New Beginnings

This is my new beginnings. In our lives we go through so much. But if we just hold on; things in our lives would only get better. ……
This is my new beginnings. In our lives we go through so much. But if we just hold on; things in our lives would only get better. ……
Image Credits: AI film theatrical poster AI Artificial Intelligence – is actually the name of a 2001 movie directed by Steven……
Firstly you need to find the things which are giving you headache and stress. Once you find it, throw it away from yourself or take……
Photo Credits to Edited By Elliz How To Ignite The Artistic Side Of Your KidsEssential Guide to The Future Artist……
A leader brings change in not only his surrounding but also in the world. He thinks about humanity beyond the borders. He works optimistically……
Photo Credit: Ylanite Koppens via Pexels, Edition by Pamclamille for There are different cultures around the world……
Photo Credit: Pixabay via Pexels , Edition by Pamclamille for Another year had passed and you’re still……
Second Letter *** To the man of the house, the husband, provider and most especially, the father. Be proud, you are doing a great……
To the girl who keeps on waiting for Mr. Right, This month is not about waiting, as people may be crowding your walls……
Photo Credit: Ben_Kerckx via Pixabay, Edition by Pamclamille for Love has been described as an emotion, a way……
Photo Credit: luizclas via Pexels, Edition by PamClamille via The most common reasons why many relationships fail……
Poetry is something I like to talk about, to talk, to share, we all have different points of life according to experiences that come……
Maybe it does not end here or the rest of the life starts from now on. I know that the last effort of your effort will be to try and……
One loved one, I loved him even though I did not know him. He could never accept me, even knowing that he loved him. I used to dream……
hi everyone its nice to be here with you !!
I love girls so much beause good and nice
Away from Home Home is actually the unreality of what we usually feel. The tradition to go home and see the reality we’re facing.……
How to recover after breakups? It's not easy but it's possible.All we need to just control our thoughts if we have control on it we……
5 Gift Ideas, As vital members of your entourage, your groomsmen play a tremendous function throughout your wedding ceremony day.……
friendship is a good thing in life yes having a lot of people that love you has an amazing feel and give an amazing positive energy……
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you. (Ben Folds, “The Luckiest”)Time and time again I have to pinch……
The sun is there so that we appreciate the day. The moon is there so that we appreciate the nighttime. You exist so that I can truly……
I adore summer. This is the best time of the year.. When the temperature is +30 degrees and more.. this is just paradise. I live in……
Everyone has different point of view about this...I am just giving my opinion.. I am in a long distance relationship so the following……
Why hide it when you have the right to show it. Everyone has their story to tell some are scared to do so but someone brave enough……
"Pride and Prejudice", first published on January 28, 1813 as an anonymous work, is the most famous of Jane Austen's novels and one……
. Video Credits: JiangChenXiaoXi via YouTube (with English subtitle) Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders Let's talk about love. ……
This is the month of rain in Bengal. Rain comes first in Kerala in India then it spreads all over in this country. Now a days because……
Lovely weekend but not p
This is our Room.... and this is the daily routine.... feel comfortable.... for anything...... remember I am here for……
Love is the most powerful feeling that people experience in their lives. The feeling of being as a whole with someone is the best……
What is love the trully? Can you explain.. Is in marriage, in which number love is?? Please write here to explain for me
Hello Bitlanders! I just love watching throwback movies, reminds me of the times when I get to just relax and enjoy the day. Today……
Image edited by Docxdrl on Canva video credits:How to do Anything via Youtube May is a special month……
My name is Asghar Bin Khaliq I am 21 year Old Single Boy. I Bron in Pakistan city Karachi in 31st July 1997. I have Two Brother My……
A Very Good RelationShipNeeds Just Two Things..A 'LITTLE TIME' To Be Spent With Them..&A 'TRUE CARE' To Be Shown Always....Good……
I Can See YouIn My Hands.Whenever I Join Them To Pray.Ur Face IsOne Of Those Who Live InMy Heart.Because Our ReLation Is FromHeart……
Take time to pray…it helps to bring God near and washes the dust of earth from your eyes. Take time for friends…they……
Share this SMSIt’s in Those SPECIAL Moments we shared together..Those LAUGH we have together..Those SECRETS we share.Those PROMISES……
My Introduction to Bitlanders Hi Everyone, after reading a blogpost on Steemit about Bitlanders, I decided to check it out. Well,……
Meaning of Life - Photo credit: Amber255 via Welcome to read my new blog. I love psychology. I love reading……
Today I am going to share one of experience of saving a tiny life. Once I was returning home after evening. The place I used to live……
The star spoke of its coming It said; when you see these signs know that the time is nigh. When you hear the……
Gone are the days when I only looked at your face Gone are the days when my heart was your resting place Gone are the days when I……
WOMAN INTRODUCTION; The human that she named as women is the complete package of all things, joy, happiness and those things emotions……
I am pretty sure that everyone at least once wondered what love really is and how to find it. I have to say at the beginning that……
Check these out how glorious some part of the body you Should never damage in the system the pain could be enormous
A short film about love, regrets and happiness. Produced by our section. enjoy. Tagalog language
There was a game I loved most. As a child I played it with friends within a quarter of our polygon yard. We would call out to each……
Abundance is more than money. Abundance is having what you need when you need it. Power Manifesting is the ability to solve……
Image suorce:
Betrayed Woman A woman has always suspected her husband of cheating on her. So, one afternoon she hid herself under the bed in their……
I know from personal experience that when you see a blog title that says '5 things' or '10 ways' or the like, you never actually read……
i saw her, she was standing in a bakery besides me and asking cashier to settle her bill of the package she had in her hands. I turned……
1= Sticker Shock This Means That London is expensive.You have to pay much more then your expectations for everything. 2= They Drive……
Happy holidays bitLanders! To celebrate Valentine's day and the Chinese New Year in 2018, we’ll be releasing……
The main dream of every person to be happy. And what is true happiness? And how to be happy? For many centuries, scientists, philosophers……
I talked to one of my friends about his restaurant affair that failed even before it started. My friend told me she did not say ‘no’,……
Introduction I always used BitLanders to blog about things I liked, things I wanted, or things I thought would be of some interest……
hold on to the every good things ever happened to you because who knows what we'll become tomorrow if we lose something or someone……
Hello guys, INTRO I'm here to talk about my passion of acting. I am an actor here in Montreal, Qc, CAN, and I can tell you……
The family 3 different personal which have so many happiness togetherfathermotherand daughter The husband good looking guy whos always……
Welcome back to the second part of love. Now I would like to tell you something more about love. I was astonished that love had caught……
The truth of Love! Video Credits: Youtube via Sandeep Maheshwari Channel Hello friends, Good morning! Image Credits: &……
When I tried To Say How Beautiful You Are. She Said Gently'How Stupid You Are' Unfortunately She Didn't Exept Me So I've Tried To……
When life hits you, be an elastic band not a hard rock. All our lives we are taught to be hard as rock or as strong as a steel rod……
Actually when girls say that you broke or that you are breaking our hearts, we do not really mean that it was only our hearts that……
Actually when girls say that you broke or that you are breaking our hearts, we do not really mean that it was only our hearts that……
''I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens……
SUN 12:08AM Ashley 3:56AM I read somewhere that when your heart gets broken, it is either of two things. It could be like a……
In my point of view a very strong and big wish can be feel like its love . but strong type of wish cannot be a love or love feeling.……
10.They always have the perfect idea for a date! Movie lover or cinephile never come up short on thoughts for dates; they'll generally……
An ambivalent feeling I felt,And it's hard to get through about it.Is this really a part? of the stupidity in Love.That my only desire……
Photo Credit: PART 5 Hello how are you guys It’s me again the “strange and mysterious”……
Photo credits to Dr. Harold In our generation nowadays, I guess only a few believes in True Love Waits because if they do believe……
Please watch and subscribe me on youtube
Photo Credit: How are you guys? Right now I’m laughing while reading the last few lines of……
What Is Passion? Passion is a natural gift given to us by someone. In simpler words Passion is given to us by Allah. Now day’s……
Hi Hello I am John from pakistan I really like pakitan and pakitani people Muree is to much beautifull place ……
Photo Credit: Takmeomeo via How are you guys? Hope you enjoyed reading the first part of my story. ……
Kubra Khan is a Pakistani actress and fashion model. She made her film debut in the 2014 Pakistani comedy-thriller film Na Maloom……
WomanSo soft an tender,when we love we love completelyWhen we take up a responsibility we see it until it is completeMen does not……
photo by Zainab via Long Distance Relationship is already very common nowadays. Everyone has their own stand about this……
Important Notes In this blog I will be analyzing how the YouTube channel AreTheyGay has evaluated Hannibal and Will's relationship.……
Hi, I am new here, i dnt know much about . one of my dear friend told me that bitlander is a social media site alike……
Hello, this is my first experience on this website l wish I know many friends and communicat with many peoples all over the world……
love e so best thing in human bings
Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a wonderful week. Today I have decided that instead of using images to suit my blog, I will……
So, Hi! I am a new member of this website, and i hope i make friends with some of you. Im not a really good blogger but i can try..…… defines generation gap as ‘a lack of communication between one generation and another, particularly between teenagers……
There's nothing quite like romantic movie to make your heart go aflutter and sometimes ,in this my first blog i want to show……
I LOVE TO WASTE TIME on the internet watching videos on how to waste time? Lazy as hell Thats me
i love wasting time on watching youtube videos on '' how to wastes time on the internet '' A tech blogger , Who loves……
Pakistan!! For many of you this world only may strike hostile and dangerous. Many of you may think that way, but once you are here,……
Love is the best hallmark in the world. Without love, everything is baseless. Love brings about everlasting peace. This promotes peace,……
Howdy! Being at a lost state of mind confused on what to do is just what exactly happened to me for the whole summer.……
HOW TO BE A PRODUCTIVE PERSON Hi! Good day to all of you fellas! I'm here to share some of my insights about in HOW TO BE A PRODCUTIVE PERSON……
yeah i know that relationship sucks sometimes fucks. But i know you guys loves to be in the relationship. one fact 'girls love to……
i love life this is 100% perfactes .becuse this is not only diloge this is 100% this is may life expernaces if you love any……
Work work and only work that is the slogan of today’s busy life. Youths are spending time in studying , internet using , in……
According to Medical News Today(, stress is a reaction produced by your body under……
Today is Mother's Day and we all know it is a very special day. We celebrate our mom it is very important because she gave us a meaning……
About two weeks ago, my girlfriend and I ended our almost-five-year relationship. Even though we both know it's for the best……
Have you ever fallen in love with an artist of any kind? Or are you curious what it's like to love one? Well I'll give you four reasons……
Everyday you wish for a bigger picture, but truly you have to start with yourself <3. Love yourself first. Understand what you……
Hello, today I need to talk about parentingOur parents, our co is very important to take care of themWhat should be his to lose from……
Click Right Here And Play it Before You Read source I believe in true love as i watch my mom stay still and live her life even after……
This is the era of Social Media and every single person is active on it. Every one share something Inspirational, motivational, educative……
Do you feel the love on bitLanders? You might have noticed that we have just released the Valentine theme for February - the……
Happy valentines Day everyone!! We all know Valentine Week is started from 7th Feb , and its known as the Lovers Week. So, in this……
Psalm 103: 7 -14 David's Psalm 7 He revealed His character to Moses and His deeds to the people of Israel. 8……
A romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, this play takes place in Athens as Duke Theseus plans a large festival around……
Frequently a top author’s choice, this Leo Tolstoy novel is a literary soap opera. Set in the highest circles of Russian society,……
Love brings up emotions that run the gamut from agony to ecstasy. Love can inspire us to accomplish some of the craziest and……
I'll give you tips on a somewhat mystery that not too numerous men need to discuss need regards to your issues in drawing in……
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. Being hurt inside seem like to be left alone in a corner……
Just a few weeks and love will be oozing to our atmosphere because……
Most people around the world think that the generation of young people in Afghanistan are always suffering from war and the……
The best place to visit on your trip to Karachi. What makes this place more beautiful is the cold breeze you can fell in love with……
Vocabulary, a world where letters compile together to raise different empires called words. These words struggle so hard to……
1. It feels down right healing to see lots of men, women and even children standing up for women in light of so much blatant degradation.……
Fall In Love, Before You Decide to Love Image Source: Google Selfishness - We've criticized the word in such a way, that no one in……
I have posted an article on niume about butterflies. Link below.
Give up and give in. Give it all you've got and choose wisely. Sharing the love. Hope all is well with you all. Have a blessed new……
There is no time to waste on people who bring you down, on things that are not fulfilling. There is only time for what brings you……
" محبت آخرشے ہے کیا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔؟ وصی میں ہنس کے کہتا ہوںکسی پیاسے کو اپنے……
For all women with cancer? She's beautifulAnd I mean in love She is the oneShoot my heart like a gun When……
I love you, and wished that you knew that, but I am afraid. It’s just been too many damn times, my poor heart has been broken.……
Hiiiii Bitlanders Lovers Hello Blogers How R U I HOPE You Are All Fine I Am Praying For Your Good Health ……
Grab Attention: The Things that Attract Men. Girls often wonder what are the things that attracts the men towards them. The conclusion……
She puts a hand to his mouth. She has not touched him in three years. It probably would be too much to say that he feels the darkness……
Escape me? Never Beloved! While I am I,and you are you: So long as the world contains……
Its easy to pretend a smile "☺"But hard to hold back the Tears "
adlove is a awesome app i have used it before and it is great i have heard really good reviews about it and everyone has downloaded……
i love using adfly it is awesome and it is a great way to make money these……
Money can buy many fine things, but love, peace, and happiness are the most precious treasures to be found. ……
"Unless love is passion, it's not love, but something else; and passion thrives not on satisfaction but impediment . . . When passion……
You broke my heart. But still I love you with all the pieces. The feeling to be love and beloved is one of the best feeling and the……
“Đêm qua anh đã hỏi Người, liệu anh có thể xin hôn em một lần nữa không?”.……
Yes, even the parts that hurt, even the ones that are feeling disease right now. It's alright to love what is in pain. More than alright,……
Give love today. ……
There is nothing in the world that love can’t conquer. ... But Love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for……
Hugs tell us many things; that we are loved, that we are important, that we are valued. This message is a little hug from God……
Every moment has its on time. "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace." Ecclesiastes……
The more you are, the more you can be for others. You cannot give to others what you do not have yourself. First, make yourself……
hello guys is this is the really official trailer of fast and furious 8
Since the day we first chatted, I sensed something unique from you. And yes, I was broken that time and you came to my rescue. I was……
Cassy is a 1 and 6 months old baby girl. Her Dada bought her a ball this afternoon and she was really happy to have it.
Its been awhile I am here in Bitlanders and honestly, I am contented enough that I am here without minding that you are earning here……
I'm a students, i were like very beauty full girl, and you? i believe that you too, so who are love you? i love, miss the girl friend.……
"MY LOVE" Life is full of surprises. One minute you think your in love with someone who you think you can be with forever,……
it's 3:08 am and it's been weeks since you've left. I stare at the ceiling, catching my breath.I dreamt that you were still with me,i……
Best lines of this novel.
"Can't Help Falling In Love" Wise men sayOnly fools rush inBut I can't help falling in love with youShall I stay?Would it be a sinIf……
A broken heart that loved truly cannot be healed overnight. It takes time, courage, and the conscious decision to walk away from the……
I love my country pakistan essay how to write excellent essays how to cite internet sources in a research paper how to write a persuasive……
Family is the central unit of a general public and guardians and youngsters are the mainstays of it. Guardians are a kid's optimal.……
Here’s a very quick overview to the book I am posting about before I start off with my second blog here in Bitlanders! ……
Mùa cưới năm nay, các phim trường là một trong những địa điểm yêu thích cho bộ……
Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players on a cricket field, at the centre of which is a rectangular……
how much have you and I served those very parents?ask yourself, how many times that phone will ring and you see it clearly, it says……
The Birth of A Butterfly by, Cobalt Foxx E-book: $1.00 (FREE with Softback) Softback: About: A contemporary, tragic love story……
The Day it Rained Caterpillars by, Cobalt Foxx E-book: $1.00 (FREE with Softback) Softback: $7.99 About: The people of Iceland lived……
money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money……
There are so many places that we can bring all the peacefulness of our lives. It has been years that my father passed away and this……
What Men Secretly Want While Dating Online Now you understand that online dating is without a doubt the most popular and most……
LOVE IS LOVE I’m on a mission, and I couldn’t be happier about it. I always wanted to tap into my life’s……
LOVE IS LOVE I’m on a mission, and I couldn’t be happier about it. I always wanted to tap into my life’s……
Facing love related problems in your relationship then contact to Astro Sameer and get highly effective solution of all love problems.……
`**`SKY OF ETERNAL LOVE`** `**`SKY OF ETERNAL LOVE`** There is dwelling of love in the sky aboveStars twinkling in holy light……
i love bids.birds are so beautiful
LOVE LOVE LOVE OH MY GOOD I AM IN LOVE -I have felt more connected than ever with people outside of the church.I hate to even……
OH MY GOOD I AM IN LOVE 1. I have felt more connected than ever with people outside of the church.I hate to even say this out loud,…… Such worlds are still unseen but they exist such pains are out of our sight but they felt our relationship……
We should love our life and it positivity may help us to improve the quality of life some time i become so sad about few missing blessing……
Powerful Love Spell is a powerful way for interact to desire lover. It is easy to use and work instantly. It is also useful for repair……
Katyusha was written in 1938. It was about a girl named Katyusha who missed her boyfriend because he was fighting for his country.……
He wrought at one great work for years ; The world passed by with lofty look; Sometimes his eyes were dashed with tears ; Sometimes……
Real voodoo spell help you for fulfill your desire and needs. It is a useful art of astrology for remove the love issues to relationship.……
The following is my horoscope reading for May 2016. It sure seems very positive, since it says that I can help many other financially……
With using tips of Love Astrology you can resolve all kinds of love problems permanently to life. Here our astrologer gives the complete……
PAIR OF EYES This pair of small eyes,Help in saying big things,Love not expressed……
`...:::...**`SKY OF ETERNAL LOVE`**`...:::.. There is dwelling of love in the sky……
How to PURPOSE Girl: We're best friends, right?Boy: Yes, of course. Girl: So be honest with me, who do you like?Boy:……
Love Back Vashikaran Specialist Astrologer provides the astrology services for resolve love issues to your life. Our Baba Ji is solve……
All I wanted was someone to care for me, All I wanted was someone who’d be there fo me, All I ever wanted was someone who’d……
As days go by, my feelings get stronger, To be in your arms, I can’t wait any longer. Look into my eyes & you’ll see……
I feel that I’ve forgotten you.. I feel that I have moved on, but the moment I see you in front of me.. and the moment you look……
Are you searching for that other half. Most, if not all human beings are prone to long for that special someone that they hope one……
I.LoVe.YoU..........ghumman.........I.MiSs.YoU I.LoVe.YoU..........ghumman.........I.MiSs.YoU I.LoVe.YoU..........ghumman.........I.MiSs.YoU……
Kaash use chahne ka arman na hota,Main hosh me rehte hue anjan na hotiNa pyar hota kisi pathar dil se humko,Ya phir koyi pathar dil……
LovE.StorY. kuch is yese mile wo do pyar karne wale. ek ……
Anarkali and Salim: A Mughal Love Story Emperor Akbar was so enamoured of her ravishing beauty that he named her “Anarkali”,……
The Love Story of Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is an enduring tragic love story written by William Shakespeare about two……
Laila and Majnu Love is a delirious passion! And nowhere is it better witnessed than……
Always try to be better than yesterday!Do not think about past, its gone.. Think About now and future
The darkness So complete And a perfect Seal for all. My mind is contained By this seal For all eternity Or so I believed. She appeared……
Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face (Whoa-Oh-Oh) There's no one quite……
What is loveOh baby, don't hurt meDon't hurt me no moreOh, baby don't hurt meDon't hurt me no more What is loveYeah Oh, I don't know……
Always, there are places that can remind us memories. For me, it's on a Japanese eatery at the 'toba lake' street. I have no idea……
Where has my heart gone? I don’t feel it in my chest It must be somewhere… But where is it? Hello? Do you know where……
I’m so tired of this empty feeling,I’m so tired of being alone,I lay here staring at the ceilingWaiting by the phone..……
I know I shouldn’t care or wonder how you are because someone is with you at this moment,doing the role that I’m suppose……
If tomorrow I die & don’t get a chance again to say how much I Love You..Just always remember,That once I was Yours &……
After getting cheated in true relationship,I have heard lovers have committed suicide. I find life beautiful and i don’t want……
I feel that I’ve forgotten you.. I feel that I have moved on,but the moment I see you in front of me.. and the moment you look……
Sometimes in life you feel so blue,but someone somewhere is not as happy as you. Far at the border when a soldier sleeps,Missing his……
When the Sun is Sleeping and the clouds are in queue,I pray to God, Take care for You.When the stones are milky and water fall the……
I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens……
“Mother Earth speaks in a language people can’t understand but dogs and cats, snakes and leopards can. Mother Nature loves……
DON'T cry over anyone who won't cry over you
''Mom, I am going to school, take care'', said Clive to his mother.( He slipped at the doorstep) ''Clive, be careful, don't……
I Love bitLanders (Please tell me that this site pays or not) Tell me this site scam or Right
People war with each other over silly issues. There are a lot of people in this world including kids who do not even have the luxury……
MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT US Reality Television Series (My Personal Review) I was busy researching something on the internet yesterday…… :تفصیلات پڑھیں
یہ بہت عام ہے کہ محبت کے معنی ایک مرد اور ایک عورت کے درمیان محبت کے تعلقات……
Sometimes i think i can go without you... Other times i can´t breed when i think you are not close to me. What should……
Hey! are you scared of being in a LDR (long distance relationship)? well... you shouldn't be! There are ways of overcoming……
Hi im Niknaks im just a simple boy that likes to hangouts with friends a simple boy that likes simple things and i also easy to be……
It's heartbreaking to realize with absolute certainty that one day, I will look back and wonder where my sweet girl went and why my……
The word "love" can have a variety of related but distinct meanings in different contexts. Many other languages use multiple words……
The strongest muscle of the body is Tongue: The wikipedia has termed tongue as the strongest muscle of the body proportional to it’s……
How I Found My Soulmate, Part 2: Appearance of Ken Soh (Someone I Knew Before) This is part 2 of my love series where I share my love……
The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with. #subscribe for more #amazing #facts……
Coca-Cola was originally green . #subscribe for more #amazing #facts
JEEP is a vehicle with unique Gear system. It was invented during World War II (1939-1945). It was named 'General Purpose Vehicle……
Valentine’s Day 2016 falls on Sunday, February 14, 2016.Get some funny Valentine’s day quotes for 2016 from here and send……
"پیاری بیٹیوں کے نام"وہ پیچھے سے آ کر اپنے ننےمنے ہاتھ میری آنکھوں پہ رکھ……
Hey guys this is the fundraising campaign for my graduation film. I am trying to raise money for the post production. The film is……
Final Day Of PSL
Believe me that way is too longLook , your face turning into separationWe promised to love at the beginning, didn't we?Your other……
Hi to all Bitlanders all over the world as you know today is the FINAL MATCH of Pakistan Super League between Islamabad United and……
ایک نوجوان لڑکی کا پہلا لو لیٹر ’’ First Love Letter of a Girl‘‘ایک خط جسے……
Love Means 2 See Someone With Closed Eyes,2 Miss Someone In Crowd,2 Find Someone In Every Thought,2 Live For Someone, Love Someone……
Moral SMS A leaf falling from the tree is at the mercy of wind, it goes wherever wind takes it.Be the wind to drive others, not the……
The Pakistan Cricket Board is a sporting organization that is responsible for governing all professional cricket, including Test cricket……
Syed Zaheer Abbas Kirmani in Punjabi and Urdu : سید ظہیر عباس کرمانی; born 24 July 1947), popularly known as Zaheer……
Mein tumhe apni kahaani kehne ja rahaa thapar dard ki lehron mein, meri aawaz doob gayiMaine prayaas kiya shabda kehne ka,par mere……
Yesterday, I met a guy called William. It was freezing cold - minus 3 degrees - and I was going into a fast food joint to get……
Step 1 - Get your Bitcoin Wallet address if you don't have Step 2 - SIGNUp Click and creat account Step - 3……
Hello... Just testing will write later.... We should help each other and unite to earn.. Bbye love you all..
Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another. Thomas Merton
There Are All Kinds Of Love In This World But Never The Same Love Twice!
It is such an amazing story. The one on the left, his name is Tae-Ho and on the right that is his younger brother. Tae-Ho is 11 years……
i 'm love whith a coco
Muḥammad[n 1] (Arabic: محمد; c. 570 CE – 8 June 632 CE),[1] is the central figure of Islam and widely regarded……
Enjoy..... I LOVE QUOTE
love quotes collection
Happy Valentine's Day! Get in the mood to celebrate Valentine's Day by giving your avatar a red heart balloon to carry around! Plus,……
my opinion is love youself many of us dream of growing old with a person we really LOVE. We envision long conversations over the dinner……
LOve is stupid thing If you involve you self means you waste you time Because You waste you best time wrong hands So i suggest You……
We spend a lot of time dreaming about love, trying to attract love, and once it’s in our grasp, worrying about losing it. But……
Ghamzada Nahi Hota Ke Ishara Nahi Hota Ankh Un Se Jo Milti Hai To Kya Kya Nahi Hota Jalwa Na Ho Ma,Nee Ka To Soorat Ka Asar Kya Bulbul……
“Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” its humble request respect your……
Hey dear friends how are you all.Friends are the most important part of our life. stay blessed and happy always
ICC T20 world cup & Bitlanders Cricket Accessories ……
This is the oldest Turkish soup made of red lentils, carrots, potatoes and onions. It is usually eaten with bread and a squeeze of……
James Bond's first Istanbul journey - From Russia With Love (1963) Sean Connery (Brtisish spy 007 James Bond) and Daniela Bianchi……
James Bond's first Istanbul journey - From Russia With Love (1963)Sean Connery (Brtisish spy 007 James Bond) and Daniela Bianchi (Soviet……
When you come visiting Turkey, no matter which place in special, you will be overwhelmed by a kind of hospitality you never experienced……
When you come visiting Turkey, no matter which place in special, you will be overwhelmed by a kind of hospitality you never experienced……
The mentality of Turkish hospitality is, whatever religion you are from, whichever country you come from, whatever language you speak,……
a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person: attraction that includes sexual desire : the strong affection felt by……
Legends of Tomorrow, is an American TV serial created by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg and Phil Klemmer,……
1 Raat wo Dair se Ghar AyaApni MAA k0 Muntzir Paya Maa ne kahaBETA.Jb tk Zinda hunJaldi Aa Jaya Kr? W0 Hansa..0r kahaMaa Tm to……
The definition of romance, according to Merriam-Webster, is a medieval tale based on legend or love; something that lacks……
Love will stand the test of time,when beauty fades,when the strength of youth is gone.When attitudes flare and words cut,and you feel……
"I will love you as a thief loves a gallery and as a crow loves a murder, as a cloud loves bats and as a range loves braes. I will……
Game Of Thrones: Game of Thrones is a fantasy drama.This drama was created by show runners David Benioff and D.B……
Some of the Great achievements of Pakistan throughout 2015 ……
REDEEMING THE TIME There are two things in life that we cannot take back, words when you already said them, and time that has already……
(I Like) The Way You Love Me [Verse 1:]I was alone in the dark when I met yaUuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuhYou took my hand and you told……
HOLD MY HAND Akon and MJ oh yeah yeahThis life don't last forever (Hold my hand)So tell me what we're waiting for (Hold my……
The Girl Is Bad The GIRL is Dangerous The Way She Came Into The PlaceI Knew Right Then And ThereThere Was Something DifferentAbout……
JAM Nation To NationAll The WorldMust Come TogetherFace The ProblemsThat We SeeThen Maybe Somehow We Can Work It OutI……
Once Upon A Time : In the land of Ingary where such things as seven-league boots and cloaks of invisibility really exist, it……
Man in the Mirror I'm Gonna Make A Change,For Once In My LifeIt's Gonna Feel Real Good,Gonna Make A DifferenceGonna Make It……
Keep The Faith If You Call Out LoudWill It Get InsideThrough The Heart Of Your SurrenderTo Your AlibisAnd You Can Say The WordsLike……
Heartbreaker Deceitful eyes, she's got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can……
SCREAM [Michael]Tired of injusticeTired of the schemesThe lies are disgustingSo what does it meanKicking me downI got……
Hello , How are you ,, Should you be in love , because life are small . Thank You
Pakistan's independence Day Pakistan's independence day (also known as Yom-e-Istiqlal (Urdu: یوم استقلال )) is observed……
History He got kicked in the backHe say that he needed thatHe hot willed in the faceKeep daring to motivateHe say one day you……
Here I am Here I am, this is meThere's nowhere else on Earth I'd rather beHere I am, it's just me and youTonight we make our……
The Lion King Another made-for-video sequel to a Disney masterpiece. As with the Beauty and the Beast and Pocahontas……
You Rock My World My life will never be the same'Cause girl, you came and changedThe way I walkThe way I talk I cannot……
Well,til I know what this is all about,remember everyone,give love receive love :)
CRY [Verse 1]Somebody shakes when the wind blowsSomebody's missing a friend, hold onSomebody's lacking a heroAnd they have……
Stay With Me I remember the prison of all memoriesAnd I'm drowning in tearsCome and help me pleaseStay with me,……
They don't care about us Skin head, dead headEverybody gone badSituation, aggravationEverybody allegationIn the suite,……
You Are My Life Once all aloneI was lost in a world of strangersNo one to trustOn my own, I was lonelyYou suddenly appearedIt……
I Just Can't Stop Loving You I Just Want To Lay Next To YouFor AwhileYou Look So Beautiful TonightYour Eyes Are So LovelyYour……
Who Is It I Gave Her MoneyI Gave Her TimeI Gave Her EverythingInside One Heart Could FindI Gave Her PassionMy Very SoulI Gave……
everlasting song from this century :D
Fall Again Feels like a fireThat burns in my heartEvery single moment that we spend apartI need you aroundFor every……
Crush ( Firs Love) I hung up the phone tonightSomething happened for the first timeDeep inside it was a rushWhat a rush……
Breakup I love you but I don't thinkI can love you anymore... When I kiss you so good,Why would you wanna break up?When……
Heal The World There's A Place InYour HeartAnd I Know That It Is LoveAnd This Place CouldBe MuchBrighter Than TomorrowAnd……
It's Not Goodbye And what if I never kiss your lips againOr feel the touch of your sweet embraceHow would I ever……
Man in the Mirror I'm Gonna Make A Change,For Once In My LifeIt's Gonna Feel Real Good,Gonna Make A DifferenceGonna Make It……
Earth Song What about sunriseWhat about rainWhat about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain...What about killing……
You are not alone Another day has goneI'm still all aloneHow could this beYou're not here with meYou never said goodbyeSomeone……
WHY Why does monday, come before tuesdayWhy do summers start in juneWhy do winters come too soonWhy do people fall in loveWhen……
I wanna rock with you [1st Verse]Girl, Close Your EyesLet That Rhythm Get Into YouDon't Try To Fight ItThere Ain't Nothin'……
Human Nature [1st Verse]Looking OutAcross The Night-TimeThe City Winks A Sleepless EyeHear Her VoiceShake My WindowSweet Seducing……
The Lady In My Life There'll be no darkness tonightLady our love will shine (Lighting the night)Just put your trust in my heart and……
عقل که به سن و سال نیست. آدم عاقل، عاقل به دنیا میآید. مثل همین دو تینایجر……
Relationship I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where……
A happy family is but an earlier heaven You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.Family……
Sadness in my life Some days are just bad days, that's all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness, and I remind myself……
Love is a circular emotion that surrounds you, like a hug. Or a noose. A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away.Millions……
BEST OF JOY The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes……
1 : Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it. 2: There is no beauty without strangeness. 3: Beauty……
There will come a time when your “someone” will slowly sneak into your life and will make you feel like the most……
Brave –Movie-Review....! This lively circle of relatives film – set in the olden days of Scotland – gives us a stressful……
love Shayari love
Today, I am reminded that my elementary school years have almost completely shaped who I am today. A bunch of kids who couldn't have……
Nature defines paradise ..... The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to……
Last kiss of my Life Don't ask me what is wrong? just put your arms around me and hug me tight , cuz i need your hugs……
Loneliness is my best Friend I need a break from Loneliness That is totally consuming me .. i smile all the time so that……
Friends are the siblings GOD never gave us Friends can……
dil buhat achi chez ahi es ko mat dard do dil mein khuda hota hai
The most important habit and motivation of those with unseen depression to understand is that they search for love and acceptance.……
FAMILY Family isn't always blood. ……
I'm writing this blog on my favorite female tennis player, Daniela Hantuchova.Lets start the blog: DANIELA HANTUCHOVA Daniela Hantuchova……
MARIA SHARAPOVA Maria Sharapova is a professional tennis player from Russia.She is 28 years old and is currently ranked as……
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You are a wonderfully, giving, person inside and out;A thoughtful, treasured,friend without a doubt. If I could be so honestFor……
Tom Cruise Tom cruise is most famous actor and Hollywood's leading actor Tom Cruise was conceived on July three, 1962, in New York.……
m not special, I am just a LIMITED EDITION. There are 3 types of people in the world- vegetarian, non-veterinarian & Tuesday Saturday……
arly morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious. 'I never forget a face, but in your case I’d be glad to make an exception.'……
Failure is always temporary, only giving up makes it permanent. Work hard in silence & let the success make noise. ……
Tempat berlindung yang memberi keteduhan dari keamanan, kenyamanan dan sadaran segala harapan, yang sudi menjadi tumpahan segala kepedihan……
Can't you feel the LOVE!! It is all over the site this morning. That's what we really need, my friends (and acquaintances, and detractors,……
Derita yang berkepanjangan memang sangat menekan hati dan pikiran, membuat gelisah jiwa serta kecamuk pikiran yang membuat sakit kepala.……
was a american singer , songwriter, actor , producer and awesome dancer as well . He was also known as the King of Pop . His……
SERENA WILLIAMS Serena Williams, a 34 year old woman who is a professional tennis player from United States of America.She……
“Love lets you find those hidden places in another person, even the ones they didn’t know were there, even the ones they……
It was you who made me see how truly happy it was to have you; you were a godsend. Now, with ♥ crushed, I have only the memory……
You may not have heard me tell you that I ♥ you, but the way that I look into your eyes, the way I smile when you pass by,……
Sometimes, it's hard to find words to tell you how much you mean to me. A lot of times, I don't say anything at all. But I hope someday,……
NOVAK DJOKOVIC Novak Djokovic, a 28 year old guy who is a professional tennis player from Serbia.He's the current world number……
Music Is just like a happy component in our life.When we are stressed, music can help us heal our unpleasant mood. A beautiful music……
Hi Bitland! This is my first time. I don't know what's goin' on yet but I'll figure it out with the help of Bitlanders as well. As……
One of my best blessing... I love this girl
The choice for a higher lifestyles is occasionally so massive that it makes human beings depart their countries and their families……
"Lions" Red sun go down way over dirty town Starling are sweeping around crazy shoals A girl is there high heeling across the square……
Papuk Nature Park Papuk is the largest mountain in the Slavonia region in eastern Croatia, near the city of Požega. The area of Papuk……
Small Things You Can Do Every Day To Largely Improve Your Life Love this infographic? Share it with your friends on Facebook You may……
Image courtesy of Song by Kaligta As I joined my classmates bonding, one of them played the song BROKEN HEART……
God is not merciful to him who is not so to humankind. He who is not kind to God's creation and to his own children, God will not……
We love ourselves even after we make so many mistakes, so why do we hate others for few mistakes they've made? Forgive others the……
When you smile genuinely, it not only sparks feelings of happiness and well being in you, it also implies to the people around you……
There are many statements and pieces of advice that can be said about what it is to live so fully that you won’t have any regret……
@ Want to be more creative? Creativity is within your reach if you can cultivate the proper habits. You need to cultivate proper habits……
You Know You Are In A Good And Healthy Relationship.
Education is one of the basic acclivities in all human societies. The word education is derived from the Latin word educate which……
Marshall Bruce "Eminem" Mathers III (born October 17, 1972)[2] is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer, and actor……
Things You Should Do Now, Rather Than In The Last Minute Of Your Life
“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ― Dr.……
چلو ھم مان لیتے ھیں۔محبت اور سیاست میںسبھی اطوار جائز ھیںانا کی جنگ میں……
10 Scientifically Proven Ways To Stay Happy All The Time……
my name is Saqib Shehzad nik name ( ghulam Bahu).I was born on the 2nd of June in 1990 , I am 25 years old now. I have got 1 sister……
The world isn’t like Einstein’s idea of reciprocity: The force you exert will return an equivalent opposite reaction.……
Girls are equal to boys in terms or rights, brain and soul. They are as strong as boys, as capable as boys,as intelligent as boys,……
After Pakistan went through a massive turmoil, one man took the country’s destiny in his hands for the betterment – his……
Listed are some quotes about true love, do spread the magic of love. Read on to know more. “I love being married. It’s……
Calling for a global response against Islamic State (IS), DG ISPR Lt General Asim Bajwa said on Friday Pakistan had “zero tolerance”……
Can Pakistanis rise to the occasion? It’s been a while since I last visited Pakistan; long enough that the kids……
Ladies if come across a man , who is smart , hot , humble , educated financially secure , passionate and patient , great fixing……
Questions for photographers. Hello, 1, Tell us a little bit about yourself? 2, What does photography mean to you? 3. How you become……
1, In a few words -or sentences-, how would you describe your work ? 2, You have been taking photographs since the age of 13, what……
Givkwik #GivingTuesday Campaign and Event NYC 2015 - I Chose Life Vest Inside What is Givkwik? Givkwik is a software……
I dont know what to write but i am writing <3 I dont know what is loneliness but i feel lonely... misd you <3
i live in city of love we love ogethers my city is lovefull All picturs is my home welly in pakistan we care All movements
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Hey there everyone,……
Refuse to complain. Complaining is just a way of not taking responsibility, justifying doing nothing and programming yourself to fail.……
Hey there everyone, my first blog is going to be about love. Yeah that's a word which even a child knows these days. And well the……
? What is love? What is laughter?What is living happily ever after?What is hope? What are dreams?What is it when nothing is ever what……
This is for Married couple credit: youtube
As I said I will write a blog on mathematics so here it is, the reason I thought of it is because I'm just studying Advance mathematical……
After several previous blog discusses about the TV Show, this time I will discuss about a movie. Because watching a movie is one of……
The Family Argument It was late on Saturday afternoon. A young man was in his room. He was putting on his clothes. His clothes were……
WHO IS ROGER FEDERER ? Roger Federer is a professional tennis player from Switzerland and regarded as the greatest tennis player of……
From past few years relativity theory given by Scientist of all time Sir Albert Einstien was one of the most impressive and revolutionary……
I slip in lionize soon,That's the vent of dandelions, I float in consent to breathe without wings,That's the fly of dandelions,I travel……
Meet my nephew. I love him so much. I believe he is my immunity because whenever i see him i feel better, i forget everything and……
Sometimes if you ponder you realize that everything there is, is because, you are. The whole universe, everything is because of you,……
History Zaheer ud din Muhammad Babur is known as founder of the Mughal dynasty which ruled Indian Empire for almost one hundred and……
My Best Actor In Bollywood Amir-Khan My best favourite actor is in bollywood Amir-khan.Becuase he is a good Actor and he is also nice……
The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid Outside of a cat, a book……
Love is a temporary madness.It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides.And when it subsides you have to make a decision.You have……
Love vs Romance Love and romance are sometimes interchanged for each other since they are closely related in a particular context.……
Do you have inner satisfaction and contentment? Or, there are some wishes still left or things undone? Listed are some things that……
Whenever we ask, “What is love?” it’s usually because a) we’re unsure if a certain special someone really……
LOVE makes our friends a little dearer.JOY makes our hearts a little lighter.FAITH makes our paths a little clearer.HOPE make our……
In this spirit, we have put together a great list of our favorite short love quotes. Pick out one that resonates with you and remind……
The country France is a very beautiful and wonderful country and Paris city of France is very famous for its beautiful looking tower.……
Like Us On Facebook A three-minute subway ride and a whiff of cologne were all it took for me to remember a part……
My Favorite TV Show - FPJ's "Ang Probinsyano" (The Man from the Province) (image source: Short Introduction……
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rainTelling me just what a fool I've beenI wish that it would go and let me cry in vainAnd let……
I WILL SHARE DAILY fIVE TIPS OF LIFE. Today my tips are as follows 1.^^^^ Its one of my favorite . its healthy and useful at……
Ho jaayegi jab tum se shanasaai zara aur,badh jaayegi shayad meri tanhaai zara aur. Kyon khul gaye logon pe meri zaat ke asraar,aey……
Problemi sin dall'inizio e quindi abbiamo preferito non continuare per poter ripartire domani e proseguire la fase di sviluppo della……
Hi everyone, you know mostly person have a Girlfriends, i am with my Girl friends her name is ayisha, she is pretty Girl. She is awesome……
A English Translated Version of an Urdu Poetry ( Waiting for My Beloved ) for my friends who don't understand URDU.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------Season's……
It was, as far as I can ascertain, in September of the year 1811 that a post-chaise drew up before the door of Aswarby Hall,……
Heart Attacks and Heart Disease More than a million Americans have heart attacks each year. A heart attack, or myocardial……
lately i have been asking myselfhow my love for you has not yet dwindledinto nothing but a ghost after allyou have broken my……
Hi there everyone! Good evening to all my fellow bitlanders . How was your day? Trust everything's fine by God's Grace Fascination……
In today’s world, there is a certain type of infidelity in relationships. Trust and honesty seem to be limited, and we tend……
LOVE (2015) is Haver Full Movie Online 1080p “Love,” the fourth, and easily the least unsettling, feature from the……
"I am what I am" Since I started to write actively online 5 years ago, this has always been my signature bio.……
The most common and disturbing of all human emotions is envy. Envy has existed and everyone has experienced it sometime or the other.……
Love you my beloved country pakistsn
He met her on a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him.……
Kali Linux
#Love ! Do AlL things With Love ^_^
Praise and Worship
Facebook: Coke Studio Instagram: Coke Studio Coke Studio is the only show i like the most .it entertains me always because its the……
sunaa hai log use aankh bhar ke dekhte hain so us ke shahr mein kuchh din Thehr ke dekhte hain sunaa hai rabt hai usko Kharaab……
By Ansar Al-'Adl / 12 Mar 2013 This is one of the most convincing things about Islam - the treatment of women in general and especially……
Riyadh Gallery is one of the biggest malls of Riyadh. But still it never stays rush-free. The infrastructure of the mall in built……
Love............. We love other people, or we say we love other people, when we are attracted to them and when they make us feel good.……
Female should understand that in case of a Guy its always going to be your looks first because we guys are designed in that way and……
I like the dog because it is a faithful animal, and it protects us everywhere no matter whether as the circumstances. Dog hearing……
So as of right now, I know what’s best for me. And that’s to get over him, even though I can’t. My life is still……
When asked about the people who taught us the most, who were there for us through hardships, who laughed with us during the good times,……
The importance of listening cannot be emphasized enough in life. It is of great importance and without proper listening skills you……
In earlier centuries when technology did not take over, the atmosphere of every house was very different from today’s……
Who: 24-year-old country girl Carrie Harwood, now based in London Why: Lipstick lover Harwood's casual style has a super-cute retro……
The statement above can be rather easy to understand but a bit harder to actually do. How do you love yourself? Well, you have to……
If you just do not understand any of enough life no creature, and (in many cases, the same plant) caterpillar is only in the case……
Soccer or football has beecome a world wide recogzined sport in todays era. Nowadays, even though our country’s……
It is not just that there is a need to take care of their own people, it is our life. Desperate, love and the need for interest in……
IDYLLIC HAPPINESS "Happiness is not by chance, but by choice." - Jim Rohn Don't involve yourself with people who are……
So a day or two before, the citizens of Islamabad were all wearing light clothes as the weather was quite comfortable. Neither……
Read an article on IPHONE Company on how they get their minerals for making of an IPHONE cellphoneGot really Heartbroken when i read……
As a person living in today's life, one might say that the pursuit of happiness is nothing more than a dream that cannot come true,……
You said I was crazy to sign up for an extreme long-distance relationship. You were wrong. I live in Orlando. He lives in Australia.……
Justin Pierre James Trudeau Born December 25, 1971. is a Canadian politician and the Prime-minister Designate of……
If roses were red and violets could be blue, I'd take us away to a place just for two.You'd see my true colors and all that I……
INTRODUCTION Religion Islam which over 2+billion people follow around the world have mainly two sects (Division). Division is basically……
When I was 12 years old, I met a girl named Lola at an all-girls art summer camp in the Berkshires. She was a beautiful brunette with……
HR Manager Wrote Love Letter To His Girlfriend !!! Ever Wondered How A HR Manager Could Write A Love Letter To His Girl Friend? Dearest……
Be with someone who you don't have to hide from, in any way. Whether it's your morning face before you've put your make up on, an……
i loved a girl since my school days but never had the courage to talk to her. She is so beautiful i could see her for hours. When……
Okay, let's be real for a moment. I grew up in an era before digital cameras, GPS units, or even email. Not sure if that's……
Love or lust? A man who can ask you for the marriage will never have a lust for you, It is love <3 Watch below how he proposed……
Below mentioned text is totally my opinion. Yours might be different. Feel free to say what you think. :)Love means pure happiness.……
I’ve been with him for just over a year. I’m a runner by nature. As in, when things start to get serious, when they……
لندن(نیوزڈیسک)ہمارے ہاتھوں کی وجہ سے لوگ ہمیں پسند کرتے ہیں اور انگلیوں……
اسلام آباد (نیوز ڈیسک ) شادی کی تیاریوں کا جھنجھٹ کسی عذاب سے کم نہیں ہوتا……
So you met in a party at a common friend's place, took an instant liking towards each other and decided to take things to the next……
- Allah (GOD) has placed babies in the womb of women in a very salty juice, deliberately to lighten the weight and at the same……
Now a days we all are busy in our own life, we have no time to think about whats going on in other people life whats the problem in……
What is living..? maybe it just means to breath oxygen and pass your time. But what about those dreams you build in your mind and……
hello people
I want to inspire people I want someone to look at me say "because of you I didn't give up" You work hard you will get results……
I want to inspire people I want someone to look at me say "because of you I didn't give up" You work hard you will get results……
The picture says that all,every one should visit this place!
