AFGHAN DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL (ADFF) (Source: google Images) ADFF is abbreviation of The International “Afghan Documentary……
AFGHAN DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL (ADFF) (Source: google Images) ADFF is abbreviation of The International “Afghan Documentary……
Kabul, April 2015. Shamsa Children Village (SCV) organised its first Kite Flying Festival in support of Afghan children in Kabul.……
Yesterday when I got out of my English class, I got on the bus to come home. There was an empty seat and I sat there, but after……
Bamiyan— I don’t know very much information about human rights. I have heard that there is a human rights organization,……
Winters in Kabul were so cold. But more than the cold, winter was like the season of disaster and madness. I remember one Sunday when……
I have had a difficult life, very difficult. When I was a young girl my parents arranged my marriage. My husband was……
If my heart beatsfor Kabul,it's for the slopes of Bala Hissar,holding my deadin its foothills. Though not one, not oneof those……
Here is an article about me :) You can add your voice by signing the #UpForSchool Petition now.
Moved my office to somewhere else. this time Iv,e tried a different decoration. see by yourself!
I like kabul city and kabul afghanistan people.And kabul afghanistan is a very beautiful city in the world.
اولين ساعت در افغانستان اولين ساعت در افغانستان در سال 1290 ش مطابق 1911 م از……
زمستان در کابل زیبایی هایی دارد که می توان از ان لذت برد
Francesca Recchia is an independent researcher and writer. She has worked and taught in different parts……
The city of Kabul is situated between the wedges of Hind Kush Mountain. Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan,……
An inspiring new photo for "Afghanistan In My Heart" & "Bravery In unity" Campaign The photo was shot on RED MX and color graded……
The Lumix GH3 is an excellent camera for video professionals, Panasonic main aim for the GH3 was to give it greater appeal to serious……
Here is my second blog for SaveWorldChildren, that aims to changes the life of children while involving the donors in their lives……
Afghanistan is a country located in Central Asia and South Asia. Mahmud Ghazni and Muhammad Ghauri were two conquerors, who invaded……
دو بعلاوه دو میشود پنج به کس چی؟ عبدالله حکومت موازی ایجاد میکند به کس……
“We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work” ― Thomas A. Edison Today's……
جدال کمیت و کیفیت تقلب های انتخاباتی افغانستان تیم اصلاحات و همشکاری چنان……
افغانستان افغانستان یعنی سرزمین ناله و فغان و افغان کردن. از وقتی این نام……
The decision has finally been announced today 07th July, 2014 as Independent Elections Commission of Afghanistan had delayed the results……
Captured these photo for SAVEWORLDCHILDREN - Photographer : BY JAMIL YOSUFI A picture worth a thousand words!
Picture of a destroyed building during the Afghan Civil War, Jadai Maiwand Widely known as a technocrat intellectual, Dr Ashraf……
On 14th of June 2014, the whole Afghan nation witnessed a historic day of elections with estimate 7 million voters. This was the 2nd……
'when a storyteller dies, a library burns' Well, can't agree more to it, and it wouldn't be wrong as well if I were to say,……
Here is some images caputured from new music video of "Hashmat Parafshan" performed " Sayre Hasrat" and the video is directed by Jamil……
The second round of women Premier League today begins in Kabul. There are eight teams in the tournament and will meet as a group. The……
all the big cities of the central Asia middle east and north Africa have their great Kabul Herat and, Julalabad ,in Tehran,……
The music video shot on RED MX, color correction done in AE. please look at the frame grab of that bellow. for most of the shots I've……
Some people believe that doing same things is better than trying new things, according to their views of point someone who deals with……
Ancora una volta stiamo celebrato la cerimonia di apertura di un nuovo laboratorio informatico in una delle scuole di Kabul, in Afghanistan;……
Once again we are celebrating the ceremony of an Internet classroom in one of the schools in Kabul, Afghanistan; this will be the……
Finally! after weeks working on post productions like color corrections and editing the music video is finished. We shot it on RED……
