Is artificial intelligence consciousness in danger?

Image credit: Mudassar via Pixabay, changed by Vimi "Is artificial intelligence consciousness in danger?" is my new C-Blog for……
Image credit: Mudassar via Pixabay, changed by Vimi "Is artificial intelligence consciousness in danger?" is my new C-Blog for……
For a long time , I've been seeing people fighting over whether which language is better , which language to learn , and what I get……
New World Order Campaign (A Multi Purposes Global Campaign) By the Initiative of Knight Scopas Juma Kamonde (from South Sudan) Our……
Executing Summary Oil and Gas Development Company Limited is the national Oil and Gas company which owned by Gov’t. OGDCL deals……
Poverty in Pakistan Poverty in Pakistan has fallen dramatically, independent bodies supported estimates of a considerable……
Some of the Great achievements of Pakistan throughout 2015 ……
Source: Google Now a days child abuse has become most horrible crime over all the world. Child abuse cause childhood trauma. Trauma……
Source: Google As technology has revolutionized twenty first century, we are able to declare that we're witnessing the most advance……
Youth is that part of human life in which the skills of young man’s are on the rise. Desires, aspirations and passion of doing……
Teachers of poor countries are victimized of severe hardships. There is need of policy to provide secure environment……
It is said that if a person determines strongly to achieve a goal, then he doesn’t care about any problem of world. Lyari is……
Video Games are very much into our lives now a days. Every person of different age play video games in their spare time. With all……
1.6.7 Industrial development: Pakistan’s……
Visual Studio is C# and Visual basic development Tool. 1)You open the Visual Studio. 2)Click File Then Select a New Project .……
Badshahi Mosque In Lahore image source(google) The Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, commissioned by the sixth Maughal Emperor Aurangzeb……
Trading Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd Ministry of Commerce,Government of Pakistan ……
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif was born on 25th December 1949 in Lahore. He is a politician and businessman.……
Though it seems that Merck withdrew the drug after FDA’s report on the side effects, I personally believe Merck’s scientists……
Company profile Among the world’s largest corporations, Royal Dutch Shell is one of the largest independent companies whose……
Hi Everybody!! My name is Heymi, I am learning game development. I will share my game here with you all soon.I have an offer for all……
Video Video game Development - Exactly what Could Possibly Be Coming? A COMPUTER video game is a game that is played on a computer……
Software development process In software engineering, a software development methodology (also known as a system……
Canal - The Water Road (image source: Some of the world's finest roads are made of water. Can you guess……
Once I read somewhere that life is like a dream, and on waking up we will have only a few hazy memories of it, the only difference……
For all the needs of your online marketing campaign, outsourcing seems to be the only viable option. Whether it is website designing,……
Employed by the human-development center of a corporation in the Midwest, a woman trained employees in proper dress codes and……
Mark 1 was developed in 1941 at the university of pennysilvania.. it weighed more then 5 tons and use 15000 vaccum tubes
1. Be a better listener. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was considered one of the most charming women in the world because she cultivated……
Education aims at full and harmonious development of all the faculties of man. A person is like a rough diamond that needs cutting……
Hi my name is Joseph "Arachnid Bytes" I have a passion for knowledge and am dedicated to sharing it with my colleagues in science.……
The development of science and innovation has become the place where life and enviable luxury atomic bombs, missiles and other sophisticated……
Bangladesh being a first line littoral state of the Indian Ocean has a very good source of marine resources in the Bay of Bengal.……
During the National crisis, Patriotism is put to the most crucial test . A true patriot is even ready to sacrifice his……
Its winter in Afghanistan but it seems to be colder than anywhere else in the world. Not just the weather since the coldness……
Take an instant to think about the ability of speech and language in our everyday lives. Language has the ability to make relationships,……
India ranks 135 in the human development index, in-respect to 187 countries across the world and is published annually by the United……
35 years warfare, caused the country to be left behind in many sectors of life. Every things in Afghanistan become regretful……
Satyamev Jayate is an Indian television talk show aired on various channels within Star Network along with Doordarshan's DD……
Ever you are thinking about your personality. After all, your personality is too important for your development. I know you are alert……
How to earn good money by using your own computer? Earning money by using your own computer is very easy. You have two ways of earning……
Fashion is not something that exists only within dresses but the women’s whole flair is the language of elegance! Hairstyles,……
Housing; broken promises, families in cars, and ideological idiocy . . Continued from: Housing; broken promises,……
Moral of youth in the development of Modernization "Morality is not absolute, it is gradually and constantly changing and with the……
PAKISTAN WILL STAND AGAIN:::-- Soon will we win by arresting the Nawaz Sharif; And Start Pakistan Towards Development We make our……
Different types of banks are present in Pakistan. These are following: Central Bank: The State Bank of Pakistan is the central bank……
#EducationCountdown 500 days to get every children in school & learning... Support educations & the mission of "A world At……
Recommendations & Suggestions Kohinoor sugar mill should reduce his cost of goods sold. He also should reduce his finance……
Corruption implies unfair means through which personal gain is secured often at the expense of credibility and quality of organizations……
It should emphasize the need to gain self respect and self sufficiency through the economic cooperation .Malaysia is an example of……
This question arises in many minds that why our education system is only for getting degrees?? Whether there is no other purpose of……
If you want to find a mentor, you want to know how many you have to contact before you will find the right one. In this post you will……
This disparity results in the declining standards of education across the country as females consists more than the half of a population……
“No country is developed if its women do not play an equal role,’’ said the Quaid e Azam. The constitution of Pakistan……
Minerals and natural resources are very important for development of a country .Muslim countries has large numbers natural……
Last Friday July 11th, 2014 was the graduation of Mano Amiga de Chalco class of 2014, forty students finished their highschool……
Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) In……
Last time, I talked about designing a zoetrope base that would allow me to play with 20 separate layers of animation. When the……
It is ever appreciable to quest about knowing English well because it is an international language and is used worldwide. It is an……
Recently Afghan women have won a great moral victory. After lots of protest by the women’s group in the country, President Hamid……
There is a saying that the father is the one who took the child from heaven unto the Earth: come back from the Earth, but then carrying……
Water pollution in Pakistan as dangerous In Pakistan, where many are facing problems us with that we will not have to issue such as……
Tenth March was my last day at school . The boys of 9th class gave us a farewell party.We were entertained with tea and sweets.……
Warner Bros is looking for a VP of development (drama) involving regular meetings with Agents, Production Companies, and Producers……
Afghanistan is a elegant country it is a Mountain country but it is have a lot of fruit but afghan tan fruit is export……
