Bitlanders Trivial Question: Did you know that Bitlanders has a WebTV named Animaty? Photo source: Link:……
Bitlanders Trivial Question: Did you know that Bitlanders has a WebTV named Animaty? Photo source: Link:……
I've decided that every week, I will try to post some of my Post-it Note sketches that I draw of cute creatures and animals……
(Parliament of Canada building in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) I just got back from this year's Ottawa International Animation Festival……
爱情是一个跨越时空的共同深论题,而爱情的五味杂陈是人类生命中一个不可避免的历程,要结束一段感情并不容易,即使是现代男女也有着许多恒久不变的烦恼与阻碍.... ……
愛情是一個跨越時空的共同深論題,而愛情的五味雜陳是人類生命中一個不可避免的歷程,要結束一段感情並不容易,即使是現代男女也有著許多恆久不變的煩惱與阻礙.... ……
کل مجھے معلوم ہوا کہ Quat Media نے میرے شارٹ فلم Yellow Sticky Notes کو لینے سے دستبرداری……
I just found out yesterday that my short film distributor, Ouat Media, decided they did not want to take on my latest short film Yellow……
HONG KONG FILMART It's been a hectic couple weeks as I've been preparing like a maniac for the Hong Kong Filmart. I've been an email……
Introducing the beautiful new poster for my short film Requiem for Romance, created by designer and concept artist extraordinaire,……
"Women working in film and animation are intelligent, technically precise, capable and hard working. Furthermore, I've had the privilege……
This week, I started reconnecting with short film makers that I contacted in the past about joining Film Annex. With new improvements……
"Make lots of films and post them on Film Annex!" - Jonathan Ng Jonathan Ng is a Montreal-based animation filmmaker who has……
Jonathan Ng is an excellent example of someone who has gained the knowledge that the use of social media as a promotional tool can……
Recently, Film Annex Creative Director, Eren Gulfidan worked on creating a social media curriculum for Afghan students. The multiple-choice……
Smoked was my project for an animation assignment at Concordia University in the film animation program. The exercise was to create……
Still from Requiem for Romance. Jonathan NG is an animator who joined Film Annex only a few month ago. His Web TV has several great……