
I miss you filmannex,The new users of bitlanders don't know about filmannex. Filmannex is old name of bitlanders.I miss my all old……
I miss you filmannex,The new users of bitlanders don't know about filmannex. Filmannex is old name of bitlanders.I miss my all old……
The Film Annex Use The Collection of Best Films on Internet Here is a Best Tutorial How To Use Film Annex (By Mark Steven Carpenter)……
Sherlock Holmes Movie Trailer Nobody ever doubted if Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey, Jr.) is a reliable investigator. There are no……
The Boy formerly known as the inhabitant is a horror movie that aired on 22 January (United States). The film was directed by William……
Dark Places Libby Day (Charlize Theron) lives like a kite without a leash since he was 8 years old. 1985 was the death of her future……
Hitman-Agent 47 ( 2015 ) Director: Aleksander BachWriters: Skip Woods, Kyle Ward, Michael FinchStars: Zachary Quinto, Rupert Friend,……
Insidious: Chapter 3 Focus Features Movie Studio make horror movie titled "Insidious: Chapter 3," a Hollywood movie starring Stefanie……
THE SHAMAN (2015) . The Shaman, set to debut at the upcoming Tribeca Film Festival, picks up from there, and in an exclusive featurette,……
The Good Dinosaur Pixar is getting early indication that “The Good Dinosaur” could be an even bigger hit than its previous……
Today i am going to tell you about another Web TV Channel "Documentaty". As you can see that Documentaty comes from a Word Documentary.……
Today i am Going to Briefly introduce Suspensaty. It is also another Web TV Channel of bitlanders. Now most of you are thinking what……
After My Previous Blog about Sportivy i decided to write about Conversaty. It is also An other Web TV Channel of Bitlanders. So let……
As we all know bitlanders is a social gaming where you are rewarded of your posting, sharing, connecting,……
"Filmmaking practice, a cinematic tradition, and mode of audience reception" this is how Wikipedia describes Documentary Film. In……
Hello everyone, my name is Pokematic. I've been with Bitlanders since the FilmAnnex days. I wouldn't say that I'm "a top user," but……
Have you noticed that our videos here are loading slowly? I have noticed this a few days back, whenever I would play a video I had……
This is no common platform anymore - it is called BitLanders - a platform where people from all around the work come, contribute or……
Filmannex is our life.But were is filmannex????????.I want Filmannex again. ciao
Until a month and half ago or around that time, FilmAnnex was switched to BitLanders. The outlook was awesome with new added features……
Şimdiye kadar Filmmanex zaman platform olduğum için; birçok gelişmeler, değişiklikler ve tasarım, etkileşim ve……
Tricks to Help You Remember What You’ve Learned: Memory is fallible. If you forget everything in this article, remember this……
Da quando faccio parte di questa piattaforma, da FilmAnnex ad oggi, sono stato testimone di diversi cambiamenti e vari dibattiti.……
Since I'm the platform, from the Filmmanex time until now; there's many advances, changes and discussions about almost everything……
Here I go with the sort of micro blog, the purpose of it is not any kind of information this I am giving to you guys, the purpose……
I joined FilmAnnex (now BitLanders) because my referral told me that they pay in bitcoin and pay well. I was excited to work on this……
Nel primo fine settimana di agosto si è svolta in Veneto la 40ma edizione della gara in salita Alpe del Nevegal. Per Alessandro……
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is the must-awaited sequel in the prequel trilogy. Most of the budget must have been invested into……
FilmAnnex has brought many new changes to the site this year. All these changes were great and people have liked it a lot as well.……
Filmannex has been changed or what? i was uploading a video and after uploading the movie i went to the homepage and it was suddenly……
Sisig a kapampangan food originated in Angeles Pampanga.Sisig(pulutan) also refers to Sizzling sisig, a Filipino dish……
Chicken Adobe is the national food of every filipino people. You can cook it dry or stew like dish cooked in soy souce, vinegar, garlic……
One of the most technologically advanced company Apple is going to release its iOS 8 with awesome creative features added in all the……
Doing something really in an honest way leads you to the success of peaks. We saw everyday news about the innovations of scientists,……
The much-awaited Walking Dead Season 5 trailer was released at the 2014 Comic-Con giving fans a first glimpse……
The question of life, the question of society, the question of taking care of the children to give them the lesson of peace, everything……
When i registered with Film Annex in June 25 it was an invitation from a group of email list but what attracted me with the site was……
Start using Film Annex as a social media website because its free to join and pays you. write a blog, post a picture or a film……
You can't judge a book by its cover. That's why most wouldn't bat an eyelid at this abandoned-looking warehouse. But one photographer……
The first Fifty Shades of Grey trailer is here. Well, the first official Fifty Shades of Grey trailer, at least –……
I've been really bad about keeping my subscribers caught up, but I'm finally done! All the FilmAnnex emails are now deleted lol Thanks……
5 suggestions when backing up your photos: 1. Backup everything Yes, everything. Even the outtakes. Even……
Annabelle Trailer Director James Wan has managed to get a lot of mileage out of creepy dolls over the course of his career in making……
Today, I am starting with my achievements to tell you that how I am inspired and motivated by peoples work. It is very important that……
Some tips to write a good Blog on Film annex. 1. It is accurate using appropriate and correct words. ……
Thanks filmannex <3
I am sure about one thing: Filmannex helped a lot of us. This platform made us understand and know other cultures, but is also……
Without FilmAnnex, my day is empty - if I don't work even for a day, it feels as if I am missing something. It is security for our……
There are so many questions arising in my mind about the budget which is fixed by filmannex for users from all over the world.……
Here is part to of my work in progress. Still need to start on the SLR lens, and add the flash box here's some images to show you……
So I decided to model my Samsung NX1000 from my list of 'everyday items' list of models to do over the summer. Here's how it's looking……
FilmAnnex - a platform which teaches us something new everyday, and it also makes me happy to work because I know I am being paid……
When I started my career as a writer on the FILMANNEX the first of blog of mine was" What you want the War or the Peace". I started……
Hello, I'm Amar-e-Yasir Nike name is Amar Annex. Today I'm writing a blog to the name of new comers of Film Annex. Dear……
A month before Pakistani Community was provided with Telephone credit of different companies inside filmannex shop but after……
Films annex is an outstanding social media from where you can earn money by becoming its member.I have joined Film annex on March……
Get 5,000 satoshi's free when you create a XAPO BITCOIN WALLET. You'll never lose your Bitcoin's with their insured cold storage……
The Power Lead System is the most complete all in one marketing platform online. With this incredible system you……
The Power Lead System will transform the way you do business. Get paid 100% commissions to build your email list along……
Orkut, on yıl önce Google tarafından başlatılan sosyal ağ, 30 Eylül 2014 tarihinde iyi için kapatılacak. Hiç……
A FREE blogging platform is what most marketers prefer to drive website traffic to whatever they are promoting. However a free blogging……
Start blogging for free and get paid in Bitcoin. Create great content and refer others, share your blog and start collecting money.……
I am really a normal person like you, but there may some difference. Whenever I go to some shopping malls like metro, and……
Orkut, il social media network lanciato da Google dieci anni fa, chiuderà definitivamente il 30 settembre 2014. Non ne avete……
Orkut, the social network launched by Google ten years ago, will be shut down for good on September 30, 2014. Never heard of it? This……
So toby I've been modelling one of the final assets for the lamborghini - The alloys. These classic alloys are iconic to an already……
Hello Friends today morning, I got a call from one of my friend who is also an active user in FilmAnnex, he says that suddenly from……
Yesterday night I made a plan with my close friend to have some chill outside in Lake view point, where people come to get relax environment……
Film Annex a modern foundation that empowers the Women of developing countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and India who have a talent……
Couple of weeks before, all of the Filmannex members were fascinated with a good news about the invitation of facebook friends directly……
Lighting plays the most important role in photography and if you can manage lighting properly you can get the perfect shot. But the……
This century is the century of science and technology; we are surrounded with latest inventions and technologies. One most important……
Different guidelines for drawing a flowchart are as follows: All necessary requirements should be listed in a logical order while……
Today Filmannex has introduced the ability to customize the cover image.In this infographic you will find the sizes to create……
I would really like to see @Filmannex Drop the time we have to wait and the withdrawal Limit as for many of us it will take……
My Buzz and Revenue stats are still dropping :( need to sort this. can't let it keep dropping or i won't make no #BTC
So here are my stats for Film Annex so far. How about you? How about you?
