hear is the main important part of our is necessary to keep it healthy for working our body well . precaution should be taken……
hear is the main important part of our is necessary to keep it healthy for working our body well . precaution should be taken……
Baghnazargah High School is 5 kilometers away from downtown and it was funded in 1989. The school has over 4,000 students who are……
The spring season came with its green covering and together with itself it brings new educational year for school students. The new……
Portals are gold shipping containers equipped with immersive audio-visual technology inside. When you enter one you come face-to-face……
Spring is arriving with all its greenness and freshness. The nature is wearing green clothes again and the weather is becoming friendly.……
Hengameh is a blogger on Bitlanders who writes really touching blogs. She is a really talented writer and she has written some books.……
On March 10th and 11th of 2015 there was India- Afghanistan Innovation Partnership Fair held in Herat. The fair was to support Afghan……
"Even though Parisa Ahmadi was in the top of her class at the all-girls Hatifi High School in Herat, Afghanistan, her family……
Herat is one of the biggest and nicest cities of Afghanistan. Herat has a lot of historical places which makes it an outstanding city……
Its winter in Afghanistan but it seems to be colder than anywhere else in the world. Not just the weather since the coldness……
Francesco Rulli, President of MTI USA inc, founder of bitLanders, Film Annex and Women's Annex Foundation recently……
It is New Year 2015 celebrations all over the world. Friends and families are gathering and celebrating this day in most countries……
The winter school holidays have started and as we planned our Winter Digital Literacy Courses have already started. These courses……
At a time when most foreign news is unremittingly grim, I have a good-news story to tell - about the first women-only restaurant in……
به معلولین نباید عیب جوی کرد عیب گرفتن به معلولین میتواند باعث شود که……
میان ماندن و نماندنفاصله تنها یک حرف ساده بوداز قول منبه باران بی امان بگو……
خود خواه کسی نیست که همیشه به خود فکر می کند بلکه کسی است که به دیگران فکر……
Two years ago, I decided to contact Ms. Roya Mahboob and Fereshteh Forough in Afghanistan to support their business and empower women……
آه دل مظلوم به ما نند سهان میماندگر خود نبرد برنده را تیز کندنمو نه هقوق……
Herat The herat located is in the west of Afghanistan and herat is a big city and herat One big majorcitiesin Afghanistan The ancientcitiesofHerat,AfghanistanLikemanyancientSarhay……
Herat is known for its hand-blown blue glass objects, such as vases and cups. Herat’s blue glass is much in demand nationally……
Più del 90% della produzione mondiale di oppio proviene dall'Afghanistan. Il prezzo dell'oppio, negli ultimi anni, è……
More than 90% or world's opium production comes from Afghanistan. Opium price has steadily increased during the……
Herat: Herat city is an ancient and old city heart is located in the north west of our grand country Afghanistan. And has border ……
Mi sento davvero fortunato ad insegnare in una scuola piena di diversità culturale ed aperta a diversi background socio-economici.……
I feel very fortunate I teach in a school that is culturally diverse, and open to different socio-economic backgrounds. My school's……
Herat is one of the beautiful and historical cities of Afghanistan with different accent and kind people. Although, Herat is one of……
After about few month spending with dry could and frozen weather which we were noticing in ancient Herat, today we had the first snow……
Ekhtiyaruddin historical castle or Herat s Arg which is also known as Alexander s Great castle is one of the historical monuments……
Hatifi high school is one of the most popular schools in Herat that is going on in four shifts. Hatifi high schools have an IT Class……
Another crime and violence against women! It is the Setara’s turn! The star(Setara), who may never shines again like before.……
Se sei un utente registrato di Film Annex, puoi entrare nella nuova sezione "Andamento Contenuti" (Content Flow) e dare un primo assaggio……
If you are a logged in registered user on Film Annex, you can enter the new Film Annex Content Flow and have a first flavor of the……
Painting art means to bring something into the world that did not exist up to now. But the painter creates it by the available accessories.……
Dear students, Film treatment writing help the societies to improve and get more promotions. Afghanistan with several decades of war……
At first I must tell that what is Women’s Annex and what is its role in our city and for what they are operating? As we all……
Is it really hard to answer who can build the peace? No, it is too easy. Peace isn't a dream, everybody can make it and catch it.……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
Amir Jan Saboori is one of the greatest and most famous singers in Afghanistan and other neighboring countries. He started singing……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
