Photo Cell

A Photo cell is a device which converts light energy into electrical energy. Working: The working of photocell depends upon the photo……
A Photo cell is a device which converts light energy into electrical energy. Working: The working of photocell depends upon the photo……
Sigma-bond and its Formation When two half filled orbitals overlap linearly in such way that the chances of finding the electrons……
The BJT's constructed with three doped semiconductor regions separated by two pn junctions, as shown in the epitaxial planar……
How heat transfer from one body to another. This phenomena or this process can be explained as forward. First of all you will know……
It is a viscous type of liquid and also known as forth state of matter such as plasma.An English chemist William crookes discovered……
The very high energy rays which are produced by colliding fast moving electrons with heavy metal anode in the discharge tube are called……
The structure of water is tetrahedral.The two corners of a tetrahedron are occupied by two H-atoms and other two corner are……
First of all Greek philosophers thought that matter is made up of indivisible particles which cannot be further sub-devided. Democritus……
X rays are the special type of radiation and also known as high power penetrating radiation. They are natural radiations. The moving……