The illogical basis of democracy
In logic, arguments that break first principles are often called fallacies. One fallacy in particular is called argumentum ad populum,……
In logic, arguments that break first principles are often called fallacies. One fallacy in particular is called argumentum ad populum,……
The recent press conference by North Korean Deputy Representative to the United Nations in relation to the already tense……
Image Source: Google Edited by Moon Khan In the modern world we take a lot of things for granted. Like in start of every invention……
image credit: United States of America is always proved to be a very prominent place in the World’s Politics.……
DOES ISLAM SUPPORTS DEMOCRACY? The word “democracy” — a Greek word in origin — is composed of Demo or the……
USA's Outdated Two-Party System America, known for “absolute” freedoms and the liberty for human and societal……
submitted by jwithrow. Click here to get the Journal of a Wayward Philosopher by Email Journal of a Wayward Philosopher America's……
AFGHAN DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL (ADFF) (Source: google Images) ADFF is abbreviation of The International “Afghan Documentary……
It is quite difficult to reflect the whole philosophy of my mind on this important topic in a few verses but I am starting with important……
The Greek crisis, post referendum, seen by the Italian idiots.Us Italians never disclaim ourselves.We are already cheering for a victory……
The political platforms all around KPK are active, Local bodies elections have brought a great flow political heat and competition.……
After AAP’s landslide victory in the Delhi state elections, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, had congratulated……
Originally posted at my blog: Living Free Statists love to speak of democracy, the power being in the hands of "the People",……
Please do yourself a question and answer it yourself. Done We are a free……
Democracy is defined b Abraham Lincoln is a form of government by the people for the people, of the people. So it is a form of government……
1. Meaning of Public Opinion: It is supposed that the Government, once it has been formed in a country, can have its way for a certain……
It should emphasize the need to gain self respect and self sufficiency through the economic cooperation .Malaysia is an example of……
Lack of unity among the Muslim countries over the years has proved to be the major internal challenges faced by Muslim Ummah as is……
Organization of Islamic countries,OIC is a symbol of Muslims desire for unity and solidarity was established in 1969 as a reaction……
After years of civil war and fighting, Afghanistan reached to a semi-democratic government and its main aim was to show democracy.……
Democracy and elections are very important and effective phenomenon in humanity making of manners in the societies and countries.……
now a day’s every country wants democracy in their country. This sentence may be arises a question……
Equality in Education A belief in equality will have a bad effect on education. We should hardly think that all men are equally……
Democracy! The word of democracy, actually means freedom and government of people to people and are selecting to the choice and votes……
The period from 1789 to 1799 was a timeline in which France underwent a revolutionary shift that thoroughly transformed the social……
It has been an eventful week so far in Afghanistan following the landmark April 5th election where Afghans defied Taliban intimidation……
It is a generally accepted idea in our general masses that the remedy of our social problems and social injustices inherently lies……
With the introduction of 21st century, the world politics have changed from dictatorship to democracy, many dynastic changes can be……
Media is one the most important ways in communications world. In the past there was shortage ofmedia, it was difficult to have……
The important developments of the early modern period, viz. the English Civil War and the French Revolution thoroughly influenced……
Afghanistan is a country that have been with long time crises and problems of social, political, economic, cultural and military.……
Most of the countries involved in the post 9/11 assault on Afghanistan has stated that mission has been acomplished in Afghanistan……
When the youth of Tahrir Square overthrew Hosni Mubarak in February of 2011, the entire world celebrated with them. It was a……
Democracy is a combination of two words.Word"demos" means people and words "kratos" means power.In short,democracy means power of……
Journalism is deteriorating into a profession in the modern World. It involves the literary business of editing of publishing……
Sport is those physical activities, which accomplishes for entertainment, hobby, and battle. When these activities are done according……
In the beginning, the discipline of digital and media literacy was formally discussed by a blue ribbon panel of 17 community leaders,……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
ما هي ملامح الديموقراطية الليبرالية؟ ما هي عناصر الليبرالية الديموقراطية؟……
Democracy is the most popular form of government. It is supposed to be the best way of governing the people. In a democracy, nearly……
A country needs a system to be governed. The basic phenomenon of a system is to share the “power to the people” and make……
The Abraham defines the democracy as; “The Government……
Prima o poi, chiunque sia interessato alla cultura e alla storia dell'Asia Meridionale si imbatterà nella seguente domanda:……
Sooner or later, anybody interested in South-Asian culture and history will run across the following question: is it called Burma……