The picture says that all,every one should visit this place!
"Life is an highway, If you are social, You'll take more time to reach your destination but if you are determined & motivated,……
One of biggest hit phenomenom in The Philippines right now is AlDub. AlDub (sometimes known as MaiDen) is a fictional "love……
A few days Ago, a boy in Sindh shot a female student in his school during assembly time and then he shot himself with the same gun.……
When the world was sinking in the abyss of ignorance and civil and military wars were on the rise, there was a need for a reformer……
Only the dead have seen the end of war We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking And……
Oh my, that feeling. I know it so well. It is rather uncomfortable to bear, isn't it? But as with everything in life, you have to……
In what you say of another, apply the test of kindness, necessity and truth, and let nothing pass your lips without……
If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice of love ……
For most of us, being called an “old soul” is considered a compliment. It means you’re wise beyond your years. It……
What is love? Can you find it in the corner? Or buy it in the market? Can you chase it? Yes you can but you don't seek for love, because……
hy friends
Some say falling in love is the closest we mortals have to magic. There’s no explanation for it, no rationale for it. The……
If you want to take a trip to pound town with eight different guys tonight, you should feel free to do that. But a lot of people wouldn’t……
Moving on from heartbreak is grueling. A large chunk of the past year of my life was spent trying to get over someone. But that stopped……
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How amazing would it be if love were always reciprocated? If the people we cared for loved us just as much in return? It sounds……
sacha pyar naseeb hun
Summer has come to an end. Fall is upon us. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to 60-degree weather. It allows……
Let me just start this out by saying I’m pretty young. I’ve only been in college for a year, and I probably still haven’t……
Relationships are complex. They can be anything from the thing your fifth-grade sister has in between classes with the boy at the……
Muslims celebrate two religious festivals every year - Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha. Eid-ul-Fitr is a festival that precedes the holy……
Healing from the Earth: Thermal spas in Croatia Inland Croatia is truly a convalescence paradise. Numerous natural thermal……
so sweet and yummy! :D
I love collecting LoveQuotes :)
I’ve had my fare share of both amazing and horrific experiences with women. I don’t fall in love easily, and I’m……
In the year 2015, so much is reliant upon the idea of instant gratification. Over the past few decades, our patience, as a society,……
The Voice ~ There is a voice inside of you that whispers all day long, "I feel that this is right for me, I know that this is wrong.……
It’s not easy loving a Pisces. Members of this sign can be a bit wishy-washy and emotionally driven, and they’re constantly……
Out of the long list of strange things people are attracted to — a list that includes foods, new shoes and accesories.……
A new day and a new year, shana tova! As I walked out my house on way to bet Knesset on Erev Rosh hashonnah. I and other Jews on shabbath……
The trifecta of a romantic relationship -- intense love, sexual desire and long-term attachment -- can seem elusive, but it may not……
i miss you my jaan
i love my jaan
duniya bewafa
True love is like a pillowYou can hug it when you're in troubleYou can cry on it when you're in painYou can embrace it when you're……
I can't do the talks like they talk on the TVAnd I can't do a love song like the way it's meant to beI can't do everything but I'll……
Choose someone who can not only be your lover but also your family. Someone who can accepts you and everything about you like your……
Is Peanut Butter Good for You? – SECRET Revealed Ingredients: Unsalted peanuts – 1 ½ cups Pure peanut oil……
When it comes to behaviours that will have a negative impact on one's life, trying to please others is high on the list. And this……
Then will come a day that I understoodThough pleased with how eagerThe cold kept still not movingThen only, but also know how. Then……
Loving the Foreigner (Leviticus 19:33–34) Mildred Hoyt, “Mid” to her friends, left this world and went to rest in……
The first few weeks after giving birth are full of changes and adjustments both for a new mommy and her newborn. Although it is quite……
Nightlife in Croatia: Not Your Ordinary Kind of Fun When the night falls, Croatia becomes a great plain canvas that you get to paint……
8. Turn him on You can turn him on even with a kiss only, but it`s much easier, more sexually and passionately to touch him down there……
6. Touch his ears and neck Touch his ears and neck lightly to make your kiss more delightful. It`s been proven that a man`s ear is……
4. Touch his face When you kiss him, you can caress his cheeks as well. It`s one of the best ways to boost sexuality and to really……
2. Touch his chest Not only do girls have sensitive breasts but man`s chest is also his erogenous zone. No matter whether he has some……
Lovely Ways to Use Your Hands When Kissing Kissing is a sweet workout that can spin your head around and make you happy in……
Life is to short to chase people, people can be under the same roof with you and you still won't be able to catch them, so stop. The……
Well there's a Peter Pan moon shepherd's delight I got to dragon at noon, yes and I won the fight Now I want my reward in heaven tonight,……
Do Just what You Love & Love What You Do It is difficult summing up a life and also specifying it in a couple of web pages. Theorists……
We are a Global Network of Open, Beyond Sustainable, Co-governed Communities, New Paradigm Nonprofits, Cooperative Businesses, Sovereign……
Buzz if you are agree, Also Comment for Double agree!(Y) I am son of my World's greatest mom, As all of you are ;) THanks!
Love will not always wait. Sometimes when you let go of the chance and let it pass you by, there is a possibility that you won' find……
I thought that my first blog should be a little introduction to me and what you should expect more of on my profile:) Hello,……
The Hurt Has Taught You Its Lesson I heard a quote from Comedienne Sheryl Underwood that blessed me so. She shared an experience……
The love a parent has for a child is pure and unconditional. Its amazing to see the extent that a parent can sacrifice for their kid……
You can hear people say that friends are the one of the most precious gift you will have in your life. I agree with that. I am blessed……
You know, when you walk at the cross of street you see crowded people wait for traffic light.. you see it to be slow motion and to……
Review: ‘The Last Love Song,’ a Biography of Joan Didion “the unspeakable peril of the everyday” represented……
You pursued me and followed me everywhere I go. Befriended me and finally earned my trust. I believed in you and finally……
A man was polishing his new car; his 4 yr old daughter picked up a stone and scratched on the side of the car. In anger, the furious……
Chek my video here on youtube
When we have a life of full harmony we will have the strongest vibration possible thus reaching God level. We are made up of trillions……
All dreams need to be tested to see whether they are in truth attainable in reality of your life. A wife is always the best "critic"……
Some simple, yet effective advice I wanted to share with you from "Self-affirmations are positive, not negative, statements……
"The laws of love differ from the laws of arithmetic. Love hoarded dwindles, but love given grows. When we say 'I love you', we mean……
This video are few compilation of those home coming event. If you have a family, relatives or friends who are working on government……
Some inspirational words for this lovely Sunday morning: "May all creatures, all breathing things,all beings one and all, without……
So you’ve decided it is time to explore an alternative way of living? “Off-the-grid” refers to living in homes……
Well there's a Peter Pan moon shepherd's delight I got to dragon at noon, yes and I won the fight Now I want my reward in heaven tonight,……
If you watch the news, chances are you feel the world is a dark and scary place. This is because the predominant focus of mainstream……
Whether a home online love ... 200m By sharing of Thien Ly, Nguyen Phuc her home and only about 200 meters apart. But years before,……
This is my Cockatiel she is now 8 weeks old. I got her when she was 4 weeks old.I have been hand feeding her around the clock for……
Earth, beautiful planet on which we are living. some awesomely cool facts about Planet earth....... Earth is the third planet from……
It doesn’t just take two people for a good kiss. Both of them have to be skillful with their lips and tongues, to be into each……
Hi Friends Im Making group for online job do u interest in online home base job contact me im waiting for u.....
Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you.
Hello, Any one Try Yroo?
A man was out for a drink with his wife one night and he said, "I love you".The wife asked, "Is that you or the beer talking"He……
I've never understood why women love cats. Cats are independent, they don't listen, they don't come in when you call,……
My 4 year old grandson really wanted to give his dad and grandpas very special gifts. He worked really hard on his father day, cards……
The very true but quite a miserable and pathetic reality of life is that “we never know. The worth of water, till the……
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِIn the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Kind There are……
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِIn the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Kind “Verily……
How the Prophet Peace be Upon Him Fasted In Ramadan The Prophet (saws) would not begin fasting Ramadaan until there was……
People tries to give meaning and definitions for the word Love. What ever they try to say is going be Kneel Down in front of the Greatest……
If you love someone so deeply, it doesn't mean you love that person everyday. There will be inevitable times of hatred, insecurity,……
Top earners make $100,000 PER WEEK! GET YOUR SLICE OF THIS PIE * If you can tell the genre stories readers want to read, you can sell……
I am beautiful because I am aware of my flaws. Sometimes we thought that being beautiful is just a matter of becoming flawless on……
Once there was a king . Who had a beautiful daughter . He had only that daughter , so he loved her very much . He was always ready……
Stay up-to-date on the latest #news and advances in #Alzheimer's treatments, care and research. Get tips for living with Alzheimer's……
Love is life...
Dieses rührende Video geht um die WeltDie Künstlerin #Marina #Abramović sieht ihren einstigen Geliebten……
We should start appreciate life and it's beauty in all ages... At the bottom line health is the biggest treasure a person can……
A disc of jade slides o'er the velvet sky, I feel myself a small reflecting star, To seek in dreams her loveliness so high, To watch……
In my own personal opinion, art is your life, predicted into one state of mind. I feel as though art, could be confused as just……
Happiness is something that everyone loves to achieve, to reach and when they had already the happiness they wanted - that……
Love u
I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and……
LOVE YOUR HUSBAND When he orders you to make tea or coffee.He wants to feel fresh to listen to your nostop talks. Love him if he looks……
Wo mujhey dekhta tha toh yun lagta tha jese main bani hi us kay dekhnay kay liye hun. Mujhy shoaq tha uska, mujhy uski wo chah thi……
Some signs are perfect matches while some are less compatible or even born opponents. Take note of the signs that is compatible to……
Even two halves of a sliced avocado can become adorable critters in the hands of a creative artist like Ukraine-based Anna Dovgan.……
Yes somewhere someday someone will express their love for you. And when they do, hold them tight and don't ever loose them. You will……
Sign Up Here Simply dowload soft and hanging garments . Wish you make more money
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They were surprised, dumbfounded. When they saw each other years after they'd departed. The instant reaction was an unconditional……
Something Different, Men like in Women - III Mostly, men like women who are little bit different from others or in herself comparing……
Something Different, Men like in Women - II As I started to discuss the points which different things man want to see in woman look……
Something Different, Men like in Women - I Sometimes it is better to dare to become little bit of different in between husband-wife……
True that. You only live once, so don't waste yourself. Don't give up on yourself. Don't underestimate yourself, you have the power……
She is always there, thinking about you talking about you. Missing you and always regretting the chances she lost. How can you not……
Attraction, love and relationships are fueled by actual chemicals, well, who hasn't heard that line nowadays? So many different hypothesizes……
I dwelt aloneIn a world of moan,And my soul was a stagnant tide,Till the fair and gentle Eulalie became my blushing bride-Till the……
To be honest I don't want to get into the formal blogging patterns of giving an introduction and all. This one is totally about everyone……
Anyone know how to defined this word? There are a lot of definitions for "love" such as: feeling, an irony, an ilusion even……
Hand-Crafted with Scroll Saw 8"X8"-1/2" Thick Oak Plywood Front & Back 4 hooks I use a satin clear coat on all my projects, which……
a life is once experienced this planet may never come if you believe in rebirth it could occur as a bee or a bug a human life is rare……
Saying I love you is so easy...but do you really mean it? Do you listen to her/him?? Lovers talk all the time, but most of them hardly……
As I am doing BS honors in Chemistry. Beside my studies, I also observed some characteristics of girls of my College. And I described……
Lying on the fog of my thoughtImagining the instance your face would grow fainterSurging with passion my poor body distraughtGone……
Black labrador caressing the abandoned baby lamb. A video showing how much they love each other. Animals have an amazing capacity……
Friends of TC, Pomplamoose, just posted a new video that features a lady, a drone and a single rose. The song, Madonna’s……
A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them.……
I felt sadness as I checked the shop. I`m about……
Shona would give her soul to people. She would care the whole world for others but only in a certain way. She was a great friend.……
It's really hard losing someone in your life. And it's really true na habang my time ka pa na humingi ng sorry at mgsabi na mahal……
Photo Credit: Pixabay If there is one thing that I learned from my experiences about handling a relationship, that would be not……
My mom is not the typical mother that everyone thinks off. Hindi siya ung tipo na pipirmi sa bahay, maglilinis, maglalaba,……
There really is no greater courage than living smallness without becoming small of heart.
Time can literally flow by and do nothing about your pain.It doesn't heal nor conceal your scars. We do it ourselves. Time has no……
God really surprises us everyday. Most of the time we are questioning why He sometimes won't answer our prayer the way we wanted it.……
I've always wanted to become a pro in taking photos. Only that, I don't have enough skills and gadgets to try things out. That's why……
#1 Look good. It’s harsh but true, appearances do matter. After all, physical attractiveness relies solely on outward appearances.……
Hello. The following I will introduce a new side to earn money and reputation from past to present. Registration……
1. Trying to improve him/her. News flash: There’s no such thing as a perfect person, so don’t expect unrealistic……
Ang buhay ng tao ay mapaglaro. Minsan masaya. Minsan malungkot. Minsan okay lang. Minsan hindi. Ang gulo diba? Parang pinaglalaruan……
I I am an avid fan of reading fan fiction. I don't know why but I am having a different world when I am reading those kind of……
If she texts you, text her back. If she wants to hang with you, hang with her. If she wants to talk to you, talk to her. If she wants……
I love the fresh fruit, the dry fruit: pomegranates,raisins, figs. I love the kohl, henna and bangles,the clothing, pottery, flowers,……
The seven keys to life are just simple yet oftentimes they're forgotten.
A boy found a tear in his gf's eyes, he grabbed her in his armsand hugged her tightly....But the girl Still continued to cry.……
A girl and a guy are on a motorcycleGirl: This is really scary, slow down!Guy: No, I'm having too much fun!Girl: Please stop!Guy:……
Anu ano ang mga tungkulin ng magulang at ng anak:
LET'S Join to earn more money JUST UPLOAD 24 PHOTOS AND SHARE 10 PHOTOS ON IT EVERY DAY and you can promote your……
Certain things occur in our life which may leave us thinking that we are lost, hopeless and forsaken. However, if we look back after……
Well, sino ba di nakakakilala sa kanya? Pag narinig or nabasa niyo ang name niya, tiyak matutuwa ka...bakit kamo? Siya kasi ang "Reyna……
Gusts heatstroke will come at the most delicate love, warm sun drops then have the power to destroy. If so, when do you get back,……
In addition to gambling he even ate her in a cave as a couple, shopping for her, bringing tourists everywhere. Once he went 6 months……
You trade the position and his position is. You dazzled looks poise of a man mature and experienced. You trade the money my husband……
If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're……
The things that prove how our mothers care for us. How they love us :
Have you noticed that almost of my post here is somehow talked about loneliness, sadness, longing and everything about sad. But honestly,……
A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They……
Moving on is the hardest part to accomplish in life. Whether you will not think of it, it will just goes in your mind, having flashback……
“It’s okay, you know. All of it. How he’s not thinking of you, not the way you want him to. How you’re missing……
I love you money go on with my team
Since and then, I really want to be in a wedding and sometimes, it goes in my mind to walk in an aisle and my love is waiting for……
Hi everyone! This is my first post and I want to talk about the Law of Attraction ~~ (Success) (money), (Love) Okay, now let's……
Edward: If i ask you to jump down,will you do it?.Bella: yes i will.!!.Edward: Why?.Bella : because i know you’ll catchmy hand……
Love: makes our friends a little dearer Joy: makes our hearts a little lighter Faith: makes our paths a little clearer Hope:……
Kindness is more persuasive than force. Absence is to love as wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and enkindles the great.……
I can live, I can love I can reach the heavens above I can right what is wrong I can sing just any song I can dance, I can fly And……
There’s a huge difference in terms of the two words I had placed in the title of this article. Infatuation and love. Most of……
Love is the most beautiful thing to have, hardest thing to earn and most painful thing to lose. When you smile a……
Its been usual for us GIRLS to really have that kind of dream of meeting someone that can be our knight in shining armor. Most of……
When you simply live your life in a way that makes you happy, then it would never really be necessary to actually care about……
It takes just one moment to tell the truth but entire life to believe,Just one moment to destroy but years to built,one moment to……
t was many years agoWhen I studied in university.I had a small, lovely friend then,The young brother of a classmate.……
Her: Is it hard? Him: What? Her: Being in love with me? Him: Definitely. It's hard dealing with your tantrums,……
Sometimes our idea of love is not the same as what love really means. It is not just about the happy endings and fairy tale like stories.……
“Never ever think that you are not enough. Never hate and doubt on yourself just because someone rejected you or just because……
Do more than exist. Live.Do more than hear. Listen.Do more than agree. Cooperate.Do more than talk. Communicate.Do more than grow.……
#good #like #awesome
We dream for something, we dream for everythingbut we never noticed that we had already the greatest gift ever in our lives. It is……
Big Fish - "I'm going to spend every day of my life looking for her. That, or die alone." Up - "Thanks for the adventure. Now go and……
#Awesome#cute #couple
Your beauty is my aim to cherish Your grace makes me die and perish You travel in my blood; tinkle like heart beat Your……
Golden light spread along Hearts bowed in crimson light Music dances like a song Whenever she comes in sight Her……
Green eyes and red lips Beauty portray all good tips On her grace my heart trips Eye casts and heart sips Heart……
Love is but a pure reflectionWhere we see all in actionSense of sacrifice dominatesSincerity makes us soul matesSensual charm, spiritual……
My sweet beloved.golden light. a glow I don't know how to express my love with youAt times I see you in me and weep thoughHave……
FROM MY HEART: A million stars up in the sky one shines brighter i can't deny A love so precious a love so true a love that……
Since I heard it from an old man in the streets when I'm studying college in Dasma, Cavite. I was stunned by the poem content and……
Don't expect to see a new smile ... then smile back!Don't wait until love ... Then new love!Don't wait until be alone ... Then remember……
Yesterday my boyfriend and I went to Barcelona... we walked a lot and had a good time :D I bought some teas (I love tea!!)……
Funny Stupid Love Some times, we are used to do things that from the start we already knew they are wrong. I tried thinking……
Takot na akong Umasa dahil ayoko nang mabigo, Pinipigilan kong Magmahal dahil ayoko nang masaktan pero may magagawa paba……
smile a lot you can beat the stress out smile makes your face look bright and a frown makes it look tight spread the joy never……
Consider the ways friends make life better. Authentic friends… 1) Encourage us. Friends believe in us. As……
You take out my lovely side.. but i don't deserve it from you. En este mundo existe cosas muy bellas, entre ellas las más simples……
Be with someone that will never bring any hurtful words just because he/she’s mad. Or felt a jealousy feeling with someone you’ve……
tum bun mari ishqi hi aduri thuma milna ha zorari
Why Do Some Relationships Fail? Reality checks! It is sad to note some relationships fail, others are still……
Love like a unconditional love, otherwise don't name your love a love.
