metro de paris by hector guimard made 110 years ago,arte nova

attorney graduated in coímbra always the wine and poet,all portuguese libraries gott its work that everybody read and was tu……
60 years ago salazar amde mandatory 6 years os school and was criated ciclo preparatório and this was inaugurated at prec tima……
Are you one of the few people who appreciate nature and just love savouring the beauty of what life has in store for everyone? Are……
HyperText Markup Language commonly referred to as HTML is the standard markup language used to create web……
Bibingka is a delicacy which is really famous here in the Philippines, it is a local term for Rice cakes. Every town or province in……
was writed in english and then translated to poll, russian, french and portuguese and in our language beside tu there was only vós……
and continues to be tu but in portugal no radio passes them axcept for antena2 that almost nobody lesten
Izvoarele de ape minerale sunt cautate din cele mai vechi timpuri pentru virtutile lor curative.……
a great headlines at spanish press and festival de navarra and we also in portugal reviewd all its movies at tv not long ago and also……
Health is better than wealth because if we are not healthy we can not do anything in this world we justcan lie down on the bed. on……
I do like the fact that MIT has a Bitcoin club and each undergraduate was given $100 worth of Bitcoin to manage, spend, and contemplate……
tSU is social media like 8share that can pay the users with dollar and we can get payout minimal $ 100 you can take this good……
she only had sisters and she studied art at academia portuense de belas artes in xix with marques d´oliveira , in portoto there´s……
from lebanon, lives in paris, member of college de france and contínues to be tu in french, all portuguese libraries gott works……
Before I start the review, SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. I cannot accurately talk about how great this movie is without giving……
at this time the hills sourrounding cover with snow, lived martinho de dume hwo was roman from panónia(actual hungary)roman,……
that i studied in portuguese in primary school, died at 35 with tb, talked about love under the moon, quintas of lisboa, songs were……
When Corey Anderson hit his historic 36 ball ton in the very first day of last year, breaking the record of fastest hundred in……
When you watch hundreds of movies a year, have a mental catalog of thousands, certain players in the films' productions……
As tortured divorcée Cheryl Strayed in Wild, Reese Witherspoon takes the Proclaimers lyric ‘If I could walk 500 miles/Then……
1.I wish that the New Year turns out to be a very special one for you filling each day with peak of health, abundance of happiness……
We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have children, have a job and a new house. Then we are frustrated……
Télécharger miracle de grossesse pdf gratuit……
Comment tomber enceinte rapidement……
The Grandmother was being hard-hearing so usually loudly, everybody in family was scared when she scolded. Sometimes the grandfather……
"Isang oras sa isang linggo na nga lang ang hinihingi ni God, hindi nyo pa maibigay" ~ Yan yung sinasabi……
GOODFELLAS Based on Nicholas Pileggi's book WISEGUY, Martin Scorsese’s GOODFELLAS is a wry, violent, and exhilarating film about……
My father hated radio and could not wait for television to be invented so he could hate that too.~ Peter De Vries
As you know, a time ago we open oficially our film production company, it´s called "Niebla Producciones" and we started……
After first two games series was level. Both teams wanted to get the lead and go ahead in the series. But this was looking tough for……
A husband is a heavy drinker, his wife do not know how to make him drink less, She immediately invites a doctor to explain the harmful……
In the oral examination: Teacher (T): there are 500 bricks on the plane, drop 1 brick, how many brick left ? Student (S): Too easy!……
North by Northwest When Thornhill finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, the world as he knows it comes to an end. Suddenly……
Since retiring, sometimes get a CALLS FROM COLLEAGUES, I just heard about health questions. Generally, such as: How are you NOW? Do……
