Spicy chaat
Spicy chaat Chaat is one of most favourite appetizers of all the Pakistani’s. Some people used to make chaat with Paprhi but……
Spicy chaat Chaat is one of most favourite appetizers of all the Pakistani’s. Some people used to make chaat with Paprhi but……
ALOO (potato) K PARATHY Aloo k parathy is Pakistani special food and easy to cook. This recipe is very delicious and you can put it……
LAUKI/Bottle gourd Lauki is called bottle gourd or doodhi .it contains 90% water and is very effective for digestion.It……
Banana kheer Banana is soft food and is very healthy; it is very effective for digestion. Banana is good for constipation and is rich……
FRAPPÉ DE MANGO Ingredientes Trozos de Mango 1 taza Jugo……