolting one in dark era.Many people thought that female education would……
Il mio figlio più grande ha cinque anni e legge in due lingue. Notevole? Beh, per quanto trovi costantemente notevoli i miei……
My oldest son is five years old and is reading in two languages. Impressive? Well, as much as I always find my kids amazing,……
Film Annex 的愿景-"No Politics, Just Internet" - ”没有政治,只有互联网“-将个体用户放置于宇宙的中心,并且使他们可以实现最大限度的自由言论和财务独立性。这就是为什么我们设计了Buzz分数仪表板的原因,我们想让来自世界各地的人们可以自主学习和实现他们的全球梦想(Global……
Film Annex 的願景-"No Politics, Just Internet" - ”沒有政治,只有網際網路“-將個體用戶放置於宇宙的中心,並且使他們可以實現最大限度的自由言論和財務獨立性。這就是為什麼我們設計了Buzz分數儀表板的原因,我們想讓來自世界各地的人們可以自主學習和實現他們的全球夢想(Global……
فلم میکنگ اس چینح کی مانند اپنے جس کی ذریعہ ہم اپنا پیغام دنیا تک پہنچانا……
Mostly, Innovation as the most important phenomenon of improvement is the result of knowledge in the laboratories and universities.……
انٹرنیٹ نےلوگوں کےزندگی میں بہت بڑے پیمانے پرتبدیلی لائی ـ آپ بغیرجغرافیائی……
Творчество является неотъемлемой частью жизни. Википедия определяет его……
Internet has changed people's lives increasingly. Within a second you can send a message to your family and friends wherever they……
Today is a great day for Afghanistan and especially for Afghan women. TIME magazine published its list of The 100 Most Influential……
"Filmmaking is a shout to the world about what we want to say, we do not need more than the minimum technical resources, because if……
We live in Social Media world and there is no way to escape for not being involve in it. Everyday millions of interactions is……
This week is Social Media Week in NYC. A lot of people from different industries and organizations are participating in this event……
Благодаря проекту развития афганистана, на сегодняшний день в Герате, в……
Thinking about terrorist attacks in any part of the world is painful and heartbreaking. Beside the physical destruction and anarchy……
In developing countries, especially in Afghanistan, people are used to carry cash more than credit cards. It is the old traditional……
Andy Parker, an independent filmmaker based in West London, has a passion for visuals and loves to tell stories through imagery. His……
Manny the Movie Guy is a multi-Emmy award-winning film critic who has always had a passion for movies. His love of film criticism……
Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years. Many of them are now making their way around……
It is January 11 of 2013. Herat is as usual crowed and the weather is cold, but in this cold weather the Citadel projects are proceeding……
Recently, Film Annex Creative Director, Eren Gulfidan worked on creating a social media curriculum for Afghan students. The multiple-choice……
This test includes questions about what being influential online means and how to grow this influence. The test also asks specifics……
This test includes questions about what sharing online means and how it affects Internet users. The test also asks specifics questions……
In this test, students will answer questions about blogging online and Film Annex specifically. PART I A blog is a. An email……
In this test, students will answer questions about filmmaking and how filmmakers can fund, promote, and distribute their movies online.……