Ramadan and Food - Past and the Present

PAST ERA: During the days of Caliph Omar (RA) famine broke out in Arabia. People were greatly disturbed.……
PAST ERA: During the days of Caliph Omar (RA) famine broke out in Arabia. People were greatly disturbed.……
Science has brought astonishing changes in almost all fields or our life. It has proved a great blessing for us . The discoveries……
First of all we defined the word malnutrition. Malnutrition occurs in people who are either under-nourished……
Today in am writing about the famines occur in different region of the world. Famine means deficiency of foodstuff. Famines may also……
Thar is a very famous desert .Half part of it is located in Pakistan and half of it is in India. Thar Desert aka THARPARKER……
What is it like be really hungry???I expect that at some time you have all come home after an energetic game of football o net ball……
Thomas Robert Malthus was the first person to put population under scrutiny and introduced Malthusian theory. He stated that……
#InTheLab was on the red carpet at the City Winery November 21 for the 5th Annual African Children's Choir Gala. Actress and star……
In developing countries thousands of women give birth to babies in one second. As a result the population of these countries is increasing……
It’s clear that since last year the poverty and unemployment in Afghanistan, especially in Herat is in the high level and there……
In the video below, movie and martial arts star Jet Li was invited by the Permanent Mission of China to the UN and the Chinese Wushu……
Somalia’s 7.2 million people have struggled and survived two decades of civil conflict, drought, and famine. This……
Mali has been now embroiled in coups and rebel fighting complicated by famine that threatens to tear apart the country at its most……
300 European professional clubs football stars will help raise awareness of the need for urgent action to avert a humanitarian……
Mali has been rocked by civil conflict and now military coup. Sahel is already in on doorstep of drought.To avoid a replay of similar……
Images of drought, displacement, death, and disaster have been at the forefront of headlines attributed to climate change and its……
We see it and are trying to do something about it. The UN is leading the alert and response. It is so broad and deep in geographic……
800 MILLION men, women, and CHILDREN go to bed HUNGRY each night. The images of starving children are ubiquitous around the world,……
“50 Cent”, (rap star Curtis Jackson) made visit to Horn of Africa, Somalia & Kenya, to see first hand impact of famine. Hosted……