The bitLanders Film Series to Support Women Empowerment: "Lucy"

The bitLanders Film Series to Support Women Empowerment: LUCY - Photo credit:, Edition by Vimi……
The bitLanders Film Series to Support Women Empowerment: LUCY - Photo credit:, Edition by Vimi……
Set in a remote village in Gujarat, India’s western-most province but filmed in Rajasthan, the somewhat larger province in the……
(Image by Wanderfulsoul) Hello there humans! I’m back! This blog is actually the sequel of my NBA CARES! DO YOU?……
Hello Everyone , It's been a while since I created my first content blog. And now I'm back at blogging because I'm……
Female students attending the Digital Citizen Fund classroom in Qowaye Chahar Zhahedar in Herat, West Afghanistan. ……
The NBA Cares Community Assist Award is given each month to a NBA player in recognition of his passion and work giving back……
My higher self: Eats an organic plant-based diet, full of ormus, enzymes, probiotics, jing, vitamins, algae, and minerals. Is……
HUGS is a new paradigm non-profit dedicated to facilitating the research, unification and sharing of non-violent solutions for global……
We are a Global Network of Open, Beyond Sustainable, Co-governed Communities, New Paradigm Nonprofits, Cooperative Businesses, Sovereign……
Deepika Padukone features in a new video called 'My Choice' which addresses women empowerment. Arjun Kapoor, Deepika Padukone……
Inspiring #empowerment projects @AfricanBHoney *We have the power to change the world if we Believe & Do*……
Hi Fuel Kindness Supporters! We hope you are enjoying the holiday season and getting to spend time with family and friends.……
Women empowerment is highly discussed these days. This discussion takes place for two reasons and that would be if a woman is extremely……
Women empowerment will definitely improve the lifestyle of women in such a society like ours. Women in order to be powerful should……
Freedom belongs to every human being. Not one person is bound to lead a lifestyle as dictated by someone else. But we often forget……
Good leadership has a key role in the success of an organization. Leaders are the professional mentors of their employees. It is the……
It’s been a hard fight with one of the most elegant lady I happen to meet while went for an official trip to Pondicherry. At……
1. Meaning of Adult Education: Adult Education means education for the adults. In Britain, france, Russia and the advanced countries,……
Today’s society has moved a little ahead in terms of women empowerment than the yester years. But, to what extent? In many of……
So now you embark upon a gentle song, A shallow whisper. . A sense of belonging is in the air. There is a feathery touch to a slithering……
Film Annex a modern foundation that empowers the Women of developing countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and India who have a talent……
Although we have already started to see a rise of women in leadership positions, however studies increasingly show that there a lack……
I want to thank all of you who have reached out to me since my last blog as a show of your support for the work I am trying to accomplish……
“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” ― Charles Dickens Helping others……
Education is so Important for Women’s and Girls Education is a basic human right and a significant factor in the development……
A few weeks ago I received a leaflet through the door about a new play called PESTS by Vivienne Franzmann. A raw and brutal portrayal……
Hi there! I got introduced to Film Annex when a young person I met through Active Citizens social action programme told me all about……
In recent years, Afghanistan has been a difficult place for women to participate in civic matters.Afghan society is male dominated……
在 Film Annex,我们创建了一个平台以教育年轻人撰写文章,博客和上传视频。此平台使用Film Annex 创建的“Buzz分数”(BuzzScore)演算法系统进行每日的财政分配,与其用户(电影制作人,作家/部落客,观众)共享收入。 ……
Heather Barr è la ricercatrice per l'Afghanistan della divisione asiatica di Human Rights Watch. Prima di unirsi ad Human Rights……
Heather Barr is the Afghanistan researcher in the Asia division of Human Rights Watch. Prior to joining Human Rights Watch, she managed……
A number of women around the world depend on the private sector to meet their economic needs. In case women were granted greater empowerment,……
Nowadays so many organizations are working for education and empowerment of women all over the world and are serious about this issue.……
In Afghanistan, Women faced many challenges and issues like fighting with Traditions, Arrange Marriages, Lack of Educations, Hidden……
By “Empowerment” we mean boosting the status of a person or community with regard to social, political, educational,……
在 Film Annex,我們創建了一個平台以教育年輕人撰寫文章,部落格和上傳視頻。此平台使用 Film……