Oggi ho incontrato Shawn Sloves e Julian Jacobson di Atlas. Insieme abbiamo discusso del lancio di come……
Film Annex is one of the website directly supporting the Afghan societies by paying them with a digital currency in “Bitcoins”.……
Today, I had a great meeting with Shawn Sloves and Julian Jacobson of Atlas. We discussed the launch of as a global……
Я не знаю вы уже слышали о Filmannex е это онлайн платформа где вы сможыте заработать……
So on monday at E3 this week, Sony released a new trailer for Destiny, the new first- person shooter from Bungie Studios,……
Halo, one of the biggest-selling franchise ever, has now debuted it's latest game in the installment - Halo 5. But what's even better,……
E3 - Day 2! So last night we got to see some gameplay of the upcoming and much anticipated game: Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, and……
Wow, this took forever! I was finally able to track down the EVER elusive Joe Bellino of Sasketch Show. It turns out this guy……
So today ive been carrying on with me moodboard research on tools. this time, I've been researching Dewalt tools for features, attachements,……
So this weeks episode of Game of Thrones has been released on Sky Atlantic (for UK viewers), and focuses completely on John Snow,……
So this moodboard looks at Makita tools, and how i can take components from them and redesign them as futuristic tools. As you can……
So here's moodboard 2! This moodboard takes a look at current technology concepts for weaponry, but I plan to use these designs to……
So for my university 3rd year solo project, I'm going to do a series of models and turnarounds of a construction company based a century……
Ok so some may call me crazy or even stupid for picking a Nissan Skyline GTR 35 with the likes of Bugatti, Ferrari & Lamborghini……
Traduzione dall'inglese a cura di Nadea TranslationArticolo originale:……
Mixing up film genres is certainly no rarity in film and science fiction and film noir is a marriage that has……
I have now begun the next part of my vfx project, which is to composite a simulation into footage. The reason I have to do this is……
A friend has said very well, 'Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe its about unbecoming everything……
Do you use Hashtags? How to use hashtags 1 - You can use hashtags in microblogs and comments, and as categories for videos and blog……
With the great, awesome, massive Angry Birds in Rome! Last weekend me and Sara were in Rome, and in the city center we met the mythic……
Oggi prove del nuovo proiettore in aula a Empoli. Con l'occasione ho voluto provare la visualizzazione di Filmannex in vista del nuovo…… is a social networking platform that allows filmmakers and writers to create free Web TVs to present their work……
Closer to the release in May of Godzilla, Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures give to us another cool poster to promote the film on……
Ecco il mio banner su Valdelsa Sportiva, quotidiano online della zona Empolese-Valdelsa, realizzato su Wordpress da me nel 2012. Questo……
The Equalizer is an action thriller produced by Columbia Pictures and the first images have come online featuring Denzel Washington……
What do you really know about FilmAnnex? There's so much to find on FilmAnnex and so many new changes happening. As a registered user,……
Per Pasqua io e Sara Pucci siamo stati a Roma! Ed abbiamo fatto molti video in esclusiva per Filmannex. Presto li caricheremo, seguimi……
Ogni giorno, molti di noi passano il loro tempo postando e commentando su Facebook. Questo atto apparentemente innocente ci fa sentire……
Well Come To FilmAnnex Today Topic: Today i am now presented before……
Impara il Web è il mio progetto di corsi online di Web Design, SEO e Web Marketing e Social Media Marketing. Ci sono tante……
WELL COME TO FILMANNEX: BUZZ INTRODUCTION DEFINITION: Heart attack is condition in which, flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section……
From Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow, is coming the new science fiction film Edge of Tomorrow, starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt,……
Շատերն են որոնել և որոնում աշխատանք համացանցում ,բայց միշտ չէ ,որ գտնում……
Echa un vistazo al cartel de la adaptacion cinematografica de Frankie Vallie y la daptacion musical de Broadway Four Seasons de Jersey……
Buona Pasqua a tutti gli utenti di Filmannex! Happy Easter to all Filmannex's users! Alessandro Frangioni
Hello filmmakers, directors, producers and other fellow partners of movie partnership companies! I just want to write few things about……
Check out the poster for the film adaptation of the Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons Broadway musical adaptation of Jersey Boys,……
Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard star in this film adaptation of the Shakespeare´s tragic play Macbeth. The Weinstein……
Giornata splendita anche oggi. Qui alla Digital Design di Firenze si continua a creare, progettare e sviluppare per Filmannex. E fra……
Good morning Filmannex's users! Today we work to improve new important functionality to the social Filmannex.The road is still long,……
WELL COME TO FILMANNEX GREAT NEWS: Anyone who wants to getting jobs in Koria, ?? , Today in the……
Film Annex "The Social Media That Pays," has created a Digital Land of Opportunity where the key to success is the Digital Literacy……
Long live Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn his wife For they helped many lives alternate Long live Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn his wife……
This awesome looking library has always been one of my favorite sites in the neighborhood in which I live. It's castle-like……
E' vero: sono utente da relativamente poco, ma ciò non toglie che io non abbia il diritto di parlare. Diritto, e dovere, per……
Marvel Studios released online 3 new images for their latest film from Phase 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, showing some behind the scenes……
Il nuovo HTML5 è un linguaggio davvero fantastico, per questo ho deciso di iniziare un nuovo corso di HTML5 per imparare a……
Miren este nuevo afiche que salio hoy para Godzilla, una pieza de arte en blanco y negro con un sentimiento nostálgico. Definitivamente……
Me and my friends going on a trip to the bhuttri dam in haripur.its was a cold day we all wear a jackets and going to the friends……
Check out this new poster released today for Godzilla, a black and white art piece with a nostalgic feel. Definitely for hardcore……
WELL COME TO THE FILMANNEX , 31 Social media that PAY! As i am working on the filmannex as blob writer, i have noticed that……
I had a great time at Inside Bitcoins NYC. Especially happy i got to check out the Film Annex booth and speak to the people……
Che bello, arrivare in ufficio di mattina, con un bella giornata di sole, e trovare il Mac che ti da il buongiorno chiamandoti per……
Grande successo dell'Openday organizzato da Impara il Web, Isidat Informatica e Coeso a Empoli. Questo sopra è un'articolo……
New posters for Bryan Singer´s X-Men: Days of Future Past have come online, featuring Iceman, Colossus, Kitty Pride, Blink and……
At some point, I'll have to watch ten movies that have some obvious cohesion, but for the time being, I'll watch……
Check out this new posters for the action film The Expendables 3, featuring new cast members Kelsey Grammer, the long expected Wesley……
Genius mind : If you are a genius mind than this blog is definitely for you , because I want to convey a good message to all minds……
Un afiche promocional de Godzilla salió en linea hoy y la mejor cosa es que hace una invitación a todos los fans. Esta……
A very cool promotional poster for Godzilla came online today and the best thing it's that it has an invitation for all fans. As you……
20th Century Fox has just uploaded this new poster for their upcoming summer film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, featuring Caesar……
A new poster for film A Haunted House 2 has been released, this time making reference to Insidious: Chapter 2. This sequel follows……
Summer is coming soon and Paramount Pictures released today a nice clean poster for one of the most expected blockbusters of this……
We are working for the new Filmannex. In this screenshot you can see the new userpage, with a big, customizable cover image. __________________________________________……
Source: Empire20th Century Fox, released these images today from the filming of the upcoming blockbuster Dawn of The Planet of the……
Earlier today, two cool posters featuring Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis were released for promotion of the next Wachowski's film Jupiter……
Enough of Godzilla posters! I'm kidding I love Godzilla posters, but two other posters were released today and they are from another……
A new poster for the upcoming Godzilla film, has come online, again we see an obvious oversized tail for marketing purposes, but it's……
Hi there! This is Hafsa from Wah Cantt (Pakistan). I am a simple girl who has a keen interest in book reading, internet surfing……
A new image has come online promoting both a book called Godzilla: The Art of Destruction and the film Godzilla. This image is the……
Am proud to announce the new upcoming music video for "KABULBOYS" performed "BiaTu". in the last weekend we were so busy creating……
Filmannex, that all people are using that is with more capabilities, facilities and options that made a simple graphic and clear environment……
Three images for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 were released today one to keep the countdown for the final trailer and 2 promos for the……
A few days ago, Dwayne Johnson announced that in two weeks we are going to see the first trailer for his Hercules film, and today……
Check out this new poster released by Sony for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, featuring Spidey vs the Rhino! The poster sets a 4 day countdown……
Source: comingsoon.netNew posters for the anticipated Marvel film Captain America: The Winter Soldier, have come online, take a look!……
In past posts we've discussed about size of characters in posters, the cool thing in this IMAX one from Transformers: Age of Extinction……
As every day passes I feel I am getting near to the aim that the program is established for. It is so nice when I see the girls who……
The human has always been searching to find better and more efficient ways to solve the problems and improve in the knowledge, technology,……
We saw a mondo poster for 300: Rise of an Empire early this year made by Mondo, it was pretty cool, and now Godzilla has its Mondo……