Amina Fedawi è nata il 27 Novembre 1855 a Kabul, in Afghanistan. Era una donna molto buona e intelligente, una poetessa che……
Amina Fedawi was born on 27 November 1855 in Kabul, Afghanistan she was a very good and an Intelligent Woman she was a Poet and she……
Introduzione: Quando due cose si uniscono, producono un suono. E il nuovo suono di Cultural Collision,……
This year will be a historical date. it will be a time where we Afghans go to the Polls. and vote for our new President and the future……
Recent findings from a national level representative survey by Glevum Associations conducted in all provinces of Afghanistan……
Though after the disagreement with the requisite President Karzai, the US indicated, it will move forward with their contingency……
Am proud to announce the new upcoming music video for "KABULBOYS" performed "BiaTu". in the last weekend we were so busy creating……
As it would seem our former foreign minister also known as the ‘decorous doctor’, Mr Zalmay Rassoul hasn't been short……
Many have said, 'If it’s possible then do eat fish once a day, if you can’t do that then eat it once a week if still not……
Introduction: When things collide, you always hear the sound. And the new sounds of Cultural……
If you look at the beauty of Afghanistan, it is poetry for your eyes, for your mind and for your soul. Afghans who want……
Afghanistan is located in the north of the KPK province of Pakistan. It shares border with Pakistan and encompasses a land of approx.……
According to Sampson, Higher Education and its importance have long been ignored in developing countries but since last two decades……
فوتبال ورزش مهیج، زیبا و پرطرفدار در دنیا است که از جمله ورزش های گروهی به……
This is a video which I've recorded after a 2 days raining in Kabul city. The next day when i faced with amazing blue and clear……
انتخابات و 2014 ، واژه های که درین سالها بارها و بارها آن را شنیده اید. سر و……
زمستان فصلیست که با فرارسیدن آن مکاتب و دانشگاه ها در افغانستان به سبب……
A City name which is familiar to all, famous for being a war torn City, a city of disappointment and full of pain, a city where all……
It was almost 11 in the morning when I got the confirmed news from a source while I was in office at Sarai Chai Faroushi, Mandai Kabul. ……
it is the continues of last topic about the steganography and cryptography that I did before,at first we encrypt the message and then……
It was usual weekend day in the Lebanese restaurant jam packed with foreigners, business people and officials having a taste……
Kabul (Afghanistan) – Three suicide bombers attacked a Lebanese restaurant in heart of Kabul on late Friday, killing over 14,……
The adrenaline is gushing. The countdown has started. The battle lines are drawn. All the political actors in Afghanistan are……
There are many keepsake stories from the years the Taliban ruled Afghanistan. Most of them gruesome, some of them fascinatingly bizarre……
Afghanistan In My Heart - Inspire Peace Our little Actor for Omar Adim Music video Little actor with his father - they were hired……
Herat is one of the beautiful and historical cities of Afghanistan with different accent and kind people. Although, Herat is one of……
آیه ای برای من 03 لَئِن شَكَرْتُمْ لأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ (ابراهیم ، آیه 7) اگر مرا……
مو هر چی شعر حرف مزخرف همه در این قالب اند مو را از ماست بکشید ای شاعران……
In journalism, the most important or breaking news stories of on the front page. While this is a column, I wanted to share with reader……
It was Paul Gilster who came up with the concept of digital literacy in his book (Gilster 1997). With a broad approach he defines……
As before I mentioned which steganography is the hiding massages in object and cryptography is the encrypted massage in another type……
Introduction: I’ve heard Afghan Proverbs used in a thousand ways. In high-stakes negotiations inside Afghanistan’s……
خانواده کوچکترین اما مهمترین اجتماع بشری است که در شخصیت پذیری و شخصیت گیری……
دیوانه ستان از مرز گذشتم مرز هستی و مستی بگذار تا هستی هایم را فدای مستی……
زمستان با شب یلدایش از راه رسید، شب یلدای که برای بعضی ها گرم و خاطره انگیز……
قاتل آسمان چراغ انداخته بود داخل اتاقم می خواست تمام خواب هایم را بدزدد……
È una tradizione degli Sweeney trascorrere le vacanze al Walt Disney World in Florida. Minnie e Micky Mouse al Magic Kingdom……
