52 Films by Women Vol 5. 22. The Assistant (Director: Kitty Green)
Pictured: Jane (Julia Garner) arrives for another day of work at a New York-based film production company in the 'day in a……
Pictured: Jane (Julia Garner) arrives for another day of work at a New York-based film production company in the 'day in a……
Ciao gente seguitemi in tanti ho bisogno del vostro aiuto per farmi conoscere :) follow me luca-derisio GRAZIE……
Ciao amici come state?? mi sto trovando molto bene qui su BitLanders :) se volete fare amicizia o segurmi qui lo apprezzerò……
俄罗斯电影周(Russian Film Week)将于2013年10月9日到13日在纽约盛大举行。 这个活动第一次举办时是在西元2000年的纽约,当时由俄罗斯专业电影摄影师联盟支持和赞助,并称这个活动为俄罗斯电影节(Festival……
俄羅斯電影週(Russian Film Week)將於2013年10月9日到13日在紐約盛大舉行。 這個活動第一次舉辦時是在西元2000年的紐約,當時由俄羅斯專業電影攝影師聯盟支持和贊助,並稱這個活動為俄羅斯電影節(Festival……
By Sem Maltsev The Russian Film Week will be held in NYC from 9-13, October 2013. The first time such an event was held in New York……