Roya Mahboob and Francesco Rulli Talk about Education and Digital Literacy at Spruce Street Elementary School

Yesterday, Spruce Street elementary school in New York City received a very special visit. Francesco Rulli, President of……
Yesterday, Spruce Street elementary school in New York City received a very special visit. Francesco Rulli, President of……
The spring season came with its green covering and together with itself it brings new educational year for school students. The new……
I am regular user of bitlanders and I am a student of B.S Chemistry. While using bitlanders I have read different blogs regarding……
"Bitlanders believes in paying the women and girls, who often serve as witnesses of a world they understand better than any journalist,……
Today, in the world, there are an estimated 7.3 billion people and growing. More than a third of the world's population lives with……
Learning about bitLanders hyped me because of the thought of earning. Socializing while earning is a jackpot for me rather than……
I was reading this story (If I teach them, no one can stop them) of Roya Mahboob through the blog of Francesco. Click on those……
it is the video taken in Sanur beach @Bali when my students got speaking final examination to practice their English with some foreigners……
Health is better than wealth because if we are not healthy we can not do anything in this world we justcan lie down on the bed. on……
Francesco Rulli, President of MTI USA inc, founder of bitLanders, Film Annex and Women's Annex Foundation recently……
It is New Year 2015 celebrations all over the world. Friends and families are gathering and celebrating this day in most countries……
The winter school holidays have started and as we planned our Winter Digital Literacy Courses have already started. These courses……
Here is the dig points
This is the first interview with Marti Malloy who has great insight on the impact of digital literacy helping to influence more women……
Three years ago, I had the pleasure to watch a NATO video of a business woman in Herat names Roya Mahboob. Since that day,……
"At BitPesa we enable businesses and individual to receive international payments from abroad: for salaries, for trade, for……
Tony Gallippi is the Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Bitpay. He has 20 years of experience in Sales and Marketing in the Robotics……
Hi my Bitlander's friends :) Couple of days ago I did an interview with Marni Melrose who is a Technology and Bitcoin Evangelist. ……
Roya Mahboob is one of our pioneers with a fascinating story. She continues to empower, educate, elevate girls in Afghanistan……
Hi my Film Annex and Women's Annex fellows, It has been quiet lately and I haven't updated you about our activities. However, I am……
Greater-Tomorrow Foundation Greater Tomorrow Dr. Richards Afonja is……
"Women's Annex attinge a queste risorse, emancipando le donne e portandole ad assumere un ruolo significativo nella loro società."……
"The Women's Annex initiatives are tapping into that resource, empowering these women to take on a meaningful role in contributing……
WA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? BF: I grew up in the Midwest, not too far from Amish country, so at……
Il 4 agosto, il team della Women's Annex Foundation parteciperà ad……
On August 4, 2014 @ 7PM the Women's Annex Foundation team is going to present at one of the "Satoshi nights" at the……
Filantropia e #Bitcoin Filantropia significa preoccuparsi ed aiutare a creare la felicità ed il benessere degli altri. Ci sono……
Humanitarianism and #Bitcoin Humanitarianism is having concern for or helping to improve the happiness and wellbeing of others. There……
Digital literacy is the noesis to effectively and critically maneuver, appraise and create substance using a ambit of digital technologies.……
Matthew Kenahan is the Founder & CEO of The Bitcoin Society LLC, Entrepreneur and Investor in Digital Media. Below is an……
FA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? TF: My name is Tyler Finkelstein. I'm currently a student at……
Fereshteh Forough, Nic Cary, Roya Mahboob, 和 Francesco Rulli 我们最近在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心(Javits Convention……
Welcome to the third and last chapter of my false statements about fitness. I hope you enjoy! :-) CARDIO STRENGTHENS MY LEGS. In order……
La scorsa settimana ho partecipato all'evento Invent Your Future Enterprises a Silicon Valley. È stata una grande opportunità……