ver Lanus vs Arsenal de Sarandí en vivo online 07/11/2014,ver Lanus vs Arsenal de Sarandí en vivo online 07/11/2014,ver……
in what is now algéria, time of the rpman imperi , in my time this was history of 7th grade, filosofia and portuguese and all……
xix century , from barrocal, são bartolomeu de messines, repórter at a paper of beja, studied law in coimbra and also……
Tuổi thơ con có một thời hạnh phúc Gọi mẹ ơi khi mệt mỏi, chán chường Lòng vui lên……
This iPhone game that we started building on EFDapps where going to be the best game in history, sadly enough our budget ran out and……
Kiếp sau nếu lại làm chồng của em… 25/10/2014 | Samsook “Kiếp trước, sau……
TOP 5 Greatest Ghost Movies (1980-2014) The Shining Writer Jack Torrance takes a job as winter caretaker of the……
played coimbra guitarr and filled teaters across the world , only guitar, and died a few years ago in lisboa
In Western popular culture, the modern pirate stereotype owes its attributes mostly to the imagined tradition of the 18th century……
from Alenquer near the tejo, was a philosopher portuguese, humanista and merchant at renaissance
it has 1200 years and counts the dids of roland nefew of Carlos magno king of the francs when they came to ibéria fiehting……
Apocalypse Now During the Vietnam War, the young American Captain Willard is given the assignment to hunt down and kill one of his……
hola amigos míos, les traigo el nuevo pack de mods de la serie de thewillyrex la isla perdida con el mapa incluido cualquier……
Hola amigos aqui les dejo un pack a petición del usuario jaimeforero espero les agrade y pronto subiré el video ……
To ……
The lion dog terihat proud to be a guard at the front gate of the house of the employer, His photographs are also circulating on Twitter.……
House of the 1000 Corpses Two teenage couples traveling across the backwoods of Texas searching for urban legends of serial……
A replica Ferrari F50 weirdest in the world has arrived at San Diego Bayfair a few days ago. The car is entirely made of pine……
"Money is like blood, gives life if it circulates. Money is like Christ, it blesses you if you share it. Money is like Buddha, if……
A few weeks ago we were working, planing and producing two videos called “Pablito Viaja al Sur” and “Testigo de……
Hoy se cumple el 50 aniversario de la película Mary Poppins tras haberse estrenado en 1964, convirtiéndose……
Anna Karenina , una dama de la alta sociedad rusa, lleva una aburrida existencia junto a su marido Alexei Karenin,……
Biz bu proje için başka bir ödül duyurmaktan mutluyum! Luna de Cortos, bir saygı Georges Méliès,……
Siamo felici di annunciarvi un nuovo premio ricevuto da questo progetto! Abbiamo vinto come Miglior Corto Alternativo al Luna de Cortos,……
The price of oil has increase drastically in the Philippines. I can still remember when the price of gasoline is just like……
…… Gospel: Mt 15:21–28 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of……
The First World War started in August 1914. It would last for more than four years, and kill about nine million people in uniform.……
Avendo portato a termine il progetto di animazione per bambini "PABLITO VIAJA AL SUR" ci siamo messi al lavoro per lo sviluppo……
Since we finished the children animation for "PABLITO VIAJA AL SUR" we started the development and production of the second……
(image from: If you are planning to visit Philippines and drop by to some popular……
A couple weeks ago I wrote some blogs sharing with you all the making of process of our new children animation "Pablito viaja……
Colonialism means the rule of one country over another country. The people of the ruling country stay in their own homes. But the……
This is the first time since 1940 that Brazil have lost consecutive matches on home soil (in 1940 they lost 3-0 v Argentina and 4-3……
El primer Oscar que ganó Steven Spielberg como mejor director, después de 20 años cosechando éxitos……
Al comienzo de la primera guerra mundial, Thomas Edward Lawrence era un joven arqueólogo reconvertido en oficial del……
No hay burbuja que no se explote, quizá haya algunas que duren por más tiempo, pero siempre se revientan.Así……
After the storyboard, we go into the hardest part, the animation and the sound design. For one side we must make every background,……