The world is divided into two kinds of people, the settlers and seekers. Settlers, though brim with potential agree to live the life……
Violence against women yeah in Afghanistan women are suffer and no one care of them everyday heard that they the Afghan women burn……
ستاره ستاره، ستاره ایست غریب که فریادهایش سالهای نوری را می طلبد تا به……
Having the utmost respect and trust on educational institutions seems to be shattering for me, I always believed that college time……
Name : Asra Age :, 19 years old From : Heart/Afghanistan Graduate from school since 2011Mahjobe Heravy high school I……
Since two month matches have been started for Kabul premier league in ghazi stadium Kabul among 14 teams and final of these games……
At first I must tell that what is Women’s Annex and what is its role in our city and for what they are operating? As we all……
昨晚我出席了一个鼓舞人心的活动,它感动了在场所有的参与者。全球医疗救济基金(The Global Medical……
Farhad Darya is a famous and well-known singer of Afghanistan that is not only known in the country but all over the world. He was……
In Kabul capital of our country games among 16 teams have been started since last month in ghazi stadium and this is the fourth……
Film annex has different parts, film making blogging, influence and sharing. Buzz score is a cause of revenue. Film making: You……
Being a woman in male dominated societies is difficult but it is even more difficult and challenging to be a female athlete,……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
On 16-Nov-2013 Women's Annex participated in 4th Afghan Contemporary Art Prize 2013 at Baghe Babour in Kabul, Afghanistan.……
Art has been developed very well in the last century; it is an activity or a product which is created by human. People have been working……
Although winter started showing it's colors a month ago when heavy rainfall met Kabul leaving us with a week of showers and cold breeze.……
Non sono mai stato in Afghanistan, né in Pakistan. Se da un lato la guerra in Afghanistan è andata avanti per trent'anni……
I have never been to Afghanistan, nor have I been to Pakistan. While the war in Afghanistan has been going on……
زمان از جمله نعمت های پروردگار است که از آن باید با برنامه ریزی دقیق و همه……
Oxford dictionary defines 'etiquette' as the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession……
È fantastico far parte di Film Annex. È una piattaforma meravigliosa per gli scrittori e i filmmaker e riesce a offrire……
For sure, great men like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and Gandhi can be role models for me and for most people because of……
昨晚我出席了一個鼓舞人心的活動,它感動了在場所有的參與者。全球醫療救濟基金(The Global Medical……
Buckle up guys, get your thinking hats on and start collecting the important documents as the opportunities deadline for Afghan nationals……
Capitals over the world are known for their beauty and cleanliness, no wonder the most beautiful cities are the capitals of their……
I want to study political science to be a leader who leads with compassion for her country people; the country which has been extinguishing……
Farid Zaland the founder of one of the most famous Iranian and persian music company, Avang, is a composer, singer and musician, was……
کابل در دو طبقهگاهی با زیستن اینشهر، حسِ قشنگی به ما منتقل میشود.……
Throughout history, the Afghan women and girls were banned from getting an education. Through the years, many advancements have been……
The important decision that I had in my life was about my major in university. When I was child I wanted to be a filmmaker. I know……
There was an Agriculture Exhibition in Badam Bagh in Kabul, Afghanistan. Many Afghan people participated in this exhibition to share……
Al-Farghani was a great astronomer, astrologer and an engineer of the 9th century. His real name was Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Muhammad……
If you look for stories about Kabul, you will find many articles, most of which would indicate the issues related to war and its impact……
在过去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布尔(Kabul)开设了10个网际网路教室和2个Women's……
Theater is a part of fine art which become usual these days in Afghanistan. Theater has a long history and it use live performers……
By passing the time, the women role in our society especially in the economic development day by day is getting bold, and it is very……