"Perché la Women's Annex Foundation emancipa la creatività digitale delle donne nei paesi in via di sviluppo con l'alfabetizzazione……
"Why Women's Annex Foundation Empowers Digital Creativity of Women in Developing Countries with Digital Literacy?" Are you a creative……
Last week, I participated in the Invent Your Future Enterprises event in the Silicon Valley. It was a great opportunity for me to……
Steven Carpenter è il CEO di QLF Incorporated. Contribuisce a Bitcoin Magazine, è un moderatore di Film Annex, un imprenditore……
Steven Carpenter is the CEO of QLF Incorporated. He is a Contributor for Bitcoin Magazine, a Film Annex moderator, an entrepreneur……
Welcome to the second chapter of my list of false statements about fitness. I hope you will enjoy it. :-) IT’S POSSIBLE TO LOSE……
Fereshteh Forough, Nic Cary, Roya Mahboob, 和 Francesco Rulli 我們最近在紐約市的賈維茨會展中心(Javits Convention……
There's a lot of information out there about fitness, but many statements are not the result of scientific research. Let's see together……
Ci sono diversi fattori che accelerano il processo di sviluppo di una comunità. Uno di questi è sicuramente l'istruzione,……
This week, I had the pleasure to meet and interview several local community leaders and administrators in Southampton and Watermill,……
There are several factors which elevate the development process of any community. I can name Education with the help of Social and……
L'Afghan Development Project viene portato avanti, a partire dal 2011, dal nostro team composto da Afghan Citadel Software e Film……
Non sono un caffèinomane, ma potrei facilmente diventarlo. Amo il caffè da sempre, e sapendo quanto possa causare dipendenza,……
La maggior parte di voi potrebbe aver letto o sentito parlare nei notiziari di questi giorni dei concetti di Valuta Digitale,……
I think most of you might have read or heard in the news these days about the concept of Digital Currency, Digital Money, Digital……
I am not a coffee addict, but I could easily be one. I've been loving coffee ever since I can remember it, and since I know I would……
2014年4月7-8号,Film Annex 和 Women's Annex 基金会将共同参与在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心(Javits Convention……
2014年4月7-8號,Film Annex 和 Women's Annex 基金會將共同參與在紐約市的賈維茨會展中心(Javits Convention……
数字化钱币或数位货币的好处是「零处理费用」。 比特币(Bitcoin) 是一种开放源的数位货币,没有人拥有或控制它,而且每个人都可以参与。……
Il 7 e l'8 Aprile al Javits Convention Center a New York City Film Annex e Women's Annex saranno al chiosco #404 per prendere……
Last month marked the 3-year anniversary since the beginning of the conflict in Syria. Although exact numbers are impossible to calculate,……
On April 7-8 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City Film Annex and Women's Annex will be at booth #404 at the "Inside Bitcoin……
Che cos'è una comunità? In genere ci si riferisce a un gruppo di persone o a una società; la prima cosa che ci……
Recent findings from a national level representative survey by Glevum Associations conducted in all provinces of Afghanistan……
The Ukrainian crisis has been on prime time news for the past few weeks. Even those who don't care about politics - or any country……
最近我和弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli) 拜访了中央皇后区特许学校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,简称CQA),于2014年才成立的中央皇后区特许学校是纽约市第一所针对亚裔移民学生需求而设立的免费公立初中,学校由华人创办,华人担任校长。大约有60〜75%为非英语系的家庭,其中大约有85%高度贫困的学员享有免费或减免的待遇。这所学校的重要核心价值就是素养,包括数位素养(digital……
What is Community? Usually when we are going to think about a group of people ( community) and society the first thing which comes……
Zero spese di transazione con il denaro digitale o le valute digitali (Bitcoin) I Bitcoin sono open-source, nessuno……
數字化錢幣或數位貨幣的好處是「零處理費用」。 比特幣(Bitcoin) 是一種開放源的數位貨幣,沒有人擁有或控制它,而且每個人都可以參與。……
اللہ ، سب سے زیادہ مکرم ، رحم کرنے والا کے نام تین مشکل سال کے لئے ، شام کے……
Zero Processing Fees with Digital Money Or Digital Currency (Bitcoin) Bitcoin is open-source, nobody owns or controls it and every……
最近我和弗朗切斯科魯利(Francesco Rulli) 拜訪了中央皇后區特許學校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,簡稱CQA),於2014年才成立的中央皇后區特許學校是紐約市第一所針對亞裔移民學生需求而設立的免費公立初中,學校由華人創辦,華人擔任校長。大約有60〜75%為非英語系的家庭,其中大約有85%高度貧困的學員享有免費或減免的待遇。這所學校的重要核心價值就是素養,包括數位素養(digital……
Di recente Francesco Rulli ed io abbiamo visitato la Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA), una scuola media……
Recently Francesco Rulli and I visited Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA) which is a tuition-free public charter middle……
Welcome to the 4th chapter of my list of nutrition and fitness myths to destroy. I hope you will enjoy it. :-) IF IT SAYS 0 TRANS……
