Response to Nathan Glaser and Sergio Doretti about how Women's Education can help resolve Religious Fundamentalism and Terrorism

Yesterday, I posted an article titled “Women Education can help to resolve Religious Fundamentalism and Terrorism.” ……
Yesterday, I posted an article titled “Women Education can help to resolve Religious Fundamentalism and Terrorism.” ……
昨天,我很荣幸地参与阿富汗女孩财政援助基金(AGFAF , Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund)的务虚会,地点是在新泽西州的劳伦斯维尔学校(Lawrenceville……
البارحة حصلت على فرصة جيدة للمشاركة في حفل التمويل لفتيات افغانستان……
昨天,我很榮幸地參與阿富汗女孩財政援助基金(AGFAF , Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund)的務虛會,地點是在新澤西州的勞倫斯維爾學校(Lawrenceville……