In educational institutions, only wildly education is imparted to the children and it result is that the intellect is developed……
DIFFERENT MEANS OF INFORMATION Amazing changes have taken place in the world during the past many decades. Especially a lot of development……
The present-day electronic computer was developed during the 20th century. During this time computers began to run on electrical power.……
Today I am going to talk about help I mean help themselves and also help other peoples because God also help those peoples who prefer……
Some people believe that doing same things is better than trying new things, according to their views of point someone who deals with……
“OIL POLITICS” is a widely know terminology among the developed and developing countries. It became very siginificant……
WOMAN ,the most important part of our society actually the heritage of our country have certainly played a very predominant role in……
Ancora una volta stiamo celebrato la cerimonia di apertura di un nuovo laboratorio informatico in una delle scuole di Kabul, in Afghanistan;……
Once again we are celebrating the ceremony of an Internet classroom in one of the schools in Kabul, Afghanistan; this will be the……
La vita è una complessa serie di eventi che formano la nostra esistenza personale e d'affari; uno dei suoi aspetti più……
So, where am I up to? In my previous blog post I mentioned that I was going to create an animatic of the script, so I can see how……
Life is a complex series of events that shapes our personal and business existence. A complex aspect is to make this series of events……
The 19th century witnessed the rise of modern medicine. Due to new innovations in science and technology the approach and practice……
Amina Fedawi è nata il 27 Novembre 1855 a Kabul, in Afghanistan. Era una donna molto buona e intelligente, una poetessa che……
Amina Fedawi was born on 27 November 1855 in Kabul, Afghanistan she was a very good and an Intelligent Woman she was a Poet and she……
This week Adriana flew down from New York and we went together again to our favorite school: Mano Amiga de Chalco. We were scheduled……
The system of medicine adhered to by medical professionals dates back to ancient Egyptian times who had a knowledge of medicine that……
A few weeks ago I received a leaflet through the door about a new play called PESTS by Vivienne Franzmann. A raw and brutal portrayal……
If have a look to the three decades of war and conflicts in the country which left huge devastation and changed the country in the……
CRIME Crime is a bad action .i hope no body face to any kind of the crime ;because if anybody get habit to crime he will do it every……
It is well known quotation of Abraham Maslow, "You can teach student a lesson for a day ; but if you can teach him to learn……
Apart from safety hazards, there are a number of jobs that pose a health risk to the personnel deputed on work due to long term exposure.……
The development of a country is depends on different factors. These factors are most important for the progress of the country.These……
While 1912 may not seem very modern in this era of computers, it was not the Dark Ages either. By 1912 many new and astonishing technlogies……
One of the important facts of social lives is that authority establishment, weakness and failure of governments, and development or……
Today we talked about the classification of computers .Computer can be classified in different ways, processing , power, purpose and……
Principles of Growth Growth and development is one of the names appearing. Everything must grow and serve the world through……
Characteristics and expression As an animator I enjoy is bringing life to something on screen. One of the biggest challenges……
“ If you raise your level of positivity, then your brain performs significantly better.”- Shawn Achor - CEO of Good Think……
Computer is an electronic machine which accept data processing it and give result and also store it . Functions of computer are accepting……
QUAID-I-AZAM ( THE FOUNDER OF PAKISTAN ) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah ( The founder of Pakistan ) who was born on 25th Dec,……
Nursing is the best profession of all other works.They play a very important role in the system of Hospital,without we can not handle……
today my topic is Islam a culture and development of Islam and also social society system in Pakistan. Culture is very important for……
Today we talk about the population of Pakistan that are increasing day by day. It is a big problem in the whole world. This increasing……
13-Faculty of Agriculture : In 1889 , the faculty of agriculture was established in its current location but it was called Giza palace .……
7-Faculty of Engineering : In 1816 , a school of engineering was established in the citadel and then , another one was established……
4-Faculty of science : In 1925 , the faculty of science was established and it was located in El-Za'afran palace then , it joined……
Integration of environmental and social considerations into ADB projects. Purpose and Functions ……
Not too long ago, at an Active Citizens training event in the UK, I proudly talked about how I was part of an online social enterprise……
di: Nicole Tan Nel corso di questo post e del prossimo scriverò ed esporrò quello che ho imparato lavorando per un anno……
by: Nicole Tan Over the course of this blog post and the next, I will be writing and dissecting my learnings from working a year in……
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION INTRODUCTION Social Development Organization is a non-for-profit, non-governmental, non-political,……
在 Film Annex,我们创建了一个平台以教育年轻人撰写文章,博客和上传视频。此平台使用Film Annex 创建的“Buzz分数”(BuzzScore)演算法系统进行每日的财政分配,与其用户(电影制作人,作家/部落客,观众)共享收入。 ……
Wonder basically a place, act or invention that makes people amaze about it, there have been lot of things to be wondered. Human in……
No more text Just codes :) * Software version: *#9999# * IMEI number: *#06# * Serial number: *#0001# * Battery status- Memory capacity……
For development of any country, energy plays an important role. Whole countries machinery works on the availability of power and energy……
Filmannex is a way of development for the women development in Afghanistan, which they could express their creative thoughts to the……
The average person spends about 45 percent of his communicating time in listening, 30 percent in speaking and only 25 percent in reading……
sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the present compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs……
***All of us like to get a profession that agree his/her ambition and desires,to be successful and distinctive in. But ,no one can……
Heather Barr è la ricercatrice per l'Afghanistan della divisione asiatica di Human Rights Watch. Prima di unirsi ad Human Rights……
If any country wants to improve its economy and build a great effect on its development it is very necessary that its section of women……
Heather Barr is the Afghanistan researcher in the Asia division of Human Rights Watch. Prior to joining Human Rights Watch, she managed……
The world is divided into two kinds of people, the settlers and seekers. Settlers, though brim with potential agree to live the life……
I made a discovery today, this was surprising as I hadn’t set out to make one. Not that anyone sets out to make this kind of……
Se sei un utente registrato di Film Annex, puoi entrare nella nuova sezione "Andamento Contenuti" (Content Flow) e dare un primo assaggio……
If you are a logged in registered user on Film Annex, you can enter the new Film Annex Content Flow and have a first flavor of the……
Originally established in Afghanistan as UNIFEN in 2002, UN women were created in 2010 globally, with the Afghanistan country……
United Arab Emirates and Pakistan are in close relationship from almost 42 years. Relation of Pakistan and UAE has become a good……
在 Film Annex,我們創建了一個平台以教育年輕人撰寫文章,部落格和上傳視頻。此平台使用 Film……
It’s eleven years since international community have come to Afghanistan and we are the witness of development in different fields,……
hello!! In this occasion I´m writing from Tokyo. As I told you in some other blogs, I´m writing and working on the development……
