I am regular user of bitlanders and I am a student of B.S Chemistry. While using bitlanders I have read different blogs regarding……
I am regular user of bitlanders and I am a student of B.S Chemistry. While using bitlanders I have read different blogs regarding……
Mia madre e’ fortunata. E’ la terza volta che va a Praga! Io ci sono stato solo una volta da ragazzo, e sono rimasto di……
Benvenuti al mio terzo e ultimo capitolo sui falsi miti riguardanti il fitness. Spero vi piaccia! :-) FARE CARDIO RAFFORZA LE MIE……
Welcome to the third and last chapter of my false statements about fitness. I hope you enjoy! :-) CARDIO STRENGTHENS MY LEGS. In order……
Benvenuti alla seconda parte del mio articolo a riguardo dei falsi miti sul fitness. Spero vi piaccia. :-) È POSSIBILE PERDERE……
Welcome to the second chapter of my list of false statements about fitness. I hope you will enjoy it. :-) IT’S POSSIBLE TO LOSE……
Yo no soy un adicto al café, pero yo podría ser fácilmente uno. He sido amante del café desde que tengo……
In giro si trovano moltissime informazioni sul fitness, ma molte delle cose che leggiamo non hanno alcun fondamento scientifico. Vediamone……
There's a lot of information out there about fitness, but many statements are not the result of scientific research. Let's see together……
Non sono un caffèinomane, ma potrei facilmente diventarlo. Amo il caffè da sempre, e sapendo quanto possa causare dipendenza,……
I am not a coffee addict, but I could easily be one. I've been loving coffee ever since I can remember it, and since I know I would……
El mes pasado se marcó el 3° aniversario desde el inicio del conflicto en Siria. Aunque los números exactos son……
Lo scorso mese ha segnato il terzo anniversario dall'inizio del conflitto in Siria. È impossibile avere stime accurate, ma……
Last month marked the 3-year anniversary since the beginning of the conflict in Syria. Although exact numbers are impossible to calculate,……
Nelle ultime settimane, la crisi in Ucraina è stata uno degli argomenti più trattati dagli organi di informazione. Anche……
The Ukrainian crisis has been on prime time news for the past few weeks. Even those who don't care about politics - or any country……
SE C'E' SCRITTO 0 GRASSI IDROGENATI, VA BENE MANGIARLO. Ciò dimostra come le etichette non siano affidabili al 100%, e……
Welcome to the 4th chapter of my list of nutrition and fitness myths to destroy. I hope you will enjoy it. :-) IF IT SAYS 0 TRANS……
Benvenuti al terzo capitolo della serie dedicata ai miti riguardanti l'alimentazione e il fitness. Vi invito ad abbandonare ogni certezza,……
Welcome to the third chapter of my nutrition and fitness myths revealing article. Please, abandon every certainty……
Benvenuti al secondo capitolo della mia saga che si occupa di verificare i miti a riguardo dell'alimentazione e del fitness. Se vi……
Welcome to the second chapter of my nutrition and fitness myths destroying saga. If you are ready to dismantle old statements believed……
Avendo così tante informazioni disponibili su Internet, è spesso difficile distinguere cosa sia scientificamente provato……
With so much information available in Internet, it's often difficult to distinguish scientific data from fake statements, and most……
Quest'anno cade il 20esimo anniversario dell'inizio del mio viaggio come personal trainer. Ricordo ancora quel diciottenne mentre……
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the beginning of my journey as a personal trainer. I still remember that 18-year-old high……
Ogni volta che si avvicina la stagione invernale, siamo esposti ad una nuova serie di germi in grado di trasmetterci influenze e raffreddori.……
Every time we approach the cold season, we get exposed to a new set of germs carrying a nice-looking flu or a great-feeling cold.……
Ecco la seconda parte dei miei consigli per sconfiggere lo scorrere del tempo... Spero vi piaccia! 1) Non dormire abbastanza può……
Here is the second chapter of my tips on how to defeat time... I hope you will enjoy it! 1) Not getting enough sleep can decrease……
Siamo costantemente bombardati da media pronti a rivelarci da un lato cibi e abitudini colpevoli di farci invecchiare prima, dall'altro……
We are constantly targeted by the media about what makes us age more quickly and what we can do to slow down the aging process. Some……
I am working in filmannex from previous 6 months. I have learnt many things and gain a very good knowledge from filmannex by reading……
Bentrovati al mio ultimo capitolo di consigli nutrizionali. Spero vi piaccia! :-) METODI DI COTTURA. Il metodo di cottura può……
Welcome to the last chapter of my tips to improve your nutritional habits. I hope you will enjoy it! :-) COOKING METHODS. It is how……