It's that time of year again, the 2014 edition of the La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival is 20 days away. I have the……
“Pablito viaja al sur” è un progetto di animazione che abbiamo portato a termine un paio di settimane fa e……
Once aproved the design of the character, we started with the technical script, the storyboard and the animatic video. We have just……
“Pablito viaja al sur” is an animation project that we finished a couple weeks ago and was screened for first time on……
Hello!! In 2012 we made three animation videos for children in the mark of the chilean plan to promote reading, the plan is called……
Por “Empoderamiento” nos referimos a impulsar el estado de una persona o de la comunidad con respecto a los parametros……
Il mio nuovo fashion film, realizzato per il mio marchio Maá Shoes, è quasi pronto per la premiere internazionale……
Brasil es la sede de FIFA 2014. Esta es la edicion numero 20 de la Copa del mundo. El partido de apertura fue jugado el 12 de junio……
La fondazione T.J. Martell ha una lunga e affermata storia di avanguardia nella lotta a leucemia, cancro e AIDS. La sua strategia……
The T.J. Martell Foundation has a long and well established history as a leader in the fight against Leukemia, Cancer and AIDS.……
Una persona nacida en SIALKOT entre 1870 y 1880 convirtiendose al renacimiento islamico.Un Musulman educado en LAHORE y CAMBRIDGE……
COMUNICATO STAMPA – PER PUBBLICAZIONE IMMEDIATA Insegnante greca e ufficiale della Marina americana fanno la storia con il primo……
MEDIA RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Greek teacher and American naval officer make history with world’s first Afghan……
FRAPPÉ DE MANGO Ingredientes Trozos de Mango 1 taza Jugo……
Robert De Niro is a famous American Hollywood actor famous for his rough and tough roles in films. He rose to fame in 1970’s……
Cuando decimos que el "conocimiento es poder ", queremos decir que el conocimiento es la única fuente de fuerza en el mundo.……
El mes pasado se marcó el 3° aniversario desde el inicio del conflicto en Siria. Aunque los números exactos son……
Las colecciones de la pasarela Fashion Week Fall 2014 Mastercard Mundial, celebrada en Toronto, Canadá, del 17 a 21 marzo,……
You know that the cricket world cup is going on in Bangladesh. The matches are going tougher and tougher for all the teams. Today……
Historians conventionally hold that the era of European intellectual uplift during the course of the Renaissance and some period afterwards……
T-20 world cup is going well in these days in Bangladesh. Lots of sixes and fours are coming to see and also the wickets flowing in……
I sentimenti di Sōseki verso la letteratura occidentale, a cui in un primo momento si dedicò con entusiasmo, furono soggetti……
El internet y mas preciso, los medios sociales ofrecen una enorme cantidad de estimulaciones visuales.Hay imagenes por todos lados……
El último cortometraje del director Isaac Berrokal, "Fly, Dance & Dream", ha sido seleccionado en el festival Mazarrón……
Eccoci arrivati alla seconda puntata dell'analisi di Io sono un gatto! Non credevo nemmeno io di continuare. E invece sì! In……
La visione del femminile diventa duplice se si prende in considerazione lo scritto di Andrea De Carlo “Due di Due”. Le……
Nel mio percorso di studi non c'è dubbio che l'argomento principale, il mio mayor, per così dire, siano state la lingua……
Desde que comencé a usar Film Annex como una plataforma digital para poner mis pensamientos en palabras escritas,……
Queridos Egipcios:Yo eh estado con ganas de visitar su país y sus tesoros ya que vi por primera vez las imágenes……
Buenas noticias en favor de los niños más desprotegidos! Las autoridades europeas han desarrollado una manera de atrapar……
El hombre por naturaleza un ser sociable que busca establecer relaciones con otros miembros de la sociedad que compartan características……
Described as ‘the first UK film awards of the year’, the 2014 UK Regional Critics’ Film Awards purport to be a reliable……
Di Ksenniya Grisé Le principali città della moda combattono da molto tempo per ottenere lo status di capitale del mondo……
BY: Ksenniya Grisé Major fashion cities have long been fighting for the status of the world’s fashion capital, but there……
Mercedes Aragonés es actualmente la Presidenta de la Junta del Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (CEMEFI ) y lo ha……