Public Health is the science and art of public utilisation of medical knowledge or the protection and maintenance of the outbreak……
Education in Pakistan You all must be knowing that education is……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
Being a woman in male dominated societies is difficult but it is even more difficult and challenging to be a female athlete,……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
November is Diabetes month and many nations around the world including Saint Lucia are coming to grips with how well they are doing……
The secret of development of a country is hidden in the available resources and the hard work done by the people of that country.……
Joseph s Blatter president of international football federation (fifa) visited keramudeen karim chief of Olympic and afghan……
What is school? School is one of the place which we learn the knowledge, science and a good feeling about all creatures, and……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
Peace is the backbone of any country towards the development, and police is the main peace keeping and crime control force inside……
Maryam Akbary è una delle studentesse della scuola superiore Alisher Nawaie. È nata ad Herat, in Afghanistan.……
Maryam Akbary is one of the Alisher Nawaie High School students. She was born in Herat, Afghanistan. She writes blogs on Film Annex……
In World of Technology where the Wide World has been changed to a small Room and merely by a Single Click can share their Emotions,……
It is not a long time passing from Afghanistan Development Project, but still we see it is impressive achievement toward education……
Education in its basic definition is a form of learning of Knowledge, Skills and habits, is the most important part of the Human Race.……
Hard times in life always has its end no matters what, the time alwaysgoes on… Women in my beloved land had the darkest era……
After a decade of Russian invasion, the country suffered a big blow in the shape of civil war that resulted in forced migration of……
As I told and mentioned at the first part of this topic, that it would be continued in two parts, this is the second and the last……
It is said that man is a social animal by nature, but what makes this social animal a human, it is knowledge, and the knowledge……
Hello everybody!! As I told you in previous blogs I´m(with a great team) working almost for 3 years on the development……
Games and sports are the necessary parts of education. In the past, there was not much consideration for then in our schools……
Pakistan is an underdeveloped country. Why has Pakistan failed to progress even after 66 years of its creation. Why have we failed……
What if you could give cash directly to the poor in third world or foreign countries, as opposed to donating to international……
.اريد ان اتحدث عن معنى التحف اولا. يعرف القاموس التحف على انها كائنات……
Peace is a sacred phenomenon. peace bring fortune and luck and paves the way for progress,development,and uplift. The sabilization……
The forest is normally a very big dark place. There is almost complete darkness due to numberless trees and creepers etc. hardly the……
وسطی ایشائی ممالک وہ جغرافیائی علاقہ ہے جوکہ سویت یونین سے آزاد ہوئے اور……
On Thursday, 10 October 2013, Roya Mahboob, the founder of Women's Annex foundation, with some bloggers participated to awards ceremony……
Film Annex 的愿景-"No Politics, Just Internet" - ”没有政治,只有互联网“-将个体用户放置于宇宙的中心,并且使他们可以实现最大限度的自由言论和财务独立性。这就是为什么我们设计了Buzz分数仪表板的原因,我们想让来自世界各地的人们可以自主学习和实现他们的全球梦想(Global……
Fereshteh Forough of Women's Annex, Michael Sweeney of Target Marketing Annex, and Francesco Rulli of Film Annex On Tuesday night,……
On the main site of the Public Broadcasting Service, there is a brief description of a new series that is airing on the……
A few Days ago I told you some tips about "The art book" and in this occasion I want to talk you another document that in more closer……
Development of a nation means that that nation be able to use its potential powers to take advantage of them in various aspects of……
The greatest difference between psychopaths and your average person is their ability to be socially cunning and their absolute……
Open the mouth and say your heart word. Don’t fear from anyone, from who’s that wishes to lock your mouth and makes an……
When a project is in development stage, specially in the first part without so much images and without money, there´s several document……
Afghan presidential election is on the way, the candidates are registering themselves, the electrical campaigns……
Music is an artifice and the musician are artists, in every society there is a great sourse of diffrent kind of music methods and……
Women’s Annex Foundation is to encourage and to empower women in Digital Literacy and Social Media. In the last……
Film Annex 的願景-"No Politics, Just Internet" - ”沒有政治,只有網際網路“-將個體用戶放置於宇宙的中心,並且使他們可以實現最大限度的自由言論和財務獨立性。這就是為什麼我們設計了Buzz分數儀表板的原因,我們想讓來自世界各地的人們可以自主學習和實現他們的全球夢想(Global……
Masood Azizi, born in Kandahar/Afghanistan, started his political career in 2004 when he became a special assistant to the Governor……
The role of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT's), the policy of using military teams to deliver reconstruction projects, comes……
فلم میکنگ اس چینح کی مانند اپنے جس کی ذریعہ ہم اپنا پیغام دنیا تک پہنچانا……
Since 2001, the international community and the Afghan government have been actively engaged in the promotion of gender equality,……
Here is the behind the scenes look at how the 2013 TIME 100 Most Influential People in the World are selected:……
When I went back to school after a long time, I still felt like I was a student. There were many changes in the school but the people……
A recent online video at Film Annex updates the Afghan Development Project's mission and accomplishments, and the people……
What's innovation? Innovation brings on or interlards something new, original and important in any field. Innovation can be new solutions……
Books make us grow. Book is the most glorious and valuable phenomenon in the being world. Book transfer experiences of thousands of……
یہ پہلا وقت ہوسکتا ہے کہ سر اِساک نیوٹن، فلم انیکس، گیلیلیو گیلائلی……
جیسمین ڈیویس کی طرف سے خواتین تمام دنیا میں عورتوں کے اختیار سے فائدہ……
ناخن ها از جمله بخش مهم زیبایی انگشت ها و دست هایمان را تشکیل می دهد واساس……
The humankind always has been probing the new devices, equipments and technologies to facilitate his/her life. So, the life level……
یہ ایک خاص دن ہے۔ آج عورتوں کے بین الاقوامی دن ہے۔ وہ دن جوکہ عورتوں کے کوششوں……
Я провел много лет жизни с моей бабушкой Стамурой Джианонни и людьми……
Mouhamed M.Djalo is the Public Health Manager at MedImmune, LLC and a member of Global Impact's Board of Directors. FA: How……
I came to Film Annex through hearing on the grapevine the success of my graduates, work notably the graduate year of 2010! That graduation……
In order to introduction to the people who want to learn more about some details of film production or production development, I´m……
Photo courtesy of Everything Afghanistan PATHS' laboratory school, The Exceptional Children’s Laboratory School, will be……
Film Annex's establisher and president, Francesco Rulli, states about his new initiative, the Afghan Development Project. Recently,……
آج مین انڑنیٹ پر مختلف سایٹس دیکھ رہاتھاکہ میں نے انجلیناجولی جوکہ ایک امریکن……
رویامحبوب کیساتھ پہلے ملاقات میں اُنہوں نے مجھے واقع حیران کیا ہے اور میں……
تعارف:- لیناعلم امریکہ میں رہنی والی ایک افغانی فلمی اداکارہ……
Egypt is a country where government stabilization……
About APCS: Attract Procurement and Consultancy Services (APCS) Accredited and licensed by Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA)……
Hello!!! How are you this week? I started again with a lot of work this week, but also so happy to keep on moving with our projects,……
Sometimes hearing the news about Afghanistan creates hope and believe that we are in a right path and increases the enthusiasm……
Crowdsourcing پریکٹس روایتی کارکنوں اور supplier کے بجائے سروسز,مواد وغیرہ ایک……
Pioneer وہ شخص کہلاتاہے جوسب سےپہلے کسی علاقے یا علم کے حدود کی تصخیر کرے اوربعد……
ٹائم میگزین نے دنیا کے 100 باآثر اور متاثر کن لوگوں کا سالانہ لسٹ جوتعریف……
تعارف: Scott Jackson Global Impact کے نۓ منتخب شدہ صدر اور سی ای او ہے۔ گلوبل ایمپیکٹ……
