The AI Therapist -AI In Mental Health

Image Credit Enrique Meseguer via Pixabay Video credit Technocular via Youtube The AI Therapist Stress, anxiety,……
Image Credit Enrique Meseguer via Pixabay Video credit Technocular via Youtube The AI Therapist Stress, anxiety,……
How to Fight Depression Personal advice from a person who deals with it from time to time. Photo Credit Via Google It……
Photo Source: Jonathan Auch ( What would it be if there was no entertainment? Have you ever asked……
Photo Source: Andrea ( So this blog is for extroverts. My previous blog was for introverts but this time, it will……
Image Edited in Canva Credits: Tauseeq Magsi Via Bitlander's Gallery Life is about happiness and sorrows, pain and peace, love and……
Depression, anxiety, and stress are just three examples of psychological problems that can affect our lives and the lives of those……
Hi everyone! This is jvanity1 and this is my 2nd comeback blog for this month. Today, we will be talking about a subjective illness……
Here I am sharing with you some of the serious depression memes. Best Serious Depression Memes When you’re having a tough time……
"Depression is the inability to construct a future." (Rollo May) There come to some points in our life when we guys feel useless.……
LONELINESS A GLOBAL CONCERN Hello Friends, today I am going to discuss a major issue that is affecting the overall lives of……
When is enough just enough? When do you let that voice inside you that tells you that you are worthless win? When does this hurt stop?……
Dreams do come true, if we only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything on it."--J.M.……
Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional……
We are all sorry when loss comes for us. The test of our character comes not in how many tears we shed but on how we act after those……
With each day passing by, I am getting weaker and weaker of living life. I am so puzzled, I am never happy, nothing appears to be……
You cannot always prevent depression thoughts and feelings before it arises, but maybe you can stop the depression at the start or……
Almost half of us will one or more times in a lifetime experience depression. Depression is a common mental health problem. Being……
Many people are fighting depression, anxiety and other sorts of "mental illnesess" they get, just because they don't believe in themselves. ……
Depressive realism is the hypothesis developed by Lauren Alloy and Lyn Yvonne Abramson that depressed individuals make……
What is depression? Sadness or downswings in mood are normal reactions to life’s struggles, setbacks, and disappointments.……
Depression DefinitionDepression (major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes……
I feel lost in a foreign place. For the first time in my life, I feel like I am choosing depression over something else. Why would……
Source: Google Now a days child abuse has become most horrible crime over all the world. Child abuse cause childhood trauma. Trauma……
Source: Google As technology has revolutionized twenty first century, we are able to declare that we're witnessing the most advance……
Source: Google Addiction to Technology: Different Technologies has entered into our……
The important thing to understand about life is that change is an essential part of it and that nothing is forever. Being depressed……
Feeling down and losing a purpose of life is very much common in modern day society. Things don’t go accordingly, people let……
This web is dedicated to depression and anxiety peer support. The main forms of communication we offer are via our supportive Chat……
Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus. Not enough vitamin D -- a vitamin D deficiency……
Unemployment is a very serious problem in the developing countries of the world. It is certainly adding to economic difficulties in……
Kapag ang isang tao ay pinagdadaanan, Nagpopost ng nararamdaman sa facebook nya. Wag ka mabadtrip at sabihin na wala kang pake sa……
( Image: ) Firstly, I wanted to share here at Bitlanders, in case for those who haven't come across……
I’ve dealt with anxiety and depression for more than a decade. It’s led to many awkward situations where I ended up feeling……
Recently, the in laws are very sick and almost bed ridden. Both my husband and me take care of them. we have to take them to……
Current events. I don't feel interested in talking about current events. There's already enough of that going around. They assail……
A lot of aged people await their ultimate visitor and spend days in a gloomy mood. They get cranky and react negatively to the youth……
People who may be suffering from depression or manic disorders actually exhibit or show each and every kind of symptom of depression……
Depression or prolonged sadness is actually quite common in the United States, around 9.5 percent of the American population actually……
I sometimes wonder what do you do, if you wake up one fine morning... I mean a really fine morning, nice weather and all... and you……
The social media site Facebook users feel depressed as they begin comparing what's happening in their lives to the activities and……
It does not take a lot to push away the depression that is threatening to strangle your mind always. Just follow the steps below……
Always feeling under the weather? Always not in the mood to be around others and have a good time? If you’re suffering from……
The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American. Credit: Luis Sarabia/Flickr……
OCD is a mental health problem faced by many people who have been through emotional trauma mostly. I have seen a close relative of……
Bad News for Facebook Users: US experts in the study revealed that the world's most popular social networking site Facebook is no……
Overall health consists of both physical and mental health. A person has to be physically and mentally fit. Then only life will be……
Each of us faced different problems and hardships in life and we all know that this could lead into depression if not solved the way……