The ROCKY franchise is set to continue in 2014 with the Broadway production ROCKY: THE MUSICAL – fortunately without Sylvester……
Queridos estudiantes: Todos sabemos que ''cada mañana, un niño despierta'' asi que es tiempo que los niños……
Considerando che il mio lipdub, girato nel 2011, ha raggiunto le 400,000+ visualizzazioni su internet, voglio condividere con……
Yo solía viajar mucho en los viejos tiempos. Y estoy segura de que no importa a dónde vayas, la parte más emocionante……
A veces comento como tener a Dustin Sweeney, ahora 16 años de edad, me ha dado una gran ventaja en mi vida……
Firenze, da Piazzale Michelangelo Film Annex è stato ideato e sviluppato da fiorentini e forse è questa la ragione……
Florence, from Piazzale Michelangelo. Film Annex was conceived and developed by Florentines. This is possibly the reason why……
Real Madrid C.F. which means Real Madrid Club de Fútbol , the royal team which was founded in 1902 . the word real……
We live on the land which constitutes 71% of area covered with water and 29% of the area of Earth. The huge bodies of water are called……
Ahora mismo estoy trabajando en mi primer guión de largometraje. Lo empecé en el 2011 y ahora siento que estoy……
La figura de un productor de cine es realmente misteriosa y no muy comprensible para muchas personas. Las películas suelen……
Abbiamo nuovi lavori da mostravi, questa volta ad opera del nostro amico oltre oceano Rui Faria, editore della rivista VOLT, uno dei……
We have some new work to share from our pal across the ocean Rui Faria, the editor of VOLT Magazine, a major fashion and film contributor……
Friday 6 of December 2013 Share Final Draw reveals intriguing groups at Brazil World Cup FIFA 2014 The Final Draw took place……
Afganistán es un país que ha experimentado más de 30 años de guerra. Por lo tanto, todos los aspectos……
El día de hoy hace 50 años, el presidente John F. Kennedy fue asesinado por un francotirador durante su visita a Dallas,……
Escribo mucho sobre mujeres poderosas y mujeres para las mujeres en este blog. Es importante para mí reconocer que yo nací……
Picture: Left to right: Jamie Graham (TOTAL FILM), director Jeremy Lovering and actress Alice Englert introduces IN FEAR IN FEAR,……
A few time a ago with the animator Tomás Schüller, we made three little animation short films, based in tales that three……
Every now and then, we all love to see a great movie on the big screen with some hot buttery-overly expensive-popcorn and an……
Oggi voglio parlarvi di un altro tipo di proiezione. Ha avuto luogo giovedì a Bodegas Arráez, un gran bel posto situato……
Qué es una calavera? La calavera literaria es una composición en verso tradicional en México.……
If there is a theme to the thirteen short films produced by the 2013 alumni of the London Film Academy it is children looking disapprovingly……
Alfred Hitchock's "Secret Agent" (1936) is a World War I spy movie. I won't say it's a thriller because there isn't much suspense……
Will Power wins on the oval in Fontana, in California, the MAV-TV 500. The final race of the championship assigned the title, with……
As expected for today, a new poster from Grudge Match, featuring Sylvester Stallone as Henry "Razor" Sharp, has just been released.……
Yesterday the first poster for Grudge Match was released and today we have a new one featuring Robert De Niro as Billy "Kid"McDonnen.……
The poster for Grudge Match, starring Robert De Niro and Sylvester Stallone is now here. In the film, two retired boxers and rivals……
China is at the forefront of building a de-Americanized world where a new international reserve currency will replace the currently……
Le BuzzScore continue d'evoluer pour recompenser les membres les plus actifs sur Film Annex. Les 10 utilisateurs avec le plus……
How do you celebrate your Halloween? We all have our unique customs that go along with this almost universal tradition but where……
Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Jeremy Renner are the amazing cast of the upcoming film from David……
Jakelyne de Oliveira was elected Miss Brazil 2013 in a contest which took place in Belo Horizonte on Saturday night, 28. Jakelyne……
Can you believe that Cezanne’s, The Card Players, is the most expensive painting of all time that sold for more than $250……
