My life

Brahim Aghzaf On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know... that virtue cannot separate itself from reality without……
Brahim Aghzaf On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know... that virtue cannot separate itself from reality without……
"College isn't so hard compared to Senior High School, they should feel lucky they never experienced the troubles of SHS." ……
1. Protein-Style Thai Turkey WrapsThis is essentially an easy Thai-style stir-fry, but it’s so much cuter tucked into lettuce……
window 7 full just in 8mb 2016 Downlod Hightly Compressed Windos 7 Full Just in 8mb Windows 7 is available in multiple Editions such……
DanTDM Minecraft High School | THE PAINTING CONTEST!! | Custom Mod Adventure Today, we continue the series where Trayaurus and I attend……
While all these thoughts were rupturing my "Good Morning" I recieved a call "Hello" I said "Mr Dean" High pitched Voice replied……
Unemployment - Causes and Solutions Unemployment levels are increasing dramatically in many parts of the world. Why is this,……
The definition of romance, according to Merriam-Webster, is a medieval tale based on legend or love; something that lacks……
Introduction About BitLanders WEB TV Channels Bitlanders is a social site where we can earn rewards by the various things i.e by posting……
Introduction About BitLander's WEB TV Channels Defination Basically web tv require the internet connection first . because this……
FEATURES: Enhanced picture quality with deeper black and clearer motion Discover a new reality in Full HD TV with a touch of……
روم(نیوز ڈیسک)مرکزی اٹلی کے ایک سکول نے مبینہ طور پر ہائی ہیلز یعنی اونچی……
I will design an eye catching logo in 24 hour for $15 Hello Sir/Ma'am!Need a Logo/Business Card for your Business, Group or……
GET 25000 satoshis in 5 minutes GET YOUR 25000 IN 5 MINUTES NOW
Government High School,Aloli-KPK I visited Government High School,Aloli Haripur about six years ago.It was then,a typical rural school,Presenting……
Today i am again very happy becuase my another blog reviewed today. Your post was a high quality one! Your post was exhaustive,not……
skrillex, rock and roll, hd , enjoy.
Nowadays about 70% adult people in the World are suffering from High Blood Pressure .The systolic and diasystolic pressure when shows……
The winter holidays are slowly getting to the end and the New Year is going to start soon. The New Year is also bringing another message……
Security has been the main concern of Afghans during the past four decades. The countries has always suffered from this perspective……
Today, after I woke up, at around 10 am, I went to check my account here in Bitlanders. Yada yada yada! Hahahaha. Atup! Ayoko munang……
Herat is one of the biggest and nicest cities of Afghanistan. Herat has a lot of historical places which makes it an outstanding city……
This week was a bit different from all others for our Afghan students. It was all about competition, fun and creativity. We organized……
This week is a very different week for our students. Herat is fully covered with snow and everywhere is white and beautiful. It has……
It has been a while since we have started our digital literacy courses at schools. The classes are going well and in spite of……
Let Me Speak Today (From the heart of an Engineer)Can you just Imagine the feelings When people think about you that how lucky and……
Winter is going to start with all its problems in a country like Afghanistan. The weather is changing to be cold and snow is going……
you should understand is the daily buzz it relies on two factors:1. basebuzz: is your post does not get many buzz, some of the other……
Remembering High School (2nd. Year) Sophomores, 2nd year of high school. Finally modified to the ambiance of high school……
Remembering High School (1st. Year) Freshmen,1st.yr. High School First step at high school appears to be young and fresh,……
Remembering High School (2nd. Year) Sophomores, 2nd year of high school. Finally modified to the ambiance of high school……
Remembering High School (3rd. Year) Junior Year, 3rd.yr. high school. On that year others were having hard times dealing……
Hi, Watch16, Nov, NFL Football online game watch Minnesota vs Chicago live Browns live streaming on PC TV. TV channel, LIVE Streaming,……
I am sure glad that workplaces such as offices, shopping centers and factories are implementing smoke free environment in most countries.……
When we first meet Leonardo (Ghilherme Lobo), the teenage protagonist of Daniel Ribeiro’s feature, THE WAY HE LOOKS (Hoje……
The Film Annex was started in 2006 by Italian entrepreneur Francesco Rulli with the aims of providing film makers a site to promote……