Film annex, the most famous and familiar name which has activities in many countries across the world, is the greatest way and chance……
Look closely at the map of Pakistan. The borders of Pakistan meet with Afghanistan, China, Iran and India. These countries are……
When we are talking about the Sustainable Education and Digital Literacy it means we are talking about the improvements of Education……
Afghanistan is our common Home and all the afghan nationalities have the same rights and must take active part in the reconstruction……
All we know that Afghanistan passed war and couldn’t improve in different parts like art, culture, business, economic and etc.……
گزشتہ ہفتہ رویا محبوب پر New Year منانے کے لئے دبیی میں تھی ـ اسی وقت میں……
Being an Educated is a kind of proud for those who are trying to learn and trying to teach. This aspect came from many years back……
On Thursday, 10 October 2013, Roya Mahboob, the founder of Women's Annex foundation, with some bloggers participated to awards ceremony……
Ellis Island, New York As a third generation immigrant with ancestry from Ireland and Germany, I took my ancestry for granted for……
Achievement’s of Afghanistan As almost everyone in all over the world including media talks about the problems inside Afghanistan……
Afghan Women try to change their life. One of the interesting changes which I know is Afghan women are interested in sports. Esteqlal……
As we have a common expression that says “knowledge is power” and with this expression we can have many explanation for……
在過去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布爾(Kabul)開設了10個網際網路教室和2個Women's……
اعتیاد به مواد مخدر همانند مردان بسیاری از بانوان را در سراسر جهان رنج میدهد……
By Chauncey Ross | Gazette Staff Writer The eighth time is a charm — proverbially speaking. Edward Zellem, a well-traveled……
زمانی به صنف قدم می گذارد، بهار با نسیمش می شگفد و مهر، لبخند و عاطفه فضا……
Education in Afghanistan is improving day by day, as far as we know during the Taliban regime, the education system was not good,……
Kabul, Afghan capital is the heart of fashion. Fashion stores and streets are full of stylish girls and boys. Gulbahar Center is one……
For more than 10 years I am running a blog in Dari also I have some short stories in Dari but, I like to have more audiences than……
Saturdays are the first day of the week in Kabul, Afghanistan. Fridays is the off day and the government is not working Thursdays……
Teams from seven countries will compete in the New York Open Team Judo Championship on Sunday, March 3, 2013. Competing countries……
جوان یعنی یکی مثل من و تو که با شور و هیجان است، دنیا را با دستانش میخواهد……
Afghanistan is a beautiful country. It is located at the heart of Asia. It is a dry land country. It has many high mountains and many……
The benefits (mental and physical) of playing football carry over the other sports: Football builds athletes who have strong muscle……
Women’s Annex Foundation is to encourage and to empower women in Digital Literacy and Social Media. In the last……
Historical monuments show our cultural and historical identity and are very important evidences to introduce our existence, believe,……
Historical monuments show our cultural and historical identity and are very important evidences to introduce our existence, believe,……
Private sector had the most important role to obviate the people’s necessitates during the whole period of history of Afghanistan.……
The work of joint Afghan –Spanish private primary school has been completed and was inaugurated in Omid Sabz Township in west……
One of my favorite films on Film Annex, and especially inspiring after the Boston Marathon. Zarlasht is a director in Afghanistan……
The situation for women in Afghanistan improved significantly after the fall of the Taliban in 2001, but recent protests against the……
Recently, my husband, Gulistan, and I directed, filmed and edited a 25-minute documentary for Al Jazeera. Our film, Stranded……
Hello My Dear Friends and my Countrymen, today is a really beautiful day for all Afghans. As we all know that Afghanistan’s……
"AFGHANISTAN IN MY HEART" Finally will kiss the dust, those who set you on fire Will be hanged finally your robbers No worry at all,……
لیونل مسی فٹبال کےدیوتا گردانے جاتےہےـ کئی ریکاڈر ٹوٹتے جاتے ہیں جب……
