Wana be Great Guitar Player?

How can cities located along the Pacific Plate mitigate the effects of climate change, rising sea levels, typhoons and seismic activity?……
Coke Studio (Pakistan) Coke studio is music television series of Pakistan featuring live studio music performances of different artists.Rohail……
Orianthi Panagaris (born 22 January 1985), known professionally asOrianthi, is an Australian singer-songwriter and……
I'm energized as this is my first post on this site. I don't comprehend what to impart yet as a presentation I'm Jose Godofredo……
Have you ever been to a concert and and had your mind blown away by the lead stringed instrumentist? you discover it not possible……
I always dreamed of becoming a good musician. I dreamed of playing my guitar with high proficiency. I always play my guitar……
In June 2013 I was asked by Manchester based band Jack Reid & The Black Whip if I could photograph a gig they were……
Johnny Marr (born John Martin Mahe) must have thought: "If so many rock bands that try to imitate the sound of The Smiths are so successful……