Welcome back to my 3-chapter nutritional advice! Here are more tips on how to improve our eating habits. :-) Just because we are eating……
Lavorando nel mondo del fitness da più di 20 anni, ho aiutato tantissime persone a cambiare le proprie abitudini, consigliando……
L'escursionismo è un'attività estremamente appagante, ma può trasformarsi in un incubo se non si è adeguatamente……
After working in fitness for more than 20 years, I've been able to motivate countless people to change their lifestyle habits, providing……
Hiking can be one of the most rewarding activities we could experience, but can turn into a nightmare if we are not properly prepared.……
Negli scorsi mesi non mi sono di certo trattenuto nel raccontare le discriminazioni e le ingiustizie subite dai cittadini sauditi……
During the past few months I haven't been shy describing the injustices and discrimination Saudi citizens face when they try to oppose……
Per più di cinquant'anni la popolazione cubana è stata privata dell'accesso alla stragrande maggioranza dei prodotti……
For more than 50 years the Cuban population has been denied affordable access to an extensive range of products and services,……
A volte non riesco ancora a credere di essere pagato per scrivere blog. Scrivo sulla piattaforma digitale di Film Annex da……
Sometimes I can't believe I get paid to write blogs. I've been blogging on Film Annex's digital platform for 2 years, but……
Più del 90% della produzione mondiale di oppio proviene dall'Afghanistan. Il prezzo dell'oppio, negli ultimi anni, è……
More than 90% or world's opium production comes from Afghanistan. Opium price has steadily increased during the……
Il Guatemala e la Cambogia sono due nazioni lontanissime, sia geograficamente che culturalmente. Si trovano ai lati opposti del mondo,……
Guatemala and Cambodia are two nations that couldn't be more distant, geographically as well as culturally. They are……
La "Terra dei Sorrisi" al momento non sorride affatto. Un paese rinomato per la sua bellezza, per la sua storia e per l'ospitalità……
The "Land of Smiles" is not smiling right now. A country that is known for its beautiful natural scenery, rich historical heritage……
Il BuzzScore rappresenta un vero e proprio mantra per la maggior parte degli utenti di Film Annex. Considerando che……
The BuzzScore represents the mantra for most Film Annex's users. Since their revenue depends on its value and fluctuations, everything……
Negli ultimi sei mesi sono stato Senior Editor di Annex Press per Film Annex. Dopo tutto questo tempo mi sento……
I have been a Senior Editor for the Annex Press at Film Annex for the past 6 months. After all this time,……
Da ormai tre anni, il popolo siriano si è trovato catapultato all'inferno. Sono passati 34 mesi di scontri senza sosta... e……
It has been almost 3 years since the Syrian people entered hell. 34 months have gone by without any significant break of……
Lavoro con i social media da un paio di anni, ma non ho in alcun modo la presunzione di conoscerli appieno. Al contrario, mi sento……
I've been working on social media for a couple of years, but in no way I have the presumption to know it all. On the contrary, I still……
Mi sento davvero fortunato ad insegnare in una scuola piena di diversità culturale ed aperta a diversi background socio-economici.……
I feel very fortunate I teach in a school that is culturally diverse, and open to different socio-economic backgrounds. My school's……
Non sono mai stato in Islanda, ma mi piacerebbe sicuramente passare qualche giorno in questo intrigante paese, dove geyser e vulcani……
I have never been to Iceland, but I sure would love to spend some time in this intriguing country, in which steaming geysers and roaring……
Uno dei parametri usati negli Stati Uniti - nel campo del credito - è l'affidabilità creditizia. Da wikipedia: L'affidabilità……
One of the things we take for credit in the United States is our "credit score". From Wiki: A credit score is a numerical expression……
Le civiltà perdute mi hanno sempre appassionato. Quando sono in viaggio, visitare i luoghi dove fiorivano antiche culture è……
I've always been passionate about lost civilizations. When I travel, visiting the sites where ancient cultures used to thrive is always……
Yemen is probably the most underrated country on the planet. Few people can locate it on a map, and even fewer can come out with……
Dopo cinque mesi di attività su Film Annex sento il bisogno di scrivere una sorta di recensione di quest'anno……
Scrivere è un'abilità acquisita. Certo, alcune persone nascono con una predisposizione congenita, ma nessun talento……
After 5 months of being actively involved with Film Annex, I felt compelled to do a kind of review of 2013 (not unlike many……
