Country of Middle East Saudi Arabia

Hello, everyone! I hope you all are fine and waiting for my new blog ;) I am here with another topic :) "Country of Middle East Saudi……
Hello, everyone! I hope you all are fine and waiting for my new blog ;) I am here with another topic :) "Country of Middle East Saudi……
¨ All Muslims Should Advise Each Other ¨ ……
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Donald Trump is not motivated by a deep hatred of Muslims. Donald Trump is a huckster. He's using a fairly broad based fear of terrorism,……
Hi my name is Joshua. I made this page to share our thoughts to make this planet we live on a better place for are self's,our……
The history of muslims in the Philippines The Philippine Muslims was once a dominant group in the country. They have 500 years political……
Cactus painting by Palestinian artist Ahmad Yaseen For Pakistani artist Ahmad Yaseen, spiny cactus plants make perfect canvas for……
The Pashtuns /ˈpʌʃˌtʊnz/ or /ˈpæʃˌtuːnz/ (Pashto: پښتانه Pax̌tānə; singular masculine: پښتون Pax̌tūn,……
Wazir Khan mosque was built in 1634 by Shaikh Ilm-ud-din Ansari, Viceroy of Punjab under Shah Jahan. Ansari hailed from humble origins……
Cordoba mosque, the church is being converted I heard envied hy.aaly Aitzaz Ahsan, Mr. Imtiaz Alam direction, Ms. Asma Jahangir,……
Friday is the day of blessing Friday is the day of worship Friday is the day of peace Friday is the day of JummAH prayer ……
Islam is the religion of peace, and it is one of the most sacred and trustworthy religions, which has given us guidance in every aspect……
Photo: Scott Ableman (Flickr) Many Muslim groups in the United States are creating outreach events designed to dispel stereotypes.……
I am going to be very honest here today. I am not a Muslim by choice. I am a Muslim by birth, which I am grateful……
Introduction The term Islamophobia has slowly become increasingly common in today’s society and is often associated or used……
In the HISTORY of the world, who has KILLED maximum INNOCENThuman beings1) "Hitler"Do you know who he wasHe was a Christian, but media……
Muslims are not terrorists but the people around the globe are not willing to understand this. They think they Muslims are……
Go to namaz Muslims this time will never come back ! We only live once think about it.
When the world was sinking in the abyss of ignorance and civil and military wars were on the rise, there was a need for a reformer……
Life is not about things you want, but about things you have. It's about survival. You might be having problems but who doesn't? You……
Muslims celebrate two religious festivals every year - Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha. Eid-ul-Fitr is a festival that precedes the holy……
Eid ul Adha marks the end of Hajj one of the pillars of Islam. A time of year when millions upon millions Muslims from around the……
Advance Happy Eid mubarak to all my muslims brothers and sisters and to all my bitlanders friends and i hope you enjoy this eid day……
Things have changed dramatically over the past 100 years. Hajj in the past was difficult. Getting to Makkah for many was the hardest……
Pakistan is the only country that gained independence with hard work of the Muslims of Subcontinent and our great Quaid and leader……
So basically that's the main formula...Pray pray pray. That's it. Ramadan is regarded as the phase where you can literally RESTART……
Today I talk about two nation theory when we hear a word two nation theory the theme present in over mind that is the Muslims and……
Hidden Truth of WTC Attack in America ! The 9/11 was a serious crime.the 9/11 was committed under the auspices of the……
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: "Those people from amongst my ummah, who memorize forty hadith……
Kechimalai Mosque is located at the end of the port of Beruwala, on the southwest coast. The mosque is built at the spot where the……
Why should a religion be victimized by the act of an ignorant individual? I have asked myself this question often. To find the answer,……
The Charlie Hebdo staff was playing with fire by touching on a sensitive subject. Their deaths were caused by extremists, but I believe……
In regards to the recent terrorist attacks in Paris I like to share my view. Human beings are violent creatures, for whatever reason……
All forms of Terrorism/fanaticism and its related groups that kill/harm innocent human beings anywhere around the world in the name……
I usually think as Man not god as i am Muslim but his lessons are great as he was.One of his students asked Buddha, “Are……
Iqbal made them realize that their salvation lay in a separate state in the north-west of India. In his famous session of Allahabad,……
the battle of uhud was an extension of the battle of badr. smarting under the ignominy of their defeat at badr. the Qureish of makkah……
Muslim believes in one Allah and prays Him. Offer prayers read Quran Paak and slaughter animal (cow goat sheep camel) in the way of……
Allah sent many Prophets to deliver is message to the mankind. Allah also reveals Books on them. These are Torait, Anjeel, Zaboor……
Pakistani government of PMLN is fully exposes his real face . you also see the ongoing situation of Pakistan dong by this bloody government……
The creation of Pakistan was marvel in the history of the world bit it brought several problems in its wake. The 562 states of India……