Bagi anda yang suka nongkrong atau bekerja di suatu cafe atau restoran, wifi tentulah menjadi persyaratan utama yang menjadi alasan……
unn My four year old daughter had a terrible case of the flu, she was achy, had a high fever, and was terribly hoarse. After waiting……
The following simple remedy is fantastic for healing many diseases and aches or pains having a simple daily 2 tsp. serving.~ Health……
Metals and AlloysMetal: Class of elements existing as oxide, carbonate, sulphide and phosphate compounds in natural rocks called ores.Ferrous……
Galileo Gallllei - Father of Modern Science , Influences Francesco Rulli As every members who are following me and an……
Miscellaneous Sedimentary Rocks: (iii) Iron Ore: iron ores of Sedimentary Origin, chiefly hematite Fe2O3(iv) Flint & Chert: (a)……
I mostly write on different science topics related to physics, chemistry and biology ,but in this series of my blogs I going to write……
Subscribers as what i believe and in the definition on the dictionary is a person who receives daily or regular publication which……
Film Annex is now "bitlander" but there are no changes in how you will earn or be paid as a member of the the new site, the name of……
Minerals and natural resources are very important for development of a country .Muslim countries has large numbers natural……
Studying has been always a great wish and opportunity for all girls of Afghanistan. They have tried more to get their rights and stand……
She is a very talented and active student in school, active and hardworking girl at home, and flowing great aims and goals in her……
Care to watch a movie and get high? Filmmakers Adam Hartle and Anthony Hashem will hash out legal marijuana to moviegoers who……
In the past, I have written about "MY JOURNEY AT FILMANNEX OF SEVEN MONTHS - WHAT DID I GAIN?", and the way I got response from you……
It's been a busy few days with speakers and company visits. Many of the speakers are engaging and have a lot to share about the realm……
ON Sunday 10 of us ventured into the city with a driver that was arranged by my former roommate. She negotiated price for the day……
Egypt is called the gift of Nile. Because the entire country depends upon the Nile river for food, fish, wealth and prosperity. The……
Damsons and Tamarind drink is very popular in summer. It is quite refreshing and energetic but beside this it has many advantages……
Nowadays if we ask about Mobile from every person in every place He/she will answer you and will give you some information about it.……
COMUNICATO STAMPA – PER PUBBLICAZIONE IMMEDIATA Fumettista di East Chicago e Capitano della Marina statunitense lanciano "Afghanistoons"……
If you have not heard of Rocket Jump and Freddie Wong from YouTube then you are missing out! Freddie is a digital fx genius and is……
MEDIA RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE East Chicago cartoonist and U.S. Navy captain launch “Afghanistoons” –……
A scholar had to leave his home and go to some center of learning in search of knowledge. Thus a hostel was built to provide accommodation.……
I am not a coffee addict, but I could easily be one. I've been loving coffee ever since I can remember it, and since I know I would……
In the last week, in progress of our programs, the girls could make film Annex platforms and learn more things about that. They……
Filmannex, that all people are using that is with more capabilities, facilities and options that made a simple graphic and clear environment……
The human has always been searching to find better and more efficient ways to solve the problems and improve in the knowledge, technology,……
Film Annex is the best social media that is serving a lot for the people. It thrive the hidden talents all over the world. It is available,……
First of all I would like to say that this……
The women are activating the same as men in very difficult and dark situation. It is being done in the worse and very preventing situation……
Nowadays the people are as depended in computer application as they could not do anything without them exactly. Do you know the reason? ……
Here is the second chapter of my tips on how to defeat time... I hope you will enjoy it! 1) Not getting enough sleep can decrease……
Roya Mahboob and Craig Newmark in California Wondering how the Women’s Annex Foundation is able to……
Yesterday in college our Health Department Teacher had given some information about new research i.e. Use of Salt in excess is harmful……
Perhaps the greatest Invention of the 20th century is the computer. It is high leap forward in the field of science. A computer is……
10-Faculty of commerce : In 1911 , a school for commerce was established in Cairo University and it was called "the commerce high……
