Baghnazargah School and Film Annex are Re-inventing Schooling in Afghanistan

Film Annex joined forces with Citadel Software Company and created the Afghan Development Project in order to build Internet classrooms……
Film Annex joined forces with Citadel Software Company and created the Afghan Development Project in order to build Internet classrooms……
Watching the first steps in Filmannexs' help with the educational system in Afghanistan was a proud experience for me. ……
The priorities of the average American have dramatically shifted over time and this worries me a great deal. The……
There are many who are optomistic to the views that could help Afghanistan develope into a more modern society. There could……
Is the education children are learning in school these days preparing them for the work environment? Are……
Many Americans woke up yesterday thinking it was just another day. They drove to work listening……
Teachers have an obligation to teach students "the easy life is not the happy life and that the life that is lived……
The term "prideful wastefulness is a crowning way to describe how Americans live. We drive SUVs, and then complain……
From Scott Sernau: "The idea that children belong in school is actually quite new. For most of the human experience, formal education……
The article of Kyle Smith published on the New York Post on February 12th made me once again think of about why we recently created……
The project Film annex, Francesco Rulli and I are putting together (G.I.V.E.)'s every veteran a chance or to put it in better……