Parisa Ehsas è una delle studentesse della Hatifi High School. È nata a Herat, in Afghanistan. Studia nella 11esima……
In World of Technology where the Wide World has been changed to a small Room and merely by a Single Click can share their Emotions,……
Prima o poi, chiunque sia interessato alla cultura e alla storia dell'Asia Meridionale si imbatterà nella seguente domanda:……
Men, women, and children – all addicted. A significantly large and vastly rising number of men, children and women in……
2013年9月13日,赫拉特和美国领事馆遭受恐怖袭击,这个事件夺去了两名阿富汗警察,一名阿富汗安全警卫和七名自杀式炸弹袭击者的生命。赫拉特是 Film……
Sooner or later, anybody interested in South-Asian culture and history will run across the following question: is it called Burma……
The first literature and artistic festival of Herat held with guests from Tajikistan, India and in great numbers from different provinces……
在过去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布尔(Kabul)开设了10个网际网路教室和2个Women's……
L'istruzione apre porte che prima avremmo pensato chiuse per sempre ed offre opportunità che credevamo impossibili. È……
Education opens doors we thought would remain forever closed, and offers opportunities we thought were impossible. It's the key to……
در روز فرخنده معلم اداره لیسه محجوبه هروی همراه با اعضای اداری، سرمعلمین،……
When we are talking about the Sustainable Education and Digital Literacy it means we are talking about the improvements of Education……
“Do you want your car’s windshield to be cleaned?” This is the voice of a 6 year-old boy whose only job is to clean……
Herat female students are now not only taking English and computer courses, but they learn how to use internet as well. More important,……
To attend school is much different today than many years ago. Sitting behind the tables with computers in modern classes have made……
On Friday 13 September 2013 I got woke up by a huge explosion, although my house is far away from the area it could shake the whole……
According to the latest news from Afghanistan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, saffron cultivation has spread from……
Being an Educated is a kind of proud for those who are trying to learn and trying to teach. This aspect came from many years back……
Herat is one of the western provinces of Afghanistan that has got over 900 schools and more than 88 thousand students. This shows……
“When I was a fifth grader I was sitting on a floor without even any carpet.” This is the voice of Maryam, 23, who……
Afghan Citadel Software Company is only working to enable Afghan women in education fields. It teaches cinematography, social media,……
Whenever I am writing about the plight of women in Afghanistan, Taliban pictures appear in front of my eyes. They really experienced……
Herat female schools are of those schools that were closed while Taliban was in power. Whenever they have been coming out of their……
Women’s Annex and Film Annex have started their activities in Afghanistan since one year and half, which they have worked on……
在過去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布爾(Kabul)開設了10個網際網路教室和2個Women's……
“Now, I get up sooner than any other time in the past to get preparation for school.” This is the voice of Halima who……
Education in Afghanistan is improving day by day, as far as we know during the Taliban regime, the education system was not good,……
2013年9月13日,赫拉特和美國領事館遭受恐怖襲擊,這個事件奪去了兩名阿富汗警察,一名阿富汗安全警衛和七名自殺式炸彈襲擊者的生命。赫拉特是 Film……
To attend school is not a dream for Afghan girls anymore. Now, not only Taliban are gone from Afghan power, but the rate of injustice……
Education represents the base of the development of all individuals and the society they will contribute to build. Lack of education……
Herat is one of the provinces that the number of the girls is more than the boys in schools. Basir Ahmad Arwin Taheri, the head of……
Herat female Basketball club has already brought home the championship cup from Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. In this match approximately……
Last year, I filmed at a maternity hospital in Herat. This video was shown to around 60,000 people during the Global Citizen……
One can see lots of girls in black and white on Herat streets in the morning. This shows that the girls are not only eager in attending……
Herat streets are getting packed with different cars day by day. The cars that produce smog and makes the air smoggy, too. Rarely,……
As Afghanistan is an agricultural country, more than 85 percent of Afghans are engaged in agriculture. Production of honey is one……
“English is an international language, so I learn it.” This is the answer of more than ninety percent of Girls and Boys……
Afghan Citadel Software Company’s center in Herat is a place you see different hopes in the eyes of the girls who learn social……
I'm a teacher, and as an educator the first and foremost goal in my profession is facilitating learning for my students in a safe……
In front of Millie Center is a good address to find both stylish boys and girls in Herat city. This is one of the most popular Fashion……
Herat is located in the west of Afghanistan and about ten thousand kilometers away from Kabul. Besides, it is one of the fastest growing……