Writing is an acquired skill. True, some people are born with a congenital predisposition, but no talent will mature unless it's appropriately……
Da quando ho iniziato a usare Film Annex come piattaforma digitale per dare forma ai miei pensieri, condividere sui……
Ever since I started using Film Annex as a digital platform to put my thoughts into written words, sharing on……
Con così tanti conflitti che continuano nel mondo, non posso che essere felice dei nuovi sviluppi che si possono osservare……
With so many conflicts going on in the world, I can only be excited about the new developments between Iran and the West.……
In una mia recente intervista con Annex Press tenutasi al quartier generale di Film Annex (New York City) ho……
In my recent interview with the Annex Press at Film Annex's headquarters in New York City I described the……
Il 1 gennaio 1863, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Abraham Lincoln ha firmato il Proclama di Emancipazione, che ha posto……
On January 1st 1863 US President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery in the United……
Immaginate un modo dominato dalla segregazione razziale, dove si è costretti a vivere e a lavorare separatamente dagli altri……
Imagine a world ruled by racial segregation, in which you are forced to live and work apart from every other racial group. Imagine……
Rischiare la propria vita per salvare quella di qualcun altro è probabilmente l'atto più eroico che un essere umano……
Risking your life to save another is probably the most heroic endeavor a human being can undertake. Risking your life to save 100……
Scrivendo quest'articolo darò fastidio ad alcune persone, ma non mi importa. Ho sempre sofferto dentro di me pensando al popolo……
I'm going to irritate some people with this article, but I don't care. I've been hurting in private for the Tibetan people since I……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
L'interconnessione digitale permette alle persone di migliorare le proprie conoscenze e la propria efficacia. #DigitalConnectivity……
#DigitalConnectivity allows people to improve their knowledge and effectiveness. #DigitalConnectivity is part of Film Annex's mission……
Non sono mai stato in Afghanistan, né in Pakistan. Se da un lato la guerra in Afghanistan è andata avanti per trent'anni……
I have never been to Afghanistan, nor have I been to Pakistan. While the war in Afghanistan has been going on……
Immaginate di nuotare per 110 miglia, più o meno la distanza fra New York City e Philadelphia, più altre 13 miglia.……
Se potessi controllare segretamente quello che i tuoi figli scrivono sui loro social network, lo faresti? Anche se le tue intenzioni……
If you could secretly monitor what your children write on their social media, would you do it? Even though your intention would be……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
Nel 2008 Fidel Castro ha trasferito i suoi poteri di presidente cubano al fratello minore, Raul Castro, lasciando così la comunità……
In 2008 Fidel Castro transferred his power as President of Cuba to his younger brother Raul Castro, making people wonder whether or……
Scrivo su Film Annex da aprile 2012 e questo sarà il 102esimo blog sulla mia pagina. Ho scritto una media di 6 blog……
I have been writing on Film Annex since April 2012, and this will be the 102nd blog on my main page. I've written an……
Prima o poi, chiunque sia interessato alla cultura e alla storia dell'Asia Meridionale si imbatterà nella seguente domanda:……
Sooner or later, anybody interested in South-Asian culture and history will run across the following question: is it called Burma……
I remember well what life felt like when I was 20 years old. It was the most exciting time I had yet experienced, and still now I……
Fin dagli albori della civiltà umana, agli uomini è stato affidato culturalmente il procacciamento del cibo per i membri……
Happily and proudly, I have recently completed the third in my Left of the Border Films collaboration series. Left of the Border……
Since the onset of human civilization, men have been culturally assigned to find food for their family members and protect the household,……
L'istruzione apre porte che prima avremmo pensato chiuse per sempre ed offre opportunità che credevamo impossibili. È……
Education opens doors we thought would remain forever closed, and offers opportunities we thought were impossible. It's the key to……
If there's one person in the world who's most responsible for my love for traveling, that would be my mother. Ever since she sent……
So following the release of my trailer for ‘Noise With Noise’ - the upcoming short I’m currently working on which……
When I visited Cambodia in 2007, I didn't know that it would become one of the most emotional trips I had ever made. The genocide……