Step aside human bartenders, as Carl and James, the robot bartenders caused quite a splash on the German bar scene. The Daily……
I was shocked and most recent case of art fraud in New York City. A native of Mexico and art dealer, Glafira Rosales of Sands……
Not to be confused with IN THIS WORLD, a Michael Winterbottom documentary-style road movie about illegal immigration into the UK or……
"Insidious: Chapter 2" scared away competition and took the top spot with $41 million more than three times the opening take of the……
The dream of many Rocky Balboa vs Raging Bull!! Well, while they are not playing those characters, Sylvester Stallone and Robert De……
If you’re planning on traveling anywhere in the world in search of some bizarre or unique places to see and experience,……
What would Ludwig Van Beethoven been like if he was born in our times and lived today? It was thought that Beethoven suffered from……
BY: NICOLE TAN Before the art of collaboration became a serious source or potential for business in the fashion industry, there was……
I know we all love a little bit of celebrity drama now and then. And I can also assume that we love hearing about the latest……
Revolutions are always very controversial for any parties involved. One of the most discussed revolutions in the history books……
I cried a little when I first read about the seven paintings that were stolen in October of last year in the Netherlands. I think……
One little ride that I have always wanted to go on and hope to at some point in the very near future is on a hot air balloon.……
Every year, in the same date more or less all the artists in all the areas submit their projects to "FONDART" in Chile. This is the……
BY: Eileen Doñiego de France Aerosmith videos featuring Alicia Silverstone first taught me the importance of freedom and rebellious……
Alexis de Tocqueville is a scholar and a genius when it comes to revolutions. This literary scholar who wrote iconic and must……
The other day, I came across a spectacular and very emotionally entangled celebration in Spain as I was looking for places to……
Alcoholism, mysticism, scandal, oh, and two sixty-somethings falling in love -- these are some of the subjects in Anne Leary's novel……
BY: Charlotte Delgrange As a curious child, the venture into a parent’s closet consisted of mountainous hills worth climbing, coming……
Lately I’ve been hearing about so-called ‘honest trailers’ when some bored teenager or grandmother decides to redub……
Sosyal medya hayatımızın her alanında yer almış durumda. Bu konudaki istatistiklerin de gösterdiği gibi, insanlar profesyonel,……
میں نے تیسری بار نیـچے دی گئی تمام فلموں کا جائزہ لیا اور چوتھی بار اپنی……
سوشل میڈیا ہمارے معاشرے کے ہر پہلوں میں پیھل چکی ہیں ـ مختلف شماریات کے مطابق……
One of the projects I am currently working on is a concept trailer for a feature film about the tall tales of Davy Crockett. I've……
I just reviewed for the third time each of the films below and watched my overall selection a fourth time to be certain of my choice……
Social media is permeating every aspect of our society. Social networking statistics show a steady increase in the number of people……
Want to know why certain films get greenlit whilst others stay in development hell? Want to know why certain films achieve critical……
Does anyone want to see Robert de Niro doing slapstick; raging bull becoming whinging fool? Not many Americans went for his turn in……
Victory by James Hinchcliffe in Sao Paulo, Brazil for this American championship's trip. Hinchcliffe, in great shape this year, has……
АВТОР: НИКОЛЬ ТАН Вечером 5 апреля я с удовольствием участвовал на открытых……
Maracanã Soccer Stadium reaches 97% completion and makes the testing with general lighting sound and much more to come……
Guardian Angel is a story of hope, about a man's soul lost in the darkness and consuming in pain. But even in the darkest place……
April is turning out to be a very busy month for the video artist Alessandro Amaducci. His spectacular productions will be screened……
To choose the next film to write about in my Film Friday series, I went to the top 100 films and began to look for films……
Few people understand the mind and madness like Oliver Sacks does. He is a physician himself, a neurologist based in New York City.……