“Mentalist, noun. Someone who uses mental acuity, hypnosis and/or suggestion. A master manipulator of thoughts and behavior.”They……
Can You Get Protein Without Meat? This topic describes what protein is and how the human body must receive the protein is needs. It……
The great wall is located in the China.The people of China built this wall about thousands of years ago.This people wanted to save……
The system of basic laws and principles according to which a state is governed is called constitution. Objectives Resolution 1949……
,Dear studentsThe students of Malika Jalali high school got necessary information and trainings during the last week. As the students……
There are a lot of schools in Afghanistan that students are studying there. The first school in the country was Habibia High School……
For the first week of social media training course in Malika Jalali high school, in IT Class, a lot of students were interested to……
The first winter social media training courses held in Saturday twenty eighth of December of 2013 in Ghoharshad High School of Heart.……
Introduction: I’ve heard Afghan Proverbs used in a thousand ways. In high-stakes negotiations inside Afghanistan’s……
Dear students, The Amir Ali Shir Nawaie high school students got their results during the last week. According to the education regulation,……
Hatifi high school is one of the most popular schools in Herat that is going on in four shifts. Hatifi high schools have an IT Class……
Everyone will get its goals one day. The Majuba Heravi high school students got their results after a long time of studying. They……
Who one knows that in the hole creation that a child born on 1st April 1936 in the city of Bhopal (Capital of Madyha Pradesh)……
Nowadays different things are in circulation about making money through internet all over the world. It is also true that you can……
Violence against women yeah in Afghanistan women are suffer and no one care of them everyday heard that they the Afghan women burn……
:Dear students The final examinations of the students in Houz-e-Karbas high school finished during the last week. They passed their……
As you know Afghan citadel made computer room and prepared internet for girls at school in Herat that is so good for them and……
Interduce my salf my frist name is mohammd sahel my last name is hakimy I was born in……
Yesterday 6/12/2013 after coming from university, me and my class went to for shopping in the way we saw a boy that has a baby goat……
As u know I am student in Delhi University and know i am working in a project by the name of IMAGE BASED STEGANOGRAPHY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY,the……
Facebook changed the algorithm for its news feed... yet, again! As announced on Facebook's blog by Varun Kacholia, Engineering Manager,……
Everybody I want to talk about financial education. Now I understand most people are adverse to discussing or even thinking about……
Parisa Ehsas è una delle studentesse della Hatifi High School. È nata a Herat, in Afghanistan. Studia nella 11esima……
Semin Salihi è nata ad Herat, in Afghanistan; frequenta l'11esima classe alla Hatifi High School. Scrive blog su Film Annex……
Semin Salihi was born in Herat, Afghanistan. She is studying in 11th class at Hatifi High School. She writes blogs on Film Annex where……
Parisa Ehsas is one of the Hatifi High School Students; She was born in Heart – Afghanistan. She is studying in 11th class of……
Farid Zaland the founder of one of the most famous Iranian and persian music company, Avang, is a composer, singer and musician, was……
School is the place where we learn every thin even we cannot just name from speaking with people up to today’s modern……
While much work has been done, there remains plenty left to do in Afghanistan. This year, millions of Afghans have been moved to safer……
School is the only place that can be called the common house for education. In the past schools were in a awful situation,. The students……
在过去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布尔(Kabul)开设了10个网际网路教室和2个Women's……
Islam teaches Muslims to cultivate high ethical Qualities and to avoid indecencies which will hinder them from following the……
A huge scandal regarding the falsification of menu items in multiple restaurants under the Hanky Hanshin Hotels Co. name led……
Herat female students are now not only taking English and computer courses, but they learn how to use internet as well. More important,……
We are so grateful for your contribution (Afghan Citadel) we hope you always would be able serve our society and always be stable……
ضرب المثل ها راهش را آرام آرام باز می کند. در هفت زبان ترجمه شده و در سه زبان……
The name of my city is haripur. It is 70kms away from capital islamabad. The longest road of asia (indus high way) passes through……