My name is Syed Ahmed Shakir. I am from Pakistan (K.P.K). I am a martial artist and my style is Kyokishin Kai Kan. It is a free style……
Freedom of speech and freedom of press represent two of the most important pillars of every democracy. If people are not allowed to……
Although I'm not a terrorist, three days ago I felt like one, when I was denied access to The Kaufmann Concert Hall at the 92nd Street……
My name is Syed Ahmad Shakir, student of BS (honors) chemistry Department in Haripur University Pakistan. And I am also……
Today we live in a "cyber society" filled with cool cyber cafes where we can surf the cyberspace in search for……
A few days ago a court in Saudi Arabia convicted four young men for "violating public morals". One of them was dancing naked on top……
Education represents the base of the development of all individuals and the society they will contribute to build. Lack of education……
I'm a teacher, and as an educator the first and foremost goal in my profession is facilitating learning for my students in a safe……
PAPUA NEW GUINEA ایک نیا ملک ہے جو NEW GUINEA کا نصف حصہ بنتا ہے جو دنیا میں دوسری……
In my life I've been fortunate to visit 45 countries. Whether I was there for 2 months or just a couple of days, they all have left……
I love trekking, and for a mountain-lover like me the Himalayas represent the top of the top. During the summer of 2012 I spent a……
Bullying among teenagers is not a new phenomenon. It's been going on ever since kids were put together in a social setting for the……
Ever since I "discovered" social media blogging, my life has changed, and for the better. Although I don't have excellent writing……
Wrestling is back. Oh yeah. After months of dispute with the International Olympic Committee and a vibrant social media campaign,……
Ramadan is the ninth month of the islamic calendar, and Muslims all over the world observe fasting during daylight……
Imagine swimming for 110 miles, roughly the distance between New York City and Philadelphia, plus another 13 miles. Now imagine doing……
Dear Syrians, It has been a long time since I spent 10 fantastic days in your country, but I remember them like it was……
لیونل مسی فٹبال کےدیوتا گردانے جاتےہےـ کئی ریکاڈر ٹوٹتے جاتے ہیں جب……
Dear Egyptians,I've been eager to visit your country and its treasures since I first looked at pictures of the Pyramids of Giza as……
There's a first time for everything in life, and that first time will be remembered forever. Every pioneer exploring a terra incognita……
سعودی عرب کا شمار دنیا کے آمرترین ممالک میں ہوتا ہےـ تیل ان کی 95% فیصد……
وقت بدلتا ہے اور یہ صرف ایک کہاوت ہے۔ آج کل میں ایک سکول میں پڑھا رہی ہوں۔……
After 4 weeks spent in Bolivia, I can't say enough about this country and its people. Except for the ocean (lost to Chile at the end……
Pioneer وہ شخص کہلاتاہے جوسب سےپہلے کسی علاقے یا علم کے حدود کی تصخیر کرے اوربعد……
ایک سال سے کم عرصہ سےمیں نے Annex Press کے لئےبلاگز لکھنا شروع کیاہےجوفلم میکرزاپنا……
طالبان شدت پسند کے ہاتھوں گولی لگنےکےبعد ملالہ یوسفزئی نے لڑکیوں کےتعلیم……
Last June was very special in the life of a young judoka from Siena, Italy. Chiara Carminucci won the bronze medal at the European……
اذا لم يكن اي عداوة بين الناس برائيك كيف كان العالم ؟ كيف يشعر الناس ؟اذا……
وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية لها تاثير على حياتنا . توجد احصائيات في الاشتراك……
گزشتہ اتوار کوCBS کے last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS پروگرام کی آخری قسط دیکھی اور ارب……
اس ہفتے کے آخر میں امریکہ کے کالج میں داخلہ کیلۓ ایک معیاری ایس اے ٹی……
سوشل میڈیا نےانٹرنیٹ کےذریعے کمیونیکیشن کی کایہ ہی یکسربدل دی ـ اب ہم بےشمار……
ٹیم ورک ایک ایسی سیمنٹ کی مانند ہے جومختلف دماغوں کی مجموعی ذہانت کوآپس……
انڈونیشیاء Indonesia دنیا کاچوتھا بڑاگنجان آباد ملک ہےـ 238 لوگ Archipelago مجمع……
جب میں ہائی سکول میں پڑھتا تھا مجھے یاد ہے ہماری مہینے میں دو بار کمپیوٹر……
سوشل میڈیا ہمارے معاشرے کے ہر پہلوں میں پیھل چکی ہیں ـ مختلف شماریات کے مطابق……
Education provides people with the bricks necessary to built homes of knowledge, confidence and competency. It's the ultimate investment……
When I was in high school I remember having twice a month a "computer class" that was part of our Physics laboratory curriculum. I……
Social media is permeating every aspect of our society. Social networking statistics show a steady increase in the number of people……
Christiane Amanpour is an example of female empowerment. Most people are familiar with her features and journalistic skills, which……
I often wonder how the world would look like if there were no conflicts. I wonder how it would feel like to human beings to live without……
Mout Everest has been on the news quite a lot during the past few weeks, triggering debate after debate about the ethical dilemma……
