Got an invitation you'd rather decline? No problem. Just pick an excuse - 2

51 I have to be on the next train to Bermuda. 52 I'm having all my plants neutered. 53 People are blaming me for the Spanish-American……
51 I have to be on the next train to Bermuda. 52 I'm having all my plants neutered. 53 People are blaming me for the Spanish-American……
I'd love to, but... 1 I have to floss my cat. 2 I've dedicated my life to linguine. 3 I want to spend more time with my blender. 4……
Do you want to know if you will succeed in life? Simple ask this question: Will you excuse of will you execute? I know everyone wants……
Tell everyone you know: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook." And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they're……