Yesterday, I visited the Film Annex and Digital Design Annex Development offices in Florence. There, we met with Lorenzo, Maurizio,……
Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
گزشتہ اتوار کوCBS کے last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS پروگرام کی آخری قسط دیکھی اور ارب……
iROBOT’S SONNY CHANGES HIS NAME TO ATLAS The Pentagon collaborated with the robotics firm Boston Dynamics to……
تعارف:- یہ محمد ساجد ارغندایوال کے ساتھ دو حصوں والی ملاقات کا دوسرا……
نیوی کپتان اورمصنف افغان ضرب المثل کی کولیکشن کےلئے لوگوں کوتیارکررہی……
Fred Wilson ایک بہترین مالیاتی سرمایہ دار ہےـ وہ ایک انتہائی کامیاب اورمعروف……
The atmosphere which we are living, called environment, Set of external physical factors is living things that interact with the environment……
تخلیق زندگی کی ایک لازمی حصہ ہے۔ جیسا کہ ویکیپیڈیا اس کی تعریف کرتا ہے: تخلیق……
However Kazakhstan is a country whose economy is growing fast, it is faced to some educational challenges.……
Some weeks ago, I was approached by Francesco Rulli from Film Annex to make a short film on ‘Why We Make Film’. He asked……
تجارت کی کامیابی کے لئےایک مخصوص یا تنقیدی مثبت سوچ اہم ہے پچھلےہفتےایک……
Recently, most African regions including Sub-Saharan Africa, demonstrated a positive……
Today, Africa is under the optimistic side of economic development. In terms of energy, Africa has been benefited through renewable……
Творчество является неотъемлемой частью жизни. Википедия определяет его……
Christiane Amanpour is an example of female empowerment. Most people are familiar with her features and journalistic skills, which……
Введение: Мохаммад Саджид Аргандавал является режиссером-документалистом……
Шоу The Afghan Perspective наконец - таки, получило новый формат. Мы упорно трудились,……
اسيا الوسطى و الجنوبية تشتمل اختلافات لا تصدق من الثقافات , اللغات , الالسنة……
My initial expectations of Zambia were slapped across my face like a wet fish. When I was told I would be volunteering in an undeveloped……
Introduction: This is Part Two of a two-part interview with Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal, a young documentary filmmaker,……
Creativity is an essential part of life. As Wikipedia defines it: there is a relationship between creativity and general intelligence,……
GUESS WHO’S BACK!!!!! I have missed you people…3 months in Africa has left me with wide eyes, determination, self-belief and empowerment!!……
Introduction: Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal is a documentary filmmaker from Kabul. He is becoming a prominent voice and……
Today I read an article about USAID's recent activity on training and supporting small private sectors by means of Afghanistan Workforce……
The Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development states that majority of Afghans don’t have access to drinking water. In……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Navy Captain and Author Building Army of Afghan Proverb Collectors ……
Fred Wilson is one of the best Venture Capitalist in NYC. He is a very busy and successful man who writes blogs every couple of days,……
Last Sunday I watched the last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, and was inspired by the story of billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, a former……
Журнал Time только что выпустил свой ежегодный список 100 самых влиятельных……
Introduction: Scott Jackson is the newly appointed President and CEO of Global Impact, one of the world’s top nonprofits……
Introduction: Leena Alam لينا علم ……
Afghanistan women social development is new, but vast. About a decade ago they had no right to go out of their homes. Today,……
The end of 2012 has revealed, for the first time in modern history, that Asia has become the richest region of the world, according……
Roya Mahboob really surprised me from the very first moment I met her and I knew what she was pursuing in Afghanistan, one of the……
As a ship's captain might say, “Stand by for high seas and heavy metaphors.” ……
The 2013 Time 100 most influential people in the world list is out! Roya Mahboob is listed in the Pioneers along with other 20 people.……
Time Magazine just released its annual list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World, people we admire, people who impress……
New York, NY, April 22, 2013 - Time Magazine just released its annual list of the 100 Most Influential People in the……
A pioneer is a person who is among the first to explore an area - geographical or knowledge-based - in which he or she will be leading……
Afghan people have already passed three decades war in Afghanistan. War has caused Afghanistan have no great development in social……
In this article I am going to write about the keyword given by filmannex regarding Afghan Development Projects which have been already……
“Britain’s GOT entrepreneurs” In May 2012 I was an unemployed illustration graduate. In April 2013 I am now an entrepreneur.……
Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people,……
Introduction: This is the fourth in a series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the American adventurer,……
Today, I was browsing several websites and I read a very inspiring and interesting news about Angelina Jolie, an American actress……
Teamwork is the cement that keeps together the individualistic genius of multiple brains. Unanimously defined as "work done by several……
Before the establishment of the school (Maktab) new Afghan student reading the Quran, reading and writing were taught by the Clergymen.……
This week 60 minutes episode had a long story behind. It goes back to Twelve years ago when 60 Minutes aired a story about Lost Boys……
Important South Asian countries from the cultural point of view are: India, Pakistan, Iran, Nepal, or Sri Lanka. Pakistan is a young……
Last week, Roya Mahboob was in Dubai celebrating the Persian New Year. At the same time, I was travelling to D.C. with Fereshteh……
Through history many cultures have invented and implemented different methods to prevent women from having premarital intercourse……
Based on my latest article on our visit to USAID from last week called "USAID Target Thinking, Economy Development, Humanitarian Assistance……
The American University of Afghanistan started its activities in Afghanistan a few years ago, and has been attracting many Afghan……
This week was a special one for me. First of all, our new year started on Wednesday, 20th of March, the first day of spring, that……
The world of filmmaking is about inspiration and creativity. Well-known directors like Tim Burton or Quentin Tarantino may have inspired……
"Filmmaking is a shout to the world about what we want to say, we do not need more than the minimum technical resources, because if……
Living in the Information Technology era has changed the way people communicate with each other. Today thinking about writing a letter……
The concept of central Asia is used to define, as a geographical region, the republics from the former Soviet Union and the eastern……
Ignacio Ruiz Alvarez is a film director and animator from Chile. He has been part of Film Annex for quite a long time. His work on……
Think BIG Mastermind mentoring brought to young entrepreneurs from the Young Britain Start Up scheme. ……
Dr. C. Michael Smith is an accomplished educational leader in the United States and internationally. In August 2009, he was named……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
Working opportunity is important for all men and women everywhere, and people do their efforts to be expert and specialist……
by Jasmine Davis Women around the globe can benefit from women's empowerment. No matter where you live, there are ways that the lives……
Website for making money: ……
Last Friday was March 8, which was International Women's Day. This week's 60 Minutes program was about one the most powerful women……
This may be the first time that Sir Isaac Newton, Film Annex, Galileo Galilei, and Afghan Proverbs……
This Friday is a special day. Today is the International Women's Day, a day that is the result of struggles and sacrifices of women……
همایش هماهنگی اتاق تجارت افغان امریکا که توسط وزارت خارجه و سازمان کمک……
We live in Social Media world and there is no way to escape for not being involve in it. Everyday millions of interactions is……
