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Bergman Collection There are a lot of buried treasures out there I am sure…some there on an island called Faro, where Ingmar Bergman……
Bergman Collection There are a lot of buried treasures out there I am sure…some there on an island called Faro, where Ingmar Bergman……
April 13th Cabin in the Woods- As is often the case on Friday the thirteenth, we are getting a horror film. So far it is getting very……
April is usually a slight step down in film quality from March and is the calm before the storm of summer blockbusters. Here is a……
I would be lying to myself if I didn’t say that I thought 2011 was a horrible year for films in general. But 2012 is looking like……
For more business insights and entertainment news, please subscribe HelloHollywood's web TV. With no doubt one of the things……
The Author Maria Palau is originally from Colombia, and currently working at Metan Development Group Beijing office. She is sharing……
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For more insights on entertainment business in China, please go to“穿越剧”是近几年中国电视剧的热门形式。但中国的穿越剧似乎总喜欢派现代人回到古代,戏说历史;而西方则是惯用未来式穿越,用高科技引爆眼球。于是有人就总结出:“同样是穿越剧,中国是往历史穿,美国是往未来穿,一个想不出历史,一个想不出未来”。穿越剧的起源 “穿越”题材在中国其实不算新鲜,早在90年代初,香港武侠小说家黄易就曾编写小说《寻秦记》,后经TVB改编成同名电视剧,于2001年推出。《寻秦记》一经播出就引发收视热潮,古今冲突渗透着港式幽默,剧情的跌宕起伏也保持了TVB类型片的水准。编剧既以“剧情纯属虚构”作为穿越招牌,干脆由古天乐饰演的项少龙来创造历史;甚至在剧情最末,戏说项少龙的儿子即是西楚霸王项羽。《寻秦记》开启了穿越时空的大门,让平凡的现代人返回古代成就一番不平凡的事业,也奠定了穿越剧之部分情节无厘头的基调,而这些雷死人的桥段往往成了吸引观众的不二法门。《寻秦记》的火爆荧屏也让穿越题材的投资人看到了商机,很快,一部类似作品《穿越时空的爱恋》于次年问世,但并没能引起多大反响。直到2010年,一部由当红小生胡歌领衔主演,改编自同名电影的电视剧《神话》热力出炉,才重新让冷冻多时的穿越题材再度回归风潮。作为央视2010年开年大戏,开播后刷新央视八套开年戏收视率纪录。那个带着手机穿越至秦朝的时尚青年易小川,与刘邦、项羽拜把子,用手机拍摄历史时刻。台词虽有些夸张,却也笑果十足。“穿越剧”……
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Seductively French Segments To Debut To Mandarin-Speaking Audiences In China And Around the Globe This Month.Los Angeles, February……
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For more business insights regarding practicing entertainment business in China, please subscribe Hello!Hollywood’s WebTV at……
For more business insights regarding practicing entertainment business in China, please subscribe Hello!Hollywood’s WebTV at’s……
For more business insights regarding practicing entertainment business in China, please subscribe at……
well we are into the last week of January and the new rules are being enforced. They significantly reduce reality TV on broadcast……