Making money blogging is a reality. It has been for quite some time. It's one of the easiest and quickest ways to make money online……
В прошлое воскресенье я смотрел последний эпизод «60 минут» на CBS, и……
When social media first appeared on the Internet, communication between people changed forever. All of the sudden we could instantly……
Last Sunday I watched the last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, and was inspired by the story of billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, a former……
This past weekend I proctored a high school student during the SAT test, the most common standardized test for college admission in……
Rape is not just a normal felony. It's a crime of its own kind that should be assessed and judged separately from any other offense.……
Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. 238 souls live in this archipelago of over 17,000 islands, which……
A pioneer is a person who is among the first to explore an area - geographical or knowledge-based - in which he or she will be leading……
Saudi Arabia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Oil - which accounts for more than 95% of all exports and……
Lionel Messi is the God of soccer. Long-standing records have been falling like domino pieces since he started his professional career.……
Papua New Guinea is a country that occupies half of New Guinea, the second largest island in the world. One of the last territories……
Democracy is a beautiful thing. It allows all citizens to take part to the political life of a nation, theoretically giving them equal……
After she survived being shot in the face by a Taliban militant on October 9th, Malala Yousafzai - the Pakistani activist school girl……
Teamwork is the cement that keeps together the individualistic genius of multiple brains. Unanimously defined as "work done by several……
Less than a year ago I started writing blogs for the Annex Press, the media platform of Film Annex, a company that offers its website……
Times change, and it's not just a saying. I am currently teaching in a school, but I remember very well when I used to sit on the……
Through history many cultures have invented and implemented different methods to prevent women from having premarital intercourse……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
Opium is a drug obtained from the poppy plant Pavaper Somniferum. Since it contains about 12% morphine, it's used in medicine……
A writer is "a person who is able to write and has written something". The definition doesn't specify whether or not this happens……
What is guilt, if not the "remorse caused by feeling responsible for some action or lack of action?" Living with the remorse of having……
Every place in the world, every people, every culture imaginable has, is and always will produce music. Humans have always felt the……
The war in Afghanistan has been going on for 11 1/2 years. Before the US entered the country looking for Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan……
Last Thursday we passed yet another Valentine's Day. Couples from all over the world celebrated their love in honor and memory of……
I play guitar. I'm not a great musician, to any stretch of the imagination, but I've been actively involved in music all my life.……
For anybody involved in the sport of American Football, winning the Super Bowl means achieving a lifetime dream. More than a week……
Japan is synonym of discipline, and discipline is synonym of martial arts. The toughness of a martial art master - more precisely……
Malala Yousafzai's recovery is moving forward. After the Pakistani schoolgirl was shot by the Talibans last October,……
11 years. That's how long the war in Afghanistan against the Taliban movement has been going on. September 11th 2001 started……
Meeting a successful female entrepreneur doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary, but when this person comes from a country……
Gender discrimination is a reality across the globe. The western world prides itself that equal rights and opportunities are being……
Thanks Lance Armstrong, you made us an incredibly big favor! Yesterday, my dear friend and Annex Press contributor Giacomo Cresti……
Dear Lance Armstrong, You have been a compelling source of inspiration for more than a decade. You have shown the world that……
Afghanistan has a tumultuous past. Throughout history, Afghans have endured multiple invasions coming from the most diverse backgrounds.……
You never really understand the precariousness of life until you have a child. You invest so much in this little creature that all……
Education represents the basis upon which society is built. It’s the foundation of most skills and thought processes that need……
