You're Not A Goldfish

“You have an attention span of a goldfish” is one of the vilest phrases in self-improvement articles. It decries technology……
“You have an attention span of a goldfish” is one of the vilest phrases in self-improvement articles. It decries technology……
Image credits: Background by ractapopulous via I had trouble grasping the bujo concept at first—which almost……
1. Write about something that you will never write again. 2. Write about the object closest to your right. 3. Write……
We've all been there stuck in a rut, out of ideas to write. What can we do to get unstuck? Personally, the question is, do you have……
Do art has a limit? For me, art has no limit. As time passes by, it keeps on sprouting and strengthening itself. Some artists died……
Facebook tools for Pro Marketers In case you own a business, you may want to attempt marketing your products, solutions or your official……
Many years ago there was a restaurant which became the centre of the universe. It was jammed almost every day with 'name brand'……
A handheld tool that holds a set of probes. Each probe wirelessly connects back to the device for commands and for reporting data.……
A game that uses a fractal based shape shifting mechanism to alter the players character. Starts as a circle and gains shapes by collecting……
This is the first blogpost i wrote here! First let me introduce myself. I'm a interior designer who tries to create own firm……
How to Ghost Hunt Hi everyone I am going to tell you about how to ghost hunt. and my experience with ghost experience. I have……
Before you learn how to make friends at work, you need to know why it’s important in the first place. Many employers think that……
"CLASSIMATIC" - THE OUTCLASS CLASSICS BitLanders is unique and so is the ideas they always come up every once in a while. Today, I……
Do you have a passion of writing, and interacting with people? If you want to become a successful blogger, this article is for you.……
Christmas is just around the corner. Millions of people are surely excited for the upcoming holidays – and one obvious reason……
The alarming increase of plastic waste is a constant worry that affects the environment, wildlife and consequently, humans. Every……
Image courtesy of Image courtesy of As an online writer that embraces the reason for it, it……
INTRODUCTION: The Explosive growth of population in already over populated region of the world is casting serious doubt on the success……
Events on Giving Tuesday As not-for-profits rigging up to advance Giving Tuesday — the post-Thanksgiving raising money……
The selfie craze has caught everyone in life. Selfies with friends are too much fun. But, you can’t always post the same kind……
If you are short of ideas, then here are a few suggestions that you can make use of to plan the next romantic gift for your partner.……
52 fresh ideas for flexing mental muscle. Learn how to maximize brain power and access insight and creativity, at work and at……
I begin with name of Allah who is the most Rehman and raheem and who is the master of day and night Assalam-o-Alaikum First of……
It has been quite a while we are using BitLanders and earning through this platform. Though, we could share our posts with each other,……
Rather than doing this as a series of microblogs, I thought I'd just collect all of the thoughts buzzing in my head for a single post……
My dear brotherToday’s women are different from yesterday’s womenYou must change your old ideas Today’s women are……
The consternation caused by first-dates with a new person is a timeless, age-old dilemma that never goes out of style. The decisions……
A bathroom is an extremely private space where people retreat for a variety of chores, including bathing, and in the process relax,……
when everything can be done online, businesses are taking their work to the same source. There are many online businesses and jobs……
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, still looking for the perfect gift idea for your beloved girl?Whether or not you take Valentine’s……
It's been awhile since I did one of these inspiration collages and since I've been wearing yellow just about every other week here,……
White picture frames often leave a good first impression in the eyes of the people who looked at them. They play a unique role among……
Concentrate on only one healthful habit. You attempt not to provide yourself so many restrictions while at an event. Alternatively,……
A few ideas to assist in preventing breast cancer, which happens to be currently observed in 1 in 30 women in the metropolitan cities.……
Blogging may sound too technical or too complex a word, but it is actually very simple. Consider your blog as an online diary that……
Great Gift Ideas for Men Coming up with great gift ideas for men can be tricky. However, with a little creative thinking,……
I found a really great post that has 13 different ideas for you on how to hide your laundry room in plain site. I think the above……
Has anyone tried the donut selfie yet? if you use the application "360", you can do this pretty easily. i can see a need for two types……
Do you live in apartment? Or do you just have a plan to design an apartment. Well, I guess it is very important to determine what……
Most unbending plastic toys, decorations and puppets are alright for aquariums the length of they are not painted and don't have any……
It had been more than three months since i registered and became active with From that time on there good points and……