Today was released a new movie poster for Johnny Depp's Transcendence, which is directed by Wally Pfister, commonly known as a DP……
As the days go on, we are facing for the new innovations and discoveries in new articles and poems. In our great country, we are watching……
Afghanistan is country with thirty millions of population that half of them are women. They tasted the worst and sweet days of life……
The women are activating the same as men in very difficult and dark situation. It is being done in the worse and very preventing situation……
I think buzz score is a good way that we do our activity continuous in filmannex. And a way that we have peaceful rivalry . Buzz score……
The anticipated adaptation from the classic Broadway musical Annie, produced by Will Smith, has released its teaser poster today,……
New promotional images from the independent horror movie Oculus have come online and you can take a look here. Official SynopsisIn……
Just yesterday we saw a new poster for Transformers: Age of Extinction featuring Mark Wahlberg as its new star and new we get two……
Paramount Pictures has just released this new teaser poster for their upcoming sequel Transformers: Age of Extinction, featuring its……
I am working in filmannex from previous 6 months. I have learnt many things and gain a very good knowledge from filmannex by reading……
Today was released a new poster from Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier, featuring the captain himself in a hard situation,……
In an earlier post it was discussed Godzilla's exaggerated size in a poster for marketing, now we can see how big the monster will……
Today was released this funny poster for Seth MacFarlane's film A Million Ways to Die in the West, check it out!The film is co-written,……
An extraordinary investment opportunity and accepted by Germans as “Unit of Account”, last year it was all shiny and glowing……
سلام به تمامی دوستان گلم ..... ! خواستم وبلاگ دیگری در مورد بیت کوین و طریق……
I want to announce the new tragic music video of "Shahzad adeel" performed (Tarkam Makon). Directed, DOP, edited and visual fx by……
When I was in last year of my university, a light way opened for me. The way that made my dreams true, the way that I wished to walk……
Marvel Studios has released this poster today for their upcoming action-adventure film Guardians of the Galaxy, which takes place……
Check out these new pictures released today by 20th Century Fox from their upcoming film X-Men: Days of Future Past. X-Men: Days of……
Continuing on the Sasketchshow history (as much as I can remember) we have the one year ago today release of episode 4, Season 1 of……
Already called by some "one of the greatest action movies ever made" The Raid 2: Berandal, is coming soon to theaters and here we……
Take a look of Marvel's new film Guardians of the Galaxy in these new released images. Marvel has confirmed that tomorrow the trailer……
Últimos reportes indican que el 60% de las playas de Florida están en peligro de desaparecer, al menos como se les conoce,……
Hi there! This is me Sharafat Sheikh from Pakistan. This is my first time entry in Filmannex. You must be thinking how and why I joined……
The horror film Oculus, has a new interesting poster for today. In the film we experience a new take on the haunted mirror legend.……
A new film from Tyler Perry is coming this year, The Single Moms Club, check out the poster and the trailer by clicking on the poster!……
Film Annex ha compiuto un grande passo in avanti introducendo i Bitcoin come unico metodo di pagamento. In molti, fino a……
Check out these two international posters from Darren Aronofsky's biblical film NOAH, featuring the characters played by Russell Crowe……
Every person has its own role in society. Similarly that person has its own effects on society due to which people get the effect……
The most aggressive campaign for a film in 2014, so far, continues with this new promo pictures just released for The Amazing Spider-Man……
FilmAnnex took a so-called landmark and a great step to introduce Bitcoin as its only currency they will pay in. Many of people did……
This new international poster from Darren Aronofsky's Noah has just surfaced on the net. Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson,……
Zombies everywhere! Now for some reason beavers are the new dead-alive creatures of which we have to take care, at least if you are……
In many fictional stories, Black Holes have been interpreted as doorways or wormholes to cross to a distant part of the universe,……
On this date in Sasketch Show history: One year ago the gang released their third sketch of the first season of Sasketch Show……
Today I am going to write about data flow in communication.Data Flow in Communiction means how data transfers between devices.……
Durante tenutasi in Sri Lanka a ciui ho partecipato (leggi qui!), ho avuto l'onore di incontrare una grandissima attivista……
During my social action hippy convention in Sri Lanka (read about it here!) I had the absolute honour of meeting an inspirational……
Source: Yahoo Movies Today hit online a poster and a still image from the comedy film 22 Jump Street, starring Channing Tatum and……
A new poster has been released today this time for Darren Aronofky's biblical film Noah, starring Russell Crowe, whom we can see in……
Source: Total Film According to Marc Webb in a recent interview his new film The Amazing Spider-Man 2 will be big in every aspect……
Non molto tempo fa, ad un evento degli Active Citizens organizzato nel Regno Unito, sono stata orgogliosa di raccontare……
Today I am going to write about data communication.As this topic is related to my field so it's very interesting to me.Hopefully,you……
Not too long ago, at an Active Citizens training event in the UK, I proudly talked about how I was part of an online social enterprise……
Promotion for what might be 2015's most controversial film has begun. Fifty Shades of Grey has released it's first teaser poster.……
The students of Filmannex course were studying their lessons during the last week. They are very interested in. they studied some……
Check this new art poster called "Mondo Poster" for the film 300: Rise of an Empire, released just today! My favorite posters will……
Check out the news teaser poster released by Lionsgate for their upcoming film The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1. Following the……
If you have 2 or more Wireless networks in your area how dose windows select one to connect into it? windows has a priority……
We need to have some new programs and methods to increase the scientific level of our country and save it from lace of education.……
Today was tweeted the first official image from the film Dumb and Dumber To, featuring Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels. And well the look……
Today was released the latest trailer for 300: Rise of an Empire following the release of a few posters for the film. In this new……
Hi! This is my debut appearance at Filmannex.Now the question as how I joined filmannex is answered that it is my teacher who is already……
Wow! The Amazing Spider-Man 2 ain't holding back on publicity, they have just released another "electrifying poster" this Saturday,……
Another film that has been really active releasing posters is 300: Rise of an Empire, in here it is the latest one! The film adapts……
Keira Knightley stars as Megan in the film Laggies, a film making its debut today January the 17th, on the Sundance Film Festival.……
Check out this new poster poster released today for the upcoming film 300: Rise of an Empire, sequel to the Zack Snyder hit: 300.……
Sony Pictures likes to promote a lot through images their upcoming sequel The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and today we got the new batch,……
A new image came online featuring the villainous Electro, played by Jamie Foxx in the upcoming film The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Check……
The poster for the upcoming comedy film starring Elizabeth Banks, Walk of Shame, has come online today, check it out! After a one-night……
,Dear studentsThe students are very interested in social media and blog writing, as they presented in the IT Classes during the winter……
,Dear studentsThe students of Malika Jalali high school got necessary information and trainings during the last week. As the students……
Today's been released the poster for the upcoming series based from the film From Dusk Till Dawn. Check it out here! From Dusk Till……
Hi there! Good evening here in Pakistan, my friends! This is my debut appearance at filmannex. Now the question as to how I came in……
Hi there, a new poster for Robocop has come online. While it's not for the U.S. market, I wanted to share it with you because I just……
Today were released a poster and three new images from the upcoming film Veronica Mars. Check them out! SynopsisVeronica Mars has……
If you want to hear music from your portable device here is a very simple way to do this without any internet connection you……
Check out this new picture from the upcoming film: X-Men: Days of Future Past, featuring Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy……
هذا الأسبوع, نقدم لكم برنامجا جديدا للشراكة, بحيث يتم السماح لكل مستخدم……
Oh, Youtube. I was looking at the Jesus of Nazareth video and noticed that there is a transcript button where they tell you what the……
There are a lot of schools in Afghanistan that students are studying there. The first school in the country was Habibia High School……
Technology is developing day by day, and all the people are searching new knowledge. Students are including people who should try……
In this new released still from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, we get to see Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy on her job at Oscorp and an invitation……
أسمي احمد شكيرSyed Ahmad Shakir طالب من قسم علوم الكمياء أدرس في جامعة هاريبور ……
For the first week of social media training course in Malika Jalali high school, in IT Class, a lot of students were interested to……
Following the previous posters from The LEGO Movie featuring Batman and Superman, today was released a new one featuring an astronaut……
Business-life is something we always want be in after graduation… something was always wish to involve with. But most young……
Here are Some simple steps! 1. Turn off your device 2. press Up Volume key and hold it. 3. Now press Power button and hold it. 4.……
Simple trick!Edit any website in your browser here are some steps to do this! 1- Go to a website for example,2- Clear……
No more text Just codes :) * Software version: *#9999# * IMEI number: *#06# * Serial number: *#0001# * Battery status- Memory capacity……