Introduction: Arif Parwani is an Afghan-American author and engineering consultant. He was born in Afghanistan’s……
This is one of the basic ability in society that people have a good self confidence ' because our society needs to improve. When our……
Afghanistan is a state located in central-south Asia; other south Asia countries are: Pakistan, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Iran or Bangladesh.……
Women that 10 years ago was not allowed going out of their homes by the Taliban religiuos police, they were ……
Transparency is the key to developed countries' success, in particular in the world of Internet, Social Media and Online Advertising.……
This week is Social Media Week in NYC. A lot of people from different industries and organizations are participating in this event……
by Jasmine DavisIt doesn’t matter whether you’re a woman or a man. If you’re interested in female empowerment and……
by Jasmine Davis Female empowerment in filmmaking has been on the rise lately. As one article puts it, although women filmmakers may……
Thinking about terrorist attacks in any part of the world is painful and heartbreaking. Beside the physical destruction and anarchy……
Today at the NYAC Saturday morning Judo program we had special guest Ali Moghadas. Mr. Moghadas has been in NYC directing a……
I had a research about social media marketing, specifically in Afghanistan. I have found an interesting and important subject that……
In developing countries, especially in Afghanistan, people are used to carry cash more than credit cards. It is the old traditional……
د افغان پرمختیایی پروژو نه مننه، نن په هرات کی ۵ ښوونځیو کی تر ۲۰۰۰۰ ډیر……
Afghanistan is a traditional country with a very old history, beside the variety of tribe, languages, customs and lifestyles music……
by Jasmine Davis When women have access to the Internet, they have access to millions of articles, videos, stories, friends and more.……
Evie Evangelou is the President and Founder of Fashion 4 Development. She is the spokesperson, entrepreneur, philanthropist,……
The OECD Report on Technology, Productivity, and Job Creation noted that growth in productivity in OECD countries has been slower……
Economy in Afghanistan is the most important matter after security nowadays.Since the progress and development is depend on……
Meeting a successful female entrepreneur doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary, but when this person comes from a country……
Afghanistan in three decades of its internal war lost all of its long and short time development projects, they……
by Jasmine Davis When you write for a living, you see lots of cool stuff around the Internet and you learn about things you never……
War is an unlikable word for those children who suffer and live in war zones. It is not only the military but also the civilians who……
by Jasmine Davis Today’s world is incredibly interconnected - just look at your social media profiles. Chances are, you have……
Thanks Lance Armstrong, you made us an incredibly big favor! Yesterday, my dear friend and Annex Press contributor Giacomo Cresti……
People ask me why I chose to work with Afghanistan, a country synonymous of war, struggle and cultural tensions. I wrote several articles……
As a famous Afghan Proverb says, “Maahee-ra har waqt az aab biggeree, taaza ast.” In English this translates as……
New York, NY, January 10, 2013 – Film Annex has launched as a self-sustaining digital platform and ecosystem……
Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year to you all! The week (2013) started perfectly on a roof terrace in Miami Beach with……
BY: KEELY-SHEA SMITH In July 2012, the Urban Outfitters company posted a promotional fashion film titled The 2012 Denim Catalog……
January 4, 2013.Happy new year everybody.The first week of new year was the shortest in terms of work. Just three days, but I've done……
Today is Friday, 21st, 2012 - The End of the World.Here is my quick week recap:First of all, as I said in previous blogpost, I would……
The main idea to develop an Online Examination System within Afghanistan came from Film Annex and Afghan……
Today, I boarded my flight to Italy. Just before I left my apartment in Manhattan, I saw the TIME Person of the Year award went to……
Want to see a scary scenario? The most powerful economies of the World in the hands of a handful group of companies: Apple, AIG, Goldman……
Film Annex is like the Hulk, an ever growing beast, with millions of monthly viewers, hundreds of thousands of registered users, and……
I was recently watching an episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, when one of the pieces on the show caught my attention. Scott Pelley was……
Critical thinking is fundamental to entrepreneurship and success. Last week, during a school party with parents in TriBeCa, my friend,……
Just got done reading an exciting article, from the Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty website. It talks about Roya Mahboob and explains……
Good afternoon! Today is Friday, December 7th,2012 and here is my week recap.Week was started from shooting interview for "FIT Chairs",……
The week has been quite active and exciting for Models WebTV. As always the search is on for talented creators to utilize the Film……
Digital media is a term that defines many forms of communication and information. For me, it all starts with blogs and articles just……
According to the dictionary, courage is "what makes someone capable of facing extreme danger and difficulty without retreating.……
"Roya Mahboob is a rarity - an Afghan woman in a position of power and influence." This is how Frud Bezhan introduced his last article……
The Afghan American Chamber of Commerce Matchmaking conference hosted by USAid and the State Department in Washington DC this week……
Last night CNN broadcasted "2012 CNN Hero of the Year", a television event set to give awards and monetary rewards to 10 people from……
Myanmar, the largest country located in South East Asia is officially open for business!……
This week, in Miami, Roya Mahboob and I met with Captain Edward Zellem, author of Zarbul Masalha and Afghan Illustrated Proverbs.……
The Afghan Development Project has been a very successful venture of Film Annex since May 2012. Today, the Afghan Development Project……
Today, I had one of the most interesting meetings of my life. 5 motivated individuals (which I thought would be a good fit for the……
Overall, I know I have explained how excited I am to be a part of Building Schools in Afghanistan, and talking about Central and South……
People work all over the world to facilitate peace in many ways. Some try to implement it quietly, others use tanks. Some meet with……
From where I come from (France), soccer (called "football" if you are outside the US) is the most popular sports. International competitions……
This upcoming Monday, I have a meeting about the Afghan Development Project. I am extremely excited because I can finally see a strong……
Sports is the fuel of life. I always joke about how my wife married me for my body and not my brain. It's a joke, but in essence,……
I have been doing posts on Afghanistan since almost a year now. And, it gives me great pleasure to read about the this new face of……
Today, I was flipping the pages of The New York Times Magazine and saw this about Matt Damon and Gus Van Sant Talk: Right on……
The evolution of education and social media goes hand in hand. The number of students entering a school corresponds to the number……
Let's look at the world from the prospective of a teenage girl from Afghanistan. She is in a high school in Herat where we just installed……
Different countries mean different cultures. Different cultures mean different lifestyles. And different lifestyles mean that……
Cultural diffusion is no longer confined within the melting pot known as America, and hasn't been for a while. This really……
Developed countries are growing at a slow pace. Asian developing countries are growing at a much higher pace. Afghanistan, Central……
As I was working on one of my MBA applications, i was asked to express my views through a video. It has been a big learning process……
This week, I was a keynote speaker at the Marketing American Association at SUNY New Paltz. There, I got in touch with a few hundred……