women in Islam are appreciated and highly respected,opposite to a lot of misleading and incorrect information that are widely……
It's time to go 4 a long march against Israil who iz killing innocent Palestine muslims.... This country is not going anywhere but……
History is full of heroes. It is natural for man to love great men. Caryle has rightly said that '' History is the biography of great……
History of Fourteen Points Things happened much as Jinnah predicted. The khilafat movement died when Kemal Ataturk abolished the caliphate……
Islam in Afghanistan Approximately 99 percent of afghans are Muslims, and out of them , 80-85% are sunni of the Hanafi school , while……
Being a Mussulman if we talk of protecting our Mussulman brothers and sisters then we should be ready all the time to push back the……
Eid part 2 But the question is , Are we Muslims ? Today we are doing shopping's, enjoying , everyone is busy in……
Jerusalem is a city scared to Jews, Christians and Muslims. The Muslims captured the city in days of Hazrat Umar, but the Arabs usually……
I am going to tell you the method of offering Sallah or Namaz.1)Stand to Makkah direction and have the intention to prayer.2)Raise……
The holy Quran is the last divine book. It was revealed on last holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Muslims all over the world love……
Prayer is a religious activity. Every religion of the world has its own ways to prayer. The Muslims bow to Allah Almighty in the mosques.……
Once in a London park with his wife, Ms sat a few people came wearing white turbans online.……
Festivals represent every nation and each nation celebrates their festivals with their own historical traditions. Muslims celebrate……
Ramazan is the most blessed month of Allah. The is the King of all months. In this month all Muslims keep fast. Fasting……
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25 December 1876. He got his early education in Karachi. Then he went to England for higher education.……
now a day’s every country wants democracy in their country. This sentence may be arises a question……
the early spread of islam. since the time that gods words were written down in the holy quran the islamic message of peace has spread……
There are many people i know who have bad habits, for example smoking, drinking, using saparis, chewable tobacco. THis is the best……
Pakistan came into existence in 1947 after a long struggle of the Muslims of India. The Muslims of India have been fighting against……
Islam is the only religion that Muslims as well as minority rights, and any talk of protection. Because there will not be anything……
Pakistani media is now getting advance rapidly.They are copying Indians everywhere.They are showing……
There are about 60 Muslim countries in the world . The population of the Muslims in the world is about 125 core i.e every fifth person……
It is not today problem that I'm doing this question over the past many years, is running long runs have not will continue. Its natural……
Afghanistan are Muslims, and out of them, 80-85% are Sunni of the Hanafi School; while 15-20% are Shi’a, the majorty……
The Quran which is the Holy Book of the Muslims is not only praised by the Muslims who accept the Quran but also by the……
Nuclear arsenals and their proliferation during the Cold War era did only indicate West’s hegemonical designs against the rest……
Social Reform in Pakistan No country or institution is perfect. There is always some scope for improvement in every sphere of life.……
It is the nature of man to believe that someone created him, his fellow beings, this universe, earth and it’s all creatures.……
Jerusalem is located between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea.It is one of the oldest cities in the world.Jerusalem also known as……
Sir syed Ahmad khan is an legend personality. He was an expert in field of education and he was an excellent politician. He was like……
Today I will tell you the importance of separate country for the Muslims of subcontinent. In the world, there are some continents……
Islam is based on five beliefs. These are called the five pillars of Islam. The first belief is that there is no god but Allah and……
RELIGIONS & LANGUAGES The areas in which Pakistan is situated has long chronological routes. The people have been coming to this……
EID-UL-AZHA The Carnival and a Artistic occasion is a festivity of an instance to generate a intelligence of brotherhood, altruism,……
Mother's Day in other nations Children who cannot at this day, along with his mother, often with a phone call, send a card, send flowers……
Mosque is the place of worship for all the Muslims and it is a very important buildings in the town or city. It is the center of attraction……
After complaints from Muslims offended by one of its images, the video for Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" has gotten a scrub.……
In the previous topics you read that doing all good deeds in the way Allah told you to do them to please Allah, is Ibadah. But,……
today my topic is Islam a culture and development of Islam and also social society system in Pakistan. Culture is very important for……
مفہوم : اتحاد و اتفاق ، دوستی ، یکجہتی ، یگانگت ، ایکا……
The slap and kick of the teacher or of any other elder, not only torture children physically but also affect……