Herat is the only key province of Afghanistan that has got a crossroads by the name of Cinema, but doesn’t have a cinema. To……
Afghan women are no longer limited as much as they were at least ten years ago. They no longer suffer illiteracy and not being in……
“Afghan Citadel Software Company” has already planned to connect some of Herat Girls’ Schools to abroad “Landon”.……
These days Herat female schools are talking about “Film Annex and Afghan Citadel Software Company” a lot. One talks about……
Do you know what will be happen the Force Marriage in Afghanistan specially in Herat Province develop day by day. Force marriage is……
“Fashion”, “Stylish” and “Neat” are the three words that today’s youths consider as much as a part of their life in……
Herat streets on lunch or dinner time have got different smells. This shows that there are varieties of fast food restaurants in this……
A woman who had no right coming out her house is today driving on Herat Streets, a significant change that has varied the city’s……
Afghanistan is a beautiful country. It is located at the heart of Asia. It is a dry land country. It has many high mountains and many……
It’s clear that since last year the poverty and unemployment in Afghanistan, especially in Herat is in the high level and there……
After a long time Afghan people witnessed an important achievement of Afghanistan national football team; Afghanistan attended South……
Currently there is no restriction from the government side and girls have free access to education, however, many girls do not have……
It was in the evening when i woke up from a short nap in the noon, i was asked by one of my family member to go out for have visit……
Women’s Annex Foundation is to encourage and to empower women in Digital Literacy and Social Media. In the last……
Historical monuments show our cultural and historical identity and are very important evidences to introduce our existence, believe,……
Historical monuments show our cultural and historical identity and are very important evidences to introduce our existence, believe,……
Private sector had the most important role to obviate the people’s necessitates during the whole period of history of Afghanistan.……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY: September 15, 2013 – In a week when most international news……
sensation of the freshness of dawn gives the great and clean feeling to everyone, while being sleep in sweet and nice time like sleeping……
Today, I am missing someone or something. When I woke up this morning, I was thankful because I didn’t start my day with terrible……
Yesterday was 9/13/13 and it was a painful and bloody day for us, I mean for Herat people again. I don’t feel good at all and……
On September 13th, the city of Herat and the US Consulate suffered a terrorist attack that claimed the life of two Afghan police men,……
Time Magazine recently released its annual list of "The 100 Most Influential People in the World". The list includes……
War is not the only and permanent solution for having and living in peace most of the time. Sometimes we can extend the peace and……
The cinema is a powerful medium to raise awareness on problems people face on a daily basis, sometimes without seeing them. This festival,……
When I went back to school after a long time, I still felt like I was a student. There were many changes in the school but the people……
Malik pool was built by Herat architectures, which until now 17 ancient pools is recognized and registered in Herat.Malik pool is……
“A Century with Press in Herat” was the title of the first research exhibition on press in Herat and western zone of Afghanistan……
بین الاقوامی خواتین کا دن اصل میں بین الاقوامی خواتین کے کام کے دن سے اخذ……
This week, three people picked my brain and touched my heart. They are: Elaha Mahboob, Women's Annex coordinator in Herat, Afghanistan.……
As Labor Day is celebrated in the United States this weekend, Afghans and Afghan-Americans……
Film Annex 是一個線上專業網絡(online professional network),擁有遍布世界各地將近30萬名用戶所提供的電影和文章,從阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat,……
Mostly, Innovation as the most important phenomenon of improvement is the result of knowledge in the laboratories and universities.……
There are three main kinds of health care in Afghanistan. first, there are small clinics and hospitals in all areas and district of……
وقت بدلتا ہے اور یہ صرف ایک کہاوت ہے۔ آج کل میں ایک سکول میں پڑھا رہی ہوں۔……
Herat is the Second biggest City of Afghanistan- a country located between central and south Asia - with up-rising academic……
Health means the state of being well or Healthy means strong and ……
I saw her about 8 years ago in the Herat computer science faculty for the first time. In that time she was a senior. Fereshteh Forough and……
After 4 weeks spent in Bolivia, I can't say enough about this country and its people. Except for the ocean (lost to Chile at the end……
Pioneer وہ شخص کہلاتاہے جوسب سےپہلے کسی علاقے یا علم کے حدود کی تصخیر کرے اوربعد……
Now a days information plays a significant role in people’s life. If we look closer, we are delivering and transmitting a huge……