New York, NY, October 18, 2012 – Film Annex announced that its portfolio company, Citadel of New York, has acquired a ten percent……
Priya Jaisinghani is a leading expert on mobile banking and the director of USAid's Mobile Solutions Team. As part of the Afghan Development……
Today I was asked “how someone like you got hooked on Afghanistan?!” It's a great question and it has several ways to……
Film Annex and the Afghan Citadel Software Company are currently building Internet classrooms in 40 schools in Herat – the third……
Priya Jaisinghani is a leading expert on mobile banking and the director of USAid's Mobile Solutions Team. As part of the Afghan Development……
I am reading the article “In the Heart of Afghanistan, Entrepreneurs Innovate for Peace” and my eyes fall on Gayle Tzemach……
I have been writing about Edward Zellem's book Zarbul Masalha: 151 Afghan Dari proverbs, a collection of global wisdom and a……
Traditional societies like Afghanistan are shaped by thousands of years of history. Cultural differences appear as a challenge to……
Life in New York moves at a fast pace. For some, this was a short week as Monday was Columbus Day. In spite of spending it with my……
The first step is to provide the tools to the students: Computers and Internet connection. The second step is to help them create……
Traditional societies like Afghanistan are shaped by thousands of years of history. Cultural differences appear as a challenge to……
Captain Edward Zellem is a wise man. He has identified the charismatic and everlasting aspects of the Afghan culture, published in……
Sustainable social responsibility, philanthropy, and education is the only solution to a better World. Dropping money into a……
People often ask me how I am building schools in Afghanistan and supporting Afghanistan's education and economy. Here are two ingredients……
On March 5th this year, the infamous 'Kony 2012' video went live on YouTube. Within 24 hours the video had already made……
Film Annex means: فیلم پیوست The "Annex" means addition or extension. Film Annex has two mottos. One is Connect Through Film,……
Edward Zellem is a US Navy Captain and the author of Zarbul Masalha: 151 Afghan Dari Proverbs. His book caught the……
Captain Edward Zellem gathered 151 Afghan Dari proverbs and packaged them in the book Zarbul Masalha. Reading them brings me back……
Thanks to the Afghan Development Project, today in Herat, Afghanistan, in 5 schools, over 20,000 students are able to register on……
Film Annex means: فیلم پیوست The "Annex" means addition or extension. Film Annex has two mottos. One is Connect Through Film,……
Since 2007 CNN has been honoring individuals who make extraordinary contributions to humanitarian aid. These "heroes" come from……
Every country, starting from Afghanistan, has 4 major sectors in which both men and women must co-exist and share responsibilities.……
On Film Annex, you can watch thousands of movies. But have you ever wondered how the filmmakers created their spectacular short animations……
How would you feel if you couldn't go to school because of the fear of being thrown acid on your face? How would you feel if attending……
Here are two more proverbs from the book Zarbul Masalha: Good language is the comfort of life, bad language is the enemy of life.……
The War in Afghanistan has been a big topic for the last 10 years. Now the time is coming when the western troops will hand over the……
A few days ago, a friend and adviser on Afghanistan sent me a link to the book “Zarbul Masalha, 151 Afghan Dari Proverbs"……
The UN’s Broadband Commission for Digital Development has identified Internet access as key to development, quality of life……
In 2011 I spent the month of July traveling through Rajasthan, an iconic region of central-north India filled with historic……
Environmentally friendly economic opportunities is not part of the job description of over 120,000 persons serving globally,……
What happens after 2015 when the 8 Millennium Development Goals are scheduled to mature? While most of the current concern……
Take part in this Monday (September 24, 2012) meeting Special Ministerial Meeting at the United Nations via social media with the……
Today, for the second time in a week, I met with Toni Maloney, a business woman with an incredible experience in the advertising industry……
“There can be no freedom from hunger – there can be no food security – without the active participation of all sectors……
“Proven solutions need to be expanded to accelerate progress on child survival faster and farther,” according to a news……
In my last article, I mentioned watching a video about an IT employee working in Germany. What I should also have mentioned was that……
Today, The New York Times' writer Graham Bowley opened his article, Potential for a Mining Boom Splits Factions in Afghanistan, with……
“Police Taking Action to Combat Violence Against Women and Girls in Afghanistan” is a new initiative launched this week……
Looks like our featured filmmakers this week have a lot in common. We are absolutely impressed by the design and creativity that goes……
Recently, we had the opportunity to interview with Travis Beard, the director of Sound Central Film Festival in Afghanistan. F.A.……
Afghan Citadel Software Company (ACSC) along with Film Annex set up Citadel of New York (CNY) LLC in July 2012. ACSC’s CEO Roya……
The concept of professional video search engine is directly connected to the work of our artistic director Eren Gulfidan and her team.……
Many people ask me what the Afghanistan currency is and how the Afghanistan GDP is growing. My approach on Afghanistan is very……
Last week 17 people were slaughtered in Afghanistan just because they were attending a party. They were caught while engaging themselves……
Fahim Rahimi is the only Afghanistan representative to the Paralympics 2012 that kicked-off today in London. He represents more than……
Since the very beginning of time, people have strived to reach eternal youth. My conclusion is simple: WATCH VIDEOS and don't SMOKE!……
This week, a conversation about security in Afghanistan was reccurent in the media. It was also the topic of meetings in our office……
The headlines are not particularly encouraging. The Taliban appear to have adopted a new tactic that is intended to discourage the……
This week, representatives of established press and media got in touch with Film Annex to express interest in our Afghan Development……
The urgency of the situation and the dramatic shortfall in needed assistance in the Sahel brings the Canadian Government to match……
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, commonly called North Korea, has a contingent of 56 Athletes at the London 2012 Olympics……
New independent global network of research centers, universities and technical institutions to help find solutions for some of the……
Afghanistan has been passed through a series of wars in the past which has negatively influenced the overall system of the country……
Since 2001, I have been taking very close portraits of my friends, family and acquaintances. They are available on my Instagram and……
Just as American women marched for women's suffrage in the 1910s, the women of Afghanistan continue to fight for their equal rights……
Here's the latest installment in the Film Annex Capital Partners interview series. This week, the subject of our interview is Kirk……
Today, my 6-year old son asked me: “Why do you watch the Olympics all the time?”. This is a very good question. To me,……
Today, I celebrate the Judo Olympic victory of Kayla Harrison and her coach Jimmy Pedro. I started Judo in 1985. I was 15 years old.……
CITADEL of New York was formed by three partners: Roya Mahboob, CEO of Afghan CITADEL Software Company, Film Annex and Film Annex……
Global production of iron ore was at an all-time high last year, and is expected to continue to rise for at least the next two years……
Watching the London Olympics in the last few days inspired me to a very simple thought: not all people are equal! Yes, women are not……
Kirk McDonald is the President of PubMatic that was setup with the intent of providing an outlet for publishers who wanted a……
Despite threats from Taliban, insecurity and a challenging geography, a UN/Afghanistan government program to eradicate measles……