I really appreciate how people in a province try to live simply as it is.Hearing the rooster crows, the birds chirps, or the……
Mahilig talaga ako sa mga lumang awitin at sa mga OPM.. kaya ayan gumawa ako ng compilation..
Miss you so much DAD , i will never forget you e please never forget me :c Love You <3 I Hope you are in Peace! I´d……
Life is test .For man to go through it. Life is a struggle. For man to fight it. Life is a race for man to……
Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they needed your approval. Extend to each person,……
The previous episode of the local Philippine TV show which I had watched talked about moving on, the main character of the said episode……
I LOVE YOU are simply magical . We say these words to ones whom we love . You might say these words with utter sincerity but……
Once there was a time when people lived outside houses. Their only intension was to come home back and see their parents. And at present……
Today , March 14 , is WHITE DAY . I heard that Japan , South Korea and other East Asian countries celebrate……
A loving relationship is onein which the loved one is free to be himselfto laugh with me, but never at me;to cry with me, but never……
Love is a temporary madness.It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides.And when it subsides you have to make a decision.You have……
This is one of those miraculous stories that makes you catch your breath. The gift of a child is unlike anything else in this world.……
This noon time TV series is my favorite series and I love watching this while working at my office. Yeah it made me realized……
Till death Do us part..
Life can be very noisy. If we allow it, we can live stressed out, uptight, in a hurry and on edge. We’ve got to learn to not……
Finally i joined the world of bitcoin, I'm so glad to be here , because here i have a great opportunity to read your thoughts and……
"Quest of Love" Red Golajer Who would not want to love and be loved? Of feeling so divine, loneliness we shoved I had trudged……
here is example of true love
Katatapos lamang ng Pebrero 14 , tiyak ay marami pa rin ang mayroong ngiti sa kanilang mga labi dahil sa pagdiriwang ng Araw ng mga……
If your relationship is not going well, you better watch this. The 9 secrets of happy couples. Always remember the basics, a great……
Are you in-love? It's a nice feeling right? It's always been so good that there is someone taking……
I am iron deficient and I know I feel it when I do not properly take care of my body. SIgns- hair loss- exhaustion- heavy periods-……
Travel inspiration from movies Have you ever watched a movie that makes you do your luggage and go to see the world?……
A SACRIFICE i keep on wondering what to do,if in my Life i do not have YOU.tears may drown the whole of me,just because……
How long have you been longing for that special someone? Ever wonder if that person likes you too? How about asking her on a date?……
Life is beautiful but we can't take away all the struggles that may come in our life. Sometimes we become troubled because of all……
Keep Yourself Busy: Being alone will not help you at this moment. You must keep yourself involved in some kinds of works. If……
It used to be that you would actually meet someone first before you spoke to them. THEN you called them or they called you. So, first……
Your Soulmate Browsing the net, I found this passage that says: "In your lifetime, you will meet one person who will love you……
Reality in Same Sex Relationship I have read this post today and I feel that it is worth sharing to know the thoughts and comments……
Today I have read the status of Regie in her FB page. She is a relative and I love her thoughts for the day which decided……
The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it... you and you alone……
He had just saved this pregnant dog from fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while……
Good Hearted Driver I overheard this conversation while riding in a jeepney on my way going to school today. Lola (word for……
STORY: Based on best-selling author Cecelia Ahern's novel 'Where Rainbows End', Love, Rosie is the story of two childhood friends,……
Seasons of Love... If we avow fond emotion,A heart's devotion to beget,The summer's fiery kiss would……
When It's Love... How do you know whenit's true love?You know because nothingfeels better than……
Love and Red Roses... My Love,because red roses are the ultimatesymbol of love,I'm sending you……
I found heaven in your arms.When you soared into my life,I tasted true happinessfor the first time.Your warm and radiant light,touched……
Lesson in humility “And maybe this was what this whole experience of trying to love again was meant to teach me, to be……
Common thing that can happen in a relationship is when the one you really love breaks your heart. Whatever the reason, we can't take……
Love is full of surprises. Literally. As they say, you should expect the unexpected. go with flow.. because that is what its supposed……
“The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh Nine……
Happiness is: Falling in love,Laughing so hard your face hurts, A hot shower,No lines at the supermarket. A special glance,……
Happiness is: 1. Falling in love. 2. Laughing so hard your face hurts. 3. A hot shower. 4. No lines at the supermarket. ……
Every day I pray to GOD to keep You for me Everyninght I imagine that someday we will live together in happines all I want is U all……
ang love ay hindi minamadali... hindi pinipilit.. at lalong hindi kina-career...aray ko unang-una... PAANO MO BA NASABING……
When I was a child, I heard people say when a girl follows a rainbow, she becomes a boy, and when a boy follows a rainbow, he……
Kanina habang nasa cab papuntang Church sobrang lungkot ko. Alam kong di tama malungkot dahil lang sa paubos na o totally wala na……
Sabi nila, isa sa pinakamabisang mga pamamaraan para hindi magsawa si partner at hindi humanap ng iba ay ang pagpapakita ng……
1. Avoid arguments. You have your own share from other sources. 2. Don't drink or eat to excess. 3. Don't nag. 4. If you offend the……
Love each other. Don't Lie. Keep communication open. Stay sweet. When you get hurt just forgive and forget. Never talk about break-ups.……
crush sana mapansin mo koh bkaz sa room!
Treat your skin gently. Avoid hot and long showers or baths. Limit your showers to one to 10 minute shower a day. Avoid harsh or strong……
Marriage is a union of two souls, two hearts, two lives. When I was younger, I had my "DREAM HUSBAND". I always……
Today all of India celebrating holi festival - heralding the arrival of spring and passing of winter.During the day hundreds of thousands……
Romantic love is an illusion. Most of us discover this truth at the end of a love affair or else when the sweet emotions of love lead……
The French Kiss - Sikat na sikat ang french kiss lalo na sa mga movies. Talagang mapapanganga……
normal nman makipag kiss or halikan, lalo n at may asawa ka, or bf/gf pero kung single ka at gusto mo yan aba malanding tunay……
Something going difficult when someone which whe love ignore us,when we want to show him/her attention he/she is busy looking attion……
When You fall in Love with someone, Don’t think just start enjoying it.Because after some time.You will not be in position to……
Men are often reluctant to talk about their needs in intimate relationships. Whether social conditioning or an inability to communicate……
Do you remeber your first love? How was it? Sweet? Bitter? Sour? Hahaha! Whatever it is, I know for sure that it's memorable. :) It's……
You are what you think!!! <3 :-* ~Love~ yourself and watch a *Beautiful~World* evolve around you!!! <3 :-* :-) 8) ……
Despite all the negativity around us,all the dark spots here and there,despite all the hatred and wars taking place everywhere around……
Pakistan is an country situated in the heart of Asia. Its position has a great importance,both strategic and business. God has gifted……
WoH bhi kya din the " Maa" Ki Godh Aur " PAPA " Ke Kandhe,,,,,,,, Na Paise Ki Soch Na Life Ke Funde,,,,,, Na KaL Ki Chinta Na Future……
MAA Tab Bhi Roti Thi, Jab Beta Pet me Laat Maarta Tha,,,,,, MAA Tab Bhi Roti Thi, Jab Beta Gir Jaata Tha. MAA Tab Bhi Roti Thi, Jab……
I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts.……
"Far Away" This time, This placeMisused, MistakesToo long, Too lateWho was I to make you waitJust one chanceJust one breathJust in……
Paano ba mag move on? sabi ni vice ganda; gusto mo ba talagang mag move on? totoo yan... kasi dapat kung gusto mo mag move on wag……
Love's Journey... I love you when the dusk is fallingand the long, hazy shadows drift across……
This is the first time I felt this wayIt's really different, I sayWith him, my heart skips a beatI can't explain how it feels. With……
Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds You.....
George Bailey, Michael Clarke (capt), Patrick Cummins, Xavier Doherty, James Faulkner, Aaron Finch, Brad Haddin (wk), Josh Hazlewood,……
Both "ai (愛)" and "koi (恋)" can be roughly translated as "love" in English. However, they have a slightly different nuance……
Yes, I love you...
We are 9,492 kilometers away from each otherIts morning here and evening there The time we have are opposite When I……
Tanong ng karamihan na kaka break pa lang. Paano nga ba mapipigilan o maiiwasan ang pagiging bitter? Sa totoo lang,……
1- The date is celebrated in honor of St. Valentine's (Valentine) however, there were three saints with the same name. One was a priest,……
Love is a god gifted super prize. Every human want love. Yes I want too. But now we can see love is a one kind of game. We don't want……
We thrive off the ~Love~ we have for one another!! <3 :-* :-) \
The key to life is ~Love~. And, when you present true love for everyone to see, it brings a small lasting fulfillment that excels……
Oh It's Valentines Day Dear friends! You know that Valentine’s Day is pretty much for women. While women do give Valentine’s……
Valentines Day is an unusual holiday in that you hear of more people disliking it than liking it. It is a season of great expectations,……
New K-drama song 'Oh my love' Enjoy 'Perseverance Goo Hae Ra' Oh my Love
All that an Afghan girl needsis a book to reada pen to writeschool to learnshelter to spend the night a sleep without feara life without……
It seems to me that trying to live without friends is like milking a bear to get cream for your morning coffee. It is a whole lot……
We call that person who has lost his father, an orphan; and a widower that man who has lost his wife. But that man who has known the……
+LOVE +LOVE is one in all the foremost wanted emotions. we have a tendency to all wish to expertise it, whether or not we're……
Do you ever think about all the people who you might have fallen in love with. If only you'd taken a different way home or stood a……
it is the video taken in Sanur beach @Bali when my students got speaking final examination to practice their English with some foreigners……
Health is better than wealth because if we are not healthy we can not do anything in this world we justcan lie down on the bed. on……
This is my second blogpost here on Bitlanders....and as I mentioned in the my first one that I recently had to go through a break……
Love Isn't Selfish It's really hard to defined the meaning of Love Sometimes and even most of the time we tend to misunderstood the……
To Love (verb)= to Cherish, to Adore and to treasure. Love (noun)= Affection, Adoration, Passion Loving (adjective)= Affectionate,……
╔══╗ ╚╗╔╝ ╔╝(¯`v´¯) ╚══`.¸.You
I am so glad to see that this ~*Little~One (Anna Nicole Smith's, now 8 years old, daughter)*~ is doing so well in this world!... <3……
You take away my sorrowUntil we reach tomorrowTo remove yet another arrowPierced deep in my heart You became my bestfriend, in a winkInstantly……
Love is not a consequence. Love is not a choice. Love is a thirst. A need as vital to the soul as water is to the body. Love is a……
To return to love, to get the love we always wanted but never had, to have the love we want but are not prepared to give, we seek……
I opened my facebook account today. Suddenly I saw the picture tagged by my cousin to me.……
Psychology, unlike chemistry, unlike algebra, unlike literature, is an owner's manual for your own mind. It's a guide to life. What……
You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces - my family, my friends, and a faith in the power……
Remember those childhood days when your classmate teasing you because you were not that good looking? They will just neglect you and……
“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you……
The average women are naturally wiser and smarter than the average men. If you don't believe me, Google It. ~Xiao……
Take a breath right now, and notice how abundant the air is, full of life-giving oxygen offered freely by trees and other green growing……
A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body,……
Alright this is the story of the stupid person, I mean me, who was a frank and lovely guys, I mean used to be but now isn't. Sometime……
Think of two people, living together day after day, year after year, in this small space, standing elbow to elbow cooking at the same……
“We have to allow ourselves to be loved by the people who really love us, the people who really matter. Too much of the time,……
To love is good, too: love being difficult. For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks,……
The Three Pressing Needs: My own place of stay (home), working (via online/the internet) in my new home, and having my two new heart-adopted……
The three little words "I Love You" are simple magical. We say these words to ones whom we love.When a boy and a girl start dating,……
I don't know what is love. Is it a thing, or is it a mood. How it feels and why it feels. Why many people fell into love, why only……
hi friends . thanks for always reading my blog post.................. i love #bitlanders and all of my bitlanders friends……
“I understand addiction now. I never did before, you know. How could a man (or a woman) do something so self-destructive, knowing……
I Am So Into Tink... Tinkerbell that is! It just something about her big head, twig neck, and hour glass shape. Tinkerbell really……
There are all kinds of ways for a relationship to be tested When we first met, I didn't want to get involved with anyone. I didn't……
Sometimes the one who is running from the Life/Death/Life nature insists on thinking of love as a boon only. Yet love in its fullest……
Our heavenly Father understands our disappointment, suffering, pain, fear, and doubt. He is always there to encourage our hearts and……
I fell in love with this wonderful girl from the Philippines but the problem is that she lives so far away. I have no idea about how……
I'm someone who loves to enjoy life and tries to focus on real things and real friendships. That's why I live very simply. I'm a jeans……
I fell in love with a beautiful girl that currently lives in the Philippines and I have absolutely no idea about the things that I……
Looking up at the stars, I know quite wellThat, for all they care, I can go to hell,But on earth indifference is the leastWe have……
Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment?……
Motherhood has most definitely changed me and my life. It's so crazy how drastic even the small details change - in such an amazing……
I'm saying to be a hero is means you step across the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes always are making a sacrifice.……
ketika anda berjumpa satu orang & terpesona bersama sosoknya. Cepat anda mendeklarasikan dirimu sedang jatuh hati lantaran anda……
How can love be worthy of its name if one selects solely the pretty things and leaves out the hardships? It is easy to enjoy the good……
Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.……
Creating the Mood. Get the lady alone: This is probably the most important aspect you can do to make your hug adoring. If you……
We need to remind ourselves that our ultimate goal is not to reduce greenhouse gases or global warming per se but to improve the quality……
All over the world, extraordinary stories of dogs are reported in the news. In Scotland, an Akita jumped into freezing water……
There are a lot of definitions we can say about LOVE. Just like .. "Love is the best feeling we could ever feel but it is also the……
LOVE “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,……
For some reason the year 1999 popped into my head yesterday and my immediate thought was, “Wasn’t David Bowie’s……
*Question!?!* Is there such a beverage as: "Breast Milk Latte!?" :-) 8) ……
Like the title says; ~Cupcakes~, are one of my ~elixir~... Another one of my ~elixir~ are: ~Cakes~!! <3 <3……
A lot of people say, 'Wow, you're a single father of twin boys, that's crazy!' Two toddlers can get hectic, but I wouldn't change……
I want to be that guy to call her beautiful, Listen to her problems, be a shoulder to cry on. I want to be that guy who stays up late……
Every morning of every day, The thought of you awakes me. Awakes me and gives me courage To face life happily and inspired. Every……
It does feel sad when things change all of a sudden in our lives and it does not matter if it is small or big, it makes us feel down,……
One sided love,That's what they call itThat's when I like youAnd you don't even know. I don't know whyEven in my dreamsYou're the……
The bottom line is, when people are crystal clear about the most important priorities of the organization and team they work with……
“He’s not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least……
There has always been something (to me) about cake or cakes, if you truly want to get excited about it! Over the years, ~cakes~……
We're losing social skills, the human interaction skills, how to read a person's mood, to read their body language, how to be patient……
Marriage is something a, promise between two souls, to live together till death. Couples are made in heaven, we……
Luha Bigat na aking nararamdaman, ay hindi pangkaraniwanSakit na parang tagos sa laman, ewan ko ba sa pagpapaliwanag ako’y nahihirapan.Problema……
Pag-ibig ko sau Mahal ko Simple lang naman ako noon, walang pakielam sa paglipas ng panahonNgunit nag-iba na ata ngayon, simula……
“I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't……
just sharing 1. You remember all the little……
You know? I would like to take my share of the money, slap it down on the "town's bank barrel", and buy back my family's 888……
“Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors……
love is daily work allo of them
love is daily work allo of them
“Have you fallen in love with the wrong person yet?' Jace said, "Unfortunately, Lady of the Haven, my one true love remains……
“I'm in love with you," he said quietly. "Augustus," I said. "I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners……
If you really want to be my friend Let me live it up like I used to do If you really want to understand me There's……
Being in Love This popular caught my attention today. It is very short but the thoughts are so deep into our hearts and soul.……
Gitara mga daliring humaplos sa aking mga kuwerdassa aking kahon katawan nila'y dinikitmga tagapakinig ay di pigil ang ngitisa mga……
If you want to scream If you want to jump If you want to run If you want to observe If you to fly If you want to want If you……
LOVE Love means. L:- Land of love. O:-Ocean of love. V:-Valley of sadness. E:-End of love. Life is love and love is everything.……
“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of……
The tragic love story of Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere is probably one of the best-known stories of Arthurian Legend.……
The true love story of Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most memorable, intriguing and moving of all times.……
This is probably the most famous lovers ever. This couple has become a synonym for love itself. Romeo and Juliet……
Hi friends a great news for PTI leader Imran Khan tie the not with a british women and BBC newscaster Reham Khan on today it was Rummer……
“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live……
I was watching a presscon last time via livestream and I just want to share the part when they'd done a psychology test. For……
lpve is very improtent off our human body i love my praents i know you allawse love all your praentsssssssss
“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way……
“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person……
“You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters?……
“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that……
Having too much fats in the body makes you feel so heavy all the time, You can’t move well because your too fat and you always……
Paikar tha wafa ka, mohabbat ka khuda tha,Woh shakhss zamaney mein sab se hi juda tha, Chahat ke khazaney they har lafz mein us ke,Daaman……
Attaining a fit body and happy life are common New Year resolutions, but in 2015, many seem to be pledging to fall in love, according……
Bago ko simulan ang blog na ‘to. Gusto ko munang batiin ng Happy Birthday ang energetic naming lola. Happy 81st Birthday Inang.……
The most spectacular,indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you……
The most spectacular,indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you……
love is an important word in our life.
The most spectacular,indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you……
The most spectacular,indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you……
The most spectacular,indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you……
The most spectacular,indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you……
The most spectacular,indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you……
“If you have people who treat you badly in your life, they will be a human shield against people who will treat you well. If……
A Feeling of Despair ,The Choking Sobsan Image of Being Trampled under a Mob.Constricted Breathing, out of Controla Feeling of Forever……
Eye contact flirting is all about casting your line out in to the sea of people and waiting to see who responds back with some bait.……
God made LOVE. Love is considered as the unique creation of Almighty creator. This is an incomparable feelings. In this hostile……
O' my Love's like a red, red rose,That's newly sprung in June;O my love's like the melodieThat's sweetly play'd in tune.--As fair……
The love
I must utter what comes to my lips. Speaking the truth creates chaos.Telling a lie saves one scarce.I am afraid of both these.Afraid……
Photo: Based on report from Hootsuite in November 2014 which gathered data from social data on over 450 of the…………
people says love is one of the most beautiful relation of the world and it is one of the most amazing feeling but some people……
You Are PoetryYou come outsideTo view the faint sunsetLight bewildered by treesShines through quietlyYou glide your soft auburn hairPerched……
The World’s Most BeautifulI’d give anything to see the sun set on the horizon,I’d do anything to gaze at a full……
And all the wonderful thingsThat they bring into my life,Are like nothing elseI have ever known.My heart is completeWith the love……
As we've all known the popular game "flappy bird", i've came up to an idea of editing the game for my girlfriend as a surprise to……
_♥__♥_____♥__♥___ Put This_♥_____♥_♥_____♥__ Heart_♥______♥______♥__……
────(♥)(♥)(♥)────(♥)(♥)(♥) __ ɪƒ ƴσυ'ʀє αʟσηє,──(♥)██████(♥)(♥)██████(♥)……
Please share the link to this artist.Tribute to a great man. He heals your heart.