“When I was a fifth grader I was sitting on a floor without even any carpet.” This is the voice of Maryam, 23, who……
在過去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布爾(Kabul)開設了10個網際網路教室和2個Women's……
For those of you unsure of which direction to choose as a career, looking to change your career, or simply interested in the……
Jacob Velasquez aka “Baby Beethoven” is a five-year-old pianist who has proved to the world he is capable of learning……
“Would you just come and eat your breakfast? You have been standing in front of mirror for an hour.” My mom said. “It……
“Now, I get up sooner than any other time in the past to get preparation for school.” This is the voice of Halima who……
By Chauncey Ross | Gazette Staff Writer The eighth time is a charm — proverbially speaking. Edward Zellem, a well-traveled……
Afghan Citadel Software Company is an organization that empowers women in Herat. For example, it equips girls’ schools with……
One of the most revolutionary cameras in the world of photography has to be the GoPro. Many of us are quite familiar with this……
Education represents the base of the development of all individuals and the society they will contribute to build. Lack of education……
Herat is one of the provinces that the number of the girls is more than the boys in schools. Basir Ahmad Arwin Taheri, the head of……
One can see lots of girls in black and white on Herat streets in the morning. This shows that the girls are not only eager in attending……
NEWS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 1, 2013 U. S. Navy Captain Edward Zellem has won the prestigious Gold Medal……
These days Herat female schools are talking about “Film Annex and Afghan Citadel Software Company” a lot. One talks about……
You can say Georgio Armani is the king of fashion as he has built an entire empire and is currently in the Top 200 of the World's……
After a long time Afghan people witnessed an important achievement of Afghanistan national football team; Afghanistan attended South……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY: September 15, 2013 – In a week when most international news……
Lucky or Unlucky? I recently found an incredible story of the luckiest tourists in the world, but others argue the opposite……
Media is the only field that has really improved a lot during the past years in Afghanistan. It has its own freedom, however, there……
Всем доброе утро. Мне очень хочется поделиться с вами интересной и очень……
So last night Apple announced their next iPhone (the 5S) plus a cheaper model (the 5C) ... no surprise there. iPhone 5C is a plain……
Last week was another great week for Film Annex and Women's Annex here in New York and in Herat, Afghanistan. We opened the 10th school……
Rules of procedures for Public Procurement in Afghanistan Prepared and issued and disseminated to all line ministries/procuring……
In the changing world, the education role is getting highlighted more and more every day. Stable Development needs knowledge and educated……
When I went back to school after a long time, I still felt like I was a student. There were many changes in the school but the people……
In the last year and a half, Women's Annex and Film Annex opened 10 Internet classrooms and two Women's Annex Centers, in Herat……
When a saying such as eat "Breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a king, and dine like a beggar” becomes commonplace for……
A couple of months ago, when I came back from the USA to Afghanistan, I had a lot of ideas on programs for Afghan students, especially……
I came across another remarkable story regarding one of the luckiest men on the planet. He goes by the name, Anatoli Bugorski……
I have been a longstanding contributor to I subscribe to their motto of “connecting everyone through film.” ……
رحیمہ کویش علی شیر نوائی ہائی سکول کے انسٹرکشنل اسسٹنٹ ہے۔ وہ ہرات اور……
I love reading about the latest news in the world of robotics especially when it comes to the high stakes competitions and challenges……
I believe I have come across one of the greatest retail stores out there when it comes to being eco-conscious, focusing on sustainability.……
Many singers wonder how to sing high notes with power and richness. The notes that fall within speaking voice range are easy to sing,……
My boys and I like to play Waboba ballgame during the summertime . Since I am a big fan of it, the popularism a lot of fun in my opinion.……
If you are a casual or a hardcore cinemagoer, I guess you’ve seen that advert. The dusty unused cinema seats and the people……
True beach lovers can't imagine their lives without surfing. It is perhaps one of the most affordable activities once you are at some……
Introduction: In Part I of our exclusive interview with Afghan pro football……
Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
The teen prodigy of pancreatic cancer, Jack Mandraka, proved to the Science world that he is the next Edison of the modern world.……
The exam of first term of the year starts this week. Their teachers prepare their Question to hold students’ exam. The Supervision……
These are the following activities of this week in Mahjube Herawi High School. There was a celebration for selecting students that……
The monthly examination held from students and the students divided into groups and then their teacher got groups projects among classes……
کل مجھے اپنے دوستوں کی جانب سے فادر ڈے پر ایک شاندار تحفہ موصول ہواـ ہرات……
Working opportunity and employment around the world are important for all the people around the world. The main aim of continuing……
Examer کاروبار کی دنیا میں طالب علموں کو جوڑتا ہے جو پیشہ ورانہ اور تعلیم کے……
Education provides people with the bricks necessary to built homes of knowledge, confidence and competency. It's the ultimate investment……
When I was in high school I remember having twice a month a "computer class" that was part of our Physics laboratory curriculum. I……
Last week was a busy week in Amir Ali Shir Nawaie High School. The school typical affairs were done normally. There held a counseling……
Definition, of corruptions: The society has a long history of corruption and its relationship with the emergence of the……
To make money online is a new type of job for Afghans. As the world and technology develops, people’s knowledge develop, too. Before,……
The Examer is a vocational and education software which connects students to the world of business. The Examer improves the education……
In this century, the most important factor for developing is technology. Most of developed countries are enrich with the new systems……
It is one of the oldest schools with bright records in Herat City with thousands of girl and boy students. As knowledge is one of……
Uzbekistan is a landlocked country located in central Asia. This is one of the 3rd world, and developing countries. The low quality……
Education in Afghanistan is improving day by day through learning new technologies and exchange programs. It is the only way that……
A big challenge Afghan youth have had since the last ten years was the lack of job opportunity for them. For example, 12 years ago,……
Roya Mahboob the chief executive officer (CEO) of Afghan Citadel in Afghanistan now is in list of TIME 100 most influential people……
Information Technology (IT) is a new word in computer world. Information technology is to manage the information with using of computer……
I know recently there have been a lot of horror based Film Fridays, but I couldn't wait to see this film in the cinema. I promise……
Education is the key factor for developing countries. Without education, a country cannot achieve a convenient economical development.……
There numerous jobs in Afghanistan. For example, they work at different governmental and non-governmental organizations, the fresh……
The numbers of student in the training classes are increased in the week. We are arranging the computer training class based to the……
Somiza azimi is happy to teach the student with information technology beside of that the student are helping and like her teach.……
Today, I was browsing several websites and I read a very inspiring and interesting news about Angelina Jolie, an American actress……
The procedure of registering and learning student with Online Examination system (Examer) is in progress. Haida Tawakol is going to……
Administrative of Hatifi High School are hopes to have a year with full of happiness and peace in Afghanistan. The Hatifi High School’s……
Introduction: This is the third in a series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the legendary American adventurer,……
Mahjube herawi High School students are learning computer by Afghan Citadel. The computer training classes are still in progress.……
The Afghan Citadel computer training is continued in the Hatifi high school. As Hatifi High school is one of the biggest schools of……
Afghan women have developed in different fields in Afghanistan. Since the fall of the Taliban, women have developed in political fields,……
Past week Citadel Team was busy with filmmaking. In this week we are trying to make good videos and broadcast our initiatives in Afghanistan……
Hatfi high school is one of the olden schools of Herat and has more than 8300 student in 4 shifts from female and male. Afghan……
Mahjube Herawi school is named after a famous poet of Herat Mahjube Herawi, she is one of the talent and best women poet of her……
Afghan citadel Software Company and Film Annex are starting IT training courses for school which under cover of these companies. These……