A new poster was released today for the sequel film A Haunted House 2, starring Marlon Wayans. Synopsis After the events of the first……
Check out this posters for the new 3D animation film The LEGO Movie featuring two of the most popular superheroes Superman and Batman!……
Now it's time for the main star! Right after the releases of character posters featuring Keira Knightley, Kevin Costner and Kenneth……
After Keira Knightley and Kevin Costner posters, Paramount Pictures released today a poster featuring Kenneth Branagh's character……
The Baghnazagha students who passed their exams and successfully learned their subject are very happy to promote one more grade. By……
Filmannex is a way of development for the women development in Afghanistan, which they could express their creative thoughts to the……
Following Keira Knightley's poster, now we have a poster featuring Kevin Costner's character in the new film Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit.……
Check out this new images released today for a couple of films.This first image is from the movie A Million Ways to Die in the West,……
Happy New Year! Keira Knightley stars in the first poster of 2014 for the film Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. The film is based on the……
Another New Year's Eve image from Marvel Studios has been delivered online today for comic fans, but now for Guardians of The Galaxy.……
Taking movies aside for a while, there are many realities in our world that we should not ignore. There are many kinds of evil working……
اولین پوستر و تصاویری از فیلمی انیمیشنی The Nut Job انتشار یافت. تاریخ……
Check out this new images released today from The Amazing Spider-Man 2. We can see the new villain Electro in both pictures, but the……
Today was released the first image for the upcoming film from David Fincher, GONE GIRL, based on the novel by Gillian Flyn, starring……
,Dear students The girls were waiting for their results patiently, when they passed their examinations. Fortunately they got their……
Dear students, The Amir Ali Shir Nawaie high school students got their results during the last week. According to the education regulation,……
The final examinations of the schools which started two weeks ago, finished last week. The head of educational department and the……
Check out Kevin Costner in the new poster for the sports film Draft Day, also starring Jennifer Garner, Ellen Burstyn, Denis Leary……
Check out now the official poster for Paul W.S. Anderson's epic film Pompeii.In the movie, a love story between a gladiator and a……
Everyone will get its goals one day. The Majuba Heravi high school students got their results after a long time of studying. They……
Yalda night is a long night in the year that people celebrate that and in this night in the past people sat together till morning……
Nowadays different things are in circulation about making money through internet all over the world. It is also true that you can……
Some people think that programming is hard to learn in this post i want to tell you about a very great website that teach programming……
Nowadays so many organizations are working for education and empowerment of women all over the world and are serious about this issue.……
By “Empowerment” we mean boosting the status of a person or community with regard to social, political, educational,……
:Dear students The final examinations of the students in Houz-e-Karbas high school finished during the last week. They passed their……
Dear students, According to the decision of the education department of Herat Province, the final examination of the schools will……
,Dear students The students who are working with filmannex, by writing their blogs and putting them in the platform could get an amount……
Dear students, Film treatment writing help the societies to improve and get more promotions. Afghanistan with several decades of war……
In view of their booming economy the high officials across the world have stressed upon the need of digital literacy. Countries having……
品质是好生活和成功的关键。 就像您期望您所吃的食物品质和您所呼吸的空气品质是好的,您也应该期望在您的网站的观众品质或社交活动的品质是好的。在过去的几个月里,线上广告业已经开发了新的工具,用来监控用户品质和特定的人口资讯以匹配广告主的期望。在Film……
Blog or article writing is a very important step in every student education’s process. Every student could write blogs and express……
hello!! In this occasion I´m writing from Tokyo. As I told you in some other blogs, I´m writing and working on the development……
Yesterday 6/12/2013 after coming from university, me and my class went to for shopping in the way we saw a boy that has a baby goat……
تمام قدر و منزلت یک ممکلت و سهم زیادی از توان یک کشور به فرهنگ اصیل بر پایه……
Buster Keaton's "The General" is considered one of the best silent films of all time and Keaton himself thought it to be his……
As u know I am student in Delhi University and know i am working in a project by the name of IMAGE BASED STEGANOGRAPHY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY,the……
Compulsory Marriages are one of the serious problems that we are facing daily in it. There are cases, especially in suburbs, that……
Unfortunately, violence is a bitter fact that is existing most of the under developed countries. We should accept it as a bitter fact……
Painting is a very pretty and nice art. It is possible to show by colors what we have in our brains and hearts. We can paint the map……
Blog writing and social media opened a new way of communication and information transmissions between the youths in Afghanistan. Although……
همه میدانیم که خلاقیت است که به زندگی رنگ دیگری می بخشد، آرزو ها را به حقیقت……
:Dear Students The dear students are doing their daily activities in blog writing and film treatments. They share them in social media,……
ګرانو زده کوونکو: زموږ ګران زده کوونکی هره ورځ خپل فعالیتوه د بلاګ لیکلو……
شاگردان عزیز: شاگردان عزیز هر هفته فعالیت های خویش در عرصه بلاگ نویسی و سناریو……
:Dear student Every one could write film treatment, but the way is so important. We should have enough information and the vocabulary……
ګرانو زده کوونکو: هر څوک کولی شی فلمنامه ولیکی٬ مګر د لیکلو لاری یی ډیر مهمی……
Everybody I want to talk about financial education. Now I understand most people are adverse to discussing or even thinking about……
Dear students: The activities are going further in Majuba Hirawi high school. All the students and the teachers are increasing their……
:ګرانو زده کوونکو .د محجوبه هروی لیسی کی فعالیتونه ورځ په ورځ ډیریږی چی……
:شاگردان عزیز .در لیسه محجو به هروی فعالیت ها افزون گشته است اگر چه این مسابقات……
:Dear student During the last week the students were busy in film treatment writing and blog writing for filmannex and Examer application.……
ګرانو زده کوونکو: هغه ګران زده کوونکی چی په دغه اونۍ د سناریو لیکلو او بلاګ……
شاگردان عزیز: شاگردان عزیزیکه در جریان این هفته در عرصه ی سناریو نویسی و……
In the last week all the students made Film Annex accounts for theirselves and linked them with other social media as facebook, twitter,……
په تیره اونی د کامپیوټر ټولکی کی د زده کوونکو لپاره انکس فلم حساب جوړ شو.……
در هفتۀ گذشته در صنف کمپیوتر برای شاگردان اکانت فیلم انکس ساخته شد. آنها……
Social media is using of techs based on web for changing of communication into bidirectional dialog. The term social media was used……
Huge apologies to followers on Filmannex for a quiet few weeks, I have been swallowed up in day to day life (as we all are) but I……
أن تكون جزء من موقع فيلم انكس هذا أمرا جيد جدا . في هذا الموقع يوجد الكثير……
Man is a great creature of God. He is gifted with great intellect by God. By using his intellect, he does all his jobs from morning……
:Dear student Afghan Citadel Company held film treatment writing classes for ten girl schools students . a lot of students attended……
:Dear Students Blogging class is a different session of learning computer and internet, because Afghan Citadel Company by providing……
It’s a great thing to be a member of filmannex, because its great platform for the writers and filmmakers and it provides a……
A country needs a system to be governed. The basic phenomenon of a system is to share the “power to the people” and make……
品質是好生活和成功的關鍵。 就像您期望您所吃的食物品質和您所呼吸的空氣品質是好的,您也應該期望在您的網站的觀眾品質或社交活動的品質是好的。在過去的幾個月裡,線上廣告業已經開發了新的工具,用來監控用戶品質和特定的人口資訊以匹配廣告主的期望。在 Film……
ګرانو زده کونکو: د بلاګ لیکلو ټولکی یوه متفاوته ساحه د کامپیوټر او مختلفو……
شاگردان عزیز: صنف بلاگ نویسی یک ساحه متفاوت برای آموختن کمپیوتر و سایت های……
:ګرانو زده کونکو انکس فلم اجتماعی شبکه او افغان سیټادل نرم افزار شرکت څو……
:شاگردان عزیز شبکه اجتماعی فلم انکس و شرکت نرم افزاری افغان سیتادل در چند……
:Dear Students During the last week we had activities in blog writing in social media and film treatment. From the first of telephone……
ګرانو زده کونکو: په دغه اونۍ کی زده کونکو د بلاګ لیکلو یا مقاله لیکلو٫ اجتماعی……
:Dear students During the last week, in Amir Ali Shir Nawaie, a new blog writing class started, and a lot of new students registered……
ګرانو زده کونکو: تیره اونۍ د امیر علی شیر وائی ښوونځی کامپیوټر ټولکیو کی……
شاگردان عزیز در هفته گذشته در صنف کمپیوتر لیسه امیر علی شیر نوائی صنوف جدید……
The most serious problem of Pakistan is it poverty. It is curse and cause irreparable damage to the very Pakistan. There are so many……
Check out this new image just released for the I, Frankenstein film, starring Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy and Miranda Otto. Frankenstein……
Каждый день мы встречаем таких текстов в интернете <<заработал на……
نن د ټکنالوجی علم او استفاده کول د هغو نه یو ډیر مهمه بحث د نړی خلکو مابینځ……
Dear Students: During this week a lot of students familiarized with the social media, and are learning more about. Some of the students……
ګرانو زده کونکو: د دغه اونۍ جریان کی یو شمیر ډیر زده کونکی د اجتماعی سایتو……
شاگردان عزیز: درجریان این هفته تعدادی زیادی از شاگردان به سایت های اجتماعی……
Dear students: Film Annex is a worldwide platform that is active all over the world. People could take more advantages from FilmAnnex.……
:Dear students In the last week, some educational lessons happened in the Mahjuba Hiravi High School between the classes, including……
:Dear students First of all, I am waiting for your more activities in social media to write blogs and story, Wish you greater success……
Dear students: As all we know, Film Annex is a social media that all people could share their informative information with the rest,……
شاگردان عزیز: اولتر از همه کلامی که میخواهم برای تان بگویم این است که؛ من……
:شاگردان عزیز فلم انکس یک شبکه انترنتی خیلی وسیع میباشد که در سرتاسر دنیا……
ګرانو زده کونکو: څرنکه چی په جریان کی یاست انکس فلم یوه اجتماعی شبکه ده چی……
:شاگردان عزیز طوریکه در جریان هستید فلم انکس یک شبکه اجتماعی بوده که باعت……
ګرانو زده کونکو: د محجوبی هروی لیسی که په دغه اونۍ د زده کړی سیالیۍ د ټولکیانو……