According to Wikipedia, Time Magazine's Person of the Year is an "annual issue of the United States newsmagazine Time that……
Divorce ain't easy in Afghanistan.In a culture in which many men still choose women and arrange for their forced weddings, once a……
I was recently watching an episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, when one of the pieces on the show caught my attention. Scott Pelley was……
According to the dictionary, courage is "what makes someone capable of facing extreme danger and difficulty without retreating.……
Last night CNN broadcasted "2012 CNN Hero of the Year", a television event set to give awards and monetary rewards to 10 people from……
Can you imagine a world in which, if you happen to be a woman, you are forced to have a "male guardian" - a father, brother or husband……
There are monuments in the world that exert the type of charisma that transcends geographic borders and brings cultural differences……
People work all over the world to facilitate peace in many ways. Some try to implement it quietly, others use tanks. Some meet with……
Anusha was a young woman from a remote village in the southern district of Kotli, in the Pakistan-administered Kashmir region. Anusha……
It's hard enough for young women around the world to escape the spiral of prostitution with their own forces, but it's even harder……
Different countries mean different cultures. Different cultures mean different lifestyles. And different lifestyles mean that……
I almost feel ashamed by how lucky I am. Nearly three quarters of a million New Yorkers currently don't have have electricity.……
"My people need me." Malala Yousufzai, the schoolgirl who was shot by the Talibans on October 9th just because she was trying to get……
Film Annex and the Afghan Citadel Software Company are currently building Internet classrooms in 40 schools in Herat – the third……
"I have the right of education. I have the right to play. I have the right to sing. I have the right to talk. I have the right to……
"I had a terrible dream yesterday with military helicopters and the Taleban. I have had such dreams since the launch of the military……
I'm a teacher, and it makes me angry when I see kids here in the US taking education for granted. When I see them not paying attention……
I've always been fascinated by how different people around the world - and throughout history - take care of their loved ones when……
Some people kill for greed. Some people do it for power. Some kill because triggered by uncontrollable passion. Others do it just……
Since 2007 CNN has been honoring individuals who make extraordinary contributions to humanitarian aid. These "heroes" come from……
How would you feel if you couldn't go to school because of the fear of being thrown acid on your face? How would you feel if attending……
In 2011 I spent the month of July traveling through Rajasthan, an iconic region of central-north India filled with historic……
I don't have children, but I've always heard that losing your child is the biggest pain a person can experience in life. It……
Last week 17 people were slaughtered in Afghanistan just because they were attending a party. They were caught while engaging themselves……
Summer is knocking at the door, and this past Sunday my girlfriend and I walked to Central Park and chilled there for a few hours.……
Herat, the third largest city in Afghanistan, houses about 400,000 people. Absent from any list of prioritized locations to visit……
As Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Sofware Company celebrate the opening of the new Internet classroom in Kouz-E-Karbas High School -……
Sometimes I still can’t believe my mother went to Iraq during the war. She was there in 2010 with an association of volunteers……
Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Software Company are joining forces to improve the education system in Afghanistan. Filmannex is……
Film Annex did it: they bult the first internet classroom in Baghnazargah School in Herat, Afghanistan. You can see the different……
Last Saturday I walked it all. Broadway from head to toe. From the bridge toward the Bronx at 225th street to the entrance of Battery……
The Afghan Development Project is building Internet classrooms in 40 schools in Herat while the war in Afghanistan is still going……
Once upon a time there was the Salvadoran civil war, a conflict in the '80s choking a country of the size of Massachusetts. During……
El Salvador and Afghanistan. Two countries so distant from each other, both geographically and culturally. Two worlds apart,……
How often do you find yourself talking to people who fought a war on both sides?Last week I was in El Salvador, a country the size……