He Enters An Abandoned Warehouse. What He Found Inside? Unbelievable!

You can't judge a book by its cover. That's why most wouldn't bat an eyelid at this abandoned-looking warehouse. But one photographer……
You can't judge a book by its cover. That's why most wouldn't bat an eyelid at this abandoned-looking warehouse. But one photographer……
The first Fifty Shades of Grey trailer is here. Well, the first official Fifty Shades of Grey trailer, at least –……
When I started writing on FilmAnnex, I was very delighted and excited because few of my friends told me it is a great social network……
As u know I am student in Delhi University and know i am working in a project by the name of IMAGE BASED STEGANOGRAPHY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY,the……
همه میدانیم که خلاقیت است که به زندگی رنگ دیگری می بخشد، آرزو ها را به حقیقت……
فلم میکنگ اس چینح کی مانند اپنے جس کی ذریعہ ہم اپنا پیغام دنیا تک پہنچانا……
آج انڑنیشنل آف فٹ بال ایسوسی ایشن FIFA نے افغانستان میں فٹ بال پراپنی امد نی……
The semi-term exams of the current educational year started last week, and this week it finished. The office staff started distributing……
The semi-term exams started in this school during the last week, and finished this week. The office staff and the teachers are getting……
Thanks to the recent innovations and technologies that make life very easy and proactive, an unbelievable amount of information is……
During this week, all the students of Baghnazargaha had Semi Term Examination and they were present for Examination on time. and the……
مشاهدة و متابعة مقاطع الفيديو والكتابة المهنية والاستقلال المالي والدخل……
اذا كنت عضو في موقع الفيلم انكس بتاكيد سمعت عن البزاسكور(Buzz Score) , البز اسكور……
Today, the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) published an article about its investment on Afghanistan's football.……
"Filmmaking is a shout to the world about what we want to say, we do not need more than the minimum technical resources, because if……
Living in the Information Technology era has changed the way people communicate with each other. Today thinking about writing a letter……
Afghanistan foods:Afghan people was famous for their hospitality from last years, and still their hospitality is continuing, Afghan……
Thinking about terrorist attacks in any part of the world is painful and heartbreaking. Beside the physical destruction and anarchy……
In developing countries, especially in Afghanistan, people are used to carry cash more than credit cards. It is the old traditional……
In Astrology, we are lead to believe, changes in our lives are in direct correlation to changes in the stars, planets and universe. ……
Schooling in Afghanistan extends far beyond just the traditional educational rewards that the majority of Americans……
As I read wide-eyed the dismally low statistics of the number of children that go to school in Afghanistan, I assume that being a……
This week, we started the construction of the INTERNET classrooms at Baghnazargah High School in Herat, Afghanistan. Film Annex's……
Last week Frank Abagnale delivered a speech at SXSW. Frank Abagnale inspired the movie Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo DiCaprio……