A Glimpse of My 2018 Travels Quarters 3 and 4

My house is merely the base camp for my adventures. A world left unexplored is like owning a mansion and never leaving the guest bedroom.……
My house is merely the base camp for my adventures. A world left unexplored is like owning a mansion and never leaving the guest bedroom.……
Image credits: Jean Beltran via Bitlanders Society Facebook There's a funny statement that says, "Calories don't count on the weekend."……
Image credits: Jean Beltran uploaded via bitLanders Cloudy, windy with a combination of rain plus a bumpy ride. The four-wheel vehicle……
Image credits: Jean Beltran uploaded via bitLanders With a very limited time of two days and one night, our plans for the first……
Image credits: Jean Beltran uploaded via bitLanders The tone of the final shutter echoed in our rented empty room of Greenstates Suites……
The mobile screen blinks for notification, the comfort room lights were on, the tripod's gone as well as the camera gears, this means……
Image edited in Canva credits: Jean Beltran uploaded via bitLanders The night's strong rain halted as the early morning's sun appeared.……