شاگردان عزیز: از جمله فعالیت های لیسه محجوبه هروی انیکه٫ مسابقات درسی……
:Dear student In this week competitions among schools were operated by directorate of education that all the students get preparation……
:ګرانو زده کونکو وروسته د لوی اختر نه او یوه اونۍ تیریدل د رخصتیو نه او شاته……
:شاگردان عزیز بعد از گذشت عید سعید اضحی و یک هفته رخصتی و پس ماندن از دروس……
An initial blog post about my work.Thus far I've uploaded my showreel here on FilmAnnex which you can see if you look at my page.……
In the great day of teacher, the Majuba Heravi high school administration with the cooperation of the administrative officials, headmaster,……
د ښوونکی په ورځ باندی د محجوبی هروی لیسی اداره او د اداره غړیو٬ سرمعلمینو٬……
در روز فرخنده معلم اداره لیسه محجوبه هروی همراه با اعضای اداری، سرمعلمین،……
In Pakistan getting a job is like conquering Kashmir. Those who have a job are luckiest and considered superior to others. Having……
In recent decades, constant acceleration since 2000, we have witnessed the passing of the so-called emerging economies in developed……
Nowadays, global problem that is air pollution which make me compel to write something and share with filmannex community. Air pollution……
Nowadays globally we hear about digital literacy, in pakistan as a student I only just read it in newspaper or on social media networks.……
برای آسان ساختن زندگی ضرورت به شرایط مناسب است که این شرایط را Womnesannex……
Today’s world is the world of digital literacy, target thinking, and internet. The main reason of the success of the developed……
Всем привет и отличного пятничного настроения. Меня часто спрашивают, как……
The shares are nothing more than a part of a company. In a nutshell it means that if you buy a share, you buy part of the company……
My name is Syed Ahmed Shakir. I am from Pakistan (K.P.K). I am a martial artist and my style is Kyokishin Kai Kan. It is a free style……
Hi! my name is syedhidayatullah.i am a student of M.S.c mathematics in haripur university(k.p.k)pakistan.I was in hostel for……
Teachers transfer knowledge from generation to generation; they teach the students the real and important lessons of the life, so……
My name is Aafia. I am a student in a University of K.P.K Pakistan. A strict Islamic religion area where women rights are not known……
In the last week, in evaluating teachers method and classes some activities has done which can be very useful in students education……
په تیره اونۍ کی د تدریسی او د ښوونکو درسی ټولکیو برخه کی ډیر کوښښ وشولو.……
Today, technology is very important in our daily life and it is accessible in every part of the world. Technology has brought positive……
د دغه اونۍ پیل کیدلو سره د شنبه په ورځ باندی چی د تله ۱۳ او د اکتوبر پنځمی……
در شروع هفته یعنی روز شنبه که مصادف به سیزدهم میزان و پنجم اکتوبر، روز جهانی……
In the beginning of week, October 5, was universal teacher day. Students in this day celebrates in a great manner and thanked to their……
Today, using technology is a hot discussion among people and everyone such as students, teacher, businessman and common people want……
In the past week of September 2013, a ceremony held for the teacher’s day in Mahjuba Hiravi high school. The daily plans of……
According to some reports, a glorious ceremony held in the school to celebrate the teacher’s day. All the teachers got admiration……
نن د ټکنالوجی علم او استفاده کول د ټکنالوجی د یو کرمه ورځنی بحثونو نه د خلکو……
په دغه اونۍ کی د ملکی جلالی لیسی کی د ښوونکی نړیواله ورځی لپاره یو لوی مجلس……
امروزه علم تکنالوژی و استفاده از تکنالوژی داغ ترین بحث روز در بین مردم شده……
په تیره اونۍ کی د ښوونکی نړیواله ورځ په محجوبه هروی لیسی کی د تلی ۱۳ میاښت……
درهفته کذشته در مکتب لسیه محجوبه هروی از روز جهانی معلم بتاریخ 13میزان……
My name is Syed Ahmad Shakir, student of BS (honors) chemistry Department in Haripur University Pakistan. And I am also……
تکنالوژی در دنیای امروزی از اهمیت و ارزش خاص برخوردار است و عموماً در همۀ……
در هفتۀ گذشته در قسمت تدریس و ارزیابی صنوف و استادان تلاش زیاد صورت گرفته……
Статья #theannexpress в переводе на русский язык Готовы ли вы стать режиссером……
أمي قالت : هل تحبين المجئ الى هنا و تتناولي الفطور ؟ لقد وقفتي امام المراة……
“Would you just come and eat your breakfast? You have been standing in front of mirror for an hour.” My mom said. “It……
زنده گی راه های گوناگونی دارد کسی نمیتواند قضاوت کند که میتوان ازین راه……
Although, there are a lot of deficiencies in the educational system of Afghanistan, but the recent years efforts responded to some……
که څه هم ډیری کموالی تر اوسه د افغانستان تعلیم نظام رنجوی٫ مګر هغه زیارونه……
هر چند کمبود های زیادی هنوز نظام آموزشی افغانستان را رنج می دهند، ولی تلاش……
In the last week, a teachers ‘meeting held in Majubah Hiravi high school to discuss about the lesson’s competitions between the……
په دغه تیره اونۍ کی د ښوونکو جلسه د تدریسی پلانونو په اړه د درسی مسابقاتو……
در این هفته ی که گذشت جلسه استادان در مورد پلان های تدریسی بخاطر مسابقات……
In this week, a law training course by sharia faculty implemented to make familiar those students who are interested in law. The students……
د دغه اونۍ په جریان کی د شرعیات پوهنځي له خوا نه د حقوق ټولکی کورسونه برګزاره……
درجریان این هفته از طرف پوهنحی شرعیات کورس ها و صنوف حقوق برگزار شد. تا اینکه……
The Baghnazargha high school students are getting ready for the basketball competitions. During the last week a competition held in……
د باغ نظر ګاه لیسی ورزشی زده کونکی د بسکتبال مسابقی لپاره یی تمرین او چمتوالی……
شاگردان ورزشی مکتب باغ نظرگاه برای آمده ساختن مسابقه تمرین بسکتبال داشتند.……
By coming final exams which are in 2 next months, the evaluation of teachers and lecturer lecturing and office activities. This evaluation……
د کالنی آزموینو رسیدلو سره چی تقریا دوې میاښتی وروسته پیل کیږی٫ نظارت د……
با نزدیک شدن امتحانات سالانه که تقریباً دو ماه دیگر آغاز میگردد، نظارت بر……
The different nationalities that live in a country form a nation. For making a nation the elements like specified territory, same……
Within the last week, the local council of Baghnazargha had a meeting with the educational manager of Baghnazargha Hich School. They……
فعالیت های که در این هفته گذشته انجام داده شد, شورای محل باغ نظرگاه همرای……
In the last week a new computer class for students started and many students of high has participated in this class and they will……
در جریان هفته که گذاشت یک صنف جدید کمپیوتر برای شاگردان شروع شد. وتعدادی……
په دغه اونۍ کی د ښوونکو ارزیابی فورمی ډکی شوی. هغه زده کونکو چی غوښتل خپل……
In this week evaluation forms of teachers filled. those students who wanted to register themselves in computer class introduced to……
در این هفته فورمه های ارزیابی معلمین خانه پوری شد. شاگردانی که می خواستند……
Under this blue sky in every day and night we hear the groan and cry of Afghan woman, the one who from birth day till now just tears……
د شین آسمان لاندی د کردی ځمکی باندی په مهتابی شپو او لمریځو ورځو کی د افغان……
زیر آسمان آبی روی زمین کروی در شب های مهتا بی وروز های آفتابی ندای آه وناله……
During the last week more things happened in the school. The students attended in information technology, English and computer classes……
په دغه اونۍ کی زده کونکی د ښوونځیو له خوا د انګریزی او کامپیوتر کورسونو کی……
در این هفته از طرف مکتب شاگردان را در کورسهای انگلیسی، کامپیوتر، از طرف……
During the last week a script writing test took by some of the interested students. The successful students got their results and……
په دغه اونۍ کی د فلمنامه لیکلو (sanario) امتحان د هغه زده کونکو نه چی په……
در جریان این هفته امتحان فیلم نامه نویسی (sanario) از شاگردانی که به این بخش……
The Basketball and Cricket sports teams are getting ready for the coming competitions. They practice hard every day……
په دغه اونۍ کی د بسکیتبال او کریکت ټیم دوو ټایمو مختلفو ورزشکارانو تمرینونه……
در این هفته شاگردان ورزشکار دو تیم مختلف بسکیتبال و کریکت تمریناتی داشتند٫……
During last week, Malika-Jalali had very good achievements, successfully. Different competitions held between different classes of……
په اونۍ ملکی جلالی لیسی کی ډیر موفقیتونه یی لاسته راوړل. مختلفو ټولکیانو……
With the development of the internet, the short film, which for some time seemed under threat of irrelevance, is now experiencing……
در این هفته لیسه ملکه جلالی توانست که موفقیت های زیادی را کسب کند. صنوف مختلف……
في موقع فيلم انكس بامكاننا العثور على بعض المخرجين هولاء يكتبون المدونات……
Last week a scenario program was applied by Afghan Citadel among all schools, this company took an exam of students for scenario writing……
In the recent years Afghanistan people could broke the figurative borders of this world and……
By new personal computers a great revolution happened in the people’s life in 21 century of different activities. The personal computers……
د شخصی کامپیوتر راتللو سره د ۲۱ پیړی خلکو په ژوند کی د بشر فعالیتونو مختلفو……
په تیره اونۍ کی د شهید ورځی نه په ملکه جلالی ښوونځی کی یادونه وشوله. او په……
In the last week a ceremony held in Malika Jalali High School about the Shahid Day (Martyr day is according to Ahmad Shah Massoud……
در هفته گذشته مراسمی از روز شهید در مکتب ملکه جلالی برگزار شده بود. و در این……
Educational deputy of the Mirman hayati High school supervised all classes to see if there is any student who did not obey the school’s……
په دغه اونۍ کی د مېرمن حیاتی ښوونځی معاونی باندی ټول ټولکیان وکتل شو ترڅو……
در این هفته توسط معاونه صاحب لیسه میرمن حیاتی تمام صنوف این مکتب بازدید……
تیره اونۍ د سناریو لیکل پروګرام د ټولو ښوونځیو زده کونکو مابینځ کی د افغان……
هفته که گذشت برنامه سناریو نویسی بین شاگردان از تمام مکاتب توسط موسسه افغان……
On Film Annex, you can find a very active core of filmmakers who upload videos and blog regularly. The first advantage is that they……
Film annex is an online network for film distribution and is a web television network.Its aim is to finance the independent filmmakers……
In the name of Allah who has created human in the best way and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad. Houza Karbas High School has the……
د خبرو پیل می د خدا(ج) په حمد او صفاتو یی پیل کوم چی انسان یی د ښو صفاتو سره……
آغاز سخن را با حمد و صفات پروردگاری آغاز می کنیم که انسان را با نیکوترین……
The problems of some of the students solved in their lessons during the last week. The Teachers should try more to make known the……
په دغه اونۍ کی د زده کوونکو ځینی ستونزی د تدریسی او محیطی له لحاظه حل شوی……
دراین هفته مشکلات بعضی از شاگردان از لحاظ تدریسی و محیطی حل شد. چونکه……
These are activities In last week: Students spent their time mostly in Internet Programs, learned about socialmedias (Twitter and……
هغه فعالیتونه چی په دغه اونۍ کی تیر شول٫ زده کوونکو خپل ډير وخت یی د انترنتی……
فعالیت هایکه در این هفته که گذشت چنین بود، زیادی وقت خود را شاگردان به ……
Hi there, Today I want to present a new FilmAnnexer who joined the platform a week ago – Tony Baboon. Tony Baboon is a music……
