Have a blessed day.

Everyday is a BLESSING, don't look back, don't look ahead, Just look up & Thank God for another day because not every person in……
Everyday is a BLESSING, don't look back, don't look ahead, Just look up & Thank God for another day because not every person in……
iosj hsdfhssdjkhaeuiwydfjkvvb
Bababababanana babababbaba banananaaaaPotatooo naaaa!!!Oh who doesn't love the minions? From the first time I had a glimpse of those……
It's not the usual thing that we always do. But whenever we got the chance to give something to each other, we will try to make it……
Alright this is the story of the stupid person, I mean me, who was a frank and lovely guys, I mean used to be but now isn't. Sometime……
(18 para lucky number haha!) 1) Dysentery Analyn - derived from Blink182's Dysentery Gary haha! 2) 21 taong gulang na……
I've always been a kind of a girl who hid my face. So afraid to tell the world what I've got to say, But I have this dream right inside……
fernando(nando ) pereira bastos, my cousin , economist in belo horizonte that died a few years ago and his wife , lýdia, brazilain……
aj mosam bara acha hia friendssssssssssss
We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or in the red fire of a long winter’s……
Honestly, I don’t need someone who only sees the good in me. I need someone who sees the bad and still wants me.
Last Sunday I finally got myself to church, First Assembly of God in East Chicago. I knew I needed the Lord more than I needed……
You Left Me Soft and smooth and gentle breezeWhere do you come from?Making me happierJust by your tender touch.Pleasing me and keeping……
Ciao sono nuovo su questo sito :) mi piacerebbe fare tante amicizie... c'è qualcuno che è in grado di spiegarmi bene……
i hurts to realize that people i thought i’d love for my whole life don’t love me such i thought. Although I love you……
Kindly Please Like Buzz This And Like My Newly Fresh Page on Facebook :pFacebook.com/HotTrendingStuffAnd PM me for your wants And……
1 Like yourself The first step to self-confidence is to accept and love yourself. You should list all the positive characteristics……
Watch it..i cant download the video but you can see it on the link... This is surprising for the beautiful ms. Venus Raj, has a beautiful……
What is bitlanders.combitLanders is an online film distribution and financing platform that enables filmmakers……
How To Setup YouTube Link To a Specific Time Setting a youtube link to a specific time,means that when you enter the link it……
Quê hương - Tế Hanh Làng tôi ở vốn làm nghề chài lưới: Nước bao vây,……
Aamir is probably one of the finest actors we have in India today. The actor who is known for his extreme interest in molding himself……
The cure I have established on my fragile MMC was a success. My MMC is back on its raw state. Empty but usable again. Due to this……
Adele has two songs leaked on the internet. The second song is a song from the recording sessions in 2010 with producer Fraser T Smith.……
Chicken Adobo is an authentic Filipino dish and is one of the mostly recognized Filipino foods. This Chicken Adobo Recipe is the simplest……
Notes - Windows XP will run this automatically every three days or so, during system idle periods. BootVis will evoke this when you……
I grew-up eating different kinds of fish. I enjoy both fried fish dishes and fish dishes with sauce. I am always excited to have this……
When i was admitted to this school in 8th class i was such a brave lady that i did not have any fear in my heart for Mrs……
HOW TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY1. Feed him2. Sleep with him3. Leave him with peace4. Don't check his phone messages5. Don't bother him with……
Coz all of me, loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me, I'll give……
Noli Me Tangere – Musical Tour – written and directed by Isabelo “Bicong” del Rosario. The Academy of Performing……
I read out the whole story. This is the story of the great love of father with his son. This is the true story made me cry. The boy……
Do not read me because it is useless for you, to read me.It is useless as "someone singing in front of a "Donkey".Reading me is nothing……
All pictures by me
I am Fatima, a girl which has 18 years old, that reach to her legal age new.And she can up her expressive of her voice, that voice……
The move comes after a landmark European Union court ruling earlier this month, which gave people the "right to be forgotten". Links……
Lithuania is really small country but it is powerfull Lithuania is really small country but it is powerfull Lithuania is really small……
So what's been going on with me since my last blogpost? Well, Bertha Phillips finally contacted me and said she would……
Today is 11 May said to be Mother day.Like every person I love my mom very much . The Relation of a mother and child is the only one……
Hey! This blog is a bit delayed due to a insanely hectic week but oh well here it goes! It was a really great shoot and i had……
When I get depressed My mind is suppressed I pick up a pen And start writing then You start writing then ……
Here is a thought for you………. What is the greatest computer MAC & PC?How about the huge mainframe computer……
'Britney: Piece of Me' has grossed $10.9 million in just 16 shows. In this photo provided by Caesars Entertainment, Britney Spears……
, my dear teacher,the window of knowledge, Toward the dense of green flowers, I can remember the very first day of college,……
This is my guilty pleasure - I enjoy 'The Hunger Games' saga ... I actually watched the old Japanese 'Battle Royale' which I believe……
Sometime in life you feel down & depressed when no one trust you while……
I think we have all seen the adverts for this film and they paint a pretty clear picture of the plot - a man who is unhappy with his……
To any film buff, John Carpenter is a familiar name. The director of such films as Halloween (1978), Escape From New York (1981),……
Okay, so I have this film on in the background as I'm writing this, for the third time in the same amount of days, which probably……
In 90s there was a program broadcast every day at 6 pm from national TV on the suffering of people live in Indian Occupied Kashmir.……
وقتی نام از رسانه ها برده میشود اکثریت از مردم فقط جنبه های اطلاع……