Though after the disagreement with the requisite President Karzai, the US indicated, it will move forward with their contingency……
Welcome to the third chapter of my nutrition and fitness myths revealing article. Please, abandon every certainty……
Photo Credit: Alena Soboleva Sports is a tool that can bring people together without considering their race, culture, language,……
Welcome to the second chapter of my nutrition and fitness myths destroying saga. If you are ready to dismantle old statements believed……
Avendo così tante informazioni disponibili su Internet, è spesso difficile distinguere cosa sia scientificamente provato……
With so much information available in Internet, it's often difficult to distinguish scientific data from fake statements, and most……
I am a board member of the Women's Annex Foundation and I have made Women's Digital Literacy, Sustainability and Community Building……
亲爱的朋友们, Film Annex 感谢大家为2014年纽约公开组锦标赛(2014 New York Open Team Championship)作出的贡献,您们所付出的时间和努力为这个活动带来了巨大的成功!……
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the beginning of my journey as a personal trainer. I still remember that 18-year-old high……
在過去的30年以來,柔道一直是我生活中的一部份,它使我結識了我生命中的幾個知己好友。這個週末,我與一些好友 John……
Today is the age of technology which everyone use tech tools for facility of their lives. Cyber atmosphere that most common is global……
親愛的朋友們, Film Annex 感謝大家為2014年紐約公開組錦標賽(2014 New York Open Team Championship)作出的貢獻,您們所付出的時間和努力為這個活動帶來了巨大的成功!……
"Women are the real architects of society. "– Harriet Beecher Stowe امروز ۸ مارچ روز جهانی زن است. روزی……
Every time we approach the cold season, we get exposed to a new set of germs carrying a nice-looking flu or a great-feeling cold.……
Here is the second chapter of my tips on how to defeat time... I hope you will enjoy it! 1) Not getting enough sleep can decrease……
We are constantly targeted by the media about what makes us age more quickly and what we can do to slow down the aging process. Some……
Bentrovati al mio ultimo capitolo di consigli nutrizionali. Spero vi piaccia! :-) METODI DI COTTURA. Il metodo di cottura può……
Welcome to the last chapter of my tips to improve your nutritional habits. I hope you will enjoy it! :-) COOKING METHODS. It is how……
Welcome back to my 3-chapter nutritional advice! Here are more tips on how to improve our eating habits. :-) Just because we are eating……
After working in fitness for more than 20 years, I've been able to motivate countless people to change their lifestyle habits, providing……
Hiking can be one of the most rewarding activities we could experience, but can turn into a nightmare if we are not properly prepared.……
The Age of Reason and Enlightenment immediately ushered into the Age of Revolutions that brought with it drastic political upheavals……
On February 1st 2014, Film Annex started to reward its community of 300,000 registered users from 245 different countries, island……
Sometimes you've got to give in order to receive. In 2013 advertising executive and T.V. personality Donny Deutsch made……
During the past few months I haven't been shy describing the injustices and discrimination Saudi citizens face when they try to oppose……
For more than 50 years the Cuban population has been denied affordable access to an extensive range of products and services,……
Aufgrund der neuen kommenden Merkmale von Film Annex, insbesondere der Verwendung von Bitcoins als die offizielle Währung für……
Oggi ho avuto il piacere di tenere un discorso alla BWG Strategy Bitcoin Conference, condividendo opinioni con i CEO e i rappresentanti……
Today, I had the pleasure to be a speaker at the BWG Strategy Bitcoin Conference, sharing thoughts with CEO's and representatives……
Based on the upcoming new features on Film Annex, especially using Bitcoin as the official currency for Film Annex, we decided to……
Sometimes I can't believe I get paid to write blogs. I've been blogging on Film Annex's digital platform for 2 years, but……
Peggy Kelsey, una fotografa professionista, ha avuto il privilegio di incontrarsi con una delegazione di 14 donne afgane che sono……
Peggy Kelsey, a professional photographer, was privileged to meet with a delegation of 14 Afghan women who passed through Austin,……
More than 90% or world's opium production comes from Afghanistan. Opium price has steadily increased during the……
Guatemala and Cambodia are two nations that couldn't be more distant, geographically as well as culturally. They are……