د معاصره بدلونکی نړی کی هره ورځ د زده کړی او روزنی برخه باندی اضافه کیږی.……
In the changing world, the education role is getting highlighted more and more every day. Stable Development needs knowledge and educated……
The eleventh grade students attended in a Quran Sharif competition, and the computer teacher presented all the social media sites……
د یولسم ټولکی زده کوونکی د منتخبه ښوونځی سره یی د قرآن کریم مسابقه درلودله.……
شاگردان صنوف یازدهم با مکتب منتخب شان مسابقه قرآن کریم داشتند. و استاد کمپبوتر……
Lately, Mahjuba Hiravi High School achieved more success, they part in sport’s matches with Mehri high School and some other……
Educational manager of the school held meeting with the different parts of the school. A meeting held with sports’ teachers……
د دغه اونۍ جریان کی د ښوونځی مدیری یو سلسله جلسی یی د ښوونځی مختلفو برخو……
در جریان این هفته مدیره مکتب جلساتی را همراه بخش های مختلف مکتب داشت. جلسه……
In this week the 12th class students for the final exam (concor) registered themselves. For 50 students of school will start a training……
په اونۍ کی د امیر علی شیر نوایی دولسم ټولکی زده کوونکی د کانکور عمومی آزموینی……
در این هفته شاگردان صنوف دوازدهم لیسۀ نسوان امیر علی شیر نوائی برای اشتراک……
Hooray!!! After an eight week break, the sasketchshow gang is back at it with the first sketch of season 2. Smells Like Oak kicks……
The teacher plays a key role in education. There can be no revolution in education without revolution in the role of the teacher.……
A review of Amir Ali Sher Nawaie high school: an evaluation ream for evaluating teacher`s activities. They came to evaluate the learning……
د امیر علی شیر نوائی ښوونځی باندی یوه کتنه: د نظارت غړی ضامنه هیئت د ښوونکو……
گذری به امورمکتب امیرعلی شیر نوائی: هیئتی ضامن اعضای نظارت از کارکرد……
In this week the result sheet of students from 7-12 classes took to them by director of school and other teachers. For 1st, 2nd and……
Today we are able to see how technology changes our life in 21st century. Technology has an brilliant effect in our life especially……
ځرنکه چی موږ شاید یو ټکنالوژی په 21 پېړی کی یی د انسانانو ژوند یی کاملا متغییره……
شاگردان عزیز: جوانان افغان خصوصا شاگردان صنف کامپیوتر مکتب لیسه ملکه جلالی……
A body came and supervised MirMan Hayati high school. The election commission had a campaign about the coming election of the country……
During the last week, a mass pile of poetries, novels and articles were checked by the computer teacher from students of 10 and 11……
په تیره اونۍ کی, یو شمیر د مقالو, اشعارو او داستانو نه د ټولو لسم او یولسم……
در هفته که گذشت، تعدادی از مقاله ها، اشعار و داستان ها را ازتمام شاگردان……
During the last week, all the students were present in the school, and did exercises in the computer class and the laboratory. The……
د اونۍ لومړیو ورځنی نه تر د آخر ورځنی نه چی تیر شو ټول زده کوونکی خپل درسونو……
از روز اول هفته تا روز آخر هفته که گذشت تمام شاگردان به دروس خویش حاضر بودند……
The principle of the school held a meeting with the culture department of school to improve the students’ cultural level. A……
د دغه اونۍ جریان کی د حوض کرباس لیسی فعالیتونه دا دی: د ښوونځی مدیره یوه جلسه……
در جریان این هفته فعالیت های لیسه حوض کرباس قرار ذیل میباشد. مدیره مکتب……
After the Ramadan Eid and summer vacations this week the school started. Whole the students have set in their class; the office supervised……
د دغه ښوونځی دروازه په دغه اونۍ کی د امتحاناتو, اوړی رخصتیو او د وړوکی عید……
دروازه مکتب در اول این هفته بعد از امتحانات, رخصتی های تابستانی و عید سعید……
The students of Amir Ali Shir Nawaie high school had a match with Shahid Dashti high school’s students during this week. The……
په دغه اونۍ کی د امیر علی شیر نوائی ښځینه زده کوونکو د صحت مسابقی لپاره د……
در این هفته شاگردان نسوان لیسۀ امیر علی شیر نوائی برای مسابقۀ صحت با مکتب……
In this week the schools were off and the students of Computer class were present and wrote some blogs and then shared it in Social……
په تیره اونۍ د ښوونځیو زده کوونکی او ښوونکی د روژی عید لپاره د یوی اونۍ لپاره……
درهفته گذاشته شاگردان و اساتید مکاتب به مناسبت عید سعید فطر به مدت یک هفته……
In this week all students and teachers of Mahjoba Herawi High School didn`t go to school because these days were off, but Computer……
په مخته اونۍ کی زده کوونکی او د مکاتبو ښوونکی د عید مناسبت په خاطر د یوی اونۍ……
.درهفته گذاشته شاگردان و اساتید مکاتب به مناسبت عید سعید فطر به مدت یک……
In this week all of Schools in Afghanistan were off but the students of computer class were present and wrote blogs and shared them……
د دغه اونۍ جریان کی, د افغانستان ټول مدرسی رخصتی وی. مګر د کامپیوتر ټوولکی……
در جریان این هفته, تمام مکاتب سر تاسر افغانستان رخصت بود. اما شاگردان صنف……
In this week, the schools were off and the student of computer class were present and they wrote blogs and shared them in social media.……
د دغه اونۍ جریان کی, ټول ښوونځی رخصتی وی, مګر د کامپیوتر ټوولکی زده کوونکی……
در جریان این هفته, مکاتب رخصت بود, اما شاگردان صنف کمپیوتر به سر صنف ایشان……
I have been a longstanding contributor to I subscribe to their motto of “connecting everyone through film.” ……
رحیمہ کویش علی شیر نوائی ہائی سکول کے انسٹرکشنل اسسٹنٹ ہے۔ وہ ہرات اور……
Film Annex 降低最低付款金額了,以前為200美元,現在只要達到50美元,用戶即可以向我們發送付款請求。……
I suppose that this blog is something of a spiritual sequel to one I posted about a week ago, I also took a lot of inspiration after……
The semi-year examinations which started before finished during last week. The teachers delivered the students’ presence letter……
Last week there was a ceremony in the mahjuba herawi high school to admire the intelligent students of the computer class, and three……
گزارش کاری این هفته مکتب لسیه محجوبه هروی ازاین قرار است که درهفته گذاشته……
This week’s activities are very similar to last week, because their works were uncompleted that they finished this week. They……
فعالیت های مکتب امیر علی شیر نوائی در این هفته کمی شباهت به هفته قبل دارد……
During the last week the students were involved in their examinations, so the school gave them vacation for ten days. But the educational……
نظر به هفته های گذ شته که شاگردان مصروف امتحانات خویش بودند از طرف ریاست……
All the schools are progressing and everyone is trying to go further. Fateh high school is the same. Its library, laboratory and computer……
تمام مکاتب در حال رشد و پیشرفت میباشند و هر کدام میکوشند تا سطح علمی خود……
During the last week, the result sheets of the students concluded and sent to education department of Herat city, and entrance sheets……
The students in Baghnazargah high school were on vacation last week, but the computer class students were present and active in social……
در جریان این هفته, تمام شاگردان مکتب لیسه باغ نظرگاه رخصت بودند اما شاگردان……
So tomorrow I'm doing something which I never really wanted to do, and defintiely don't plan on making a career out of... I'm filming……
Вчера было очень ленивое воскресенье. Я предпочла остаться дома. Как и каждое……
No, this isn't a blog about my height, it's to celebrate the fact that I've decided I'm going to make another short film! It's……
There is a belief within myself that I have felt throughout my time serving as a Marine. Whether a Marine or a……
Last week there was a ceremony in the Majuba herawi school to admire the intelligent students of the computer class, and three of……
By the end of the week the semi-term exams in Mermain Hauyatee school also finished. The teachers are checking the exams’ sheets……
فيلم انكس ستبدل الحد الأدنى من المبلغ مئتي دولار الى خمسة دولارات . لهاذا……
The semi-term exams started in this school last week and finished at the end of this week. We held a celebration for the aforementioned……
Спасибо инновациям и технологиям, которые делают жизнь удобной и активной.……
Film Annex revolutionizes the way filmmakers and bloggers make money online with their content. They are rewarded based on their BuzzScore,……
Thanks to the recent innovations and technologies that make life very easy and proactive, an unbelievable amount of information is……
The Middle exam of the current educational year started last week. The teachers in Mahjoba Herawi high School prepared their Question……
In this week , the semi term examination started from seventh Class up to twelfth Class. The manager held the Meeting with teachers……
During the last week the semi-term examination started and the office of Ali shir Nawaie high school Prepared the attendance sheet……
The semi-term exams started in this school during the last week. The office got preparation, and the teachers made the questions and……
The school administrative performed the education department directions as wishes. The students are getting ready for the tests and……
The school is getting ready for the semi-test examinations. The teachers and the educational manager attended in a meeting to evaluate……
In this week manager meeting held with the teachers about the high school examinations and also the educational manager had a meeting……
A system that, in essence, works toward women individuality, is the new Film Annex Buzz Score and Revenue Sharing System and severs……
The following are the weekly activities of the school. In this week had a celebration in school for Mother's day because the students……
These are the following activities of this week in Mahjube Herawi High School. There was a celebration for selecting students that……
کوالٹی معیاربہترزندگی اور کامیابی کی ضامن ہےـ جیسےکے ہم اپنےماحول اورخواراک……
نیو New Film Annex Buzz Score اورریونیوشیئرنگ Sharing سسٹم فلاحی کاموں میں مگن Women Annex اورExamer……
Kalite, iyi bir yaşam ve başarı için anahtar elemandır. Tıpkı yediğiniz yemeğin ve soluduğunuz havadaki oksijenin……
Hello, guys. Today I created my profile on Film Annex, and I am happy to introduce myself to everyone attached to this social media……
Давние пользователи Film Annex могли заметить, что сайт в последние недели……
Есть ли тенденции хэштэгов 2013 в социальных медиа? На прошлой неделе мы провели……
During this week Hatifi high school had the following activities: They painted two training apartments and the teachers had a meeting……
I used to watch foreigner skateboarders skating and having fun on TV and thought that I will never see skateboarding in Afghanistan. ……
جب میں نے پہلی بار ان لائن تقیسم کے کوشش شروع کی تومیں نے پایا کہ فلم انیکس……
فلم ملحقہ $ 200 $ 5 کی طرف سے اپنے صارفین کو اس کی کم از کم ادائیگی کو کم کیا……
The New Film Annex Buzz Score and Revenue Sharing System (read my article) work along with the philanthropic initiatives of Women's……
Quality is the key to good life and success. Just like you expect great quality in the food you eat and the air you breathe, you should……
This week I am taking a somewhat different approach to my blogging after reading Jennifer Bourne’s blog ‘Hashtags, The……