One of my favorite childhood stories. I just wanted to share this wonderful (can't think of any adjectives) short story by Robert……
The Paradoxical Commandments: People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.Love them anyway.If you do good, people will accuse……
A White RThe red rose whispers of passion,And the white rose breathes of love;O, the red rose is a falcon,And the white rose is a……
When I'm with you,eternity is a step away,my love continues to grow,with each passing day.This treasure of love,I cherish within my……
The saying “Why do they call it love when they mean sex?” is often used when a person feels a strong physical attraction……
From being scholar-mates, college mates, school mates, project mates, we never thought that we would end up together. Fourth year……
You remind me of a flower,Pretty, inside and outside.A reason why people smile everyday,A gift to all.You remind me of chocolate,Luscious……
Anh à, em đã phát mệt với những câu lừa dối, cũng chán phải nghe những biện minh……
Love Yourself One in a while, you have to love yourself. I meant not only once in a while but always. Maybe this is the right……
My SweetheartSo often when I am embracing you,It seems that you exist in this worldonly because of me and I exist because of you.It's……
I love sitting on the beach after dark. I love singing along badly. I love talking to pets like they understand I love staying……
On a summer's day long, long agoI fell in love and I'll never knowJust what it was that made me feelSo drawn to her, what the appealThat……
Do you believe in a happy ending? Even the idea of a happy ending has its ups and downs. Just because it ended up happily doesnt……
This story is based on my real life. Hindi ko nga alam kung dapat ko to i-blog kasi nahihiya ako. This story happened 3 years ago……
Cherished FriendsGod must have known there would be timesWe'd need a word of cheer,Someone to praise a triumphOr brush away a tear.He……
Jokes and mocking - that's what comes first before any other public reaction, when the Russian government officially claims its next……
Write to the emotions halfway, no chot..Viet for the last month of love .. The day long without you. Thought that everything……
Cái tiết trời lạnh lẽo bủa vây lấy mọi thứ, như cắn vào từng thớ tế bào với……
(click for music video)
The dangers of taking advise from a worldly view is that it makes you twice as prideful as you were in the past. We often relate……
The long winter day, my heart felt so cold. But then, thanks to it, we have self-heating, self standing up after the fall, self-learning……
Truyện ngắn: Mây Ngàn Thị trấn R quanh năm mây phủ. Miền cao nguyên này điều đókhông……
Người quan trọng nhất với bạn là chính mình Bạn sẽ mất rất nhiều thời gian để tìm……
“And I do. I do wonder, I think about it all the time. What it would be like to kill myself. Because I never really know, I……
“There was a dragon who had a long-standing obsession with a queen's breasts," she said, growing breathless. "The dragon knew……
(1) Romance is the Glamour which turns the dust of everybody life into golden haze !!! (2) You know u are found love when you look……
I still remember the sweet smile and beautiful face that will never fade from the memory , even though love has expired , a sense……
That day, I think I can not forget you, I will always love him. But time and erase the pain that day. I did not love him,……
Relationships are one of the most complicated parts of life, especially long-lasting relationships like marriage. However, sometimes……
Everytime I look into your eyes, my tears starts to fall down silently
How do you feel when you fall in love? Does it have a lingering effect on you? Ah, love, you can’t see it, you can only……
Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.' -Erich Fromm
Xa anh rồi, liệu có bao giờ em cảm thấy chính bản thân em được bình yên thanh thản……
I've written this poem because I'm still often scared to talk about my down times on social media. A client just emailed me: "I must……
Ngày tiếng yêu thương em bắt đầu được viết nguệch ngoạc trong trái tim anh bằng thứ cảm……
Gửi anh, người yêu của em... Viết cho những dòng cảm xúc bất chợt để rồi mỗi khi nghe……
A girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle.Girl: Slow down. I'm scared.Guy: No this is fun.Girl: No its not. Please,……
I need a big bear hugNot a hug that will hurt But a hug that will comfort meA big cuddly bear hug I put this wall up around meBut……
năm đầu bạc, chỉ cần đừng tệ bạc với nhau quá sớm. Ấy thế nhưng, có biết bao chuyện tình……
13 Best moments of life: 1.To fall in love..2.To clear your last exam..3.To wake up and realize its still possible tosleep.……
maybe not a destiny that speaks when love becomes injured. love is grace in man since they have not been born in, then love has been……
Gửi tình đầu... Trong muôn vàn những thứ làm em say dại, chắc sẽ có anh đấy. Tình……
Daughter Life changes when you have a child, when you have your own family. You become more careful about what you do.……
1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE - "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."2.……
Ngày xửa ngày xưa, có một người đàn ông rất nghèo sống với vợ. Một ngày……
Once upon a time, there was a very poor man living with his wife. One day, his wife, who had very long hair asked her husband……
Hôm nay, em bắt gặp nụ cười của anh, nụ cười mà trong một khoảng thời gian em không……
Knowing that there are so many Denominations out there, how is Christianity the one true world view? Hey guys! I'll be answering yet……
Famous lovers in history of Egypt Hatshepsut and sennmot and clear love story despite attempts to hide Hatshepsut Queen beautiful……
I was shocked the other days when I saw the game one o my students was playing on his mobile phone. It was something with dinosaurs……
It makes you cry...... Makes you hate yourself sometimes...... You may get away from other people to be with the one you love.......……
Cô gái nào cũng có một chiếc váy để mơ về. Không phải là chiếc váy……
Nếu nói chị chưa từng quan tâm đến sự tồn tại của em thì là nói dối.……
The fact that love blooms at any age, what he knows each of us. Whether it's your first love in school or the love of two adults.……
I love you, unless the words that I speakdo not tell you I love you, butdoesn’t all of my bodytalk to you about the hadith of……
"The love that man is seeking exists; so perfect, so beautiful, so persistent and so healing as you can imagine it. But there is no……
The man eventually discovers that not enough to give love a woman, child or sister only if it will be reciprocated. Understand that……
We remain a loving husband, devoted father, but we must give up the idea of clinging to material of a loved one, on her physical possession……
The common man certainly can not love our neighbors, but they can at least be kind. If you can do that, then at least a little closer……
Generally it is believed that true love must be strong emotional and dramatic intensity. In doing so, it is only one kind of love,……
If you love one person to another is the love of the highest level and lead to extension of understanding, compassion and tolerance……
For the man of today is not easy to accept the challenge of religion to love their neighbor. For many, even their intolerance bordering……
Quality of love is not to be measured by exaggerated expressions of emotion in him who acts, but to be measured by the extent to which……
Most people associate love with the feeling of physical contact or excitement personal presence. Experienced it for what it is in……
True love does not change or cool off when the beloved is changed, or when changing physical circumstances in which it arose. It is……
Hardly anyone knows what love really means, because almost all of the affected body and selfish agents. In the original pure state……
Chiều nay, không biết tại sao khi bật lên bài Lắng nghe nước mắt em lại nhớ anh đến vậy,……
This season the roads crisscrossing a nostalgia slack eel, remote wilderness. Humans fall in agony on a remote domain memories……
Whether you love each other but do not rush at each other with that feeling of holding it all together. Because maybe love does……
True Love Never Dies : Yup! It is the reality that remains unchanged whatever the circumstances are that the true love of the sincere……
A Better Tomorrow
There are two things I want to tell you the time to love, the first thing in love betrayal was the work of time, the second time not……
- People fall in love not knowing why or how. It’s a very special feeling that it doesn’t require any answer. You just……
https:/ hihihi
What is your opinion about this quote?? Just came across this while surfing.
A few weeks ago I entered my first serious relationship. I am 18 years old and he’s 22. We live a couple hours apart from each……
“If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen……
I’ve been with him for just over a year. I’m a runner by nature. As in, when things start to get serious, when they……
How much nostalgia to be called love? How many are waiting to exchange a sincere love? It's never enough at all! Keep your heart always……
I stepped off the bus, take a breath long to equalize the pressure in the lungs is at odds with the outside because conditioned bus……
The heart of every man, wondering why sometimes heart filled with seemingly threatening to spill out going outside, but also time……
Cái tiết trời lạnh lẽo bủa vây lấy mọi thứ, như cắn vào từng thớ tế bào với……
She says:-I don't love you...Her eyes says:- I m crazy about youShe says:-I am happy without you.Her eyes say:-I m now here without……
I do not believe in love at first sight is no longer believed to have a true love. I now have a lot of other old is no longer……
i can hear the sound of sky shattering in my heart after meeting eyes have brightened like clouds hitting to create lighting...ride……
They say, there are three things that are somehow, difficult to say. 1. I love you.2. Help me.3. Sorry. But for me, the first one……
I always feel like when I was tired. What life was chaos back then but now more inept. Knowing that everyone will be sadness,……
I rarely admit to everyone that I love and I have a boyfriend, but admits there are a few people who love me, and I do not love them. I'm……
By Tony DeLorger © 2014 How differently I see myself, as age plunders all my youth, stripping bare that pristine me all shiny……
Hãy yêu một người yêu mình, một người bình thường thôi nhưng yêu bạn……
7 Things to Remember When You Start a New Relationship It feels so exciting when you fall in love and start a new relationship!……
1 . Right from the beginning, everything was all set for hovered in between. Somewhere on the word "you", as the word "love". Call……
Guy calls the doctor, says the wife’s contractions are five minutes apart. Doctor says,……
Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all: What hast thou then more than thou hadst before? No love, my love, that thou mayst……
1. Passion Women do not have passion for what is one of the most tedious sample of women. In contrast, a woman who knows how……
It is easy for us to utter those words, but many times we fail in its actual application. When we are facing problems involving relationships,……
Khoảng cách trong tình yêu thực ra không nằm ở độ dài mà nằm ở trong……
"It is said that many love to us incomprehensible. I think that many breakups even more. " "Women are much more alike than……
"It is said that many love to us incomprehensible. I think that many breakups even more. " "A great love does not expect anything……
"Love is the punishment for it, that let to remain only during breeding season." "For the first time a woman gets married for……
"Love is the way which leads to life goals. Reason is only a guide. " "Love? Nothing but chemistry. " "Faithfulness……
Do you feel that having a partner in your life is so important, that you feel jealous when there are couple in front of you, doing……
His son, we can ask many people at once, affection for people, and trampled upon the love of the woman he truly loves. He initially……
Giờ đây, một mình ta trên cõi đời quạnh vắng. Một mình ta âm thầm xát……
"The old man has to love the greater claim on what is closer to his destiny." "Love is the way which leads to life goals. Reason……
"The only remedy for love is bacillus serum from a married man." "Mild and fire, holy and passionate, tender and mysterious,……
"Only when we love truly, when we love without cause, infinitely their stars, or like the sea with its waves." "We still dying……
"Love is something for something, but marriage is something for everything." "The first breath of love is the last breath of……
There r many who dont know really meaning of Love, it differs person to person but message is same........... Everybody has rights……
Hi good morning I want to share with all of you about love, Love is a variety of different feelings and attraction. Abstractly discussed……
There is a walk where the girls sing the song "I want you to live so" with a tragic mood. As if, in her sad or happy, happiness……
Darling, remember 25 years ago.... I had a rented one room apartment, a table fan, a black & white tv and a cycle to use. But,……
What friends means?A: "I have thousands of friend!" B: "You mean... on Facebook?"A: "Yes! What Else?!" Onestly.... We have tons of……
We always miss someone in life only for two reason ... Either that person was in your heart OR .. . You always wanted to be in that……
I am a girl born May 7. He was born May 12. She was born at the summer. He used to cry about the cold winter time. I just……
What is Love and its corresponding effects on sharing relationship is a matter of concise and he or she who understands its deepness……
A daughter of my parents, A mother to my daughter, A lover, A student, and A part timer ... That are the responsibilities……
Your soul mate.....In your Lifetime, You will encounter many people, and one of them will held your heart forever...I see people have……
Ladies, it’s true – we spend our whole life looking for that great guy who stands out from all the others. And while every……
Do you consider yourself an introvert? Or maybe you are in a relationship with someone you consider an introvert? If you are an introvert……
I have a friend. I knew him for 20 years. He was my classmate in our 5th grade. And there is a rumor that he had a crush on me since……
In the present world everybody are busy on work. If anybody like student who is teen age they are like to watch movie. They do not……
This afternoon I went to visit three, .... gloomy cemetery immense standing in the wind long.Con 1 amidst immense space to chat with……
If there is a persistent chorus and repeat the most out of social networks, it must have would be the song of the FA. You just……
Your mom carried you in herwomb for nine months. She feltsick for months with nausea, thenshe watched her feet swell andher skin stretch……
Whether you're in a relationship already or whether you're admiring someone from afar, sorting out your feelings can be a real challenge.……
There Was No One But YouI Have Not Seen Any One Like YouWho Loved Me More Than LoveWith Never Ending Care From YouI Began To Love……
The Meaning of Life: Intro What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Is there a God or isn’t there, and if there is a God,……
1. You listen to a song over and over again Many people think it's just a habit, but unrelated to loneliness? For some it is……
★ Yêu...- Không cần nhiều người biết đến...- Không cần đo đếm thời gian...- Không cần……
A Boy was driving motorcycle at speed over 100mph.Girl: Dear honey please be slow . I'm getting scared.Guy: No babe this is the real……
Good morning friends, Today I want to share a true story of my friend.Her name is Pooja and she is single daughter of a rich business……
You may never know how important you are to me or how much I care for you, but you are and you will always be. Bear in mind that I……
I love you, not because of what you have but because of what I feels.. I care for you, not because you need care but because I want……
You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart. All my dreams came true the day that……
when i first saw you i was afraid to meet you when i first met you i was afraid to kiss you when i first kissed you i was afraid to……
Lovely time we had togetherand our lives are touched and our souls become unique foreverThe stuffs that we exchanged Is sweet……
1、Ngày… tháng… năm…Một hôm , tôi nói với vợ : ” Vợ ơi,……
Me on the left and you on the correctthe method we tend to ordered our bodies the beginning of the night. My head on 2 pillows……
At one fine night a boy and a cute girl were coming back from movie . The guy learned that there was some miss understanding due to……
Good noon friends.In life some time we hate some people with no reason.When we see him we become angry .Even I have seen few……
It was saturay night and Rina was invited by her close friend sahil for a party in one of the most famous pub of Bangalore.Rina was……
Here's my love, take it. Here's my soul, use it. Here's my heart, don't break it. Here's my hand, hold it and together we will make……
Send me the boy once loved you so much and so earnestly. Up early this morning, again not knowing what to do, I open Facebook, sitting……
Love A burning passion between two people A flame that cannot be put out For it is a flame that life itself created Exciting, marvelous……
I want to ask an open question to all of you that, if a boy publicly kisses his girlfriend do you object? +Kissing is a way of transferring……
HỎI NGU.Một người con gái có:- Một thằng bạn mà đi đâu cũng đi cùng nó.……
I also used to think that he has feelings for me, but I deny the self-clean everything. I feared that I too dream then would……
A police officer should be in a good physical and mental condition. He should run fast, be strong and well-trained so he could do……
She had a lover, once known so-called happiness, but also much rather painful. When it comes to love, she is ready to welcome……
Kiếm một người đàn bà ngủ với mình thì quá dễ, có một người phụ nữ……
If you are loving something, let it go If it is coming back to you then it is sure yours If it is not coming back then it was never……
Dear Love , I know that we are no more with each other. I know that it is hard to forgive you but I am strong enough to do that. I……
She is Silpi and she is little bit introvert girl. She is always like a book warm and she is studious girl wearing spectacles.Her……
Tôi lạnh nhạt lướt qua mọi thứ, không quá vui, cũng chẳng quá buồn, khống……
Give individuals you don’t know a reasonable opportunity. – When you look at a individual, any individual, keep in mind……
Hello guys are you fall in love. That times this article for all my friends on bitlander. In this article I like to share with you……
The first time I watched this video, I cried. It is so inspiring. Arthur, the man using the canes, is a disabled veteran, and doctors……
One fine day a boy told to his girl friend Sweety , you know something? love is nothing but like a rainbow, it's damn full……
You're my inspiration I just getting up to face every hectic dayI wonder how our life is consuming with too much nonsense stuffs……
12.You keep on reading his message time and time again...11. You are walking in slow motion when he is with you10. You try……
Love your lips that are soft and redkissing you is a pleasure thought in my head. you hold bright beauty and you are so warm,……
Mi primer maratón NYC 2014. Experiencia increible estoy que no quepo de la emoción esta ciudad se vuelve fiesta en estos……
tep over the age of 20, he realized that when we smile no longer the pure, innocent intact, His black eyes no longer suspensions given……
Throughout history, people have appeared who praised the war as a solution to all the ills of the world. Throughout history, these……
Kochi - 02/11/2014 A group of people had planned to organize a 'KISS OF LOVE' campaign in Kochi today and it was given publicity through……
Brother ah! Do you remember the moment he told me that he likes a girl. He does not remember the eyes filled with joy and happiness……
God gives us more than we can handle. God certainly gives us more than what we can handle. So the next time someone comes up……
say about
đây là beat mình tự làm không biết có hát được không , nhưng dù……
Turned with hardly averted that all revenues. I still could not find a friend to accompany her wandering the heart of Hanoi,……
To my #dear #friends, #wonderful #images of #society, #children, #women, #men, #family, #friends, #human #psychology, #spirituality,……
To my #dear #friends, #wonderful #images of #society, #children, #women, #men, #family, #friends, #human #psychology, #spirituality,……
To my #dear #friends, #wonderful #images of #society, #children, #women, #men, #family, #friends, #human #psychology, #spirituality,……
To my #dear #friends, #wonderful #images of #society, #children, #women, #men, #family, #friends, #human #psychology, #spirituality,……
To my #dear #friends, #wonderful #images of #society, #children, #women, #men, #family, #friends, #human #psychology, #spirituality,……
As a therapist who specializes in relationships, I can’t help but notice several skills and personality features……
Anh một chàng sinh viên nghèo. Làm thêm vất vả để kiếm thêm tiền trang trải……
Em đã từng rất ngốc nghếch. Tưởng rằng chỉ cần mình yêu anh hết lòng, sẽ nhận lại……
You my love YouIts crazy the way I feel about you,But I know that this feeling is true,For I no longer feel blue,You’ve filled……
Good evening fellow bitlanders, who don't want to be love.? All of us is looking for someone who will gonna love us for the rest of……
Like Harry Potter Like rap Like love poetry Poetry and Viral Videos Don't forget to bookmark
Now a days, it's very common for people to be in a relationship. Even the kids in my country which is about 13 - 16 years old, they……
Love Gives TODAY’S SCRIPTURE“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him……
Ngang dọc cả một chiều nỗi nhớ cuối cùng cũng chỉ toàn thấy đó đây là……
When I a teenager, I had been brought up to call any adult by their proper title. - either Mr or Mrs. I would never have used a Christian……
A girl asked a boy if she was pretty, he said "No". She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever, he said "No". Then she asked……
Pay attention without interrupting - it will be such type of quite a shame to the one that responses before paying attention. Talk……
Disorder then, Tram seen is true, then it's chaos. Because even when it comes to the question "heaven and earth do not condone" it,……
Tram grabbed the name you are hurried out, talk to tangerine situation occurs in the classroom when she "accidentally" sleep in for……
After a battle cry, Tram wiped away tears and wiped his mouth open is captured Vietnamese food taken away. He was surprised for a……
LOVE Only in the world of love We unfold and bloom For love suffers long Love flows like a river And love thinks no evil Love is the……
my eldest daughter looks beautiful in her dress
Heart, mind & true love When to love or notThe heart carries answersWhether to trust or notMind rings warning bells See him before……
It is paradoxical that everyone longs for love, but then few people will survive what is associated with it. Most of it comes into……
Errs in English .. - but exclaimed, "I love you" I can write without mistakes mistakes in mathematics .. - but we can imagine how……
Before you start to cheat, think twice if vyměníš whole days and nights in a momentary fling ... If vyměníš……
We must know that we are created to higher things than the fact that we were merely a number in the world, that we're not here for……
I miss it so someone asked me where I was. I miss that someone improved the evening. I miss that someone wanted my embrace. I miss……
Revealed: Experts Discover The “Scientific” Reason Women Fall In Love…And Today I’ll Show You How To Use……
It is difficult .... Find a person for whom looks good, which is always frank with you, which is nice to you even if it has a bad……
"It is possible for life to despise people, but it is not possible at the moment nezatoužit for love of man." "The past is……
"Love is like a game, beautifully starts and ends with pain." "We love you, what we refuse, we reject those who love us !!!"……
"Forgiveness is greater proof of love than jealousy." "Love is a constant struggle - first wife and eventually his wife." ……
"Whenever you do not forgive out of love, but out of good will, this time for regret." "Love is the beauty when two loves,……
"The life I love especially the variety - every day I fuck someone else." "Love is like the wind. You can not see it but you……
I don’t want a home I don’t want a home,These mountains are enough!Which is the better, then walking on the shabby roads?But……
good night everybody have a nice day
WHAT IS LOVE ? You can’t give, I am sure , An answer apt to the question. Definitions or quotations may be, But mind, would……
Meet, Secret, Love When I first met you, I ignore youYou love someone and I love someone tooOur worlds are far apart that time’til……
Waiting for My Love Waiting for you,Waiting for you, since long,Keeping patience, waiting for you,Waiting for you, Oh! My love. Dawn;……
My Heart Is Still True Why can’t I just walk away?Why does it keep hurting me this way? I can’t think of anything else,It’s……
Her Love, the True Love Good bye, bye, bye, good bye,Pierced like bullets,Shattered my heart,Shocked, shocked, shocked to hear,Echoed,Good……
They wouldn’t see son anymore Some stranger had taken him o’er To them rarely talked His brain now seemed blocked The……
"What is love? For one who lived through it, you do not need to explain, to anyone who has not experienced it, explain it. " ……
You Left Me Soft and smooth and gentle breezeWhere do you come from?Making me happierJust by your tender touch.Pleasing me and keeping……
"As day turns to night, alternating with the success of failure, joy with sorrow and love to hate." "In school love studying for school,……
What Used to Be The excitement I am feeling right now is overwhelming that each step I take, I feel like I am flying.……
1. As in that your health at the highest level. Science proves that age 22 is the age at which metabolic processes in the body……
Với em, ôm là một cách thể hiện cảm xúc tinh tế nhất, lắng sâu nhất. Và……
Câu chuyện bắt đầu từ những ngày đầu học cấp 3. Rời khỏi mái trường THCS đầy nắng……
Hurts to love do you know it hurts? to reach out to he that you love, only to get a could heart. it tears every bit of my heart……
"Love and friendship never fails to disappoint each person." "Love comes in on tiptoe, but leaving the door banging." "The scars that……
"Love is friendship asks:" Why are you in the world when I exist? Because you pácháš pain and wounds, but I heal……
You are the sun in my day, You are the wind in my sky, You are the waves in my ocean, And you are the beat in my heart ♡
Love Yourself One in a while, you have to love yourself. I meant not only once in a while but always. Maybe this is the right time……
Our Love Will Last A wan smile made its way on my lips as I watch you trying to wipe the tears that kept on streaming……
Below are 20 wise marriage tips from a man that was recently divorced. You wouldn’t normally think that a divorced man would……
Một khi bạn không sở hữu vẻ ngoài xuất sắc, thì bạn có thể cảm thấy mình may……