The "Land of Smiles" is not smiling right now. A country that is known for its beautiful natural scenery, rich historical heritage……
Il mio figlio più grande ha cinque anni e legge in due lingue. Notevole? Beh, per quanto trovi costantemente notevoli i miei……
My oldest son is five years old and is reading in two languages. Impressive? Well, as much as I always find my kids amazing,……
The BuzzScore represents the mantra for most Film Annex's users. Since their revenue depends on its value and fluctuations, everything……
Sono nato a Firenze e ho vissuto metà della mia vita a New York. Ho viaggiato per il mondo e ho apprezzato l'interazione personale……
I was born in Florence, and have lived half of my life in New York City. I traveled the world, and enjoy personal interaction with……
When I was twelve years old, I knew exactly what I wanted to give my mother for Christmas (long before I became a Muslim): a beautiful……
I have been a Senior Editor for the Annex Press at Film Annex for the past 6 months. After all this time,……
Many Many years ago it was completely a different world in case of trading and transactions, meanwhile the payment system has been……
It has been almost 3 years since the Syrian people entered hell. 34 months have gone by without any significant break of……
在 Film Annex,我们创建了一个平台以教育年轻人撰写文章,博客和上传视频。此平台使用Film Annex 创建的“Buzz分数”(BuzzScore)演算法系统进行每日的财政分配,与其用户(电影制作人,作家/部落客,观众)共享收入。 ……
Permettetemi di guardare il mondo dalla prospettiva di una ragazza di 12 anni in Afghanistan, che potrebbe essere data in sposa da……
Let me look at the world from the perspective of a 12-year old girl in Afghanistan who could be given away, possibly against her will,……
According to Jelly’s website, “Humanity is connected like never before. In fact, recent white papers have concluded that……
Come cambierebbe il mondo se ogni persona, soprattutto le donne che abitano nei paesi in via di sviluppo, avessero un Bitcoin nel……
Mi sento davvero fortunato ad insegnare in una scuola piena di diversità culturale ed aperta a diversi background socio-economici.……
How would the world change if every person, especially women in developing countries, had one Bitcoin in their digital wallet? ……
I feel very fortunate I teach in a school that is culturally diverse, and open to different socio-economic backgrounds. My school's……
美国国务卿(US Secretary of State)和前总统候选人-约翰·凯瑞(John Kerry)决定写一篇关于“Roya……
Hi there! Good evening here in Pakistan, my friends! This is my debut appearance at filmannex. Now the question as to how I came in……
Okay. Mi sto prendendo il rischio di perdervi dopo poche frasi. Restate con me, per favore, ok? Non ve ne pentirete. Quando ero uno……
Okay. I’m taking a risk here that I’m not going to lose you after a few sentences. Just stay with me, please,……
美國國務卿(US Secretary of State)和前總統候選人-約翰·凱瑞(John Kerry)決定寫一篇關於“Roya……
I have never been to Iceland, but I sure would love to spend some time in this intriguing country, in which steaming geysers and roaring……
Herat is one of the beautiful and historical cities of Afghanistan with different accent and kind people. Although, Herat is one of……
When the youth of Tahrir Square overthrew Hosni Mubarak in February of 2011, the entire world celebrated with them. It was a……
Nelle scorse due settimane ho preso il mio primo smartphone e mi sono riaffacciato su Facebook dopo quasi tre anni (l'avevo usato……
In the past two weeks I’ve gotten my first smart phone, have resurfaced on Facebook after nearly three years, (I had only used……
It was Paul Gilster who came up with the concept of digital literacy in his book (Gilster 1997). With a broad approach he defines……
Il meglio vincerà! Immaginate di svegliarvi al mattino senza limitazioni. Potete essere chiunque vogliate, esprimervi……
The Best will Prevail! Imagine waking up in the morning with very limited pre-existing circumstances. You can be anybody you……
" Film Annex e Women's Annex stanno facendo un lavoro di cui c'è davvero bisogno. Dopo un periodo di disordini politici e di……
" Film Annex and Women's Annex are doing a much needed work. After a period of political turmoil and civil war, the media, like……
Yemen is probably the most underrated country on the planet. Few people can locate it on a map, and even fewer can come out with……
Firenze, da Piazzale Michelangelo Film Annex è stato ideato e sviluppato da fiorentini e forse è questa la ragione……
Florence, from Piazzale Michelangelo. Film Annex was conceived and developed by Florentines. This is possibly the reason why……
Scrivere è un'abilità acquisita. Certo, alcune persone nascono con una predisposizione congenita, ma nessun talento……