طالبان شدت پسند کے ہاتھوں گولی لگنےکےبعد ملالہ یوسفزئی نے لڑکیوں کےتعلیم……
Afghanistan is a country situated in the heart of Asia and is a landlocked country. There for, its weather……
Film Annex آن لائن نیٹ ورکنگ کا پلیٹ فارم ہےجس کے ذریعے ہرات سے لے کر نیویارک……
گزشتہ اتوار کوCBS کے last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS پروگرام کی آخری قسط دیکھی اور ارب……
Textile production is one of the oldest industries human being is involved in. Thus, not only Afghan people……
Film Annex 是一个线上专业网络(online professional network),擁有遍布世界各地將近30万名用戶所提供的电影和文章,从阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat,……
فيلم انكس قناة محترف مباشرة التي تستضيف افلام و المقالات لثلاثمائة ألف……
Film Annex is an online professional network hosting films and articles from nearly 300,000 people located all over the world, starting……
ٹیم ورک ایک ایسی سیمنٹ کی مانند ہے جومختلف دماغوں کی مجموعی ذہانت کوآپس……
Eğitim insanlara bilgi, kendine güven ve kendine yetebilmeyi sağlar. Hayattaki en iyi yatırımdır, ve öyle bir yatırımdır……
Lisedeyken haftada iki gün fizik laboratuarının bir parçası olan "bilgisayar dersi" olduğunu hatırlarım. O sınıfa……
In Afghanistan women and men did not have always the same opportunities therefore women didn’t……
Afghan women are now educated more than any other time in the past. Today, not only Afghan government builds schools for the girls,……
The development of a country depends on its economy. Turkmenistan has got huge underground resources such……
جب میں ہائی سکول میں پڑھتا تھا مجھے یاد ہے ہماری مہینے میں دو بار کمپیوٹر……
Afghanistan is a country that has experienced war and misery for about 30 years. One f the worst periods……
FA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background?OM: My name is Omar Nasir Mojaddidi, I was born in December 10th,……
Kabul City Center Mall رویامحبوب افغان سٹیڈل سافٹ وئیراجیکٹ کے مالک نے پـچلھے ہفتے……
Education provides people with the bricks necessary to built homes of knowledge, confidence and competency. It's the ultimate investment……
When I was in high school I remember having twice a month a "computer class" that was part of our Physics laboratory curriculum. I……
Christiane Amanpour is an example of female empowerment. Most people are familiar with her features and journalistic skills, which……
It is one of the oldest schools with bright records in Herat City with thousands of girl and boy students. As knowledge is one of……
Kabul City Center Mall Roya Mahboob, CEO of the Afghan Citadel Software Project, gave a speech last week in Kabul, Afghanistan to TEDx.……
Social media websites, such as Filmannex, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and G-mail are now changed into a varying force to Afghan youth.……
Entertaining websites, such as Filmannex, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and G-mail are now changed into a varying force to Afghan youth.……
Public definition of fashion: For centuries individuals and societies, clothes and other belongings and body ornaments, have been……
Last Sunday I watched the last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, and was inspired by the story of billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, a former……
A big challenge Afghan youth have had since the last ten years was the lack of job opportunity for them. For example, 12 years ago,……
Cloth manufacturing is one of Afghan famous industry. Different styles of clothes are sewn in different Afghan provinces. For……
The 2013 Time 100 most influential people in the world list is out! Roya Mahboob is listed in the Pioneers along with other 20 people.……
A pioneer is a person who is among the first to explore an area - geographical or knowledge-based - in which he or she will be leading……
Afghanistan is a country which has experienced more than 3 decades of wars. Therefore, they could not do much innovation in different……
After she survived being shot in the face by a Taliban militant on October 9th, Malala Yousafzai - the Pakistani activist school girl……
Teamwork is the cement that keeps together the individualistic genius of multiple brains. Unanimously defined as "work done by several……
When NATO troops flew to Afghanistan, they brought different changes with them to our country. First, they overthrew the Taliban Dictatorial……
Times change, and it's not just a saying. I am currently teaching in a school, but I remember very well when I used to sit on the……
Through history many cultures have invented and implemented different methods to prevent women from having premarital intercourse……
We thank God for providing chances for women to do business like men in the society and to prove their skills and abilities. Herat……
After fall of Taliban Regime the field of activity for women has opened more in Afghanistan, and women have recovered their more self-confidence……
Tawab Kian is an Afghan intellectual who lives in Herat (an Afghan province). He has already graduated from Mass Media Communication……
Omar Nasir Mojadiddi is the head of Herat Journalist’s House. He is the representative of Heart Journalists. Besides, he is……