الان نحن في سنة 2013 و الحديث كله عن سنة 2014 و خروج قوات حلف شمال الاطلسي من……
فيلم انكس الحد الادنى لدفع ۲۰۰ دولار يريد بانشاء الى ۲۵ دولار . الدفع……
القوات النظامية الاجنبية , قوات حفظ السلام في افغانستان ,مع معدات التدريب.……
Film Annex 降低最低付款金额了,以前为200美元,现在只要达到50美元,用户即可以向我们发送付款请求。……
By: Muhammad Rafi Cena Since the last 12……
Film Annex is lowering its minimum payment to its users from $200 to $5. Up to this month, the payments are based on the 50/50……
Hi All, Ok, normally I don't mail a webmaster if I have a problem on a site. Even a polite question often doesn't get answered. But……
Social media websites, such as Filmannex, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and G-mail are now changed into a varying force to Afghan youth.……
Entertaining websites, such as Filmannex, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and G-mail are now changed into a varying force to Afghan youth.……
Tens of Afghan boys and girls graduate from the Journalism faculties of Afghan Universities every year. Among these, there are some……
To make money online with internet is today changed into a profession to the people of the world. Today, there are lots news agencies……
Hello!! Well, as I told you before, I´m closing some external projects to start with my new Animation Short Film on June 1st.……
In 5 years of Taliban ruling was with 0% school building in Afghanistan. As the International Community and NATO troops poured to……
Today, Afghan people are not only involved in farming activities, but they are doing social media and other activities. Afghan people’s……
The little girl was very shy ……
When I started to try some ways for online distribution, I found Film Annex as one of different sites to show movies on the Internet,……
It is over 10 years that construction is on going in Afghanistan intensively. One of the parts that Afghan goverment and other nattional……
هناك مفاهيم وتعريفات مختلفة في الدنيا . العالم تعرف بواسطة الحدود الجغرافية……
مشاهدة و متابعة مقاطع الفيديو والكتابة المهنية والاستقلال المالي والدخل……
اذا كنت عضو في موقع الفيلم انكس بتاكيد سمعت عن البزاسكور(Buzz Score) , البز اسكور……
Если вы являетесь FilmAnnex-ером и читаете это, значит вы уже знаете, как мы работаем.……
БЫТЬ ИЛИ НЕ БЫТЬ, ВОТ В ЧЕМ ВОПРОС. Один из наиболее важных вопросов для……
В настоящее время я преподаю в школе, но очень хорошо помню времена,……
In this article I am going to write about the keyword given by filmannex regarding Afghan Development Projects which have been already……
Today is Thursday April, 11, 2013 almost 4:30 pm Kabul time and I opened my laptop and connected the etisalat telecommunication company……
Computer training courses are continued in Amir Alisher Nawaie, Miss. Zeba Haidary is teaching student about IT and in this week they……
Rahima kawesh is instructional assistant of Alisher Nawaie High School. She has been working in different school of Herat and……
Sema Dehzad is Mahjube Herawi high school principle, she was born in Herat. She has 17 years work experience in different departments……
Every registered Film Annex user gets a free Web TV that they can curate, manage and promote. The Web TV generates revenues through……
Your Web TV on Film Annex (provided for free upon registration) generates revenues through online advertising. The better you manage……
In developing countries, especially in Afghanistan, people are used to carry cash more than credit cards. It is the old traditional……
Actually I have almost thirty videos on my WebTV Channel on Filmannex, but that doesn´t mean that I have thirty……
Привет мальчики, девочки, дяди и тети. Неважно, где вы родились и где живете..……
When I was an undergraduate student in High school of Herat, there were not any opportunity for me to enhance my computer or internet……
Hello again! I´m really happy about your feedback, comments and e-mails on the drawings that I posted, that´s why now I´m collecting……
It is January 11 of 2013. Herat is as usual crowed and the weather is cold, but in this cold weather the Citadel projects are proceeding……
The most common social media used in Afghanistan is the Facebook and YouTube. As I mentioned in my last blog (social media marketing……
Today is 4 January 2013 and this is the first weekly activities of Herat Citadel Team in year of 2013 which I am writing it as a blog.……
Today I would like to write about the difficulties, that we faced in these weeks in Herat in my week recap. As Herat Citadel Team……
The main idea to develop an Online Examination System within Afghanistan came from Film Annex and Afghan……
I think this is all I've been able to get my hands on from the secret squad. This is from the 'CoolerCorn' shoot. Obviously,……
Examer is an online examination system which it designed to take exam from students in an online base. The purpose……
I know I always recommend a blog to read at the start of most of my own blogs, but that is usually because something inspires me and……
2012年12月8日, 马来西亚2012年12月8日,FPC青年方程式系列赛2012赛季收官回合(第十八回合)的争夺在上午10:04来到雪邦国际赛车场。10圈的比赛结束,盖勒埃尔(Sean……
Women's Education is a topic very close to my heart, and intrinsically linked with the progress of Afghanistan. Women were relegated……
В наше время довольно не просто отыскать тонкую грань между творчеством……
FAMusicTV is an official web TV, representing independent material, in collaboration with Web TV is dedicated to the……
Production blog for my latest film - Canada. AKA the art of sticking your DSLR camera out of a fast moving car! Earlier this year,……
Howdy! Been what, a week since the last one where I said I'd get some pics for you? Well, look who pulled through? This one was taken……
Results:1 Kimi Räikkönen Lotus-Renault 1:45:58.6672 Fernando Alonso Ferrari ……
Race 11 Alain Menu - Chevrolet 25:12.3692 Robert Huff - Chevrolet + 1.5003 Stefano D'Aste - Wiechers-Sport + 11.1924 Tom Coronel -……
Lewis Hamilton has conquered the first place in the qualyfing of the Abu Dhabi GP, followed by the Red Bulls of Webber and Vettel……
Let's look at the world from the prospective of a teenage girl from Afghanistan. She is in a high school in Herat where we just installed……
Sauber has announced one of its drivers for 2013: Nico Hulkenberg. They haven't announced the second driver yet, making Kamui Kobayashi's……
Margot DeFrance has over 20 years of experience in the financial services and healthcare industries. She is a healthcare corporate……
There is a belief I carry that states anyone can obtain a classroom education. Educating……
1 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing-Renault 1:26.2212 Mark Webber Red Bull Racing-Renault ……
Having invested so much of my time not only in the Middle East, but the learning of the culture……
Examer is an Online Examination System for schools which is considered to change the Afghanistan school examination routine. This……
Since 2007 CNN has been honoring individuals who make extraordinary contributions to humanitarian aid. These "heroes" come from……
How would you feel if you couldn't go to school because of the fear of being thrown acid on your face? How would you feel if attending……
In 2011 I spent the month of July traveling through Rajasthan, an iconic region of central-north India filled with historic……
Recently, I was asked why we don't show Spiderman movies or Shakira music videos on Film Annex. This is a good question. I was also……
Last week 17 people were slaughtered in Afghanistan just because they were attending a party. They were caught while engaging themselves……
Social media has taken the world by storm. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn among others have hundreds of millions of subscribers……
Around the world, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe to the United Nations, we celebrate International Youth Day this year on 12 August. ……
I have joined filmannex in may 2011 and I found this site very helpful in digging out my potential in terms of writing and film making.Eventhough……
Women who have found their way through adversity and are able to do much more for themselves and the society than the circumstances……
With the help of Citadel Software in Afghanistan along with USAID, Film Annex has been building internet classrooms all across Afghanistan.……
Auditions can be a tricky process. Seeing how an actor can really make or break the film, the auditions are also one of the……
The Northern part of Afghanistan is extremely fertile. This region is actively engaged in agriculture. Due to poverty, less resources……
Whether Klout and/or Kred are accurate in assessing social media influence and which one is more credible in the task is becoming……
This video documents the improvements at an All-girl high school in Afghanistan. Associates of Film Annex built a computer room……
Hey all, Come on over and check out Klout. Be sure to sign up and find FilmAnnex over there. What is it,……
No matter the circumstances of life, time keeps moving forward. I once again have a theory I would like to share about……
Summer is knocking at the door, and this past Sunday my girlfriend and I walked to Central Park and chilled there for a few hours.……
Herat, the third largest city in Afghanistan, houses about 400,000 people. Absent from any list of prioritized locations to visit……
Hey Guys! Thanks for opening this up and hopefully I can keep you hooked. Just a brief few words as to what I'm about and what I can……
As Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Sofware Company celebrate the opening of the new Internet classroom in Kouz-E-Karbas High School -……
Schooling in Afghanistan extends far beyond just the traditional educational rewards that the majority of Americans……
Filmmaking is the essence of and the reason behind Film Annex. To me, it's the most entertaining and stimulating way to communicate……
Child labour, servitude, and exploitation has no geographic border. Whether it’s the mines of Bolivia, the sugar cane……
Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Software Company are joining forces to improve the education system in Afghanistan. Filmannex is……
AdON Network President Bhaskar Ballapragada partnered with Film Annex for a 30-day online promotion of the Afghan Development Project.……
Starting on April 25, 2012 the students of Baghnazargah School outside of Herat Afghanistan began to see the world in ways……
Watching the growth and eventually the success of veteran businesses can be considered somewhat of a chess game for……
Social Media is a fairly generic term related to sharing platforms like Film Annex and Facebook, as well as technologies, algorithms,……
An amazing factor of life I have been constantly encountering since my return from Afghanistan is no matter what you……