The First Love How awkward is the first love,As awkward as the first bra.You feel confused and proud same time,It bends your back;And……
"Hy Sinh Đời Bố, Củng Cố Đời Con" - Câu nói này hằn sâu trong đầu những bậc……
The End of Our Love I sighed as I watch the pouring rain from my window. Why aren’t you picking up my calls?……
Silly mistake i fell in love it’s time truth comes outhidden in your heartas form of lovea true love or not sympathy me for……
Nếu bạn không yêu ai nghĩa là bạn giàu có về mặt thời gian. Hãy đi tới những……
"E ano nga ba ang pakialam ko kung magalit sila? E sa mahal ko e, paki ba nila!" Yan. Eksakli. Yan ang mga madalas na linya……
Hello everyone on Bitlanders community. How are you today? Do you feel great the same just like me? For me, the answer for my question……
Ôi, Đồng Tháp ơi, quê hương ơi! Tôi từng tự hào về quê hương của tôi,……
Tại sao???Tại sao ta cứ luôn hoài phán xétChuyện của người mà chẳng phải của……
Even if I had million reasons to leave, I will still look one for stay <3 that makes me wise and stronger man, I am not the one……
On my fading day, I maySneak in, to throw a taleOf, what words cannot touch, And dreams can never say. Passing time of mine, Shall……
People speak of fateand meetings of chance.Finding of soul matesand love at first glance. Alignment of planetsShooting stars up above.Fullness……
This picture is picture that I love it so much, I went to Pnhom Reap before I have baby. As I think maybe It is 6-7 months ago. I……
Love and Pain.. ! It will only hurt from now on,now that you have realized it!now that you have embraced it! It will only destroy……
Love’s Mystery Love is a beauty, a tempter and a fire,but love is bitter, a cheater and a liar.It leads us in, opens our heart,then……
If you're in love, you're not your usual self, it seems that you do things beyond the normal things you do, it would feel like you're……
Back then, when his family settled in accordance with that party, he told me to wait for his 5 year career he has, he will return……
Lyric: Love Never Felt So Good One, two three...(VERSE)Baby, love never felt so goodand I'd die if it ever couldNot like you……
Where Do Minds Go Breath of existenceFree mindLike the airWanderingAnd…whereto? To ocean’s depthIn search of how pearlsAnd……
a mother's love is matter what happened, she will always watchover, take care, and love her children unconditionally.. She……
I think the best way to deal with a hater is to NOT entertain them. If they are hating on you that is their issue not yours. I try……
OLD POST One day, there was a guy who really liked me, he almost begging me to love him too. He’s kind, nice and handsome……
Relationship is not always about flurry or love; sometimes these are just a part of it. Yes, just a part of relationship, simply because……
The beauty of poetry comes in many different forms. From writings, music, beautiful art, quotes and more. This community is a place……
Part1 Love is a mystery It is circulated in the Christian faith, in the definition of love. The sentence is true spirituality, but……
- 16 tuổi, tôi ao ước có bạn trai. 18 tuổi, tôi có người yêu, nhưng anh ta lại quá……
Cuộc sống vội vã, lòng người đầy toan tính còn tình thương thì chỉ……
for my love ... i love u more than i can say ……
Hóa ra từ trước đến giờ, cả anh và em mải mê chạy theo cảm xúc của riêng mình……
How to earn Satoshi or BTC ? this is fastest and legit way to earn.. Do you want to earn Satoshi or BTC(Bitcoins) then……
Em không cần anh yêu em say đắm, chỉ mong anh thương em chân thành…Em không cần anh……
Dear Friends, How are you all? I want to touch upon a point here that what is called best love ? Do love mean being physical? if you……
Love & care for all living beings, but also protect your heart; love yourself and be around people that genuinely care for you,……
Nếu bạn đang muốn mối quan hệ của mình với một người đi lên những nấc thang mới sau thời……
An inspirational story. One day, there is a child who wants to mislead his father in a forest. His father has a disease that……
Are you planning to give your dear one a bouquet of flowers? If you are the sentimental type, therefore you should know the meaning……
I do not know how else . especially after I know you fought over it.I swear I'm not shy at him , but what can I do ? I definitely……
Love is expressed as an action and experienced as a feeling. Yet, love has an essence that resists defining in any single way —……
I love you hu hu
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I love you hu hu
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I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
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I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
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I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
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I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
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I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
I love you hu hu
My life now is the endless space, of the sadness and frustration, illusions simple and romantic? Is it the end of the day because……
Release:Relationship gives two not known people with each other and linked all of them with an everlasting relationship. It……
The mother gave written poetry. Thank you for loving life and cares for us. Love you more! Son has never been heard telling his mother……
E: " oops, something wrong here. I cant concentrate anymore. I worked 12 hours yesterday and I have been working for almost 12 hours……
Hôm nay là một ngày buồn... Một ngày mới bắt đầu bằng những giấc mơ cũ, những giấc……
Tương lai tươi sáng thường dựa trên quá khứ đã quên lãng, bạn không thể……
The thorn of the blue roses seems so red,Bloated carcasses finding their way out,The scars..can't you see it? it's still redHappy,……
Funny when we see older couple who stay sweet to each other. Did they promise to each other a ''FOREVER'' before. So what could be……
Do you think it's possible for a sad love story - or, for that matter, any kind of story - to be written from beyond the grave? If……
links: We would like to take a moment and recognize Dolores Cannon.……
THE BEST LOVE QUOTES FROM MY FAVORITE MOVIES "Love Actually" (2003) Universal Pictures “Tell her that you love her. You’ve……
A lovers dance is patient and kindIt feeds your heart, soul and mindIt brings you joy and happiness withinKnowing that he or she will……
I hate it when there you I wanna get to know but I can't, watch you from the distance, just because you are out……
I always knew that love would come find me somedaybut never did I know that it would be you who was headed my wayyou caught me off……
I've been waiting, waiting for him walking towards her, one step only. But then her realize he was turned onto another road. Their……
First Love never dies. First Love is the first way to learn life. First love always full of mistake, This is way where……
A husband and a wife were sleeping. Suddenly, a sound of a car screeching was heard outside.The wife woke up and shouted, "Oh it must……
The simple lack of her is more to me than others' presence. In a great romance, each person plays a part……
1. “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson 2. “Folks……
When Bob Marley said to love the life you live and live the life you love, for me it is true. That is how you can go through life.……
I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't teach……
Last Wednesday, October 15, 2014 was a great and fine day for me and my special love one as we celebrate his birthday together alone.……
Ek Ajeeb Dastan Hai, Mere Afsaane Kee;Maine Pal Pal Kee Kosish, Uske Pass Jaane Kee;Naseeb The Meri Ya, Sazish Zamane Kee;Door Hui……
I are typically a negative particular person on quite a few situations. Just this day I needed to help make a young morning hours……
Đến một lúc em sẽ phải học cách chấp nhận, chấp nhận người mới trong cuộc……
As a young man, so think simple, gentle emotions, purest is the most wonderful gift. Over time, those feelings are not intact anymore,……
Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through……
I Need You I miss you so much, I need you right nowI try to stay strong but some days I just don’t know how.The weeks seem like……
Cô gái đi học trên Hà Nội, nửa đêm nhận được tin nhắn: “Chào em, mình……
1. Flashing your smile to someone you don't want to see. 2. Bringing back the feeling you've learned to forget. 3.……
The thought of you came into my mind I wonder what you're doing I wonder who you are with .. As the wind blew its cold breeze,……
Tình yêu là thứ cảm xúc hạnh phúc, ngọt ngào nhất mà bất cứ ai cũng……
"Hear me out,There's so much more to life than what you're feeling nowSomeday you'll look back on all these daysAnd all this……
summer collection you all may like this i know
ERIC CHANG, ARTIST STATEMENT, CYCLE 1, 2014 Red flowers and green leaves – who is the beauty? There……
After a long silence I decided it was time to longer laid something on my blog that blanketed dust. I'm the same. People are always……
Yes exactly it is the best feeling in the world when you know that you really mean something to someone, that makes you how special……
Let me be myself again of those days not love me ... Why that day, he caught me promise not to cry when he was no longer next? In……
Bye Bye my favorite site until tomorrow. It has been a good day for the most part except being really really tired and once again……
"I loved you first: but afterwards your love" I loved you first: but afterwards your love Outsoaring mine, sang……
Run To You(Angel Eyes OST)Lasse Lindh With you… Everything seems so easyWith you… My heartbeat has found its……
There are people who considered their dog as not just a pet but their buddies, bestfriend and their partners.They are different from……
Eye exercise 3 the following activities:1. Reduce wrinkles on the cheeks First, you have to take all fingertips middle finger forehead……
Everybody longs for this kind of love. Every man wishes to have a woman by his side, and every woman dreams of a man asking for eternal……
- I sat next to the window in the den, watching the rain fall in a dull. On hand was a cup of hot tea is warm vent smoke.……
It also said it would wait to go to, just to find he will meet, just need to see this! Sometimes, I just think, if only someone appeared……
One of the most amazing things that can happen is finding someone who sees everything you are and won't let you be anything less.……
Life is not permanent and we should not waste our time in ego clash and enmity among each other as what seems a smooth life……
This is an impossible dream for me. Since I was a child, I used to read a book about heavenly bodies what it is really looks like……
Life is everything from good, bad, easy, hard, and so on. It is somehow that some of us have been thinking it is sometimes unfair……
“I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things.……
Sài Gòn nhiều nắng. Nắng vẫn cười ấm áp mỗi ngày với chúng ta nếu chúng……
Since this is our fourth year or forty-eighth month of being together, I wanted to tell you and the people around why I'm the most……
I am lucky that I have you in my life, we are friends and that is what every body needs, but I want some thing, I want some thing……
Em sẽ ghen ít đi, chỉ ghen đủ để anh biết dỗ dành, đủ để anh biết rằng em đang rất……
Cũng chính vì ghét em mà anh đã yêu em rất nhiều...Em à! Hồi mới yêu,……
Search 1 girl to fuck - not harderSearch 1 girl to paired - too easySearch 1 girl to her baby to work - no small thingLong as you……
SECOND CHANCE is the best gift anyone can give you. But do you really thing that anyone deserves a second chance? For me, its……
We met on face book 2 years back. Her name was Ankita Jain. She was in class 12.She was a nice beautiful girl and intelligent……
Many a times we see people are lack of confidence and they do not love themselves due to some or other silly reasons. It is……
| Photo from google | | Language: Tagalog | Wag mo akong piliting itanong ang mga bagay na alam mong kikiligin……
We are a dissatisfied groanA sound in the silence of spaceA disordered light,An old prophetic thoughtWe are an unending laughConteining……
I lived by the belief that love is a chemical reaction in the brain and not something that is real and magical. I was never……
To my friends, something interesting and fun, I hope!
To my friends, something interesting and fun, I hope!
To my friends, something interesting and fun, I hope!
My older brother is in the Air Force and has been deployed for about a year and a half. His wife (I’ll call her “Mary”)……
Day 8/3 is the first day of honoring women from around the world. On this day, you will remember the first one? Surely we should spend……
Day 8/3 is the first day of honoring women from around the world. On this day, you will remember the first one? Surely we should spend……
Arun completed his college and searching for a nice job. On that day as usual he went to the beach to meet his friends and……
Imran Khan is a best leader. He is saying sorry for his police mistake or p-m-l-n killer.
She, the one who showed me what real love is & who is the reason of my happy days and comfort in my sad ones. Honey, do you realize……
Love, People on earth can feel Love, love for your parent, friends, siblings, relatives any other forms of love but, we sometimes……
We all have many songs that we love, for various reasons. This is my ring tone when my husband rings, it was in Twilight and he made……
Grab your Life, before it holds you. Because Life is a game... And you are the one that may be victorious in it... Or defeated...……
Me and my two children went to a resort last summer to spend some bonding time. It has been a long……
"He found me and my son on New Year's Eve, sleeping in a construction site. We'd been forced out on the street after my husband abandoned……
when your life is dyed black, then painted it the sparkling stars ...!.. I
"Happiness is a long way, when another man finds himself caught supposing it to be happy, but to keep it before numerous challenges……
"I gave my three year old daughter some worthless coins, and jokingly told her that she was rich. She went and hid the coins away,……
"She taught me how to dance. We actually met at a graduation party. I was the only one not on the dance floor, and her friend bet……
i hurts to realize that people i thought i’d love for my whole life don’t love me such i thought. Although I love you……
Happy Monthsary to the man who has been part of my life for 59 months! Those months with you are ever……
the north west of vietnam if you ask me: what in the most interesting place in the north- western region? i will tell you: i like……
i will move with my time machineبا ماشین زمانم حرکت خواهم کردi will fly to next centuriesبه قرن های……
1 I like to nestle into his tall body, like knitting tiny hand into her warm hand. At times like that, I seem to feel that he is my……
Good morning everyone, hope you slept well last night! I woke up today still full of cold and a sore throat! I hate being ill, it……
I have saved her phone number. We still talk crap few days. Then I went to the South West in my country. That's Dong Thap. Suddenly……
When unfamiliar people learn about my relationship, they usually respond with shock, confusion and a laundry list of questions. I'm……
Select husband A lot of people say I'm picky, yeah right. Get married is the most difficult for a woman, so why not be picky? Do not……
May those that love the life Thank you in May of last year, in May of this year, and both May's later years too, were always gives……
Why I Love You?You give to me hopeAnd help me to copeWhen life pulls me downYou bring me around You teach me to careAnd help me to……
Once a lady came here for shopping and after parking her car she asked me to clean it. Inside the car there was a child and an uncle.……
Yes, for me it's all a lie. The more you think that you love that person, the more you'll be hurt when the time comes. But……
What would I do without your smart mouth?Drawing me in, and you kicking me outYou've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin……
First, the boy had a bite of Ice cream then he gave it to his sister. She ate a little and wanted to give it back to her brother but……
Searching for Internet love from a free dating webpage is basic. Indeed, there is a huge number of Internet adoration created from……
Khi được hỏi ở trên đời cái gì là nặng nhất? Bố trả lời: “Đó là……
It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve;……
Write something beautifull tell me an untold story. Tell me something so wonderful that I have fears of agony turn into a mystery..……
I used to think peace is in his arms. But now, everything is different ...So back to the receiver. You go on the road and try to inhale……
Sumit said to seema ,Ok Darling I am leaving for the office now. Seema rushed to the door to wish him but he already left for……
My friend was telling me her embarrassing experience in a wedding reception for the rich and famous. She noticed that……
Good evening friends, How are you all? I am asking strange question here .How much you love to your kids? I know all parents……
I happened to wander on Faceook at midnight. Meet a few strangers online. Actually, before I do often have a habit of making friends……
Hello everybody.... Perhaps you will continue to ask me: "Do not love the happy couple or what? But if there is no eternal love, then…… 1. Don't demand. 2. A lot of patience……
Hi everyone.. I have asked by my best friend.. he want to propose his girlfriend to marriage. and he asked, which words he can used?……
1. I love your eyes. It took me some time to admit that I find them captivating. I love way you look at me when we're together.2.……
first love is the is the one story that very important for us to remember it. all of people around the world are always have the same……
I love ginger, the smell and the taste. Besides it's taste and smell I love it because it have many health and beauty benefits. if……
Yêu nhau được 10 tháng <3 <3 <3 Cảm ơn em vì đã yêu anh :D :D :D :D Và còn……
Are you ready to be happy yet? That person come to me just as charming, just as fate, just as we would pay creditors by the sincerity……
Đã có rất nhiều.... rất nhiều lần tôi đã khóc vì một người Một người……
Are you a member of bubblews? Get paid for writing posts! I haven't been on there long so have not made any money yet but I know some……
I would love far, far beyond a love for ... I will ask away, ask someone who has ever loved me. Yeah! just once! Will you……
Mưa đầu mùa, đến bất chợt và mù trời mù đất. Trời mới sáng đây đã……
The sun rise in the evening. The moon blows in the morning. I saw rainbow reaching into heaven with a glimpse of my eyes I saw you……
One day, the sky was blue, the sun is yellow and the wind still look sweet but his eyes you can not find yourself in it ...Is there……
Ever yourself you do not understand their own feelings, then I call emotional cutter and of course it's not usually related to a girl……
Love is a beautiful feeling. Which can not express by the words. But sometime love is hurting. If a girl fall in love first time.……
I love bitlanders Earn More than you can imagine with us........
Online dating is now becoming a trend in today’s world. With the passage of time, technology has developed itself a lot. There……
Ramleela is……
1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I amwith you. 2. No man or woman is worth your tears,……
Budding winter when the weather in October, I just want to hold his hand tightly, passing circulated throughout 4 seasons. Fall lãng……
ta dang yeu trong tien thuc giua buoi chua nag nong cua mua he trong con mo tang tham goi ten nang mai ko xa mai ko xa con dau nua……
ta dang yeu trong tien thuc giua buoi chua nag nong cua mua he trong con mo tang tham goi ten nang mai ko xa mai ko xa con dau nua……
PHẬNEm không may mắn như bạn khácĐược sự yêu thương, nựng, ẵm bồngMột thân tự lập……
Even though I'm the one, not me ...It's been a long time I do not hear the phone call from him, not even the regular chat night, not……
Admitting ... meant to be prepared to face a lot of things ... hiding, he would become a coward, how many people will be disappointed ,……
- Ask your heart away, I do not like romance very table where the table you, do not let other people influence you think. Bottlenecks……
End stage practice, stay a month to review the graduation exam, I do more work all day and I started to learn the hoped not to have……
Apparently not a joke. Looks like things are beyond the control or rather things is not like I thought perhaps the relationship……
Although the children but he rarely calls me sister, in part because he's bigger than my old one, and the rest, I guess not ... ^^. But……
On summary trial practice at school (I'm going to practice at a high school in the city), people get together for lavish farewell……
Valentine - he asked me if I do not, I shall not only work more, you do anymore, we were roommates hang out with people who love early,……
Three-year life of my students rather tedious: go to school, come home and do more, then free time listening to music, reading books……
Ang pagkakaroon ng love triangle sa isang pag ibig ay isang napaka sakit sa ulo at dibdib.. Kasi aaminin natin na ang pag ibig talaga……
Met twice in the school yard, the same place he learned in his department and a lock.Sometimes accidentally meet, two children and……
I - final year students, two months before the formal expulsion from school and is an "old lady" brand! He - alumni, are doing management……
From the moment he knew the earth they suddenly stopped This life is much more weaving dreams how much fun From the moment he knew……
Sáng và chiều ngày cuối tuần 5/10, Hà Nội đón gió mùa - không khí……
Nhớ 1 người mà chẳng thể nói, tất cả tình cảm cứ giấu kín hết. Bản thân tự……
Mối tình đầu nứt toác và nhuốm bụi nhưng cô gái vẫn cứ bướng bỉnh ôm……
Try anti-mainstream way. do not be a smart era detective or asked of parents / siblings For ye know the true nature of a person. Because……
Kehte hain khuda ne iss jahan mein sabhi ke liyeKisi na kisi ko hai banaya har kisi ke liyeTera milna hai uss rab ka ishaara maanuMujhko……
Khi người ta trẻ, người ta có quyền mắc sai lầm. Sai thì sửa, vấp ngã thì đứng lên……
It was sure to happen I was knowingbut not sure it would be like this, It was unexpectedWe reached together so farand now we are awayyou……
Good evening friends, How are you all? I am asking strange question here .How much you love to your kids? I know all parents……
Giờ thì anh đã biết! biết được con người thật sự của em... Một còn người mà anh……
Daughter to keep her own emotions. Instability itself only knows. If so, a new not let anyone hurt you. I usually justify themselves……
Không ai dùng một nụ cười để làm thước đo cho một tình yêu, một hạnh phúc.……
You know the feeling of having all the feelings in the world within the breast forming one? You know what you feel with all the strength……
Love: It's a feeling of admiration and attracted towards someone, or something, has been seen as a mutual chemistry between the two,……
Hii friends... We all have been in love with someone in our past and many are still in love with their partner. And I can guarantee……
Painful because I can not love him our best as we have promised. Pain because it was time to close and cordial ties ...At the……
Marriages are the best part about life because……
Bf : Hey:)Gf : Hii baby:(Bf : wt happnd, ew okay???Gf : i will be fine i promiseBf : i know there's somethingwrong baby u can tell……
Being away from the one you love is hard, it takes a lot of courage to be away from the one you love because of certain reasons. One……
Đối với tôi!thì tình yêu không có rãnh giới! Một khi trái tim đã……
Because you knowI'm all about that bass'Bout that bass, no trebleI'm all about that bass'Bout that bass, no trebleI'm all about that……
Lovely time we had togetherand our lives are touched and our souls become unique foreverThe stuffs that we exchanged Is sweet memory……
Dear Pranav, I sincerely love you and our relationship are so pure that no one can question. I do not care about other people……
Have you ever wondered who will be your lifetime partner? The so-called, "soul mate" or the "God's will"? IF yes, then you are a true-love……
I have often told you this love For many years I waited for an answer this love from you Although you never repay the love that I……
What happens now? What happened to promises? What happened to " i wont change"? I think you changed. But I won't change. My pictures,……
Photo Credit creative common) It was Saturday and I was in the city's most famous coffee shop and waiting for my order……
4 Mga Palatandaan Makikita niya Huwag kailanman magpakasal ka Narito ang ilang mga palatandaan upang bigyan ka ng ulo up na SIYA /……
Hajj is a very important for Muslim. This is Allah's house. Love from Allah and your self and Allah help you If you do not so Allah……
When you fall in love, don't expect a fairy tale.We are on a world of reality, we're not on a wonderland. Relationships are not always……
Everyone you meet as they are if they need your approval, the treatment of friends and enemies, starting from today, loved one or……
I know a girl, there is a loneliness permanent display outside laughing eyes. She was an employee at the old bookstore near my house.……
Whenever we ask, “What is love?” it’s usually because a) we’re unsure if a certain special someone really……
Hoa sữa, chỉ thốt gọi tên cũng đã bắt đầu cảm nhận vị êm êm, dìu dịu, mơ màng……
i want love but i can't love because nobody love me because i very poor i so sad
People love without fear of tripping Fear of lost without dose step forward, Fear fade that did not dare wait Fearing that lie refused……
He proactively communicates and suggest to find out whether she's with him so far away from each other. Do not understand what is……
I can't recollect where I last left off, I realize that its been a decent number of days since I've posted anything. Anyhow I am again……
Your BuzzScore has several components:Filmmaking score : The number of films you upload. Having your films featured on bitLanders……
[Intro]I swear by the the moonAnd the stars in the skysAnd i swear like theShadow that's by your side[Verse 1]I see the questions……
Em à, trên đời này có gì khổ hơn yêu đơn phương? Có điều gì thống……
The dashing and most handsome, not to mention most charming and charismatic character/personality on the silver screen was born in……
Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. You know its like a lot more easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell them……
People I love, happiness always, always believe in the love and build his own thing as a simple happiness. Love is the sublimation……
Relation isn't Something, About Kssing Texting Chatting for Long Hours, hugging & Romance .............. its about forgiving Mistakes,……
Will fall in the ointment works as a bruised knee shattered dreams. Love has the ability to heal. All the conditions of the……
All is well. We have been established for six months. We have the same interests, felt very free with the (often) discussed……
Do not binding, and especially not swear, do not believe all frequencies on disability 'love guru'. You know, anything in life also……
Nỗi đau mùa cũ đã rất xa rồi, can cớ gì em khóc hờn mình ngốc, cuộc tình……
từ khi tôi quen biết em em đã làm tôi thay đổi rất nhiều,em đã mang đến cho tôi……
