Search results for: "jung"
What I usually do in my free time is have fun, relax and spend it with my friends. Usually more than spending time with friends
What I usually do in my free time is have fun, relax and spend it with my friends. Usually more than spending time with friends I……
Best examples of Native Advertising - Vodafone Bucket List by @RadicalMedia and @JungVonMatt
Adding a new commercial this week in the list of my favorite examples of native ads... Well commercial isn't exactly the word. The……
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week NYC Schedule Released #MBFW
It's that time of year again, the semi-annual Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week showcasing the Spring 2014 collections will take place in……
Milosevic, Assad, Gaddafi, Saddam, Chavez
Not so Gentlemen's Club of Despotic Dictators - The Assad regime, Colonel Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were all antipathetic toward……
Santa Claus or Human Rights in North Korea? By Ambassador mo
Under the new “supreme” leader Kim Jong-un are we more likely to see Santa Claus land first or human rights respect arrive in……