Closing my Saturday evening off with a blog that was inspired while shooting an interview with two of my fellow Marines Luke……
Watching the first steps in Filmannexs' help with the educational system in Afghanistan was a proud experience for me. ……
"It only takes one individual to open up a door that millions can walk through." This is a direct quote written……
There are many who are optomistic to the views that could help Afghanistan develope into a more modern society. There could……
My day started bright and early today at around six a.m. this morning as my fiance woke me when it was time for her to wake up for……
Building schools in Afghanistan has been a serious topic for the last ten years. The book, Three Cups of Tea, has been a revealing……
Last week, I met my new neighbor; she is a leading national security expert and commentator on a major news network. Since our acquaintance,……
I was inspired to write this from a comment left on my blog Education system of Afghanistan is for doers, not thinkers. The comment……
Last week Frank Abagnale delivered a speech at SXSW. Frank Abagnale inspired the movie Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo DiCaprio……
In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During……
The text (s) below (s) contains an invitation.Havaianas, join us!The Brazilian most famous beach sandals could help the Afghan education……
Michael Huie looks like a 23-year-old young man. I’d never call him veteran… According to the dictionary, veteran is a “person……
On the International Women's Day in Italy, each woman receives a mimosa from her loved ones. Women's literacy is one of the key……
Moviefone has debuted the poster for Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom. Opening in theaters on May 25, the film stars Bruce Willis,……
Looking into how big the internet has become and how limitless money making from the internet can be it has been a piviledge working……
I know firsthand how military experience carries over into civilian business skills. At my last job, I had the great privilege……
One hundred years ago, a Russian documentary film, newsreel director, Dziga Vertov, created a new language for reporting the reality……
Twentieth Century Fox has released a new trailer for Ice Age: Continental Drift. The film opens in 3D, 2D and IMAX 3D theaters on……
I read an article written by Jerome Starkey of the London Times that spoke about an Afghan womans fight to make the next election……
A new research project of mine keeps me in tuned with hours of online video production, mostly about Afghanistan information. When……
The more my mentor's of Filmannex (G.I.V.E.) me the tools I need for online moneymaking ways, the……
Judo is the sport that my father Roberto and I have been practicing for over 30 years.Film Annex is the company my brother and I started……
Come back on Monday for the new trailer! Opening in 3D, 2D and IMAX 3D theaters on May 25, the new film features the return of Agents……
Walt Disney Pictures has revealed the trailer for Tim Burton's Frankenweenie, featuring the voices of Winona Ryder, Martin Short,……
The new trailer for Marvel's The Avengers is now online (via iTunes Movie Trailers) and can be watched using the player below! Written……
Online video platforms: which option is best for today's independent filmmakers? My humble opinion might surprise you.Let's face……
Walt Disney Pictures has debuted the final trailer for John Carter, which you can watch using the player below! John Carter is based……
SplashNews Online (via 5min) has posted a video of Zachary Quinto and Benedict Cumberbatch fighting on the set of J.J. Abrams' next……
Vin Diesel has shared two more photos from the set of Riddick on his Facebook page and you can check them out below. You can check……
The trailer and poster for IFC Films' The Moth Diaries have debuted at Yahoo! Movies and The Playlist, respectively. Starring Sarah……
MTV has posted these first two photos from the set of J.J. Abrams' next Star Trek movie that feature Spock (Zachary Quinto) and Uhura……
Maumau Web TV thank Film Annex for their Web TV initiative, which is perfect for independent filmmakers to promote……
Warner Bros. Pictures has released the new trailer for Wrath of the Titans, directed by Jonathan Liebesman. Opening in 3D, 2D and……
Disney•Pixar has released, via iTunes Movie Trailers, an all-new trailer for their upcoming Brave. Check it out in the player below!……
A new poster for Disney•Pixar's Brave is now online, courtesy of iTunes Movie Trailers Directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman,……
During my two-day visit to Jacksonville, NC, I learned more about Afghanistan than the 43 years I spent in Florence and Manhattan.……
Columbia Pictures has released, through, director Sam Mendes' first video blog from the next James Bond adventure, Skyfall.……
In Men in Black 3, Agents J (Will Smith) and K (Tommy Lee Jones) are back... in time. J has seen some inexplicable things in his 15……
The film hitting theaters on April 6th, Summit Entertainment's The Cold Light of Day has debuted a new international trailer at MSN……
Walt Disney Pictures has revealed the poster for director Tim Burton's Frankenweenie on the film's official Facebook page! You can……
Producer Mark Canton revealed on the "The Matthew Aaron Show" that Jim Caviezel ("Person of Interest," The Passion of The Christ)……
A new photo from Walt Disney Pictures' Marvel's The Avengers has debuted in the new issue of Empire magazine and can be viewed below,……
Sony Pictures revealed the clip at the film's viral site at (click on the red spider to watch it there). Read……
Marvel's Facebook has released this new image of Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) about the Helicarrier……
Douglas Fairbanks, Guy Williams, Antonio Banderas and others have played the iconic swashbuckling character Zorro, but now a new name……
Millennium Entertainment has debuted the new trailer for director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo's horror-thriller Intruders, opening in……
Little Big Love is a very touching short film by Tomas Mankovsky, about tiny robot that falls in love with an electric kettle. The……
Kino Gallery has revealed this new international poster for Wrath of the Titans, which hits 3D, 2D and IMAX theaters on March 30th.……
CBS Films has debuted the new trailer for Lasse Hallstrom's Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, starring Emily Blunt, Ewan McGregor, Kristin……
Film Annex has taken the decision to establish Film Annex Afghanistan with the cooperation of Citadel's Roya Mahboob - Software and……
Twentieth Century Fox has revealed the first trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, coming to theaters on June 22. Produced……
First announced for development at Warner Bros. just over a year ago, Harker is planned to offer a new take on the "Dracula" mythos.……
Ramblings- We thought it might be neat to let you see the screenplays for our webseries. We'll give it a try with No Jackson……
The trailer for Focus Features' Seeking a Friend at the End of the World has debuted at Yahoo! Movies and you can check it out below.……
Schwarzenegger on Whosay posted the following comment: "After all the action, stunts & physical abuse shooting The Expendables 2 and……
Universal Pictures has revealed the trailer and poster for The Bourne Legacy, starring Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton,……
Two new posters and one new banner have debuted at for Wrath of the Titans at Yahoo! Movies. Read more movie news and watch trailers……
Columbia Pictures has revealed the new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man which you can watch using the player below! The July 3 release……
Four more images from Dredd have come online via 2000AD and can be viewed below. The film is coming to 3D and 2D theaters on September……
Marvel Studios has released the extended Super Bowl spot for Marvel's The Avengers which you can watch using the player below! Opening……
This new image from Ridley Scott's Prometheus has surfaced and features Noomi Rapace and Logan Marshall-Green. Also starring Michael……
"Mauricio Vargas Presents" has updated The Price's official website and has also released exclusively on Maumau Web TV, the teaser……
A new photo from the upcoming short film The Price has been released and Maumau Web TVwill exclusively present the teaser trailer……
Universal Pictures has released two more photos from Snow White and the Huntsman In the epic action-adventure opening June 1st, Kristen……
Lionsgate has released the new trailer for The Hunger Games which you can watch using the player below! The Gary Ross-directed adaptation……
A lot of new footage from John Carter was revealed in a new featurette that is airing on the Disney Channel. You can check it out……
Paramount Pictures has just debuted, through iTunes Movie Trailers, the full TV spot for G.I. Joe: Retaliation that is set to air……
A Spanish version of the new trailer for Rodrigo Cortes's thriller Red Lights came online recently, but you can now watch the trailer……
The very first still from the next James Bond adventure, Skyfall, is now online, courtesy of, which also adds that the shot……
At the end of a Twitter chat with The Avengers writer/director Joss Whedon and stars Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson and Clark Gregg,……
CBS Films has debuted the teaser trailer for director Takashi Shimizu's supernatural thriller 7500, starring Leslie Bibb, Ryan Kwanten,……
Set for release on September 14th, the Ben Affleck-directed Argo has just released a new still. Based on true events, Argo chronicles……
Summit Entertainment has brought online this "Announcement Piece" for Step Up 4 showing the first footage from the July 27 release.……
Deadline story about Fox's President of Production Emma Watts renewing her own contract through 2015, there's a matter-of-fact mention……
Screen Gems has provided the new teaser poster and updated banner art for Resident Evil: Retribution, coming to theaters on September……
Yahoo! Movies has debuted this new photo from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey featuring (from left to right) William Kircher, Graham……
Marvel Studios announced that they will be sponsoring a Global Twitter Chat on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 11 a.m. (PST) with cast……
We've seen some of these before from magazine scans, but Marvel Studios has now officially released the photos from Marvel's The Avengers……
Francesco Rulli and I created Models Web TV a little over a year ago with the simple intent of mimicking the success that Film Annex……