Thiên Bình – Bảo Bình, hai cung hoàng đạo thuộc về nhóm khí tự do nhất,……
Sài Gòn bằt đầu có những cơn mưa giông , đừơng lại ngập nứơc. Bên ngoài……
Being in love can feel like a dream come true, but all too often, we convince ourselves that a bad relationship is as close to perfect……
Lines For My Lover - featured in the new ebook Rhumour Of Romance Let's find a secluded corner, wine and dine by scented……
I have been thinking about how to break the chains of love addiction all way long. Breaking the chains of this addiction might be……
:- The smell outside after rain...............!!!!!:- Books you can’t put down................!!!!!:- Feeling loved................!!!!!:-……
¤ When a Boy says Sorry even though He didn't do anything¤ When a Boy cries because he still Loves you or misses……
The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith……
Love , the best essence of life, once met hate. Hate was angry and he accused love for spoiling its reputation and declared love as……
Jo Karte Hain "Mohabbat" WoKabhi Sataya Nahi Karte..Dete Hain "Jaan" Magar AazmayaNahi Karte..Har Haal Mein Rakhte Hain"Mohabbat"……
Online dating is considered as the……
Té ra Nhiệm không dọa. Ba ngày sau khi tuyên bố "tao sẽ cho tụi mày coi", Nhiệm cho Chuyên……
Hello me. How have you been? Are you feeling good this time? I mean, are you okay now? The last time I checked, you were so……
Just as with dating, you’re going to have to be willing to be the one to make the initial overtures of friendship. As……
Do not let your wait become habits of others. Đừng để sự chờ đợi của bạn trở thành thói quen của……
Chọn cách từ bỏ là bạn đã chấp nhận với sự thật, chọn cách lãng quên……
Mẫn không thể nào tin được trong cuộc "chạy đua tới tình yêu" giữa hai ông bạn,……
Let me start this blog with some questions, Does hurting other people makes you feel better? Do you avoid thinking of……
If tomorrow I die & don’t get a chance again to say how much I Love You..Just always remember,That once I was Yours &……
The day we first met, I can really never forget.. You were sitting in the first row,I came near you and all I could……
Best Moment In LIFEIs .. When you think aboutyour lover with tears in youreyesandHe / She is standing just behindyou ..and says,My……
A girl can hug her best friend tightlyand say,"I'm missing my boyfriend.."But...She cant hug her boyfriend andsay"I'm missing my best……
Hey friends how are you all. Today I am writing this blog on my shona. My shona is my life. I am nothing without him. He is too naughty……
سُنا ہے جان لیتے ہو !!!سُنو یہ جان دینی ہے !!!!سُنا ہے مار دیتے ہو !!!!سُنو میں……
Nhiệm tiếc hùi hụi khi biết Sương "lạc" vào lớp của Chuyên. Anh năn nỉ Chuyên: ……
Send to little girl! Daughter who also deserve the very best, with the more you have to be loved more than you? Because I have worked……
1. Love each other2. Don’t lie3. Keep communication open4. Stay sweet5. When you get hurt, focus on forgiving6. Never talk about……
My father is my best buddy. He is the key of my success. He is too much strict but loves me a lot. No one can take his place in my……
Này anh Anh đừng nghĩ rằng gió vô chi, vô giác, gió cũng biết đau, biết buồn……
So here it isI miss youAll of youYour not here anymoreYou left meEvery night I think of youWhen it’s cold I wish you where hereTo……
Chuyên đăng ký học tiếng Anh ban đêm chủ yếu vì mê âm nhạc nước ngoài.……
I’ve been having stomach issues for two weeks now, and it’s gotten to the point that I’m sort of a wreck………
You know sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear so immediately that the two of you, on some level, belong……
ALL i can say about my Pakistan is '''' great """" . I love my Pakistan dearly and all you spectaculars reading this……
Mẫn vừa ló đầu vô phòng, Chuyên đã hỏi: - Làm gì……
BOY: A, B, CGIRL: What?BOY: Always Be CarefulGIRL: Ahan then?BOY: D, E, F, GGirl : ??BOY: Don't Ever ForGet ThatGIRL:……
Never miss a girl with the following "Qualities” ...When she walks for miles to see you.When she says “sorry”……
Mùa đông này, khi những người bạn lần lượt tìm cho mình một vòng tay để……
Girls, when you hear the word "Mr. Perfect", what comes into your mind? Option A: a guy who has the best features ever. Handsome face,……
Mẫn được nhận vào dạy kèm Thu Thảo là một điều hoàn toàn may mắn. ……
Have you been through what feels like millions of men/woman looking for that right person never being able to say i feel i can settle……
When I'm not there.. do you think of me? When you're sad and something's bothering you.. do you wish I was there to help comfort you?……
Memilikimu namun tak memiliki hatimu sama saja dengan membaca cerita namun belum menyatu dengan cerita yang tertulis. ……
Cwo' = Cewe... Cewe = iyaaahhhh Cwo' = minta nopenya dong! Cewe = hmmm, kamu motornya apa? Cwo' = ga punya motor Cewe = (gagal nih……
Tiếng chổi quét loạt soạt vọng lên từ dưới sân làm Nhiệm thức giấc. Anh quay đầu……
The A Silent Woman She walked amid the crowd of people who are in the market. It was seen there are some people who talk……
People think they know you. They think they know how you're handling a situation. But the truth is, no one knows. No one knows what……
Có thể bạn sẽ buồn nếu hằng ngày cứ vào Facebook hay Zing me của một người rồi đi ra……
You don’t need me to tell you that the end of a romantic relationship is rough. Even under the most amicable, "we've just grown……
Was related to the very sites social like Facebook Twitter ... etc as he was well on the day I got a friend request again and she……
I picked up all debris in their hearts to carry onTry to pair again shelves her hand bleeding.Each long night of painThe full form……
"Tôi luôn nghĩ, chỉ cần thích một người, dù là không yêu, khi lấy về sẽ……
Whenever Mara and I write about our commitment to seek to embody virtues like love, patience, kindness, calm, forgiveness,……
I don't know what it is about you. Maybe its the way nothing else matters when we’re talking, or how you make me smile more……
Being pained by someone that you care the most will put your self-esteem into the deepest abyss of the sea. Learning the hurtful truth……
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has decided to appoint the well-known actor Leonardo DiCaprio as the organisation’s Messenger……
THE PAiNFUL PART OF PARENTHOODA poor couple who lived in a small village in Pakistan. They had only one son. Gave him the best……
Relations are the gift of Allah Paak. Allah has blessed us with parents, brothers and sisters. A relation only want three things,,,……
Hello Everyone,This love story will give you pain in stomach and tears in eyes sure ; Once one girl said to her lover, in the night……
Being in a relationship is a great chance to learn about our self, as well as the person we love. The challenges and conflicts between……
Is it that someone ignored you, or made you feel stupid, or did they physically hurt you? Decide if you really care what that person……
This topic I'm writing deals with picking the right partner for marriage. I believe the decision you make as to who you will marry……
Today I am going write this blog on love and friendship. Love and friendship is the most important things of us. Definition of love:-……
I love The Daily Muse blog - and it's because the photography is natural & so pleasing; and the writing is great; and……
Yes, It’s your choice to give your power away. I never understand that when did I became a Door Mat. You always expect……
She has deep ties of love and affection with the grand papa. She is very unhappy at the miserable plight of her grandfather.……
I am not a perfect one. But i do not support this at all. I know it might look very traditional. A woman is supposed to know how to……
Today a local missing couple was found dead in a wooded area near their home. They left their home on Tuesday and hadn't been seen……
I adore you. I long to hold you near me, close to me..I feel warmth & comfort when I am in your arms. Your hugs shivers down my……
We'd known each others for 7 yearsNo one could even thought that....we would say goodbye so easilyBut we did break upThe only thing……
I have came across many realizations in my life. Through my old experiences, I transform into someone who's more learned and stronger.……
Along the "Ao dai", the conical leaf hats are now a fashion symbol of Vietnam in the eyes of international friends. It always……
Let me begin this blog by introducing myself with what more than you can find from my profile. My name is Mau. School Achiever.Volleyball……
extracts the essence of this in the shape of pure, which is further purified in the form of sperm,……
What about love? What about your promises?
One day Solomon decided to humble Benaiah ben Yehoyada, his most trusted minister. He said to him, "Benaiah, there is a certain ring……
It is very painful when you love someone but not be responded to. But even more painful when you love someone without the courage……
On ... Mommy, July and mum! Children taken away from her husband, a long long time to see her. Nearly fifty year old mother but said……
Today is a Special Day So many days, I had a very stressful life because of my love one's. She had a very hectic schedule for her……
Why we love ??It's a Question which Influence may b everyone in this world thatwhy we love..??why it happens.??What's is Benefits..??What……
Fifty shades of grey a book by “E L James”, this book is the first edition……
Give then receive When I was working as a disc jockey in Columbus, Ohio, I used to stop at a local hospital on my way home. I would……
Gandhi’s ropping Shoe As Mahatma Gandhi stepped aboard a train one day, one of his shoes slipped off and landed on the track.……
The night is so bright because of the moon The wind is blowing gentle with my face, i just remember my past. I am remembering……
When your eyes accidentally touches his eyes, I could not help trembling when before I was a boy so attractive! And, since then, I……
Probably! Many students who have undertaken some kind of paid work whilst studying are unaware that they are eligible for a student……
For a long time now,I am living some what in a virtual life.A virtual life having ways for knowledge,entertainment,employment,social……
Don’t stop giving love even if you don’t receive it. Smile anf have patience. - Đừng từ bỏ tình yêu……
“The times you lived through, the people you shared those times with — nothing brings it all to life like an old mix tape.……
Daniel Padilla - Unlimited And Free Love is in the airI can feel it everywhereAnd my girl when we're togetherLife's a risk……
کوئی مِیری ساری زِندگی کے تَجربوں کا نِچوڑ مانگے تو میں کہوں گاکبھی کِسی……
"Lara, you must understand, we can't go on like this, meeting in a hidden place, I do not like it. I seriously want you to tell your……
An autistic girl, that's what I keep hearing other people talk about themselves. There are sad not it? For me it completely, I'm staying……
Do you have someone who is great, spends time with you, cares for you, and is an important person? Well, I do, and she has black hair,……
We love seeing natural architecture here at Inhabitat, and the leafy green Kleven train tunnel is a beautiful example of what happens……
Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions : Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including……
While beggars queuing up with bunch of roses begging for a body that would decay one day I need one dark red……
download : 126 Mlink 1 : link 2 : 4Share:……
A Millionaire’s First Love is a South Korean Romantic movie released in the year 2006. Hyun Bin is the lead actor and……
Ethan Wate and Lena Duchannes are dealing with the death of Lena's uncle, incubus Macon Ravenwood, which occurred during……
I wanted to reach out to the Bubble Community to see if any of you had any advice. My daughter just started a new school year this……
If you are a citizen entitled to vote in an election, would you vote for a senator, who, because of his vast power, often resort to……
The relation of husband and wife is the perfect relation of the world. Both have to develop mutual understanding. Both have duties……
Love of my life...... You hurt me...........
“Sometimes the first met wasn’t named as “love at the first sight” but in that time you would know how to……
I came back again today, nikita. In the corner of my room, I was viewing the clock on the……
Gửi tới tất cả những ai đã từng nhận được tình yêu rồi lại đánh mất nó;……
Hi Guys, This is a real story in my life. One day i went for world trip and i am quit excited to see whole world but when i……
My heart doesn’t knowIt believesThat you are mineThat your body and your armsBelong to meThat your lips and you eyesHunger for……
Do we live in the faint shadows of the one we love, so far apart even though we surely fit like a glove, Wistfully staring……
A little boy asked his mother, "Why do you cry then?". "Because his mother was a woman." - She said. "I do not understand," he said.……
May you sigh brokenly Like meMay you love someoneLike meMay that person remain aloofLike youRemember, your crueltyWill come back to……
I wish for youI whisper your nameI have no other taleThe only place for me In this worldIs in your downward gazeEnfolded by your lashes……
"Cứ mãi như vậy thì tình ta sẽ chẳng phai nhòa Và một thời gian sau em sẽ là……
There's a certain wistful aspect to her gentle graceA dark haired lovely with elegance embedded in her faceClear eyed and full……
My love for you never let me live in peaceEven if I wanted to ingest poisonThe thought of you didn’t let me do itWhen the night……
It is said that happiness in modern society, that is to manually grab, hand grab. Then, there are a lot of girls, boys, like robbing……
All is One...Learn to be Still, stay in the Moment...F alseE videnceA ppearingR ealLove is all there is...Mind is full of trickery……
We who burn in loveKnow no peace, no restThe dark lanes of loveAre surrounded with inky blacknessA traveler of this pathUsually stops……
The question is what love is and what is meant by love. The love is a special feeling in heart for someone. These feelings are not……
Loving someone going into this, always wanted to give someone you love a little happy, just happy someone you love, the fun, ourselves.……
Because beyond tears, beyond choked sob when pouring out the entire oppressed, I will not be able to do more to resolve the burden……
I went to pick up my best friend on April 18, 2001. It was supposed to be an ordinary run of the mill kind of day. We were going to……
Love so straightforward! like waking up every morning with the one you love! warm and happy ....
When her mother left her and her father to stay with her stepmother and left ventricular heartbreaking loss too much, might think……
Experience The Phenomenon and Magic of Summer Time with FREE Kindle Books Damaged Hearts and Other Short Stories of Love and……
A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco.……
Every moment of the dayYou are close to my heartWhispering to me thatLife is sweet thirstYour scarf covers my eyes every eveningEvery……
Makes 4 servingsTime: About 1 hourWe justifiably associate roast chicken with elegance, but it can also be super weeknight food, cooked……
I was told that in this life no one can say any thing at all because even couples married tomorrow, but today it can still break up.……
You may only be one person to the world but you may be the world to one person. I LOVE YOU
I would wander your lanesSing songs of love and loyaltyBut you wouldn’t be able to hear themBecause you wouldn’t be able……
Have you got a secret crush on someone? Or do you think celebs are much more dreamy than the boys at school/college? Choose……
Oh! My heart's ease Pray that my heart gets ease You've seen your own shadow and felt shy This is only the first milestone And you're……
Has your sex life gone stale? Between kids, work, the economy and other pressures, steamy sex may seem like a fantasy. (Although there’s……
People, now a days, have the habit of being in stress, I mean whenever you see someone, his or her face is hanging there like a goof!……
I kissed your lips and tasted heaven Perceived your breath thought t’was from an angel… Conceived an unexplainable emotion………
وقتی سر روی شن های ساحل میگذاری و صدای موج های دریا را از زبان ماسه ها میشنوی……
Now as I sit here, you describe me thoroughly. You describe me as the source that starts differently but also ends differently. The……
It's a dog thing - you see! Dog who loves to dive underwater. // Photo by: Seth Casteel Dog enjoys a beautiful……
Tree Potatoes demonstrates the truth in the middle of dating and marriage and it would appear that they're doing really well on their……
time flies by the two of us even it will never be last i won't ask for another chance it's better for the both of us to be friends.……
We all aware of the famous actor Robin Williams who recently took his own life, this news shocked the whole world maybe because we……
Don't know what is love , but the business of today If you've the success, you are the good and great Don't know what is honesty,……
Hey is there anyone who have a proper understanding about LOVE? This really confuses me. Some say love is a word, well love is a word……
Coz all of me, loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me, I'll give……
I LOVE YOU - IN MATLAB'S WAY Hello friends i am going to share a unique way of saying i love you to the special person you……
So you think fairy tales are just for girls? "You think fairy tales are only for girls? Here’s a hint - ask yourself who……
This is my first attempt to make a video. It is also live on YouTube. I hope some of you have enjoyed it. The poem was taken……
SUPER HIT HINDI MOVIE JAAN-E-MAN Cast Credited cast: Salman Khan ... Suhaan Kapoor Akshay Kumar ... Agastya Rao ……
hello friends, we always used to celebrate our birthdays by gathering together and enjoying. today its birthday of Pakistan :). lets……
A question that roams in many people's minds. Even children talk about it. They play truth and dare games, and if one chooses truth,……
This is when I grab the shovel and hit the ditch and play Blonde Mouse songs, but I ain't like to go down swingin. I need the quiet.……
As Pakistan is facing big terrorism for many years but now once again Pakistani government issued orders to clear the North Waziristan……
You and I best friends for ever. You are the sweetest part of our relation. I am the bitter part of this relation. When you……
I didn’t expect that you will entertain me into your life. You let me explore your life and gave me the chance to know you.……
The boy apparently had a word The boy from a poor family, his father said. Let me buy Bicycle Bicycle Buying difficult for parents.……
If you are an avid traveler and barrel lover, you most likely have heard of Hossegor, France, a premier surf spot in Europe. ……
Have you thought about where the water bottle you buy for lunch be in a few years? Good chances, it might flow to a tiny Japanese……
It was around 12:45 AM at night yesterday, my friend called me and said that he is in love, I was just amazed, we were good……
Trust the main thing which come first to believe or being in relation with all. Trust the most important part of human’s lives.……
The Words Every Husband Should Say to His Wife Husband and wife are made to complete each other, Allah almighty has knotted them in……
"Two-thirds of the night had passed and I was praying Tahajjud. Prayer up to drink water in between.... Mother's room to see the passing……
In our general talks we cannot explain that what is the……
We’ve seen a handful of alleged iPhone 6 cases in the past few months, but for the most part they’ve been……
I love smoking it.
The most lonely person is the one who isn't strong enough to face what he did. I am writing this article just to tell my readers to……
Nowadays we use this word as common as hello. But do we know the meaning of it? Do we know the feeling of this word? Do we know why……
In life and Death we will not part, As our love is divine. Your body under a bed of garlands, Your silence is same as mine.
Life is not simple as seen. It has many ups and down. We have to face many situations problems happiness sorrows difficulties abnormalities……
Soft hearted women who love her child a lot. Her life is in her child. Our smile is her happiness. When we are sad UN happy she also……
I read out the whole story. This is the story of the great love of father with his son. This is the true story made me cry. The boy……
When you are with me, I don’t have any tension about the world. When you with me in this world. I feel happy and I am on the……
I would look at people sometimes, many people who were always around me, mostly in pairs, couples, loving each other like the world……
So they think you are beautiful till you get wasted. And you think they love you for all the qualities you never had. This……
Its a shame to see so many girls, girlfriends, wives, fiancees cheating with their partners and not only girls even boys but the cheating……
I think I was destined to miss you.Not have you, no not be with you, no never for long.I am only always missing you. Even……
Relationships aren't what they use to be, now a days people give up too easily, they allow their relationship to fall apart due to……
This world was made on the basis of love. God loved Muhammad (P B U H), so he made this world. Not only Prophet Muhammad (P B U H),……
I looked in her eyes, but there was so much. So many things that I couldn't comprehend one. They were beautiful. Not that her eyes……
Moral: Life is not so short. So, don't be so proud of yourself and damn others. Situations change with time. Every one should respect……
My silence is the reaction of your actions. My silence is the pain inside my heart. My silence can destroy your dreams but I can’t……
WHERE Biarritz, France Biarritz is the luxury beach town of Basque Country, where many Parisian and Europeans come to escape……
Everyone dreams of living a ‘perfect life’ – starting a perfect family with the love of one’s life………
It is shocking to see the divorce rate increasing so much, all over the world but specifically in Pakistan. What really are the reasons……
So many people believe there is no harm in engaging in a little bit of gossip, however, this is a very naive assumption,……
Religious and social system of Indus valley civilization For reading part 1 click here Religious system ……
He was scared I believe so. Whenever I tried to reach out to him he would snap and back off. It seemed to me as if he would only let……
Everybody wants to fall in love, or wants love in their lives, yet they don't know what it actually is! I have people saying i love……
Word Life is the full fill with the blessings of the God. Love, Hates, Problems are big basics of the life and these factors can cause……
The anomalous events of life finally seem to make sense, unaware of how the dots would be connected; my benign but firm manner was……
Money has become an important part of our life and a very crucial aspect of living.Through money we can get the basic necessities……
What is Peace? Showing prosperity in all aspects of life and in the matters of social and economic welfare, Trend of equality and……
Why is love marriage such a big issue in Pakistan? Why can't two people choose to live with each other? They know they can be happy……
Source: fanpop Real Life: Movie: Source: blasfome Real Life: Movie: Source: vintageandvanity……
Lets break it down! A break down of a phase to find the true meaning ever thing in life has a purpose every word ever uttered has……
A number of things won't be let to look for the sunshine throughout your day... Folklore has it the reality will almost always set……
Love, fun and Ishq They say the heart of man is like a child that sees him do it so longs. As soon as it is prone to get if it is……
I used to call my friend who I used to call my friend who used to call love love that I never had when I think you do not know what……
“OF TRUTH” is the indicative of the greatness of Bacon's mind and art. Having philosophic and pragmatic bias of mind,……
Friendship is a relation of love and affection between two persons or a group of people.Friendship……
It is fact that a human has some emotional feelings in own heart. Sometime some person hidden these feeling while some person display……
The best words every wife should say to her husband Every one needs love and care from their partner. In my opinion there are some……
It is true that Love is 7th sense of the human which destroys all the 6 senses. Some people say that life is incomplete without the……
If someone comes to you and saysThere is someone who really loves youWho always pray for youAll the tender feelings,expresses for……
Nature of Humans Steven Pinker said, “ Human nature is complex. Even if we do have inclinations toward violence, we also……
Today i want to write about love, that what is true love and how can we prove that we love someone. Love is an eternal feeling which……
People have hobbies according to their choices. They do their hobbies in their leisure time to get happiness from their lives. Otherwise……
Cheryl Lovelace is a successful business entrepreneur who has been searching for love and peace through her life as a wife and mother,……
Friendship is the most famous relation in this world. We live in this world where life is incomplete without the good friends. So……
Lithuania is really small country but it is powerfull Lithuania is really small country but it is powerfull Lithuania is really small……
Patriotism is a passion that makes a nation active in case of foreign invasion. The history of Pakistan is full of such examples when……
I love old timesThat were gold timesMillions have tasted deathAnd millions will taste death How humble people have gone awayNow,their……
Love for one’s country is patriotism. It also show one’s loyalty to one’s country. A patriot is a person who loves……
At the age of thirty eight, Hazrat Muhammad used to live alone. He would spend a lot of time in contemplation. He would often take……
Thank you, for what you are,For what you have been A symbol of love,A pillar of strength,A source of inspiration to my moral being,None……
The most beautiful word on the lips of the mankind is the mother and the most beautiful sound is call of the my mother.……
I cannot promise you that I will not changeI cannot promise……
We have many relations in our life and we love a lot, without them our life is meaningless. Who care us and we like to take care of……
Love is a feeling which flows one person to another. When a mother sees her child happy and she also become happier than her child……
The most beautiful relation we have is the relation of our parents. Without them we are nothing .they give us an identity by giving……
Hello Film Annex artists, After two years of festival screenings around the world "First Lesson In Love" - a short film I wrote and……
The story starts with a young kid named James Patrick, born in a very beautiful valley raised there and had his basic education there……
W all have them. I did not realize it when I was growing up, I was probably in my mid30s before I realized that my ce;ebrity loves……
Finally! last week was so busy for me, finding locations for music video, had a trip to Sorobi and Paghman for filming and shooting...Thanks……
My name usman ali and I am a student of bsc. In the past few months I've been working at this site. I have to write that many in the……
ان اسوأ ما يفعله المحب بعد صدمة عاطفية ان يمضى فى علاقاته ان مرارة……
The Earth without Art is just Eh.