Writing is an acquired skill. True, some people are born with a congenital predisposition, but no talent will mature unless it's appropriately……
Heather Barr è la ricercatrice per l'Afghanistan della divisione asiatica di Human Rights Watch. Prima di unirsi ad Human Rights……
Heather Barr is the Afghanistan researcher in the Asia division of Human Rights Watch. Prior to joining Human Rights Watch, she managed……
Ever since I started using Film Annex as a digital platform to put my thoughts into written words, sharing on……
Gli imprenditori sono persone che credono nelle proprie idee ed inseguono i propri sogni sfidando la sorte. Imprenditorialismo è……
Entrepreneurs are people that believe in their ideas and, against the odds, pursue their dreams. Entrepreneurialism is a terminology……
Nowadays so many organizations are working for education and empowerment of women all over the world and are serious about this issue.……
Dear Students, We all know that “Every Morning in the world, a child wakes up."It’s time that Afghan children wake up and know……
In Afghanistan, Women faced many challenges and issues like fighting with Traditions, Arrange Marriages, Lack of Educations, Hidden……
Over the past year, we have done much work on two concepts: #DigitalLiteracy, and #DigitalCitizenship. The concept was to give……
Dear Film Annex friends ! It has been a while since each of you have been involved on @FilmAnnex either by writing blogs, uploading……
By “Empowerment” we mean boosting the status of a person or community with regard to social, political, educational,……
数位素养(Digital literacy)是全球教育和培训的一种最实惠的形式。对于全球性平等教育,资讯取得和永续商业的唯一障碍是网际网路的存取。例如在阿富汗这样的国家,网际网路是可用的,但并不总是可以连接到万维网。这就是为什么在……
Cari studenti; aiutare le donne afgane a rafforzare la propria conoscenza attraverso l'alfabetizzazione digitale, l'utilizzo……
Con così tanti conflitti che continuano nel mondo, non posso che essere felice dei nuovi sviluppi che si possono osservare……
With so many conflicts going on in the world, I can only be excited about the new developments between Iran and the West.……
Dear Students, Helping Afghan women enhance their knowledge through digital literacy, social media and financial help are Women’s……
In view of their booming economy the high officials across the world have stressed upon the need of digital literacy. Countries having……
In my recent interview with the Annex Press at Film Annex's headquarters in New York City I described the……
C'è un proverbio che dice: Ogni mattina in Africa, una gazella si sveglia. Sà che dovrà correre più……
There is a proverb that says: Every morning in Africa, A gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion……
在 Film Annex,我們創建了一個平台以教育年輕人撰寫文章,部落格和上傳視頻。此平台使用 Film……
Il 1 gennaio 1863, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Abraham Lincoln ha firmato il Proclama di Emancipazione, che ha posto……
Digital literacy helps you communicate and keep pace with modern global developments. In the social media and network integration……
Here at Film Annex, we created a platform to educate young people to write articles, blogs and upload videos. This platform is distributing……
On January 1st 1863 US President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery in the United……
Afghanistan is a Country which is Located in the Heart of Asia and has 30 Million Population, this Country has been witnessed……
L'industria della pubblicità online funziona per esclusione. Le piattaforme con milioni di visitatori filtrano i propri utenti……
昨天,我很荣幸地参与阿富汗女孩财政援助基金(AGFAF , Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund)的务虚会,地点是在新泽西州的劳伦斯维尔学校(Lawrenceville……
傳統線上廣告業(Online Advertising Industry)的工作原理是排阻。擁有數百萬觀眾的平台根據流量品質以過濾他們的用戶,並專注於表現最佳的用戶群。排阻系統到現在為止一直被採用,我們相信我們必須要積極主動地往前跨一步。……
Educational institutions are constantly synchronizing their curricula with digital literacy to maintain pace with burgeoning technology.……
Digital literacy underlines an array of skills which are interdependent as far as their subject matter is related by default. Data,……
Is it really hard to answer who can build the peace? No, it is too easy. Peace isn't a dream, everybody can make it and catch it.……
Scrivendo quest'articolo darò fastidio ad alcune persone, ma non mi importa. Ho sempre sofferto dentro di me pensando al popolo……
I'm going to irritate some people with this article, but I don't care. I've been hurting in private for the Tibetan people since I……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