There's a first time for everything in life, and that first time will be remembered forever. Every pioneer exploring a terra incognita……
Hello the beautiful people of the world, My name is Zarlasht Sarmast and this is my life in Afghanistan. My name is Zarlasht……
My friends outside Afghanistan ask me, what exactly do you like about Kabul that you don't wanna come back home? Well, I've never……
ہزاروں سال کے تاریخ ہمیں پڑھاتا ہے کہ فن ترقی کا پہیہ ہے۔ فن ترقی کے دور کیطرح……
There are three main kinds of health care in Afghanistan. first, there are small clinics and hospitals in all areas and district of……
In 1955, the first techniacl school was opened in Kabul by the support of America. since that time, the Afghn govermant has……
Kabul Education Univecity (KEU) is the newest Univercity in the country, located in Kabul the capilate of Afghanistan. First, it was……
Введение: Несколько искали звезду Афганского профессионального……
A homeland is the concept of the place to which an ethnic group holds long history and a deep culture. Yes that’s……
زندگی سراسر هنر است و ما باید هنرهای زندگی و زندگی کردن را بیاموزیم.……
In her brief interview, Soraya Afzali is adamantly optimistic about her vision for the future of Afghanistan. It was inspiring to……
If you’re ever in the mood to read a very emotional book that will keep you alert and attentive, then you must have read……
Introduction: In Part I of our exclusive interview with Afghan pro football……
Introduction: Few people would expect to find an Afghan professional football * star becoming world-famous on……
Health means the state of being well or Healthy means strong and ……
Introduction: When Afghan movie star Leena Alam told me about the many great works of Hamid Naweed, I knew that the hardest……
Pioneer وہ شخص کہلاتاہے جوسب سےپہلے کسی علاقے یا علم کے حدود کی تصخیر کرے اوربعد……
در افغانستانی که از مشکلات و سختی و تشویش ها بی داد میکنه!در کشوری که مردم……
Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
Introduction: Afghan artist Meena Saifi مینه سیفی is a rising star in the world of international art.……
ٹیم ورک ایک ایسی سیمنٹ کی مانند ہے جومختلف دماغوں کی مجموعی ذہانت کوآپس……
In Afghanistan women and men did not have always the same opportunities therefore women didn’t……
Christiane Amanpour is an example of female empowerment. Most people are familiar with her features and journalistic skills, which……
Today’s Afghan youths comparing to the youths of a decade ago are absolutely different. Today they have got access to……
Introduction: This is Part Two of a two-part interview with Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal, a young documentary filmmaker,……
Introduction: Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal is a documentary filmmaker from Kabul. He is becoming a prominent voice and……
Film Annex is supporting We Believe in Balloons and its campaign to share 10,000 pink balloons with the citizens……
Introduction: Leena Alam لينا علم ……
Sports is not only the physical movement. It is a an inspirational and motivational source for people to compete, move on, respect……
Fashion business has grown in Afghanistan since the last 12 years. Now, Afghan youth are interested in fashion and always most of……
The 2013 Time 100 most influential people in the world list is out! Roya Mahboob is listed in the Pioneers along with other 20 people.……
A pioneer is a person who is among the first to explore an area - geographical or knowledge-based - in which he or she will be leading……
Lionel Messi is the God of soccer. Long-standing records have been falling like domino pieces since he started his professional career.……
The 3 decades of war and misery, not allowing the girls to go to schools, and poppy cultivation are all signs of lack of education……
Today is Thursday April, 11, 2013 almost 4:30 pm Kabul time and I opened my laptop and connected the etisalat telecommunication company……
Introduction: This is the fourth in a series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the American adventurer,……
Teamwork is the cement that keeps together the individualistic genius of multiple brains. Unanimously defined as "work done by several……
فرشته فروغ اخيرن مصاحبهي داشته با ميخايل اسميت رييس پوهنتون آمريكايي……
در مصاحبهي كه خانم فرشته فروغ با ميخايل سميت، رييس دانشگاه آمريكايي،……
در مصاحبهي كه فرشته فروغ با ميخايل اسميت داشت وي ميگفت كه مدت 9 سال……