All of us have friends from the opposite sex , sometimes you start to feel something new , you start to doubt your feelings……
If it's not a good game or catholic...who do you call?...why Pokematic "Hi." I just finished watching Bandslam. Before I get into……
She was one of the most famous women in the ottoman history . she was the wife of Sultan Suleiman and the mother of his……
This has been a quite turbulent week for me. In preparing to do "Afghanistoons" with Edward Zellem (see, I got your name right,……
Melissa Gil is a Professional Kite Surfer, Marine Biologist, Conservationist, and Passionate Surfer. Photo by Jake……
Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a……
A lot of people asked me ' do you believe in love at first sight?' i think it does exist . i believe that you can have something……
It is the nature of man to believe that someone created him, his fellow beings, this universe, earth and it’s all creatures.……
La musica è sempre stata una compagna perfetta per l'esercizio fisico, per sollevare lo spirito e migliorare il morale. Tutti……
Love mean that you have feeling for someone special.It means that you want some thing from cores of your is not only restricted……
Music has always been a perfect compliment to working out, lifting spirits, and enhancing moods. We all at one time or another……
Once upon when I was a child There was face of smile There was lot of mine Once upon when I was a child There was peace……
In this world, Life has some other names like challenges, happiness, love, sorrows and relations etc. In life, when you are……
Love is a dark and infinite feelings in this world and no one person can't measure the feelings of love. But there are some……
A pure love I may die once if you leave me A pure love is here; oh my darling Full of light is your face with precious Hair and blue……
Love's voice I play music, get to feel it It's not my fault, but the sound of feeling Dreams are precious about her Just like to play,……
love is a small word but his meaning is very large. in this blog I tell you about the love of today which people do with other in……
Hello! It's that time of year again. Yes, "Metroland" magazine is doing their annual Reader's Poll once again, and we're hoping that……
Sky And My Heart Sometimes its hard for me to tell and To explain the beauty of things that flies When I look in the Sky ……
اپنے بچھلے آرٹیکل سے میں اپنے آرٹیکل کو جا ری کروں گا جس میں محبت کو متعا……
“Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love is by far, the truest type of love.” True love……
بچپن سے میں دیکھتا آیا ہوں فلموں سے لے کر کہا نیوں تک کے محبت ایک بہت حسین……
Love is powerful Love is powerful let’s see There is a wave in the sea, Waiting a long time for moon Why the morning……
A Film Annex member called 92sehrish emailed me for advice. She wanted to learn how to make movies so she can host them as well……
Teacher day is one of those days in the world, which is celebrated by different countries at different dates. The objective……
Love is you Love you beyond your expectation and without any expectation Love you more than you can ever think and more……
In this era of fast and restless life, many people tend to love specific things or people, thinking that they are the sole source……
What a beautiful life, What a beautiful think and What a beautiful event. Even it’s thinking is very beautiful and give……
COME, LETS VISIT THE PAKISTAN Our beloved country Pakistan appeared on the map of world on 14th August, 1947. It is full of natural……
“ If you raise your level of positivity, then your brain performs significantly better.”- Shawn Achor - CEO of Good Think……
Pakistan is my country. It is my dear homeland. We love it more than our lives. Then it is one of the most important Muslim……
The age old question... Does he/she love me? Is it worth fighting for him/her? Well I may not be a master in the love department……
Here is a thought for you………. What is the greatest computer MAC & PC?How about the huge mainframe computer……
Is cricket coming to Afghanistan as well, will it find its way to all provinces? Will the outcomes of Asia Cup 2014 in Bangladesh……
“Compromise with the hearts ” In the dark night of the sorrow in my heart. Recollections, dreams, hops and……
Highness Ali said: I love life but I hate the world, some one asked what is the Difference between life and world? He said:……
Get FREE Kindle Books today and Film makers get inspired with Ideas for your next blockbuster movie... Death of a Cyclist [Kindle……
One too Many is a great short film by Director Caitlin Donaldson. A relationship falls apart, over a quiet game of scrabble. There……
10 Reasons Art Enthusiasts Love San Diego (via Wicked Good Travel Tips) Love Art? Then you’ll love the stunning public art displays……
I really enjoy behind the scenes and filming them. I find them a challenge to capture a film shoot, make it interesting and keep a……
If a question comes to anyone what mother is? The answer usually is that she is the wife of her husband, mother of her childrens daughter……
L'amore dei due adolescenti è un sentimento forte e incondizionato, guidato dalla voglia di scoprirsi insieme, e di vivere……
Day by day, we read the news in newspaper that teacher has punished the student so much that he has excoriated the student’s……
Islam mentioned 20 tips that bring friendship between people and make them friends, which are: 1. Telling……
Hello everyone! It has been a long time since my last blog and I apologize for that. In the spirit of "better late……
All'inizio di queste mese ho cercato dei film che mi aiutassero a ricordare il grande attore Philip Seymour Hoffman scomparso……
Il libro che ho deciso di riassumere comincia tragicamente, con il viaggio in Australia del protagonista, Sakutaro, che decide di……
I found the sensitive and touching recent film A Late Quartet while looking for movies to help me remember the great actor Philip……
Love is a strong feeling of affection, love or refers to emotion, strong attraction, and personal attachment. Love is an important……
I am going to write about Egypt. Egypt is the old country in which the lots of ancient time king spend there lives. They build some……
I wanted to share with you, something that my Uncle wrote today about Love... It's a little wordy and technical... but the last paragraph……
Let me start with the common word know by every human being that is HUMANITY. Giving you some previous information that before many……
Mother is best and beautiful relation in this world and it is a reality. You can also see the in your real life when you see the love……
Here is part four to my list of crazy random facts. Numbers 76-100. Hope you enjoy! 76.Money is made from cotton not paper. 77.Love……
Recently in my spare time, I watched a movie called the host. When I first turned on the movie I was expecting a typical story of……
The Tom Robbins says that: “We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love” this means……
Contracted review. Halfway between personal drama and horror, the film shows the physical and mental evolution of the young protagonist,……
House is an urgent and important need a part of life .It gives Humans a sense of……
Life is nothing, But a game. ……
As we are about approaching the valentine's day i want to say to all people in the world happy valentine's day. and i wish all people……
Life is Complex of pain , sadness and always hops but unfinished , it's all good, life is everything but not everyone has to……
*** You are the only one who is responsible for your own mood, so do not tie your mood with people. You will Grievance yourself if……
So, here it is guys! A very personal film about the animal I love the most - cats! I'm incredibly happy with the result……
"It’s not too late" is a statement that can motivate you to do things you had to do them from long time I.e you still have a……
Yes, you can be you , you can make a lot of love for all of those around you , that blowing compassion for those waiting for you,……
Family is a wonderful gift of God. You spend your whole life with your family, after……
This potentially the most rewarding, or most hazardous, of all personal correspondence and one in which it is crucial to remember……
Love is the meaning of life It keeps us to be alive I feel so happy so cozy so cheery With a love which be real, pure till end of……
In the morning first of the main target of our life was the .... Breakfast! Then we wait for the school bus in morning with my fellows……
There is no specific age to love someone, it can happen to you at any age at any time you just have to wait for the right moment.……
Dallas Buyers Club ha il doloroso compito di trattare l'epidemia di AIDS in America, in un modo intimo e personale. Questo film……
However heart of night is dark and thick But I rip gloaming, brilliant window through it That spares your pondering in my mind……
Dallas Buyers Club takes the painful issue of the HIV AIDS epidemic in America and makes it personal. This great movie……
Everybody may have an ambition. An ambition gives meaning and purpose to life. What is life without ambition? A life without ambition……
Its strange how we ignore our grand……
” Education is an act of love & there fore an act of courage” If it doesn’t want to be considered as a joke.……
Word Sister is the most beautiful, expensive relation in this world. This relation is about some fight and love. When we think about……
Se c'è una storia mitologica che mi viene in mente quando penso alla narrazione cinematografica, è quella di Icaro.……
Here it is, the KINO EXPOSED FESTIVAL screened "How Things Should Be" is finally on Film Annex.I wrote a blog earlier explaining the……
His heart beat like a ticking clock room, but faster , maybe twice or three times in a second , his hands full of fire was hot like……
All of this issues belong to the women .there is only one point which make them to object against their husband, and that is this……
Kal Ho Naa Ho,,, Is an amazing indian movie. sharukh khan (Aman) and Preity Zinta (Naina) are the……
*Are you and your guy constantly arguing and fighting ? *Does it make you feel like can’t stand and want to move on ? *Are you……
Do you know what happens when the little pleasures of life are denied? They should get chocked and the heart sinks down. All are pleasures……
After 5 months of being actively involved with Film Annex, I felt compelled to do a kind of review of 2013 (not unlike many……
Family is a persion word which means community of men, women, and their children. Before we talk about family in Islam we are going……
Today my blog is about love. In my whole life I did not fall in love with any one. But I consider those people very lucky who fall……
Today, remember the days when we were together my heart is missed Today I feel that I am most alone without you Today……
Hi, Here is a link to an interview with me about my film "First Lesson In Love" and about me as a young filmmaker.……
In order to open our heart way to each other, and enjoy from social live we have to use from some rules and careful skills. And that……
One day me and my family went to picnic. Than me and my fiance were walking on the mountain . Suddenly I fall , so I scream……
Dear friend have you ever think about the exact meaning of mother, mother means original and the roots. because the origin and the……
If you are girlfriend of someone then you are lucky and if you are not then he is lucky. According to my observation, having a girlfriend……
Justifying a sin, Does it work? Has it worked before? Has the outcomes from history and stories been satisfactory? Can……
The remarks mentioned in this article give evidence that people remained the others that there is some kind of behavior which they……
Is it love? Do you know what is love ? Yes love is a wink of boys and lovely look of girls. So I think that it is not……
Pakistan is richly endowad with many archaeological treasure. The best Known is that of Taxila situated about 30 miles North-West……
Jealousy :- Each one of us has been born and has some recipes within him or her. jealousy is an Innate instinct created by God ……
A few days ago I visited a country called “LOVE”. I tried to get some information about that state and I succeeded in……
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the direction I’ve taking with the brand Chick Wrestler®. I developed……
We are the results of our thoughts and actions, if we think positively, if we are successful in our mind, we are successful in this……
We are all living, eating, drinking, sleeping and dealing with others. But really are we living and do we know the real meaning of……
This universe is made due to the love and this is love that’s. The God create the whole world. And his love of our great Holy……
One day, it was a cloudy weather, the shop of weapons (armory) was opened and old man having whitish beard was sitting in the shop.……
Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you هر شب در رویاهایم تو را می بینم و احساست می کنمThat……
A 75-year long Harvard Grant Study revealed the key to finding true happiness, something we’ve known all along…love. ……
Here's Part 3! What you have all been waiting for! The random crazy facts that you most likely didn't know. Hope you like it. Here……
With the latest interesting changes, the latest English Premier League season 2013-2014 is considered to be the most anticipated……
Okay, so from my last Crazy facts post you learned about some crazy random facts. Here is more facts 26-50. I will be posting more……
A collection of some of my favorite classic Pashto/Pukhto proverbs which are rarely used nowadays, there are many possible reasons……
"HE was her heroo and SHE was his princess" WHEN you fall in love with someone and live with him/her the best love story ever,,, THEN……
As we reach our early twenties we start to feel a huge shift in our perception of the world and then it happens, BAM! Life hits……
I want to start by saying a real life story of a man which he mentioned from his experiences and pain that he bearing now. “When……
Afghanistan is an Islamic country and 99%people of this country are muslim .this country achieved independence in 1919 from England……
Gene Geter’s The Dancer Mimi is a true inspiration. This incredible work of literature delves into a world filled with entertainment,……
There are many facts that you may not know. Below are the first twenty five facts I've researched. The next fact part will be posted……
Single? Well I don't even care about my status,because I know that Allah is keeping me for someone……
Being a Mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it wanders wherever your children go..As long as I live, I will always be……
Introduction: In our first interview with Afghan-Canadian recording artist and pop star……
Check out this artistic poster for the film "All The Boys Love Mandy Lane", starring Amber Heard. The film is about a new and……
***friendship:- is a single soul,placing in two bodies so,it is the best relationship ever between 2 or group of people ***why do……
Surinder "Suri" Sahni (Shah Rukh Khan) is an office employee. Once he went to attend the wedding of the daughter of his……
Sometimes I wonder how much I love him. It seems to me that there is no way to avoid loving him. I have fallen in love with a very……
The greatest book available for any pick-up artist or beginner, has to be The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick-up Artists……
There are some important tips to avoid making your girl mad on you : - Don't Look at another girl : When you are with……
She Gives away signs : Listen to her carefully, so you can keep Something for future,when you are chatting, watch……
One common trend of children in practically any age group is that they would all love a furry, small, very compassionate pet.……
10 magic tips to Keep women Interested ! 1. Don't spend all your time with her Have your life too,……
爱情是一个跨越时空的共同深论题,而爱情的五味杂陈是人类生命中一个不可避免的历程,要结束一段感情并不容易,即使是现代男女也有着许多恒久不变的烦恼与阻碍.... ……
愛情是一個跨越時空的共同深論題,而愛情的五味雜陳是人類生命中一個不可避免的歷程,要結束一段感情並不容易,即使是現代男女也有著許多恆久不變的煩惱與阻礙.... ……
It seems like recently among all artists trying to make a comeback to……
Unfortunately Forced marriage and young ages marriage in Afghanistan is something common. Some people think a girl satisfaction……
We all love our mothers. As a believer in Islam and surrounded by the beliefs and practices of this renowned world religion,……
The Indie-Rock American songwriter Neko Case, currently 42 years old,……
Love is a fundamental passion of man.Man needs and desires sympathy,help and love from fellow human beings.Man is afraid of living……
Patriotism,which means literally the love of the mother,is a noble sentiment and a national virtue;and the man who lacks it has indeed……
Hello the beautiful people of the world, My name is Zarlasht Sarmast and this is my life in Afghanistan. My name is Zarlasht……
Введение: Когда друзья рассказали мне об афгано-канадской поп-певице,……
I know we all love a little bit of celebrity drama now and then. And I can also assume that we love hearing about the latest……
I absolutely love, love, love the traditions that go along with the Christmas holiday; they all make you eel all warm and fuzzy……
If you are a casual or a hardcore cinemagoer, I guess you’ve seen that advert. The dusty unused cinema seats and the people……
Introduction: When friends first told me about a brilliant, hip Afghan-Canadian female pop singer who was winning……
My aunt always wanted to take me to the Council on Foreign Relations daughters and sons meeting, but my parents would say that I was……
There is something wonderful and interesting about technically setting up the camera, stepping away (remote in hand) and watching……
As days passed by, I kept seeing the same woman, sitting in the same place, doing what she always did. The woman wore an old……
Every kid on the planet looks forward to their birthday, a time where he or she gets all the attention, some fun presents hopefully,……
How far would you to to find your Mr/Mrs. Right? Well, apparently you would pay up for that special someone as a female management……
E voilà, un altro cambio di direzione è servito. Dopo un biennio all’insegna della new wave e del post-punk……
The GMRF is not just an organization, it’s a global family. The bonds that are formed at the “Dare to Dream House”……
آج بہار کیطرح محسوس کرتا ہوں۔ آخر کار اس وقت میں پیار کے علاوہ کون سا موضوع……
Bret Michaels is one busy man. He is one of Rock and Roll's most iconic frontmen, one of television's most beloved reality personalities……
Ella Yelich-O'Connor isn’t your typical teenager, rather singer. Lately,……
You ever realize the impact that animals have on your health, specifically dogs? I have a little pup of my own at home……
As most of you know, Buddhism is one of the widest religions in the United States. But what do you know about Buddhism. American Buddhists……
DO YOU KNOW THAT WILD WALLENDA WANTS TO WALK THE WIRE IN NYC????????????? Crazy people don’t consider themselves crazy, rather……
We sure love our dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!! I work with animals a lot. So, my first blog is about..... According to the 603 registered……
Spencer Beatboxer has always been a performing artist. Since the days of his childhood he has ventured into improv comedy, greco roman……
The classics continue to reign over the newbies in an era where certain fields of music fail to portray any sense of depth and thought.……
"Mother, I Love You" and "Code Black" were the big winners at the 2013 Los Angeles Film Festival awards. "Mother, I Love You" won……
I am very excited to announce my participation as a juror in the upcoming International Fashion Film Awards that will take place……
This week on 60 minutes they have been talking about a young American singer whose name is Taylor Swift. She released her first debut……
I thought I had settled things within myself. I thought I was all right with the idea of being a paid artist, making good money.……
Guardian Angel is a story of hope, about a man's soul lost in the darkness and consuming in pain. But even in the darkest place……
In my last blogpost, I seemed to be going on and on about getting paid for my cartoon work. I was thrilled when I got three……
The release of my latest film ‘Falling’ has gone well, people seem to be enjoying it, which is great! If you haven’t……
Cruising through random mix tapes of Artists through multiple sources (Datpiff, Spotify, Pandora etc.) I spotted one tape that grabbed……
The news that stunned the pop/rock and roll fans of not just America, but the “rock nation” of the world. A career that……
Swedish singer Miss Li combines fundamentals of jazz, pop, and blues to create her own unique warped pop songs. It was on one day……
I really like the Internet. It gives me a chance to show my work in a way I couldn't back when I was young in the Eighties.……
MY FRIENDS, Please read further, as you will know how a single person can make a difference. We couldn’t wait to share……
กระแสเกาหลี Fever ไม่ได้เกิดขึ้นเฉพาะประเทศในแถบเอเชียเท่านั้น……
Hey, guys! Let me introduce you my lovely WEB TV.! Being born in Europe, I'm fond of Asian culture and its traditions.……
Afghan women have developed in different fields. For example, to exercise in different majors. They have had good……
by: Kristin Velkova As the world around us changes, it is important that our educational system responds and adapts. Today, the widespread……
“I was always fascinated by musical instruments as a child, so when I was six, I began taking piano lessons from a member of……
Stop what you are doing. Answer yourself these 4 questions. Do you like your job? Could you love your job? Is this where you……
Oh, Valentine, my sweet Valentine. Today is the day for lovers and lovers who just love being loved. But then again, there are……
I spent a few days this week in Manchester city centre posting up positive message and encouraging people to spread them! This is……
Hi Everyone!I have a little personal project well on the way at the moment. For any of you that saw my blog "You are Beautiful", you……
BY: KRISTINA VELKOVA Nestled in the bustling Garment District, in the city known as the "center of the world," New York's Fashion……
Today marks the end of Sundance Film Festival's first half. The good news is that there are 5 more days of fun and movie-watching……
Mother! What a holly word that all the praise is less for this word Oh! Mum you the most honest women who forgives without……
It is with great pleasure that I introduce the latest filmmaker whose work has made it's way to Film Annex & Models WebTV online……
Today I want to touch a very sensitive and holy topic. I want to discourse about love. L.O.V.E. - how amazing those feelings. You……
If you have girlfriend and you really want to build your love,please see the five smart points and imagine the world of love through……
Patience is the most crucial pattern of life that all individuals should have reflected through their entire life.A person with high……
If you intend to have a girlfriend or you already have girlfriend,then you have to select chats that she should be interested……
If a girl falls in love with you,then she might be afraid to say that she is in love instead,she shows you some 'Unique' emotional……
I and many other film lovers think that 2012 may be the best year for film in over a decade, especially compared to 2011. However……
Earlier today I was reading about North Carolina, the latest state to vote on a constitutional amendment concerning the definition……
Who requires that everyone has to have a girlfriend/ boyfriend? Hard to think of one. But if you have one, it is indeed something……
For a longtime, “yellow fever” is highly negative and racist term in my opinion, and in many people’ minds. First, yellow fever……
For more love&relationship insights and romance movies, please subscribe here.Living in Los Angeles, working in entertainment……
For more love&relationship insights and romance movies, please subscribe here.Some guys are “smart” enough to know what exactly……
Little Big Love is a very touching short film by Tomas Mankovsky, about tiny robot that falls in love with an electric kettle. The……
Just uploaded new film 'For My Love', Directed and Written by myself. It is part of an exciting trilogy so don't miss out on the first……