Women are more precious and more valuable than what the others define them. Males always gives themselves the right to define……
Men and women are equal Let us start right from the beginning , the creation of Adam and Eve as revealed by God in the Quran.……
Nail polish is not just a color to put on the nails; it has a kind beauty that gives a pretty attraction on nails. Inclusively,……
When Pakistan and India were not came in existence this thing was decided already that muslims majority places will be included in……
For centuries Ghazni has been a centre of culture, trade and politics in the region comprising today’s Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan……
Knowledge is the best phenomenon in our life .it can be rescue the mankinda from misery. Knowledge is essential for both men and women.……
The literal meniag of islam is peace .surrender of ones will losing oneself for the sake of ……
Life the best thing that happens to us. However, it does not stay the best thing for a long period, it starts getting worst as we……
The man of determination Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of our country (Pakistan). He was the man, who alone fought……
Eid al-fitr is a Muslim holidays that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Eid is an Arabic word meaning “festivity”,……
Kashmir problem is the major cause of political tension between Pakistan and India. ……
“Seek knowledge may you have to go to China” Holy prophet Muhammad (S A W). ……
Islam enjoins upon the Muslims to treat their guests with hospitality. Abu hurairash has reported Allah’s messenger as……
Nelle scorse due settimane ho preso il mio primo smartphone e mi sono riaffacciato su Facebook dopo quasi tre anni (l'avevo usato……
In the past two weeks I’ve gotten my first smart phone, have resurfaced on Facebook after nearly three years, (I had only used……
Democracy is a combination of two words.Word"demos" means people and words "kratos" means power.In short,democracy means power of……
Family is a persion word which means community of men, women, and their children. Before we talk about family in Islam we are going……
The actions, the speech, the ways and manners of the holy prophets peace be upon him are called Hadis. In addition to the prophet’s……
When we speak of the Seven Wonders of the World, mentioning of Taj Mahal is inevitable, it is so precious and beautiful, it……
The Muslims were strictly observing the terms of the treaty of hudaibiya when in the year 8 A.H., the unbelievers……
Long since, women have been struggling hard for their rights. Many movements have been organized for this task as feminism. There……
Cari studenti, Questo è il mese del Moharam-ul-Haram (Mese Lunare), che i Musulmani rispettano e celebrano in modo particolare.……
Dear Students, This month is the month of Moharam-ul-Haram (Lunar month) which Muslims respect and celebrate in a special way. In……
Ever since the dawn of human life on this plant ,Man has always tried to understand Nature, his own place in the scheme of……
Ashura is the tenth day of Muharam-ul-Haram (Islamic month), which is a holly day for all Muslims. Celebrity……
In the name of almighty Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful We should thank our almighty Allah……
Islam teaches Muslims to cultivate high ethical Qualities and to avoid indecencies which will hinder them from following the……
The Taliban killed the governor of Kunar, a eastern province of Afghanistan in October fifteenth, 2013 in the first day of EID, an……
Arcos the world people besides their daily lives they have same national and international ceremony in which people enjoy their……
The Muslims always victimize sheep in second Eid which is called (Eid_al_adha).In this Eid all Muslims are meditate for Allah and……
quran quran is a holy book. it was descended in the year (610) AD by Gebriel to Mohammad (P,B,U,H) Quran has (6666) verses and (114)……
Ramadan is the ninth month of the islamic calendar, and Muslims all over the world observe fasting during daylight……
I was talking to some friends a while back and one of the topics that came up and I often hear exaggerated and sensationalized……
Islam is besad on find beliefs. These are called the five pillars of Islam. The first belief is that there is no God but Allah and……
I have always been very curious about the world’s religions specifically the religion of Islam in all its intriguing practices……
This observe that different people have their different customs for celebration and happiness according to their believes. Eid _ ul……
No doubt that Christianity has been consisted among the revealed religions of the world and it is a fact that it was consisted……
Have you ever studied a separate language from your native tongue, studied the alphabet of that language and reveled in the beauty……
Hello to everyone. "Windows to Islam" is a blog Created to provide you with the information about Islam and muslim traditions. ……
The storey goes back when I was 14 years old, a teen boy who looks to discover world surround him. I found me among the people……
Eid - u- Fetr is a muslem festival . it is celebrated at the end of holly month Ramadan, the ninth month Islamic Calender. fitr is……
Under new President Francois Hollande French policy regarding Syria and the Arab Spring is not likely to be altered. Because France’s……