Today is Saraswati Puja.

In Hindu mythology, Saraswati is the Goddess who stands for knowledge, learning, arts and culture. So every year Saraswati Puja……
In Hindu mythology, Saraswati is the Goddess who stands for knowledge, learning, arts and culture. So every year Saraswati Puja……
Non sono completamente certa che sia corretto definirla una nuova versione - ma di certo lo sembra. Lavoro sul mio lungometraggio,……
I'm not entirely sure I'd call it a reboot - but it feels like one. I've been working on my feature film TITANIA for the last……
Hello Everyone, I've been away a while to recover from surgery, and launch a big photo project for the summer. Hope this……
Interest in vampires mythology is at all time high.The question that whether vampires are real……
Is it "Aotearoa" or "New Zealand"? When I first began looking for information on New Zealand, one of the very first things I……
Today Dwayne Johnson published on his facebook account the movie poster for his next action film Hercules, based in the novel Hercules:……
Chinese space probe lands on the moon Controlled landing was the first since 1976. The probe have a guided exploration equipment……
So, here we arrive, at the final episode of PERSEPHONE. With a series about cycles it's hard to say there is an end, as we know each……
Hello, guys! Good morning! I expect this following week to be über busy. But it doesn't intimidate me as I love to busy……
It's been a while since my last post and although my research into screenwriting has hit the point where I would be best rewarded……
Warner Bros. Pictures has released the new trailer for Wrath of the Titans, directed by Jonathan Liebesman. Opening in 3D, 2D and……
Two new posters and one new banner have debuted at for Wrath of the Titans at Yahoo! Movies. Read more movie news and watch trailers……