Everybody I want to talk about financial education. Now I understand most people are adverse to discussing or even thinking about……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
Digital Literacy refers to the faculty to perform an appropriate and critical navigation, determination and assessment of the information……
L'interconnessione digitale permette alle persone di migliorare le proprie conoscenze e la propria efficacia. #DigitalConnectivity……
Ci sono vari motivi per cui il Segretario di Stato degli Stati Uniti, nonché ex candidato premier John Kerry……
#DigitalConnectivity allows people to improve their knowledge and effectiveness. #DigitalConnectivity is part of Film Annex's mission……
There are reasons why US Secretary of State and former Presidential candidate John Kerry decided to write an article……
Non sono mai stato in Afghanistan, né in Pakistan. Se da un lato la guerra in Afghanistan è andata avanti per trent'anni……
I have never been to Afghanistan, nor have I been to Pakistan. While the war in Afghanistan has been going on……
Supereroi afghani! Sì, sarebbero davvero interessanti. Ed è la prima volta che ne sentite parlare. Trovare eroi in un……
Afghan superheroes! Yes, it would be very interesting and also the first time you would hear about it. Finding the real heroes of……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
Nel 2008 Fidel Castro ha trasferito i suoi poteri di presidente cubano al fratello minore, Raul Castro, lasciando così la comunità……
In 2008 Fidel Castro transferred his power as President of Cuba to his younger brother Raul Castro, making people wonder whether or……
Film Annex 是一个线上电影和文章发行公司,拥有近30万名注册用户,并且每天在平台上发布专业级内容。经由广告,展示横幅广告(Banners)和前贴片广告(Pre-Rolls)的方式以产生收入。……
In World of Technology where the Wide World has been changed to a small Room and merely by a Single Click can share their Emotions,……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
Scrivo su Film Annex da aprile 2012 e questo sarà il 102esimo blog sulla mia pagina. Ho scritto una media di 6 blog……
I have been writing on Film Annex since April 2012, and this will be the 102nd blog on my main page. I've written an……
The population of Pakistan is near about 200 million but the literacy rate is overall about 46% which is a low literacy rate……
Ieri sono stata invitata al Yume Partner Day, tenutosi al New York Stock Exchange. Yume è un provider di soluzioni pubblicitarie……
Yesterday I was invited to the Yume Partner Day event at the New York Stock Exchange. Yume is a digital video advertising solution……
Prima o poi, chiunque sia interessato alla cultura e alla storia dell'Asia Meridionale si imbatterà nella seguente domanda:……
Hard times in life always has its end no matters what, the time alwaysgoes on… Women in my beloved land had the darkest era……
2013年9月13日,赫拉特和美国领事馆遭受恐怖袭击,这个事件夺去了两名阿富汗警察,一名阿富汗安全警卫和七名自杀式炸弹袭击者的生命。赫拉特是 Film……
Sooner or later, anybody interested in South-Asian culture and history will run across the following question: is it called Burma……
The most serious problem of Pakistan is it poverty. It is curse and cause irreparable damage to the very Pakistan. There are so many……
Ricordo bene come mi sembrava la vita quando avevo 20 anni. È stato uno dei momenti più emozionanti che abbia vissuto……
I remember well what life felt like when I was 20 years old. It was the most exciting time I had yet experienced, and still now I……
在过去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布尔(Kabul)开设了10个网际网路教室和2个Women's……
La settimana scorsa mi sono divertito molto a discutere di magia e di educazione con il mio caro amico Francesco Rulli.Francesco……
数位素养,数位教育,数位知识和数位学习(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在万维网中导航的能力,利用各种数位化应用程式,软体和技术以创建内容和资讯。识字率和教育的理念与数位应用相结合,让来自世界各地的人们能以极度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,创建,评估和资讯交流。数位素养,教育,知识和学习,是识字率,教育,知识和学习的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特别是对发展中国家。……
Last week I had a great time discussing magic and education with my good friend Francesco Rulli.Francesco is very involved with an……
Fin dagli albori della civiltà umana, agli uomini è stato affidato culturalmente il procacciamento del cibo per i membri……
By passing the time, the women role in our society especially in the economic development day by day is getting bold, and it is very……
Un supereroe è un personaggio appartenente al mondo dei fumetti dotato di poteri straordinari, usati per proteggere il pubblico.……
Since the onset of human civilization, men have been culturally assigned to find food for their family members and protect the household,……
