The DNA Code

Source of Image All DNA molecules have the same sequence of deoxyribose and phosphates in the ladder part of the chain. The difference……
Source of Image All DNA molecules have the same sequence of deoxyribose and phosphates in the ladder part of the chain. The difference……
Most genetic diseases are caused by a defective gene, which results in a loss of activity of some enzymes. Even though the body has……
Jurassic World Official Trailer Universal Pictures video source: Universal Pictures YouTube Good day Bitlanders! Time……
Video by The Royal Society via Youtube A century ago world was much different than the world today. Science has changed every field……
The paternity test is a pedigree test, with the help of which one can determine the biological fatherhood for a child. Whether a biological……
An ancient African genome has been sequenced for the first time. Researchers extracted DNA from a 4,500-year-old skull that was discovered……
Metabolism What is Metabolism?Metabolism is a set through which absorbed nutrients are used by the body for energy and……
Have you ever imagine a mouse like mammal to be cousin of five to eight ton elephant? Have you ever thought of realting……
Viruses are the simplest entity in the form of unique particles. The……
Some Aspects of Nucleic Acids::=- Nucleic acid were first demonstrated in the nuclei of pus cell in 1868 and in sperm head……
Experts of Cambridge University (England) have told in present report that size of men’s mind is greater than women.……
در زندگی خود همیشه با چیزهای عجیب و گاهی باورنکردنی ای روبرو شده ایم,……
1. Treat your appendix with respect: People think appendix is useless and is a body part that lost its function. However, this is……
It does not need to introduce Dr.Shakeel Afridi as he is a well-known person throughout the world particularly in Pakistan. When we……
سگرت کشیدن موجب فرسایش مغز می شود و به عبارت دیگر بر حافظ ،یادگیری ومنطق……
The two victims from the Coastal Concordia shipwreck back back in 2012 may have been found as divers the spotted human remains……
Morton, is a person who has spent 25 years of his life behind the bars of the prison. "Did a prosecutor hide evidence that could have……