Why a Punch to the Liver is Deadly
The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. This 3-pound reddish-brown organ is responsible for the filtration of the……
The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. This 3-pound reddish-brown organ is responsible for the filtration of the……
Hello BitLanders! Photo Credits: https://www.wikihow.com In this era of technology and modernism, each individual wants……
1 Our body needs food and oxygen to produce energy. Wastes are also produced……
According to scientist: Hydrogen sulfide is one of a number of potent smelly gases produced by bacteria as it breaks down food in……
Esophagus What is an EsophagusThe esophagus is a muscular tube through which the bolus travels from the mouth to the stomach.……
Mouth The mouth is the organ of the body which is used for eating. It is where the food is being ingested through the help……
Metabolism What is Metabolism?Metabolism is a set through which absorbed nutrients are used by the body for energy and……
Some intrusting facts about human……
As we are well aware of the importance of blood in our bodies. Our body works as blood circulates in it. Heart function is to pump……
There had been little development in science during the long span of middle ages (c.500 to 1350 AD) as the Catholic papacy had staunchly……