Afghanistan is a Country which is Located in the Heart of Asia and has 30 Million Population, this Country has been witnessed……
Film Annex 的社群里积极参与我们的“Buzz分数(Buzz Score)”系统的成员有287,000名。但是您了解“Buzz分数”是如何运作的呢?事实证明,利用您的Buzz分数以获得报酬只需要一个非常简单的过程-……
Everybody I want to talk about financial education. Now I understand most people are adverse to discussing or even thinking about……
Dear Students, This month is the month of Moharam-ul-Haram (Lunar month) which Muslims respect and celebrate in a special way. In……
It seems like Colleges and Universities that offer Women’s Wrestling are springing up everywhere across the United States. ……
Writing article about women’s education role in improving the situation of women, is really beneficial subject for Afghans especially……
It is not a long time passing from Afghanistan Development Project, but still we see it is impressive achievement toward education……
We have heard and read many stories regarding the abuse of women in Afghanistan with unfortunate endings but that’s not……
Any society is only has strong as the women within it; empowering women, educating women, and making available equal opportunities……
Some say that it will take at least 50 years for society in countries like India to achieve gender equality, especially in politics.……
The WHO relates mental health as 'a condition of being fit so much so that a given subject would feel a sense of empowerment on his……
Wrestling season is upon us now and Ben and I are busier than ever. Ben has taken a job at Galileo Middle School as the assisent……
( Evelyn and I set out this week to attend the……
Dear Students, Happy Eid-al-Adha to all of you! As you all know, we had the Eid-al-Adha’s festival (our big Eid) last week and……
Introduction: In our first interview with Afghan-Canadian recording artist and pop star……
Brita Fernandez Schmidt is the UK Executive Director of Women for Women International. Brita has a strong record of work on women’s……
“Peace is the best phenomenon, the precious commodity, the greatest treasure, the bright notion, the happiness of life, the……
By Chauncey Ross | Gazette Staff Writer The eighth time is a charm — proverbially speaking. Edward Zellem, a well-traveled……
I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the Army’s World Class Athlete Program (WCAP) for Olympic Wrestling. Most……
I am one of those women with a wild imagination.I appeal for respect, and love.I imagine being free of harsh claws that hold my thoughts,Make……
by Jasmine Davis ہالی ووڈ میں% 10 سے بھی کم خواتین ہے لیکن فیمیل فلم میکرز کے……
اگر چہ روایات Disney prcincess ایک مشہور characterتھی لیکن آج کل سکرین پہ اُس……
آج کا دن افغانستان کے لئے بہت عظیم دن ہےخاص کر خواتین کے لئے ۔ٹائم میگزین……
میری توجہ کا مرکز خواتین فلم میکرز ہے کہ کیسے وہ اپنے آپ کو بااختیار بنانے……
Everyone loves the story of the underdog. We love the little nobody that came from nowhere to accomplish something great. ……
It seems as though my body composition is changing, though the scale has been up and down this week. This morning Ben strongly……
Introduction: Some of Najia Khaan's fans and friends say she has the "face of an angel." ……
Social media could be an empowering tool for women, enhancing their participation in several views of their lives, including the social,……
In the recent years Afghanistan people could broke the figurative borders of this world and……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY: September 15, 2013 – In a week when most international news……
Masood Azizi, born in Kandahar/Afghanistan, started his political career in 2004 when he became a special assistant to the Governor……
Education is another invaluable form of empowerment, and the progress made in women's education, even in far flung areas, is commendable.……
In the changing world, the education role is getting highlighted more and more every day. Stable Development needs knowledge and educated……
یہ پہلا وقت ہوسکتا ہے کہ سر اِساک نیوٹن، فلم انیکس، گیلیلیو گیلائلی……
جیسمین ڈیویس کی طرف سے خواتین تمام دنیا میں عورتوں کے اختیار سے فائدہ……
Imagine swimming for 110 miles, roughly the distance between New York City and Philadelphia, plus another 13 miles. Now imagine doing……
The countdown is on for the Olympic Wrestling community. It’s five days before the International Olympic Committee renders its……
جیسمین ڈیویس کیطرف سے میں نے ابھی بھی خلاف بات کرنے والے 2013 کے چھ رہنما خواتین……
ڈاکٹر سی میکل امریکہ میں اور بین الاقوامی طورپر ایک شائستہ تعلیمی رہنما……
F کیا ہمیں اپنے اور اپنے Background کے حوالے سےبتائے گے؟ WB: توانائی سے بھر……
Women in different terms of history had different roles in various nations. Women as half of the community’s body should have……
جیسمین ڈیویس کیطرف سے عورتوں کے بین الاقوامی دن اور تاریخ کا مہینہ اکثر……
بین الاقوامی خواتین کے دن کے شروعات سے آج تک میں نے افغانستان میں خواتین……