Introduction: There is a famous Afghan Proverb that says, “Sar zenda baasha, kolaah besyaar ast.” (If there……
Before the fall of the Taliban, there was only an old University in Herat. That University even did not have professional……
There are tens of Radio Stations activating in Herat province. The people who work at Herat Radio Stations are……
Since the last ten years Afghan Journalism schools have produced many professional journalists. Tens of journalists……
There are tens of Radio Stations activating in Herat province. The people who work at Herat Radio Stations are……
Democracy is a new phenomenon which is well accepted by Afghan people within a short time. Democracy is a fair……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
Herat manufacturing companies are located right in a location where there was only a dry desert about ten years……
Before the Taliban era in Afghanistan, only there was a TV channel broadcasting the activities of the government.……
Opium is a drug obtained from the poppy plant Pavaper Somniferum. Since it contains about 12% morphine, it's used in medicine……
When one surfs the Facebook, Afghan women can be seen on Facebook with their different thoughts as well Even there……
Herat is a western province of Afghanistan with no Cinema, but today on the occasion of March 8th coincident with……
Before the Taliban era in Afghanistan, only there was a TV channel broadcasting the activities of the government.……
Since the fall of the Taliban era in Afghanistan, all governmental and non-governmental organizations restarted……
March Eighth is equal to International Women's Day, which is usually celebrated with conferences and different programs all around……
Now that Sundance and the Oscars have passed, it is now time for SXSW to kick off, followed soon by the Tribeca Film Festival. SXSW……
International Women's Day originally came from International Working Women's Day, which is on March 8, when many women started their……
Since the last twelve years and the flow of International community in Afghanistan, Afghan people and Afghan country……
Blogging is a new phenomenon in Afghanistan, and fortunately the number of Afghan boys and girls are increasing in this field. According……
We live in Social Media world and there is no way to escape for not being involve in it. Everyday millions of interactions is……
After the fall of Taliban, women and girls got their freedom and could attend schools and other training……
Since the beginning of Karzai administration, different changes occurred top Afghanistan. For example tens of hundreds……
The war in Afghanistan has been going on for 11 1/2 years. Before the US entered the country looking for Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan……
It was Sunday night, February 24, and I was waiting to watch the Academy Awards or Oscars. I was extremely excited about Buzkashi……
In today's world, exercise is a big power for all humans. In the past, something that was impossible, but today……
Last Thursday we passed yet another Valentine's Day. Couples from all over the world celebrated their love in honor and memory of……
Meeting a successful female entrepreneur doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary, but when this person comes from a country……
Herat Blue Masque had been Zoroastrains temple before Islam and in 29 Hijri Qamari durin the caliphate of Hazrate Osman it turned……
In each country culture means the people of believes opinions and their custom. Each country has a different culture.……
Education represents the basis upon which society is built. It’s the foundation of most skills and thought processes that need……
When I watched the video, I was really impressed. When we hear the word – Afghanistan, what comes to our mind? War,……
Citadel Team in Herat has tried to register more students into the Examer in Alisher Nawaie High School. Our registration number in……
Today I would like to write about the difficulties, that we faced in these weeks in Herat in my week recap. As Herat Citadel Team……
Registration process of online examination system is increased day by day by Afghan Citadel Team in Afghanistan schools. We are starting……
According to Wikipedia, Time Magazine's Person of the Year is an "annual issue of the United States newsmagazine Time that……
Film Annex forges ahead in its initiative of building internet classrooms in Afghanistan schools. Equipped with computers, internet……
Due to decades of war, Afghanistan's economy fell apart. And the basic economy of the country was faced with many problems. Including……
Many kids living in "developed" countries keep education for granted these days. They consider it as something they have to do, and……
I was recently watching an episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, when one of the pieces on the show caught my attention. Scott Pelley was……
Examer is an online examination system which it designed to take exam from students in an online base. The purpose……
According to the dictionary, courage is "what makes someone capable of facing extreme danger and difficulty without retreating.……