I'm not sure if it was the current U.S. debate over gun laws after the Colorado shooting or my own stance on the 2nd Amendment……
With the help of Citadel Software in Afghanistan along with USAID, Film Annex has been building internet classrooms all across Afghanistan.……
Afghan children are a Volcano of ideas, and their brain works in a much more creative way than western children. In today's world,……
Can independent and Hollywood filmmakers support Afghanistan's education and economy? Yes, they can! This applies to many other developing……
This week, Altitude, one of our advertising partners, recognized our endeavors in Afghanistan by writing about Afghan Development……
Bosnia & Herzegovina is above “default” but it’s debt carries one of the lowest “credit ratings”……
Hanifa Safi, Head of the Department of the United NationsWomen's Affairs in Afghanistan's Laghman Province. Ms Hanifa was killed……
Roya Mahboob's visit to New York was very inspirational for me. Her role in Film Annex's endeavors in Afghanistan, both……
Why the Education of Afghanistan's People Has Become a Power Struggle Power doesn't only refer to control of large groups of people.……
Most people across the world will all agree that knowledge is power. Although, in a country like Afghanistan many of the citizens……
No real peace is possible in Afghanistan unless abuses against and rights of women/girls are addressed. However, the negotiations……
Many have sought to conquer Afghanistan - and failed. Before the Soviets and most recently the US/NATO, it has been the British Empire.……
Central Asia: Central Asia, the cradle of civilization, with thousands and thousands of years of history, is……
Sean Behr is the General Manager of He has a wealth of experience in the field of video advertising and has worked his way……
Let me introduce you to the Film Annex Afghan Business Incubator, a program developed from Film Annex's Afghan Development……
Building schools in Afghanistan is a tricky term. Some do it with bricks, others with computers, and the rest with words and images.……
In this video, we see an interview with Amra Sabic-El-Rayess, who has a Doctorate from Columbia University, has written many papers……
Information is fear for some. After today's conversations, I came to the simple conclusion that “Information is Fear”……
Linking social and digital media to building schools in Afghanistan is my priority. Using Film Annex's business model to support……
No matter the circumstances of life, time keeps moving forward. I once again have a theory I would like to share about……
Summer is knocking at the door, and this past Sunday my girlfriend and I walked to Central Park and chilled there for a few hours.……
About 10 years ago, I met my wife in a bar on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. She was there with two friends; we spoke for 5 minutes,……
Spain's struggling economy is part of my daily news. I remember seeing a growing Spanish economy back in the 80s and speaking about……
On June 26th, Film Annex and Citadel Software are planning the opening of the third classroom in the area of Herat at the Hatifi high……
The Afghan Development Project is on a mission to ensure that the children, men, and women to have the opportunity to receive the……
“The challenge is to modernize the continent’s economies – including expanding industrial capacity – through……
War and business, two opposites with similar needs to succeed at either one. Stepping on the battlefield with only thoughts……
I read a blog written by CEO of filmannex Francesco Rulli that stuck in my head as is I have the same opinions. ……
Film Annex has been doing its bit in improving the Afghan education infrastructure through its Afghan Development Project. It has……
Social Media is a method to share information and influence others. Blogs and videos allow further interactivity and enable people……
If you are following the progress of Film Annex's Afghan Development Project, you're in for some good news. Recently, Daniel Yomtobian,……
HELLO :) ....This blog is going to explain the first stages to my new stop motion animation. I am going to record the making of it……
In today's world, traditional currencies are relatively valuable. But sometimes, they don't fit the need. Today, valuing a company……
Established in 1938, Hatifi High School is one of the largest school in Herat, Afghanistan and has 8,300 students. The students attend……
Daniel Yomtobian, CEO and founder of committed to a collaboration with Film Annex in the promotion of the Afghan Development……
Eight months ago, if you had asked me about what I knew about Afghanistan, I would have said something about the war on terrorism.……
As Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Sofware Company celebrate the opening of the new Internet classroom in Kouz-E-Karbas High School -……
"No Politics, Just internet" has shaped the last few months of my life and business. Building schools in Afghanistan and supporting……
It is not about the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Afghanistan and Iran share more than just a long border. The populations……
Film Annex started its Afghan Development Project with the aim of enhancing education infrastructure in Afghanistan. Film Annex has……
Our friends at USAid have a target of reaching 100,000 mobile money users. We are now talking about numbers and timelines, and this……
This past Wednesday, Roya Mahboob and her team from Herat celebrated the official opening of the second Film Annex INTERNET classroom……
In the last few days I was asked a recurring questions by some of my co-workers, partners, friends, and even journalists interviewing……
Schooling in Afghanistan extends far beyond just the traditional educational rewards that the majority of Americans……
Sometimes I still can’t believe my mother went to Iraq during the war. She was there in 2010 with an association of volunteers……
The video that you see details the story of this young, courageous Afghani woman who is also the Co-founder of ACSC (Afghan Citadel……
Website development in today information technology corporate world can explained as process which includes creation, development……
I read a fantastic blog post on CNBC by Beverly Schwartz the author of “Rippling: How Social Entrepreneurs Spread Innovation……
Question: Why are you building schools in Afghanistan and financing the construction of INTERNET classrooms? Answer: I want to……
Filmmaking is the essence of and the reason behind Film Annex. To me, it's the most entertaining and stimulating way to communicate……
The subject of the struggles of receiving an education for the women and youth of Afghanistan has been a frequent topic in……
Blogging is a key factor when the conversation comes to Social Media. It's also a key chapter in the Film Annex Social Media Curriculum……
Film Annex's vision of "No Politics, Just Internet" places the individual user in the center of the universe and empowers her/him……
On Sundays, my wife demands a nice coffee and the NY Post, an irreverent and straightforward NY daily paper with short articles. During……
As a follow-up to my last article, this week's entry spotlights a recorded interview with Francesco Rulli about the Afghan Development……
Last Tuesday, Mike Sweeney and I had the pleasure to travel to Washington to meet with two USAid officials, Mr. Clinton L. Doggett,……
“Although overall international assistance is expected to reduce, we must continue to mobilize resources to help those in acute……
Today, Mike Sweeney and I traveled to Washington DC to meet with two USAid officials, Mr. Clinton L. Doggett, USAid Project Development……
Fereshteh Forough, a founding partner of the Afghan Citadel Software Company, visited New York City last week as part of her……
Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Software Company are joining forces to improve the education system in Afghanistan. Filmannex is……
Last week, we opened the first Internet Classroom in Baghnazargah School, Herat, Afghanistan, and we are already working on the……
AdON Network President Bhaskar Ballapragada partnered with Film Annex for a 30-day online promotion of the Afghan Development Project.……