If women be deprived of their social role in the society, their social growth will be decreased. The society, which women are deprived……
سعودی عرب کا شمار دنیا کے آمرترین ممالک میں ہوتا ہےـ تیل ان کی 95% فیصد……
تعارف: ڈاکٹرفریدیونوس امریکہ میں ایک ٹیلی وژن کے شاعر اور ایک پروفیسر……
It’s been three weeks now since the birth of our daughter, Evelyn Rose. She is sleeping on my chest, listening to my heartbeat……
میں نےہیلری کلنٹن کا مضمون پڑہا جس کا عنوان Helping Women تھاـ خواتین کی آزادی……
انٹرنیٹ نےلوگوں کےزندگی میں بہت بڑے پیمانے پرتبدیلی لائی ـ آپ بغیرجغرافیائی……
ٹائم میگزین نے دنیا کے 100 باآثر اور متاثر کن لوگوں کا سالانہ لسٹ جوتعریف……
Wikipedia کےمطابق Entrepreneurship ایسا ہنریا آرٹ ہے جوکہ Entrepreneur نئی اورانوکھی چیزوں……
Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
بعضی وقت ها خوب است آدم داد بکشد، بگوید:" تو ره چی به زندگی خصوصی من؟". می دانم ……
Ahmad Farhad Alkozay is the founder of Heratweb Services. Below is an interview of him about the role of social and digital media……
Film Annex revolutionizes the way filmmakers and bloggers make money online with their content. They are rewarded based on their BuzzScore,……
Thanks to the recent innovations and technologies that make life very easy and proactive, an unbelievable amount of information is……
تعارف:- یہ محمد ساجد ارغندایوال کے ساتھ دو حصوں والی ملاقات کا دوسرا……
سوشل میڈیا نےانٹرنیٹ کےذریعے کمیونیکیشن کی کایہ ہی یکسربدل دی ـ اب ہم بےشمار……
Earlier this week I came across a video posted by Film Annex titled Soumitra Dutta on Technology and Digital Media in Afghanistan. It……
I was wondering why most of my friends share the “The Lady of the Land of Fire” video clip on social media these days.……
تحصیلات یکی از ارکان مهمی زنده گی هر بشر بشمار میرود . و در زنده گی ……
تعارف: انٹرویوں کے حصہ اول میں ہم نے انکی بین الاقوامی میڈیا کیرئر، انکی……
آج میری اور تھامس کورٹنےThomas Courtney کی ملاقات رینٹ آوے Rent Away کے چیف……
Since women are in the back of a laptop or computer in an office where men are visible, it means Afghan women……
آج میری نظروں سے یوایس ایڈ USAID کی چھوٹے پمیانے پر پرائیوٹ بزنسز سے متعلق……
عورتوں کو خودمختاربنانے کےلیے ضروری ہے کہ آنہیں میڈیا کی تشہیرکا کنڑول……
Introduction: In Part One of our interview with Khatera Yusufi, we talked about her international media career, her fame……
MTI USA is a fashion business division and started back in 1995 when my brother Francesco asked me to join him in his adventure in……
A few weeks ago, Mike Sweeney, who graduated from Cornell University's Johnson School, and I had a productive meeting with Ms. Nsombi……
Introduction: Afghan media superstar Khatera Yusufi is a force for change in Central and South Asia, and is what……
See that in the photo? That is the most wonderful little girl in the world. This entire pregnancy I’ve been……
Introduction: This is Part Two of a two-part interview with Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal, a young documentary filmmaker,……
GUESS WHO’S BACK!!!!! I have missed you people…3 months in Africa has left me with wide eyes, determination, self-belief and empowerment!!……
Introduction: Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal is a documentary filmmaker from Kabul. He is becoming a prominent voice and……
Today I read an article about USAID's recent activity on training and supporting small private sectors by means of Afghanistan Workforce……
As a traditional country, women in Afghanistan always have faced with challenges and problems on their way towards being more active……
When social media first appeared on the Internet, communication between people changed forever. All of the sudden we could instantly……
Internet has changed people's lives increasingly. Within a second you can send a message to your family and friends wherever they……
David Dulpepper was the US Treasury’s Resident Debt and monetary policies advisor in Georgia (the country, not the U.S. state) from……
في مقطع فيديو , تحدثت الانسة فرشته فروغ……
It is sad but true, Afghan women are committing suicide to escape marriages that they don’t wish to enter into. A staggering……
This week was a great week for me and with wonderful news about my partner Roya Mahboob in Afghanistan. She was selected by TIME Magazine……
Roya Mahbood as originator of the ACSC (Afghan Citadel Software……
empower |emˈpou(-ə)r| verb [ trans. ] give (someone) the authority or power to do something : nobody was empowered to sign……
Time Magazine just released its annual list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World, people we admire, people who impress……
In this article I am going to write about the keyword given by filmannex regarding Afghan Development Projects which have been already……
Today is a great day for Afghanistan and especially for Afghan women. TIME magazine published its list of The 100 Most Influential……