PAKISTAN WILL STAND AGAIN:::-- Soon will we win by arresting the Nawaz Sharif; And Start Pakistan Towards Development We make our……
Today, I am starting with my achievements to tell you that how I am inspired and motivated by peoples work. It is very important that……
Men’s EID Collection 2014 Eid is the event for the celebration of happiness. After the Holy month of Ramadan Muslims are rewarded……
So this moodboard looks at Makita tools, and how i can take components from them and redesign them as futuristic tools. As you can……
In English language there are some conventions that should be used when you are writing. there are several kinds of letter like :……
We are humans. Every one of us dreams. Question is what dreams are? Answer is according to science these are thoughts, ideas, images……
Characteristics and expression As an animator I enjoy is bringing life to something on screen. One of the biggest challenges……
Experts of Cambridge University (England) have told in present report that size of men’s mind is greater than women.……
Any creative process you are passionate about demands a lot of sacrifice. You can often find yourself sacrificing a social life, time……
Today we see in Pakistan the rate of poor people is increasing because of the imbalance system implemented by the previous and present……
During my time at University, we were encouraged to keep an "Ideas Book". This book would contain photos, words, drawings or any other……
Here are a few of the initial character designs that I have started working on for my origami project: These are very……
In life you are the guardian of your own will, you have to manage your needs according to the budget you have, the pocket money you……
Everyone should know the ways of online success. Internet is a marketing medium. And it is the best way for people to solve their……
Afghanistan is a country which after 3 decades conflicts and after the incident of September 11th in 2001 has attracted the attention……
It’s eleven years since international community have come to Afghanistan and we are the witness of development in different fields,……
At first I must tell that what is Women’s Annex and what is its role in our city and for what they are operating? As we all……
Often we speak two kinds of courage physical courage and moral courage. Physical courage means to fight against difficult and make……
Education in Pakistan You all must be knowing that education is……
Hafiz of Shiraz was born in Tehran about the year 1320 A.D and spent most of his life there. He was born in a poor family‚ and……
In World of Technology where the Wide World has been changed to a small Room and merely by a Single Click can share their Emotions,……
Hard times in life always has its end no matters what, the time alwaysgoes on… Women in my beloved land had the darkest era……
Living a comfortable life is very difficult. A lot of challenges and hurdles come on every step of life. To face all these challenges……
Ahh! Halloween is just around the corner, which means we should all scream, shout and run around in circles if we still have……
This is a little fun short i came up with the other day, something we can all relate to and understand. Not a selection of mine to……
On Thursday, 10 October 2013, Roya Mahboob, the founder of Women's Annex foundation, with some bloggers participated to awards ceremony……
Open the mouth and say your heart word. Don’t fear from anyone, from who’s that wishes to lock your mouth and makes an……
Hi everybody!! One of the biggest cliches that you hear from artists, designers and writers is that they are always with his little……
What's innovation? Innovation brings on or interlards something new, original and important in any field. Innovation can be new solutions……
Book is something which connects us around the world. By the book one can understand us about others, ideas, activities, and deed.……
6 ماہ Alfatex اورHyunjinn کی مشترکہ رفاقت کے بعد ہم نے آخرکار دو فیکڑیوں کو وزٹ کیاـ……
Such a beautiful time. 8:30 am. There is a popular old saying in Russia, "God help those who get up early!" It is true……
Soumitra Dutta is an author, academic, businessman, and, as of July 1, 2012, Dean of the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of……
I need to establish a few things before I start to talk about The Avengers. First and foremost, I've been a Joss Whedon fan……
Our creative capacity is not entirely dependent on that of our parents – and theirs from their own parents and so on –……
After 6 months with the joint venture between Alfatex and Hyunjin, we finally headed to visit the 2 factories. Highvina and Kovina……
Art is a strange subject these days. People have this idea of the art world and what it should be. However no one seems to……
Comedy is all about trying to figure out how far you can go in my opinion. When people go to see a stand-up comic, what the……
Tim Burton has a particular type of style. When he first came onto the film scene and people noticed him, it was definitely something……
If you are a filmmaker that can't come up with a film idea, here's a few ideas to get you going down the creative path. Lots……
The Artists’ block. Any person within the creative arts can find themselves stuck. It’s a block, just like the……
Whats in an idea... and how do you get one? EVERYTHING comes from an idea. The sofa you sit on, the house you live in, the car you……
The US kills the bad guys, UN helps run elections and money is tossed at economic ventures; however, the effort to transform……