Pray always

The more we pray and lift up to God our daily activities , the more God will bless us spiritually , physically , psychologically ,……
The more we pray and lift up to God our daily activities , the more God will bless us spiritually , physically , psychologically ,……
It was announced yesterday that Lucasfilm, together with Disney, will begin filming the next episode of Star Wars in May of this year.……
Cruising through random mix tapes of Artists through multiple sources (Datpiff, Spotify, Pandora etc.) I spotted one tape that grabbed……
Hi everyone. I just came from LA, full of emotions and full of energy. Want to explain everything to you, my young readers J First……
Episode One The first episode in the three episode series titled, The Virtual Workout, is going to consist of Conditioning and Plyometric……
Back to Basics- When you apply this to working out, you remove everything. You remove the weights, the supplements, and any and all……