Girls’ education and the inclusion of girls and women back in the mainstream of Afghan society are ways that can help empower……
As it's obvious for everyone war is bad phenomena which destroy Spiritual and material values of a country and Afghanistan is one……
Photo Courtesy of The Lady of Myanmar Written by Nikki Shaver Continuing with my research into Myanmar……
Yesterday I read an article about Hillary Clinton: Helping Women Isn’t Just a ‘Nice’ Thing to Do in The Daily Beast. Depriving……
Last week, one of Film Annex's editors, Semyon Maltsev, blogged about online film production and how it will shape the future of the……
After she survived being shot in the face by a Taliban militant on October 9th, Malala Yousafzai - the Pakistani activist school girl……
Once a friend of mine and I went to visit our professor who teaches us anthropology at the university and we had a nice chatting together.……
This week we premiered another short film, also by one of our filmmakers and members of Eren's Picks, Anderson West. He released Rest,……
It has been an emotional roller coaster since the moment we got the ball rolling with working with the U.S. Women’s Freestyle……
Real estate prices fluctuate upon demand. The same concept works for World Wide Web real estate. Today, the first page of a……
It seems that Spring is the time for film premieres. Last week, Film Annexer Mark Kuczewski released Falling, his new short film,……
Dr. Charlotte Cole is the Senior Vice President of Global Education in Sesame Workshop. Below is an interview of her about Sesame……
Since the last ten years, Afghan women have been empowered in different fields, such as education, attending in social media and tens……
According to Wikipedia's definition, Entrepreneurship is the act and art of being an entrepreneur or one who undertakes innovations……
Introduction: Dr. Farid Younos is an Afghan-American television personality, author, professor, and prominent figure……
FA: Can you please tell us about yourself and your background? WB: A high energy, fiscally conscious, and goal-driven Real Estate……
Women's empowerment and online film distribution were at the core Film Annex's activities last week. Francesco Rulli, Founder and……
A photo shoot for the U.S. Women’s Wrestling Team has now commenced and the first official project for Chick Wrestler is now……
This week was a special one for me. First of all, our new year started on Wednesday, 20th of March, the first day of spring, that……
Hairdressing is a solid career for Afghan women because minimal training is needed and there is a consistent demand. All of the women……
by Jasmine Davis “One girl with courage is a revolution,” says the tagline of Girl Rising, a new movie from 10x10, a project……
Introduction: There is a famous Afghan Proverb that says, “Sar zenda baasha, kolaah besyaar ast.” (If there……
by Jasmine Davis A recent article published on The Week discusses how even the most qualified women in Hollywood have yet to direct……
Ignacio Ruiz Alvarez is a film director and animator from Chile. He has been part of Film Annex for quite a long time. His work on……
Photo Courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons: Photo by The National Guard. Being a woman is not easy in Afghanistan. Most are illiterate,……
Starting from International Women's Day since today, I have read many good news about women in Afghanistan and their great achievements.……
by Jasmine Davis Although the traditional Disney princess is a well-worn trope, there are plenty of strong female characters taking……
Dr. C. Michael Smith is an accomplished educational leader in the United States and internationally. In August 2009, he was named……
by Jasmine Davis Wondering how to write a blog and get paid? One of the very first steps is building up your blogging ability. Writing……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
by Jasmine DavisWriting for Women’s Annex has been an eye opening experience. For example, I recently read an article talking……
by Jasmine Davis Women around the globe can benefit from women's empowerment. No matter where you live, there are ways that the lives……
by Jasmine DavisI recently read a fantastic article over at the Harvard Business Review about the six paradoxes women leaders face……
Wadia Samadi is thePolicy Administration Manager-ICA; Editor in Chief at Wadsam-Afghan Business News Portal. Below is an interview……
In a society where women are still forced to wear head to toe burkas to avoid unwanted attention, a fashion show seems a risky endeavor.……
This may be the first time that Sir Isaac Newton, Film Annex, Galileo Galilei, and Afghan Proverbs……
by Jasmine DavisWhile fewer than 10% of filmmakers in Hollywood are women, female filmmakers still have a lot to offer the world.……