Democracy was the beginning of a change. The word democracy has been taken from the Greece word "demokratia", which means "rule……
هذه رسالة الى كل حاكم يظن انه في مأمن على كرسي الحكم وان باستطاعته ان يسيطر……
هل اديموقراطية قيمة عالمية؟ ما هي تكاليف القوة الغير خاضعة للمساءلة؟ متى،……
Democracy is called the best form of the is true almost all the world is benefitting from it. With the exception of……
Women are not acting as symbols today in Afghanistan. They are now in the lower house of Afghanistan and decide about the country’s……
Thousands of eligible refer to election voting card distribution centers every day. Tens of eligible people are going to the election……
The word “Democracy” is not unknown for Afghan people anymore. Different commercials on Radios and Television channels……
There are today more than 20 Radio Stations, and about 10 Television channels activating in Herat city with different social,……
Afghan presidential election is on the way, the candidates are registering themselves, the electrical campaigns……
Waslat Hasrat-Nazimi is a journalist and editor at Deutsche Welle, the foreign broadcasting service in Germany, which engages in bringing……
Something that we may not consider a big deal but truly is for the Islamic-dominant society in Iran, cabinet members opened……
Political coalitions show political maturity of a nation. Some political groups, parties, associations, political movements and people……
When we think of the various faces on American dollar bills and coins, names that pop into our head include George Washington……
After exiting of Taliban from Afghanistan a lot of foreign forces from several countries came to Afghanistan to fight with terrorism.……
Emancipation proclamation is the communication of thoughts and believes, freely, that people can write, talk or publish according……
Democracy is the mass management system of governance. Before it is a political system, it is a culture and historical process that……
In democratic governments, the power takes its legality from people, and gets form by people’s desire, satisfaction and request.……
The first question which comes to our mind is that what are the characteristics of the new Christianity? We have to see if……
Alexis de Tocqueville is a scholar and a genius when it comes to revolutions. This literary scholar who wrote iconic and must……
Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
في الاسبوع المقبل تم اعلان في موقع فيلم انكس Film Annex Capital استثمار Partners website……
Last week on the Film Annex Capital Partners website, it was announced that Citadel of New York, the partnership company held with……
There lots of women and men making movies since they have received democracy and freedom of speech in Afghanistan. Herat is one of……
The great changes Roya Mahboob could bring among Afghan women made Times Magazine incorporate her on the list 100 most influential……
The presidency and province councils’ election of Afghanistan is going to be held in April 5th 2014. The……
Afghan people have experienced three years of war; the wars that caused Afghan people feel huge setbacks in their lives. ……
When NATO troops flew to Afghanistan, they brought different changes with them to our country. First, they overthrew the Taliban Dictatorial……
After the fall of Taliban, Afghanistan had neither Police nor Army. When International Community came to Afghanistan, they helped……
When NATO troops flew to Afghanistan, they brought different changes with them to our country. First, they overthrew the Taliban Dictatorial……
Tawab Kian is an Afghan intellectual who lives in Herat (an Afghan province). He has already graduated from Mass Media Communication……
Since Afghan people have received democracy and freedom of speech by the International Community, women participation have increased……
After the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001, tens of political parties with different wishes and thoughts have been created in Afghanistan.……
Since the last 12 years that NATO troops have eliminated the dictatorship regime of Taliban, they could have delivered many various……
Democracy is a new phenomenon which is well accepted by Afghan people within a short time. Democracy is a fair……
در برنامه اخير شصت دقيقه در تلويزيون سي بي اس نيوز يكي از بليونر هاي چيني……
Since the fall of the Taliban, Afghan girls have developed in sports according to the rule of Democracy in Afghanistan.……
ژانگ شن، یکی از بزرگترین سرمایه داران کشورچین است که تحصیلات خود را……
در برنامهی شصت دقیقه شب گذشته در تلویزیون سی بی اس نیوز یکی از بلیونر……
خانم ژانگ شن، بانوی دگر اندیش و آزادی خواه چینی که متولد سال 1965 درشهر بژنگ……
November is around the corner and we are getting closer and closer to Election days... Not being eligible to vote in the US, at least……
Democracy is what makes countries look beautiful. It projects not only respect for the rule of law and some political order,……
Adulterating personal liberties in Egypt will be employed by Egypt military (SCAF) to curtail political freedom? The election……
Greece has now pulled off two surprises: victory over Russia into next round of Euro2012 and election results that favor pro-austerity/bailout……
In short, yes. The risk is greater that Aung San Suu Kyi will become co-opted by the ruling regime in efforts to present a good face……
How to encourage true transformation toward real democracy and more open society in Iran? It is probably also best way to insure a……
Vladimir Putin is his worst enemy. He is afraid to evolve. With him Russia is again stagnating and not rising to meet challenges.……