A problem will never go away if we just sit and ponder about it for a long time. We are often like tape recorders. We keep rewinding……
poem dedicated to all castor oil faces out there why put up a castor oil face?why think life is just a race?why be angry when you……
The introduction.Our education system,whatever it is,is not being operated properly. ……
Anxiety is feeling of fear, worry and unhappiness which is generalized and unfoused and this lond stanidng anxiety leads to depression……
"Depression is a life-long condition in which periods of wellness alternate with recurrences of illness. Each year depression affects……
what is it that makes you sad? what is it that makes you cry? what is it that makes you angry? what is it that makes you mad? what……
Do you know when the first email over the internet was delivered? Well, it might be a bit of knowledge for you that it was in 1971……
The more I sit, the more I think,and those dark spaces between words, become the center of my thoughts, how they plague me,with their……
Orz ---> (」゜ロ゜)」---> (⌣̀_⌣́) ---> ┻━┻ ︵ ¯\°□°)/¯ ︵ ┻━┻ --->……
Animator Signe Baumane presents her feature film "Rocks In My Pockets" in Toronto at the Rendez-Vous With Madness Film Festival……
Around 1,500 teenagers will commit suicide in the next 24/7, why? If you guys don't know what it is like to be suicidal then let me……
Think of the Lord in times of stress for he shall deliver you from distress wait not to pray during troublesome times think of Him……
Signe Baumane's first animated feature film "Rocks In My Pockets", has been playing to sold out audiences at the IFC in New York City. It's……
Here's a few more stills from Signe Baumane's award winning feature length animated film "Rocks In My Pockets". Billed as a funny……
For one week only, Signe Baumane's First Feature length animated film "Rocks In My Pockets" is playing from Sept. 3 to 11at……
We all aware of the famous actor Robin Williams who recently took his own life, this news shocked the whole world maybe because we……
Causes of Depression A mental state characterized by a negative sense of deficiency and a despondent lack of activity is known……
Everyone wants to be married in his or her life. We can say that it a dream for everyone to be married in life so do I. After marriage……
How to save ourselves from depression. 1. Believe in Allah. That he is the only one who solve our……
Life is beautiful and charming but its not always easy. Life has also many problems and our challenge is to face those problems bravely……
Depression is not an incurable disease. If someone is depressed he will feel anxiety and desperate themselves. In this case you cannot……
"BALANCE OF PAYMENT":A nation's exports less its imports. "BLACK MARKET":A free market operating without the government's legal sanction.……
Every man is full of desires. He have dreams and he want to fulfill them. He tries hard to achieve his goals. He goes hard to give……
Primary health care encompasses the role of health care practitioners who deliver their services as the starting point of consultation……
Apart from safety hazards, there are a number of jobs that pose a health risk to the personnel deputed on work due to long term exposure.……
Individual health owes more or less to guided indications people follow to take care of their health. They may feature a few personal……
Here is the second chapter of my tips on how to defeat time... I hope you will enjoy it! 1) Not getting enough sleep can decrease……
Floral extracts can uplift, soften, and strengthen your skin. WE ALL KNOW the amazing power of flowers. We bring bouquets to hospitals……
Here is part four to my list of crazy random facts. Numbers 76-100. Hope you enjoy! 76.Money is made from cotton not paper. 77.Love……
Complaining is considered normal by most of people , because of stresses and problems in life that most of people are fighting against……
*** You are the only one who is responsible for your own mood, so do not tie your mood with people. You will Grievance yourself if……
It is accepted that skin aging is inevitable, most of changes on our face is the result of our environment and the way of life. Remember……
Many people are wandering here and there in Pakistan. These jobless people cannot be adjusted due to shortage of sources. ……
The most important thing which destroys and disturb the rest of human life is rapid change is social and economical status. There……
Isn't it awkward, in times we listen to our gut feelings, we want to go for it and suddenly we don't. We want to open up and try to……
Today’s focus will be on Depression. Depression is a mental disorder where the person feels worthless, has no desire to move……
Do you know someone who suffers from PTSD? Well, chances are most of us do when considering the fact that approximately 7.7……
Drug abuse is the self administration of a drug for non medical purpose. Drug abuse is mainly done to get pleasure and to relieve……
At least over ninety per cent of the women in Afghanistan are suffering from major depression, and nearly a quarter think of committing……
Is it a hoax or is it true? There have been plenty of rumors circulating across multiple media platforms and social media websites……
Hey, guys. I am sorry for not being able to write anything for the past couple of days. I had a lot of routing stuff on my calendar.……
offee and tea are some of the most consumed beverages. Besides the particular flavor them individually, these drinks are healthy.Citeste……
Depression is a global health crisis. It is not the sole domain of women, for depression affects 350 million people worldwide. However,……
Perception: Marriage or Divorce, but Sharing a Bed is No Longer Working for Eurozone? George Soros in effect projects German policy……
'Afar' is one of the states of Ethiopia which is well known by world's popular Arcehologists and scientists to be the original place……
Tomorrow (January 24, 2012), the IMF is cutting its economic forecasts across the globe. Today, IMF Chief stated that there was a……