People work all over the world to facilitate peace in many ways. Some try to implement it quietly, others use tanks. Some meet with……
It's hard enough for young women around the world to escape the spiral of prostitution with their own forces, but it's even harder……
Different countries mean different cultures. Different cultures mean different lifestyles. And different lifestyles mean that……
There is a belief I carry that states anyone can obtain a classroom education. Educating……
I have been writing about Edward Zellem's book Zarbul Masalha: 151 Afghan Dari proverbs, a collection of global wisdom and a……
Since 2007 CNN has been honoring individuals who make extraordinary contributions to humanitarian aid. These "heroes" come from……
Film Annex in collaboration with the Afghan Citadel Software company will celebrate the opening of a new Internet classroom at the……
How would you feel if you couldn't go to school because of the fear of being thrown acid on your face? How would you feel if attending……
In 2011 I spent the month of July traveling through Rajasthan, an iconic region of central-north India filled with historic……
Last week 17 people were slaughtered in Afghanistan just because they were attending a party. They were caught while engaging themselves……
The headlines are not particularly encouraging. The Taliban appear to have adopted a new tactic that is intended to discourage the……
Since 2001, I have been taking very close portraits of my friends, family and acquaintances. They are available on my Instagram and……
CITADEL of New York was formed by three partners: Roya Mahboob, CEO of Afghan CITADEL Software Company, Film Annex and Film Annex……
Summer is knocking at the door, and this past Sunday my girlfriend and I walked to Central Park and chilled there for a few hours.……
Film Annex and partner Citadel Software Company are building Internet classrooms in Afghanistan. The goal is to build classrooms in……
Herat, the third largest city in Afghanistan, houses about 400,000 people. Absent from any list of prioritized locations to visit……
As Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Sofware Company celebrate the opening of the new Internet classroom in Kouz-E-Karbas High School -……
It is not about the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Afghanistan and Iran share more than just a long border. The populations……
Sometimes I still can’t believe my mother went to Iraq during the war. She was there in 2010 with an association of volunteers……
I read a fantastic blog post on CNBC by Beverly Schwartz the author of “Rippling: How Social Entrepreneurs Spread Innovation……
The subject of the struggles of receiving an education for the women and youth of Afghanistan has been a frequent topic in……
Film Annex did it: they bult the first internet classroom in Baghnazargah School in Herat, Afghanistan. You can see the different……
An amazing factor of life I have been constantly encountering since my return from Afghanistan is no matter what you……
The Afghan Development Project is building Internet classrooms in 40 schools in Herat while the war in Afghanistan is still going……
In a country that is almost completely dominated by men, it is quite wonderful to see women taking the initiative to drive. This is……
El Salvador and Afghanistan. Two countries so distant from each other, both geographically and culturally. Two worlds apart,……
My patience with politics and money is always very easily tried the older and more educated I become. The more Afghanistan blog……
What is the difference between thinkers and doers? Thinkers are very good at thinking and explain a concept, mostly in writing,at……
Articles on Afghanistan and tomorrow's topics about Afghanistan:World News Afghanistan:Marine Cody Wilson establish global headquarters……
On the International Women's Day in Italy, each woman receives a mimosa from her loved ones. Women's literacy is one of the key……
It's March 8th -- and I hope that you are observing International Women's Day with the heartfelt fervor it deserves. The reality of……
Looking into how big the internet has become and how limitless money making from the internet can be it has been a piviledge working……
Yesterday, Film Annex's Eren Gulfidan contacted three major technology companies:Canon (we are currently using the 5D Mark……
Afghanistan's current events switch from good news to bad news, fueling the debate over the country's current state and what……
A new research project of mine keeps me in tuned with hours of online video production, mostly about Afghanistan information. When……
During my two-day visit to Jacksonville, NC, I learned more about Afghanistan than the 43 years I spent in Florence and Manhattan.……
Here is a brief update on the Afghan Development project. We are working with Roya Mahboob to identify where to start building schools……
From Bosnia to Afghanistan - same cure where fear and hate now may rule – free market place of ideas. Fighting warlords and their……
One of the most meaningful achievements of the Internet is its ability to connect people from different backgrounds into a common……