A superhero is a type of stock or comic character possessing extraordinary powers and dedicated to protecting the public. One……
L'istruzione apre porte che prima avremmo pensato chiuse per sempre ed offre opportunità che credevamo impossibili. È……
Education opens doors we thought would remain forever closed, and offers opportunities we thought were impossible. It's the key to……
In Pakistan getting a job is like conquering Kashmir. Those who have a job are luckiest and considered superior to others. Having……
Dear Students, Happy Eid-al-Adha to all of you! As you all know, we had the Eid-al-Adha’s festival (our big Eid) last week and……
一年前,Film Annex 作出了一个明确的决定,我们创造了 Women's Annex 平台,以投资于女性赋权(women's……
FA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? HR: I am a Swedish medical doctor, academic, statistician and public……
When we are talking about the Sustainable Education and Digital Literacy it means we are talking about the improvements of Education……
In our today’s society in Afghanistan a large number of our countrymen want to write about issues that has more information,……
Since I have become familiar with the Internet, I found on many occasions amazing videos related to different topics on TED's website.……
My name is Aafia. I am a student in a University of K.P.K Pakistan. A strict Islamic religion area where women rights are not known……
Digital literacy improves rapidly among Afghan girls in Afghanistan. Herat which is located in western part of Afghanistan is one……
My name is Syed Ahmad Shakir, student of BS (honors) chemistry Department in Haripur University Pakistan. And I am also……
Women’s Annex and Film Annex have started their activities in Afghanistan since one year and half, which they have worked on……
在過去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布爾(Kabul)開設了10個網際網路教室和2個Women's……
"Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things." peter drucker When you think of the term Thought Leader……
First of all I want to share my feelings with the Afghan students: Dear Students, It has been a pleasure working with you this……
Women's rights and freedom of expression are a common topic for human rights advocates, intellectuals and politicians from every part……
2013年9月13日,赫拉特和美國領事館遭受恐怖襲擊,這個事件奪去了兩名阿富汗警察,一名阿富汗安全警衛和七名自殺式炸彈襲擊者的生命。赫拉特是 Film……
Film Annex 是一個線上電影和文章發行公司,擁有近30萬名註冊用戶,並且每天在平台上發佈專業級內容。經由廣告,展示橫幅廣告(Banners)和前貼片廣告(Pre-Rolls)的方式以產生收入。Film……
數位素養(Digital literacy)是全球教育和培訓的一種最實惠的形式。對於全球性平等教育,資訊取得和永續商業的唯一障礙是網際網路的存取。例如在阿富汗這樣的國家,網際網路是可用的,但並不總是可以連接到萬維網。這就是為什麼在 Film……
Vinícius Dônola is the former correspondent at Record TV, senior reporter at Record TV, Rio. Below is an interview of……
Digital literacy is the most affordable form of education and training available on the planet. The only hurdle to a global equal……
一年前,Film Annex 作出了一個明確的決定,我們創造了 Women's Annex 平台,以投資於女性賦權(women's……
數位素養,數位教育,數位知識和數位學習(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在萬維網中導航的能力,利用各種數位化應用程式,軟體和技術以創建內容和資訊。識字率和教育的理念與數位應用相結合,讓來自世界各地的人們能以極度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,創建,評估和資訊交流。數位素養,教育,知識和學習,是識字率,教育,知識和學習的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特別是對發展中國家。……
昨天,我很榮幸地參與阿富汗女孩財政援助基金(AGFAF , Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund)的務虛會,地點是在新澤西州的勞倫斯維爾學校(Lawrenceville……
The traditional Online Advertising Industry works by exclusion. Platforms with millions of viewers filter their users based on the……
Film Annex is an online film and article distribution company with nearly 300,000 registered users posting professional content every……
Women’s Annex Foundation is to encourage and to empower women in Digital Literacy and Social Media. In the last……
On September 13th, the city of Herat and the US Consulate suffered a terrorist attack that claimed the life of two Afghan police men,……
Last week was another great week for Film Annex and Women's Annex here in New York and in Herat, Afghanistan. We opened the 10th school……
In the last year and a half, Women's Annex and Film Annex opened 10 Internet classrooms and two Women's Annex Centers, in Herat……
Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning summarize the capacity to navigate platforms like the World Wide Web, create content……
I've been doing interviews with Afghan celebrities and thought leaders for a few months now. Everybody seems to have a……
A year ago, Film Annex made a clear decision to invest in the world of women's empowerment with the creation of Women's Annex. Today,……