Does Customs, Rituals and Ceremonies Have Importance in Today's World?

Customs, rituals and ceremonies, what are they? These terms are an expression of culture which generates love and tie the people of……
Customs, rituals and ceremonies, what are they? These terms are an expression of culture which generates love and tie the people of……
You get to decide where your time goes. You can either spend it moving forward or, or you can spend it putting out fires. You decide.……
Hey this is Maani Annex and am back with another blog.This time we are going to discuss the importance of blogging and why this is……
Work work and only work that is the slogan of today’s busy life. Youths are spending time in studying , internet using , in……
Importance of milk in human diet Milk and dairy products contain many nutrients such as carbs,protein ,fats,……
What is Water? Water (chemical formula: H2O) is a transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes, oceans and rain,……
If you are in your academic career, then you might be hearing the words like ‘Education is Must‘, ‘There……
Importance of education Education is the base and everybody knows the importance of education no nation can survive without quality or modern education, that builds the nations and become the cause of prosperity it gives the path that leads towards bright feature so every country’s education policy should be made according to the era time and situation our religion.The Education system in Pakistan is overseen by the government's Ministry of Education and the provincial governments, where as the federal government mostly assists in curriculum development, accreditation and in the financing of research. The education system in Pakistan is generally divided into five levels: pre-primary, primary Secondary, intermediate, Higher Secondary and university. Only 80% of Pakistani children finish primary school education. The standard national system of education is mainly inspired from the system. This system starts from Pre-school education after pre-school education, students go through junior school . Then to the middle school the basic curriculum is usually subject to the institution. The eight commonly examined disciplines are Urdu, English, mathematics, arts, science, social studies, Islamiyat and sometimes computer studies such as Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and others may be taught in their respective provinces. Secondary education in Pakistan consists of board examination that consists the 2 years of education and it’s have Science and General Group in it.The Intermediate education also consists of 2years of education and has Science, Arts and General group are required to pass a national examination administered by a regional Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education.After completing the Intermediate education the students can go for the higher education to universities, there they complete their bachelors in their relevant field , as less people get chance to avail this opportunity to go for higher studies in Pakistan because of the higher education fee.These are the basic education system which is working from the last several years in Pakistan.……
Introduction All water present under the surface of soil is called ground water this water may be present in the soil pores or……
Image courtesy of Image courtesy of As an online writer that embraces the reason for it, it……
Top 8 reasons Why Charity is Important (image source : pitch charity) The English word reference characterizes philanthropy……
"I left studies at a very early age and started work with my father in our jewelry shop where I now work from dawn to dusk. When I……
All Muslims are required to do the ritual cleansing (wudu) before performing their prayers. We want to make sure that we are……
When asked about the people who taught us the most, who were there for us through hardships, who laughed with us during the good times,……
Canal - The Water Road (image source: Some of the world's finest roads are made of water. Can you guess……
A young executive was leaving the office at 6pm when he found the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) standing in front of a shredder……
Time have changed a lot.Who knew dollars,pounds,rupees etc.In the ancient times,,?There were simple ways of exchange.Then there was……
Trees are very useful to humans.They added the rich top soil from being wash away by rain water and floods.You can see trees being……
Education is one of the basic needs of human needs.It is also essential for any kind of development.It is a backbone of the nation.……
Importance of leisure beggars description. leisure provides us with the much needed physical and mental relief from tiredness and……
How many times have you said ‘Yes’ when you wanted to say something completely different? I’ve noticed that I feel……
Marketing actions are very often expressed through the terminologies of battlefields and words like flanking, combative advertising,……
Good Evening. Fruits are best for digestion of food as well as they are full of vitamins.Vitamins make as alive and our circulation……
'Illness From Stress Stress is very dangerous as it causes several illnesses and even sudden death to a person. Some of these disorders……
Dear all, Good evening ,How are you all? Who is here who does not want to go for vacation ? I believe it is human nature who love……
Tourism provides a major economic development opportunity for many countries and a means of improving the livelihoods of its residents.……
Why we love ??It's a Question which Influence may b everyone in this world thatwhy we love..??why it happens.??What's is Benefits..??What……
Time is one of the most precious wealth which you can never buy because time is not material based thing but the no of decay of the……
Today my topic is related with sports, importance of sports and college sports. As we all know games and sports are related with each……
The Mosque was full of Muslims at Maghrib Prayer. There were 10 to 12 rows of people who came to offer the last prayer of holy month……
The affiliation and bond between people of society is named as relations. These relationships may be of different nature. Since the……
SPACE AND SOLAR SYSTEM (PART 9) In the previous lecture we have study about the Sun. In today’s lecture we will see the……
I was raised with the idea that you have to be kind and gentle to most people to succeed in life. During my childhood I always tried……