Rahima kawesh is instructional assistant of Alisher Nawaie High School. She has been working in different school of Herat and……
I keep hearing this same commercial on the radio. The commercial isn't advertising a product, a brand, or even a service. It……
Since the last ten years, Afghan girls’ schools have increased substantially and hundreds of female schools……
Since the last twelve years and the flow of International community in Afghanistan, Afghan people and Afghan country……
After the fall of Taliban, women and girls got their freedom and could attend schools and other training……
This week was quite a busy week for me and I have done a lot of works. After coming back to Herat from Kabul Innovation Lab, I faced……
Currently imprisoned in Pul-e-Charkhi, Former Chief of the Pashtanay Bank Hayatullah Dayani demands assistance and cooperation in……
Introduction: This is the second in a four-part series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the American expatriate,……
There is a large event coming up February 8th, in downtown lower east Manhattan! Film Annex Music TV presents: FKBAND, the new Russian-American……
Fazela Hamidi is Hatifi High school principle and she has been working in different departments of Education in Herat province,……
When I was an undergraduate student in High school of Herat, there were not any opportunity for me to enhance my computer or internet……
Прошедшая неделя была очень разнообразной. Каждый день на официальной странице в FB,……
This pAst week was incredibly amazing. Every day on our FB, Twitter, and Tumblr pages we presented video works of different artists.……
Film Annex forges ahead in its initiative of building internet classrooms in Afghanistan schools. Equipped with computers, internet……
BY: NICOLE TAN Recently, I had just completed a course in International Finance and have been completely fascinated by the topic of……
There are so many tattooed people around me nowadays. Why do human beings do it!? Maybe, some folks believe that their tattoos have……
Facing off with China politically and seeking to become a driver in its own right of economic growth in Asia, Viet Nam (Vietnam) has……
“Six weeks ago, in visiting the memorial at Srebrenica, I said I did not want my successors to apologize years from now for……
UNSG Ban Ki-moon should refuse to meet Gambia’s strongman Yahya Jammeh unless/until such heeds the plea of UN officials to halt……
Australia’s Parliament adopted an act that would allow the re-opening of offshore detention center for migrant asylum……
“Reports indicate that the initial swift response of the authorities to the communal violence may have turned into a crackdown……
With the help of Citadel Software in Afghanistan along with USAID, Film Annex has been building internet classrooms all across Afghanistan.……
Nike Air Force 1 Supreme LE (DJ Clark Kent NYC Edition) Varsity Royal - Black-Ginger ( Style 375379-401 )Description: Whosales……
“The taking of life is too absolute, too irreversible, for one human being to inflict on another, even when backed by……
“Those responsible for attacks against civilians must be held accountable, and so I reiterated my call on the Security Council……
I often take for granted the technology behind many of the everyday graphics and special effects that I come across in the videos……
Herat, the third largest city in Afghanistan, houses about 400,000 people. Absent from any list of prioritized locations to visit……
As Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Sofware Company celebrate the opening of the new Internet classroom in Kouz-E-Karbas High School -……
This past Wednesday, Roya Mahboob and her team from Herat celebrated the official opening of the second Film Annex INTERNET classroom……
In the last few days I was asked a recurring questions by some of my co-workers, partners, friends, and even journalists interviewing……
The subject of the struggles of receiving an education for the women and youth of Afghanistan has been a frequent topic in……
Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Software Company are joining forces to improve the education system in Afghanistan. Filmannex is……
On May 1st, 2012, we sent a new wire transfer to our partners in Afghanistan, the Afghan Citadel Software Company. The funds were……
Film Annex did it: they bult the first internet classroom in Baghnazargah School in Herat, Afghanistan. You can see the different……
Blind Chinese human rights activist Chen Guangcheng escaped from “house detention” after 7 years and promptly made his……
Our environment is part of our human right, for our health and the future of our planet. Defenders of our planet and environment……