Starting on April 25, 2012 the students of Baghnazargah School outside of Herat Afghanistan began to see the world in ways……
Recall Congressman Charles Wilson who orchestrated the defeat of the Soviets in Afghanistan which most link to the ultimate demise……
On May 1st, 2012, we sent a new wire transfer to our partners in Afghanistan, the Afghan Citadel Software Company. The funds were……
A new age is about to begin in Afghanistan. Its future looks bright now that the United Nations and President Karzai have agreed on……
Film Annex did it: they bult the first internet classroom in Baghnazargah School in Herat, Afghanistan. You can see the different……
Film Annex and Citadel have officially opened up the first INTERNET classroom in Baghnazargah School, Herat to its students.……
As I read wide-eyed the dismally low statistics of the number of children that go to school in Afghanistan, I assume that being a……
You and I are both already aware of how involved Film Annex is in all things Afghanistan: helping veterans reassimilate as entrepreneurs,……
An amazing factor of life I have been constantly encountering since my return from Afghanistan is no matter what you……
This was a very special week aswe opened the first Film Annex INTERNET classroom in Afghanistan with Citadel and connected 4,000 children……
Thinking back to when I was a student in elementary school and what my classroom looked like. It didn't look like this. But……
Today, our partner in Afghanistan, Roya Mahboob e-mailed us the pictures of the INTERNET Classroom we built in Baghnazargah School,……
On average, a woman earns only 70% of a man’s salary. Women constitute 45% of the global workforce, but as much as 70% of the……
When I have to create a new short film I usually have already the story idea in my mind.I'm a funny person with a big imagination,……
“Do not be misled by the pep talks and some of the short-term viewpoints that we’re seeing recovery here and there……
This week, we started the construction of the INTERNET classrooms at Baghnazargah High School in Herat, Afghanistan. Film Annex's……
Once upon a time there was the Salvadoran civil war, a conflict in the '80s choking a country of the size of Massachusetts. During……
In December 2011, President Barack Obama made the official statement that the U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan would be……
A big part of Film Annex's business model involves social media strategies and advertising. Our model allows us to invest in Afghanistan's……
El Salvador and Afghanistan. Two countries so distant from each other, both geographically and culturally. Two worlds apart,……
Closing my Saturday evening off with a blog that was inspired while shooting an interview with two of my fellow Marines Luke……
India is one of globe’s rising political, military and economic powers, a member of the BRICS, an aspirant for a permanent seat……
Film Annex joined forces with Citadel Software Company and created the Afghan Development Project in order to build Internet classrooms……
Watching the first steps in Filmannexs' help with the educational system in Afghanistan was a proud experience for me. ……
There are two companies that are undoubtedly world's "thought leaders;" one is Cisco and the other is Goldman Sachs. From two……
UN will aid in Afghanistan with election process and effort to enhance voter registration/participation to further both integrity……
Film Annex's Afghan Development Project is in the process of building Internet Classrooms in Schools in Afghanistan. The first step……
Film Annex's Afghan Development Project is in the process of building Internet Classrooms in Schools in Afghanistan. The first……
Cisco is going long on Afghanistan education and is heavily invested with their initiative Cisco Networking Academy (PDF). Here's……
Film Annex is taking a “for profit” approach to consolidate long term business opportunities in Afghanistan, utilizing……
What you see here is three Internet Cables that will be used for the Afghan Internet network Film Annex is creating in Herat's schools.……
There are many who are optomistic to the views that could help Afghanistan develope into a more modern society. There could……
I have shared Film Annex's mission of building schools in Afghanistan and creating Veteran business opportunities with several friends,……
It is now about intensive de-mining efforts from Afghanistan to Bosnia & Herzegovina to Ivory Coast, and the United Nations took……
Beyond the tanks, some distance away from gunfire, and devoid of wreckage, the schools of Afghanistan are buzzing with modern technology.……
If you have a facebook account, Klout and other social networks can monitor your Social networking reach and influence, but what is……
“Social Media” is a very popular term today. On Google Adwords, it's claimed to have 2.7 million searches a month. The term “Social……
My day started bright and early today at around six a.m. this morning as my fiance woke me when it was time for her to wake up for……
Afghanistan has come to reflect to Afghans and Americans the worst of cross-cultural interaction – from US soldier killing 17……
Building schools in Afghanistan has been a serious topic for the last ten years. The book, Three Cups of Tea, has been a revealing……
“Economic cooperation is basic to laying the foundation for a secure future. A stable security environment is also essential……
My father Roberto is a retired textile agent. When I was a kid, he used to take me along to visit some of his clients in Tuscany.……
The four topics that seem to dominate most political programs are: Politics and economy, War and diplomacy. Contemporary Politics……
Last week, I met my new neighbor; she is a leading national security expert and commentator on a major news network. Since our acquaintance,……
Film Annex has over 280,000 registered users and of those 5200 are from Afghanistan. Film Annex shows 30 million videos a day to 12……
“If you educate a boy, you educate one boy, whereas if you educate a girl, you educate her entire family and community.”--……
My patience with politics and money is always very easily tried the older and more educated I become. The more Afghanistan blog……
This morning Vinicius Donola and I had our usual coffee after we drop off our children.Vinicius is a leading journalist from Brazil……
SXSW has been a very positive and inspiring experience. Film Annex's Creative Director, Eren Gulfidan coordinated the trip……
What is the difference between thinkers and doers? Thinkers are very good at thinking and explain a concept, mostly in writing,at……
The difference between pessimistic and optimistic is as simple as the way you look at the glass, half empty or half full? The tragic……
Today Eren Gulfidan and I are on our way to Austin TX, to attend SXSW, an interactive festival that merges music with film and digital……
A fellow Marine who was also my driver, and friend Michael Huie inspired me to write about this topic as I also shared……
On the International Women's Day in Italy, each woman receives a mimosa from her loved ones. Women's literacy is one of the key……
It's March 8th -- and I hope that you are observing International Women's Day with the heartfelt fervor it deserves. The reality of……
Film Annex has taken the decision to establish Film Annex Afghanistan with the cooperation of Citadel's Roya Mahboob - Software and……
Borrowing term US President FDR employed to deploy vision of how to deliver US from Great Depression and help US workers 3/4s of century……
Here is a brief update on the Afghan Development project. We are working with Roya Mahboob to identify where to start building schools……
One of the greatest weapon we can bring to the table to defeat any form of terrorism and religious fanaticism in countries like Afghanistan……
One of the most meaningful achievements of the Internet is its ability to connect people from different backgrounds into a common……
If you/your organization want to affect the outcome and statement on sustainable development this June 20, 2012, you need to start……
“…emerging ocean industries – including ocean energy and aquaculture industries – can become more profitable, more sustainable,……
Hi All!We just added a new tag system on Film Annex.This is exciting news, because it lets you tag easily keywords to your……