as well as education has too much importance in this modern time and inside of education friendship has also importance with education……
The importance of the English language cannot be denied. It is an international language. It is the result of the constant efforts……
Today i want to write about love, that what is true love and how can we prove that we love someone. Love is an eternal feeling which……
Zakat ior compulsory charity in its widest sence,is laid down in the Holy Quran as the second great pillar on the which the structure……
It has been a valid reality that no one in the world had done extraordinary work independently.All those who have done memorable research……
Our sole guide book in this world around which the whole philosophy of our existance stands Muslim as well as human beings can take……
On can rightly say that knowledge of economics as the subject Is not that important for the economic development.This is because at……
There is no doubt that outdoor games such as Football,Cricket are very good for the growing boys like me.They provide physical……
Courtesy have a great importance in our daily life. Courtesy means good manners and polite behavior. A kind word is a very little……
In the big cities of every country of the world has a great importance for the people because in big cities are the facilities of……
We live in a Islamic society and Islam give importance to the woman in the society and give them honorable and respectable status.……
Festivals are the part of country . Festivals are celebrated to create a sense of brotherhood among people,selflessness and peace……
Oceans are the great bodies of water which make up almost 71 per cent of the Earth's surface.Many people say that there are really……
The word Relation is to much comprehensive as we see it is not like that it means that some one that you have special attachment its……
Digital Image Processing and its Importance (Part 2) ……
NATURAL RESOURCES Natural resources such as water, land, soil and minerals now grip additional importance. Because humans have been……
The state of Kashmir is a Muslim majority area between India and Pakistan.People of this region decided to stay with Pakistan but……
Today the way illiteracy and ignorance is increasing in the third world countries like china, India, Pakistan etc, it has certainly……
Its the famous saying “Knowledge is power”, many of us know that like knowledge money is also power. The person whose……
In this world everything is very beautiful. Some countries of the world are very beautiful but some are decorate with artificial……
Control System and Its Importance In the Universe when we……
Organic compounds have many characteristics and have a great importance in the field of chemistry. There are large number of organic……
Our life have some aims or importance that are necessary for passing life. Without this our life is useless. There are four important……
Today we are talk about the necessity of female education. There is no valid argument by which the excuse of female from the privilege……
The key to be a healthy person is to drink green tea 2 to 3 cups daily. The purpose of this blog is just for the awareness of Film……
Today our topic is our earth atmosphere. The atmosphere is a transparent envelope of gases and suspended particles that surround the……
Yogurt directly affects body functions such as digestion and immunity , also known that yogurt is made from milk and therefore benefit……
Water is the mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen that are react each other and make water liquid.It is one of natural gift of God that……
There are so many animals that we are in our life.But some are very useful and have a great importance in our life.Some important……
We always forget about mentioning the emotional importance of food when we look at food and it's functions. We all know well that……
Origin of Language Zaban is a word of Persian origin. In Arabic the word Lisan is used.Whereas in English it is called language. the……
Family is a persion word which means community of men, women, and their children. Before we talk about family in Islam we are going……
Health is the most important matter for all human kind because every work and maintaining job is depends on the condition of every……
Every day, Afghans are sending millions of emails, checking social media profiles, commenting on weblogs, sharing news or stories,……
Electricity is one of the major need for our humanity and we can not lived without it in the modern society.In the ancient time when……
Allah created man to be khalifa on earth. He created for all things that are earth and gave him the power of seeing hearing……
Reading is a good habit.It polished the personality of the human being.Everyone adopt the habit of reading.In the modern age various……
Ozone layer is the combination of different gasses.It is located around the earth to protect the earth from the dangerous rays of……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
Discipline means training. It means voluntary and willing observance of a code of behavior accepted by group of individuals. It demands……
Games and sports are the necessary parts of education. In the past, there was not much consideration for then in our schools……
Any minute that passes,indeed we pass a minute of our life and any hour we leave behind, in fact brick decreases from the palace of……
Teachers are on extremely important facet of any society for a multitude of reasons teachers are the people who educate the……
Educated women means educated mothers, educated children and educated families, and families are the structural unit of society. ……
As we all know we have someone in our family who most admire and love. From my point of view this person is the most respectful and……
Drone invasion is Orwell’s inauguration Choose: man or machine? This question sparks very interesting debates within a variety……
هذه ستكون وثيقة ممتازة لموضوع أهمية رياضة الجودو في حياة السيد Lynn Goldberg ……
There are different languages in the world that people use them for exchanging their thoughts, ideas and etc. Among all languages……
There are tens of Radio Stations activating in Herat province. The people who work at Herat Radio Stations are……
What is the fastest and most effective way to convey a message? The answer is video. At least one third of online activity is spent……