Two of Italy's most internationally renown musicians combine their artistry in "Morricone.Uncovered an album of songs from some of……
Sigourney Weaver is a woman with klout in science films. With strong roles in great movies from Gorillas in the Mist to Avatar, she……
by: NAQIA LEE Day two begins with me waking up to one still relatively sore foot after having sprained an ankle on the way back yesterday.……
In a previous post i share with you the creative process of this video, this time I want to show you the technical way that we use……
This blog, I am taking a break from talking about "the seven Basic Plots" , and thought I'd just talk about the production design ……
Image Credit: OWN This week Lance Armstrong went on Oprah to discuss his recent run in with the suspicions of the sports councils……
Our latest find in the global world of fashion photography comes from down south, WAY down south in sunny Argentina. Her name is Natasha……
A couple days ago i share with the filmannex community some drawings and sketches from one of the process of the 3 last animation……
There's a lot of ways to work in cinema and make movies. There are people that just record, others that plan every single detail,……
Today on Christmas day I decided to enter the world of Social Media with the help of Francesco Rulli, son of my cousin Giovanna Meriggi. ……
PRODUCER of Ouroboros Fiona De Caux Biography Born in Perth Australia Fiona de Caux moved to Adelaide where she has been involved……
Brasília and Niterói are the cities with the most number of works of the master of the arquitecture. Niemeyer had only……
Cafeaua si ceaiul sunt cele mai consumate băuturi ale lumii și ofera factori benefici pentru organismul uman.Cafeaua ……
by: Eileen Doñiego de France Sometimes I catch myself watching a behind the scenes video before the actual fashion film. Not……
恩佐 (Enzo),是一名在动物保护协会工作的青少年,他和红浣熊很要好,常常都在一起玩。 这只独特的小浣熊,吸引了迪可西莫(DiCosimo)的注意,他是一个血腥的动物标本制作者,他想要这只小浣熊成为他的收藏品之一!……
Contributed by: Eileen Doñiego de France There is a certain magic to mythology that captivates and enthralls us all. Despite……
Fashion Films: Aren’t These Ads? by: Eileen Doñiego de France This past summer, I had the wonderful opportunity……
None have joined the International Criminal Court, but India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea have become “nuclear club”……
New independent global network of research centers, universities and technical institutions to help find solutions for some of the……
Today, my 6-year old son asked me: “Why do you watch the Olympics all the time?”. This is a very good question. To me,……
The International Festival of Movies of Sax (FICS) closes its VII edition with a successful public outdoor airing in the……
“The speeches are over. Now the work begins. Rio+20 has affirmed fundamental principles – renewed essential commitments……
Civil society representatives and just ordinary global citizens are gathering in Rio at parallel set of conferences to complement……
Efficient use of energy, water and other resources, lowering pollution levels and reducing infrastructure costs in cities are part……
Mongolia’s President, Tsakhia Elbegdorj; Brazilian banker Fábio C. Barbosa; renewable energy entrepreneur Dr. Sultan……
An avenue that cuts through the center of Deauville is called Avenue Strassburger. It winds through the town, past the town……
“Where the world financial crisis has brought about the loss of millions of jobs, socialized private debt burdens and……
You can now contribute your vision in pictures of the “Future We Want” in advance of the Rio+20 Conference. In……
Information technologies as a means to empower women and girls is the theme of 2012 “World Telecommunication and Information……
PURPLE FASHION magazine Spring/Summer 2012 (Vol. III, Issue 17) features a conversation between the artist Spencer Sweeney and the……
Photographer Michael Dweck showcased 52 of his works at the opening of "Michael Dweck: Habana Libre" February 24th, 2012 at the Fototeca……
Mucho se ha hablado de esta película, sobre la puesta en escena, los personajes, marketing y un sin fin de temas derivados. Pero……
Just picked up for distribution by Millennium Entertainment, Red Lights has debuted an international trailer. Check it out in the……