Happy International Women's Day! Before I get to that, let's start with how I tried to help our filmmakers with social media promotion……
This Friday is a special day. Today is the International Women's Day, a day that is the result of struggles and sacrifices of women……
by Jasmine DavisAlthough I normally focus on women filmmakers and how they stand up for women’s empowerment, today, I want to……
Now that Sundance and the Oscars have passed, it is now time for SXSW to kick off, followed soon by the Tribeca Film Festival. SXSW……
Mary Shelley could not know, while she was writing the tale of Dr. Frankenstein’s monster one night in 1816, that she was seeing……
by Jasmine Davis Female empowerment, or women’s empowerment, is a somewhat nebulous concept for many people. The idea of “empowerment”……
Article by Nikki Shaver Photo Courtesy: Ricymar Photography. The thought of parading the female form in Afghanistan is still……
by Jasmine Davis International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month often offer unique celebrations of women and empowerment……
by Jasmine DavisPeter Guber, CEO of Mandalay Entertainment, recently wrote an article on LinkedIn that outlines why “the best……
by Jasmine DavisA recent article at The Nation’s website discussed one of my favorite topics: film criticism. Turning a critical……
"I would advise Afghan teenage girls to follow their dreams, no matter what obstacles may be in their way. Having a career in film……
The war in Afghanistan has been going on for 11 1/2 years. Before the US entered the country looking for Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan……
It was Sunday night, February 24, and I was waiting to watch the Academy Awards or Oscars. I was extremely excited about Buzkashi……
This week is Social Media Week in NYC. A lot of people from different industries and organizations are participating in this event……
It is another Friday of my life in NYC with all the incredible moments and memories it brings. On Tuesday night, I saw the Afghanistan……
هیچ راه میانبری وجود ندارد، مستقیم به چشمهای افراد نگاه کنید، انتقاد را……
"There are no short cuts. Look people in the eye. Stay positive, don't take criticism personally, and always treat people the way……
"Women working in film and animation are intelligent, technically precise, capable and hard working. Furthermore, I've had the privilege……
Fereshteh Forough interviews Lauren Lovelace in this video. Lauren is the Executive Director of US-Afghan Women’s Council at……
"The message that “Hamvatan” has is to gather the people of my country to be unique and forget about the tribes and cities that……
"I think filmmaking and social media can break down a lot of barriers and clear up a lot of misconceptions quite quickly." Lisa Stock……
Evie Evangelou is the President and Founder of Fashion 4 Development. She is the spokesperson, entrepreneur, philanthropist,……
The key to women empowerment is to provide women media distribution control. This includes social media, film and news production……
Mari Lyn Henry, the VP of Programming at League of Professional Theater Women, talks about women's empowerment especially in countries……
Reading news about women and their activities give you a pleasant feeling and it makes you more hopeful when it is about women in……
Friday, January 25, 2013. My week recap. Shooting Jobs: 1. Today was a big shooting for Cupcake Digital. We welcomed guests from……
First of all want to congratulate Film Annex team with launching their new online platform "Women's Annex". Women's Annex promotes……
Meeting a successful female entrepreneur doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary, but when this person comes from a country……
Today marks the end of Sundance Film Festival's first half. The good news is that there are 5 more days of fun and movie-watching……
When I was an undergraduate student in High school of Herat, there were not any opportunity for me to enhance my computer or internet……
If I had a word for this week at Film Annex it would be Women. But of course, why would we reduce it to a single week?... We launched……
New York, NY, January 10, 2013 – Film Annex has launched as a self-sustaining digital platform and ecosystem……
Yesterday, Mike Sweeney sat down with me at a local restaurant and pulled a small piece of paper reminding me of the 5 topics for……
Recently, we had the opportunity to meet freelance journalist, Angela Shah, via our initiative, The Afghan Development Project. Shah's……
On March 5th this year, the infamous 'Kony 2012' video went live on YouTube. Within 24 hours the video had already made……
Imagine donning short hair and wearing clothes traditionally worn by a a female. How far could someone go to achieve their……
Many of us may pine to go home again. But is home a real place, a not-be-messed with memory,……