Halloween and Lake Placid Movie Review

Edited using Pixteller.com Image Credit: @artbytes via Bitlanders On my last post, I made a list of horror movies that……
Edited using Pixteller.com Image Credit: @artbytes via Bitlanders On my last post, I made a list of horror movies that……
Ever since I was young, I love to watch horror movies. Not that I love watching those gory and bloody scenes.is, In fact, I have my……
Hollywood Movie Review - The Nun Image Credit: wallpapercave.com ……
Five Scariest Movies of Recent Times Image Source: getwallpapers.com ……
Indian Movie Review - Pari Image Credit: www.bollywoodhungama.com ……
Hollywood Movie Review - Get Out Image Credit: save-send-delete.blogspot.com ……
Hollywood Movie Review - It Image Credit: wall.alphacoders.com ……
Movie Review - Truth or Dare Image Credit: theplaylist.net ✔ Introduction ……
Pictured: Jen (Matilda Lutz) illustrates 'point and shoot' filmmaking in 'Revenge', a French horror film written and directed……
Which movies do you like? Image Credits: Querlo (Edited By Asad Munib) Hey friends how are you all? I’m here today among you……
Image Credits:ScriptReaderPro I am a fan of horror movies especially the ones that include possession and exorcism. However, I……
Image courtesy of STX Entertainment Some interesting statistics about director Stacy Title: she is the youngest woman ever to have……
Hi friends, I watched a horror movie "The Mummy " this weekend .I thought why should not I write the review of……
A modern take on an Asian horror story Family story: Grace centers on family man Roy Chan (played by Russell Wong, right) in his late……
Bravame.com is an Entertainment Website presenting Independent films, animated movies and also web series to their viewers.……
Shutter (2004) "She never leaves you." Details: Movie: ShutterThai: ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณDirector:……
What is Your List of Scary Flicks If there's on thing I've found out about movie, it's that films are subjective generally. While……
A young kid teams up with the niece of young adult horror author R.L. Stine after the writer's imaginary demons are set free on the……
Sudahkan Anda menonton ke 10 film horror ini ? Sebelum aku memaparkan list ke 10 film ini, film ini merupakan film kontroversial,……
Do you love horror? Do you want to write about the horror genre? Well, we have the gig for you! We are specifically looking for a……
The Exorcist series has proven to be fascinating over the past 30 years or so. The original, released in 1973 changed cinema and horror……
Horror films have always appealed the commoners, irrespective of their age and intelligence. As a genre, horror movies capture a particular……
Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) has to be one of the most hated sequels of all time. Lambasted by critics, mostly reviled by……
There was a time when every body was busy in their life and when they used to be free they usually prefer doing rest or go to asleep.……
Il genere horror è stato uno dei miei preferiti crescendo, a partire da uno zombie movie, il film del 1980 di Bruno Mattei……
The horror genre was a favorite of mine growing up and it started with a zombie film, Bruno Mattei's 1980 "Hell of the Living Dead."……
Whenever anyone mentions the words Salem's Lot, or I come across the cover art of the novel or the film adaptation, certain images……