To be perfectly honest I did not fancy this movie from the trailers I had seen. I felt that this movie was going to be horribly generic,……
In our complicated world everyone has their own problems and thought. One of us complain because of do not have son, some other complain……
داخل صنعت همانطور که میبینیم چهار اسب سوار شهرت کسب نمودند، و اینرا نیز……
Now you see me فیلمی درباره صنعت سرگرمی اشراقیون ؟ بخش دوم : عروسک برای……
Now you see me فیلمی درباره صنعت سرگرمی اشراقیون ؟ بخش اول : Now you see me فیلمی……
Ahh! Halloween is just around the corner, which means we should all scream, shout and run around in circles if we still have……
Ever since the Edward Snowden, NSA revelations, and the rise in popularity of drones and Google glasses we have all become more……
You know him well, and he knows you better than anyone else. Today we are going to interview the one and only THE MR. DIVIL. Interviewer:……
BY CHARLOTTE DELGRANGE Wherever there is light, spurts of darkening casts interrupt an evolving chemistry, where the potential for……
Fans of the Dude will tell you: you’re living in a world of pain. This explains the title WORLD OF HURT, not to be confused……
I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the Army’s World Class Athlete Program (WCAP) for Olympic Wrestling. Most……
Since I am new to this website, I thought my first blog should be about me, introducing myself, and showing who I am, where I came……
We all look forward to Superbowl advertisements each year as the games draw closer and closer, which had me wondering, what……
Dopo tanti discepoli più o meno dotati che si sono affacciati alla ribalta dell’indie-pop negli ultimi 10 anni e……
I’m sure we can all remember some of our favorite childhood toys when we were kids ourselves. That is why I would like……
Now I look forward to a Morgan Spurlock documentary as much as the next person. What – you have not seen SUPER SIZE ME? What……
Yesterday was very interesting filming we did with Earnest Williams, a 30 years veteran in modeling industry for Models WebTV. We……
نه اولش پیداست نه اخرش. . . نه اولش پیداستو نه آخرشبا این همهباید تا آخرش برومبگذار……
Tell me the truth Many people thought that truth is something which can make them out of life’s track. I mean people want to……
Chissà se Matt Berninger, autore dei testi e cantante dei The National (Indie-rock band americana), quando scrisse la magnifica……
PPPOOOEEETTTRRRYYY presents its very first post! Recently came across an interesting interview with a fascinating person on the British……
In the world of comedy there are some very big names ranging from Louis C.K., Denis Leary, Robin Williams, Bill Hicks, Joe Carlin……
Hello friends Movies are very significant to our nightlife and need for entertainment. Some new releases that have and will……
وہ تمام رینٹل ٹی شوز جس سے مجھے نفرت ہے Toddlers & Tiaras اس میں سب سے بڑھ کرہے……
The minions beat Johnny Depp at the box-office with "Despicable Me 2" easily winning the 4th of July weekend race against the Disney……
It's one of the biggest movie weekends of the year, the 4th of July holiday! And we have two big films to choose from -- “Despicable……
I love talking to Dave Franco and Isla Fisher. I met them 3 weeks ago in New Orleans for the press junket of “Now You……
A Will Smith movie that didn't open at No. 1? Impossible! For nearly two decades, Will Smith has held the Summer Movie King crown...but……
“Now You See Me” from director Louis Letterier magically arrives in theaters near you. It stars Woody Harrelson,……
Morgan Freeman, during a press tour for the fantastic "Now You See Me" with Michael Caine, apparently fell asleep while being interviewed……
Из всех реалити-шоу, которые заставляют меня съежиться, я выделю Малыши……
If you have seen "Iron Man 3" (and really, unless you're hiding in Mandarin's lair, you should have seen it by now), and stayed for……
The news that stunned the pop/rock and roll fans of not just America, but the “rock nation” of the world. A career that……
Swedish singer Miss Li combines fundamentals of jazz, pop, and blues to create her own unique warped pop songs. It was on one day……
I can’t stop thinking about Asia and its measure. The biggest continent with so many different nationalities, religions, and……
I believe that New York is the greatest city on planet Earth and the capital of the World. You can find here anything you want: any……
Two of Italy's most internationally renown musicians combine their artistry in "Morricone.Uncovered an album of songs from some of……
Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen. This blog is dedicated to the Legend of USSR film industry - Yury Nikulin. When Yury……
There is a large event coming up February 8th, in downtown lower east Manhattan! Film Annex Music TV presents: FKBAND, the new Russian-American……
BY: Keely-Shea Smith Known for his quirky personality and unique style, Alber Elbaz, has never been one to conform to the masses.……
Hey Ladies and Gentlemen. Here are 6 new FAMusicTV artists with their independent videos. Let’s see what we have. ***……
Прошедшая неделя была очень разнообразной. Каждый день на официальной странице в FB,……
This pAst week was incredibly amazing. Every day on our FB, Twitter, and Tumblr pages we presented video works of different artists.……
December 13, 2012… 8:24 PM… What’s going on?!! The new FAMusicTV video from Midnight Spin Band is hilarious! ……
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Do you want to find something fresh? Original? Independent? Spectacular? To watch??? The right……
There are so many tattooed people around me nowadays. Why do human beings do it!? Maybe, some folks believe that their tattoos have……
Imagine donning short hair and wearing clothes traditionally worn by a man...as a female. How far could someone go to achieve their……
I am thrilled to share a beauty editorial shot by fashion photographer Hyuna Shin for Culture Magazine. Hyuna has shot an array of……
Last week Frank Abagnale delivered a speech at SXSW. Frank Abagnale inspired the movie Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo DiCaprio……
We're very excited to showcase 'The Birth' a masterful creation from Turkish producer Ezel Domanic and director Ozer. This surreal……