دانشگاه آمریکایی افغانستان که از سال 2006 به این سو درافغانستان برای رشد سویه……
Last week, Roya Mahboob was in Dubai celebrating the Persian New Year. At the same time, I was travelling to D.C. with Fereshteh……
When NATO troops flew to Afghanistan, they brought different changes with them to our country. First, they overthrew the Taliban Dictatorial……
Thousands of years of history teach us that art is the vehicle to development. Art is the key factor to world changing events like……
Introduction: This is the third in a series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the legendary American adventurer,……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
Herat manufacturing companies are located right in a location where there was only a dry desert about ten years……
Every place in the world, every people, every culture imaginable has, is and always will produce music. Humans have always felt the……
When one talks about human being, there is no difference between men and women. They all need to have a sound health.……
Three domestic and two international groups were approved through the Expression of Interest stage for the purchase of New Kabul Bank……
Kabul’s Kocheh Gul Foroshi, “Flower Street”, was packed with a huge crowd of young people who were there to buy……
Introduction: This is the second in a four-part series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the American expatriate,……
First of all want to congratulate Film Annex team with launching their new online platform "Women's Annex". Women's Annex promotes……
Introduction: It’s always both thrilling and humbling to be face to face with a rock star. That feeling never goes……
In latest hundred years Afghan girls destination have got many vicissitudes. Afghan girls had terrible condition in Afghanistan. They……
Divorce ain't easy in Afghanistan.In a culture in which many men still choose women and arrange for their forced weddings, once a……
Kabul Museum Kabul Museum was once considered the most comprehensive. Record of central Asia history. Also known as Afghanistan National……
Establishment of banking system in 1312 (equivalent to 1913 in Gregorian calendar) with the inauguration of Bank Milli Afghan (Afghan……
There are monuments in the world that exert the type of charisma that transcends geographic borders and brings cultural differences……
People work all over the world to facilitate peace in many ways. Some try to implement it quietly, others use tanks. Some meet with……
When I saw this video, I was inspired by Sam French. While most of us are affected by war stories, very few of us are able to do something……
Film Annex and the Afghan Citadel Software Company are currently building Internet classrooms in 40 schools in Herat – the third……
Some people kill for greed. Some people do it for power. Some kill because triggered by uncontrollable passion. Others do it just……
Some countries are faced with a deluge of problems. It may be plagued by religious fanatics, terrorism, corruption or political upheaval.……
The headlines are not particularly encouraging. The Taliban appear to have adopted a new tactic that is intended to discourage the……
Roya Mahboob's visit to New York was very inspirational for me. Her role in Film Annex's endeavors in Afghanistan, both……
Herat, the third largest city in Afghanistan, houses about 400,000 people. Absent from any list of prioritized locations to visit……
On Sunday, the world was once again shaken to see a series of attacks carried out by the Taliban forces on a number of strategic targets……
Articles on Afghanistan and tomorrow's topics about Afghanistan:World News Afghanistan:Marine Cody Wilson establish global headquarters……
Yesterday, Film Annex's Eren Gulfidan contacted three major technology companies:Canon (we are currently using the 5D Mark……
Afghanistan's current events switch from good news to bad news, fueling the debate over the country's current state and what……
During my two-day visit to Jacksonville, NC, I learned more about Afghanistan than the 43 years I spent in Florence and Manhattan.……
Watching the video, Kabul Rock Festival, I was hit with a deep wave of appreciation for where I live and the many freedoms that I……
One of the most meaningful achievements of the Internet is its ability to connect people from different backgrounds into a common……