JAM Nation To NationAll The WorldMust Come TogetherFace The ProblemsThat We SeeThen Maybe Somehow We Can Work It OutI……
JAM Nation To NationAll The WorldMust Come TogetherFace The ProblemsThat We SeeThen Maybe Somehow We Can Work It OutI……
PAKISTAN lets start with the nation anthem of Pakistan Nation anthem of Pakistan Why i am writing about Pakistan? because I……
The choice for a higher lifestyles is occasionally so massive that it makes human beings depart their countries and their families……
UN Security Council on Monday adopted a resolution setting up UN Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS), to succeed the UN Support Office……
Imran Khan This article is about the Pakistani politician and former cricketer.. For other people named Imran Khan, see Imran Khan……
Students should be given the maximum opportunity to learn without stress. They should be given free education and also good food to……
This blog is totally my first hand experience and my own study about the Internal displaced people in Pakistan. All this information……
The amount of rights the minorities in a respected area gets, is like an ant between humans. Human rights are the rights they get,……
Freedom and independence Mustafa Kamal……
UNICEF: Changing the World for children UNICEF was created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1946 to help children after World……
The feuded candidate of Afghan Presidential candidate, Abdullah Abdullah rejects the preliminary results of Election and……
History is a very important part of our life, we all have paste, we all have some family backgrounds, what is the background……
There is a saying that the father is the one who took the child from heaven unto the Earth: come back from the Earth, but then carrying……
The hope of the world live in the united nations organization. It alone can save the world from the war of the thermonuclear war.……
Traveling has always been regarded as a part of younger education. In old days, it was a traditions in European countries that after……
We have also chain of slavery in our feet today.I will say that today, but perhaps just all know due to a disability are not speak……
Patriotism, which means literally the love of fatherland; is a noble sentiment and a national virtue. It is born with our birth and……
Lo scorso mese ha segnato il terzo anniversario dall'inizio del conflitto in Siria. È impossibile avere stime accurate, ma……
Last month marked the 3-year anniversary since the beginning of the conflict in Syria. Although exact numbers are impossible to calculate,……
We all know that ICC T20 World Cup 2014 has been started in Bangladesh from March and this tournament is consists of 21 days and all……
Introduction: Hollywood actress Sitara Attaie may be the first person in history to quote both the German philosopher……
Happiness is the goal of every man’s life. Every human being wants to pass his life happily and no body wants to undergo pain……
I have read lots of book but my favourite is the Holy Quran the final book of Allah. This greatest book is revealed by Allah himself.……
In ever part of world there is a definition for each kind of people and different interpretation from different person and……
God create this universe and all humanity and also said to research all the worlds though the knowledge. A well educated person can……
Mohamed Nagy (GEDO) : Gedo was born in October 30 , 1984 in Damanhour , Beheira in Egypt . He started his early career in a club called……
Introduction The First world war had brought about endless miseries, deviation, diseases, poverty and hunger. The aftermath of the……
Rock! What is Rock Music? Today, participating in the Vote for Peace Rock Concert showed me how Rock music has many fans in Afghanistan,……
Media refer to Mass communication as broadcast media, print media and the web media, Television and radio are best sources media,……
当您是房间里最聪明的人的时候,那么您就走错了房间!今天,我走对了房间! 今天早上我和 Roya……
At the end of world war Il, the cold war eclipsed the arena of the international relations for more than four decades. The tow cold……
當您是房間裡最聰明的人的時候,那麼您就走錯了房間!今天,我走對了房間! 今天早上我和 Roya……
Life! No one can exactly define this word. It is impossible to define life with all aspects. No one can give a standard and understandable……
While much work has been done, there remains plenty left to do in Afghanistan. This year, millions of Afghans have been moved to safer……
Peace in this world has become a dream. No country is fully peaceful now. Whole world is going through a crucial time. The present……
Pakistan is an underdeveloped country. Why has Pakistan failed to progress even after 66 years of its creation. Why have we failed……
Sheryl Sandberg has taken the nation’s readers by storm with her most recent book Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to……
Apparently we as human beings should be eating more insects according to a recent article in the National Geographic, due to……
Having a healthy body, and being mentally and physically healthy, helps people to have a better life. These days , people pay……
Climate change otherwise known as global warming is the topic of discussion for any individuals who vaguely care for the sustainability……
Today, I was browsing several websites and I read a very inspiring and interesting news about Angelina Jolie, an American actress……
Last month People across the world work up to a new offensive that started in Palestine. There were war cries with both side accusing……
Female empowerment is their enemy but apparently the Taliban have targeted a 14 year-old Pakistani schoolgirl as she rode a school……
It is not war yet, but Turkey and allies have determined this time to respond differently and open the door to potential military……
Serbia President Tomislav Nikolic’s offer of direct negotiations with Kosovo’s leadership but oath not to recognize its……
Is the United Nations the Titanic with a couple of Captains giving the order or an armada of nations plying toward shared objectives?……
The current convoluted and dysfunctional education and political systems based on ethnic delineations is neither meeting the aspirations……
After recent talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders consistently underperformed expectations and recent oil/mineral finds……
His public comments were less direct and more circumspect about what next on Syria; however the private assessment of new UN/Arab……
"The members of the Security Council reiterate their grave concern about the continuing deterioration of the security and humanitarian……
“Bold steps are needed now to overcome the legacy of the past and to ensure that no prisoners of conscience are left behind,”……
Environmentally friendly economic opportunities is not part of the job description of over 120,000 persons serving globally,……
Religion and culture does play an integral role in the work of the United Nations, but a benediction or blessing as seen in the US……
Bill Clinton received the most applause of any leader during his speech at the UN General Assembly – that was right after……
Vuk Jeremic yesterday assumed the role of President of the United Nations General Assembly having been elected a few months earlier……
UN failing its own principles in Syria? Recently the UN offered a new set of guidelines for mediators in how to address evidence of……
None have joined the International Criminal Court, but India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea have become “nuclear club”……
Before we even go further, what is UNSSC: Primary mandate is to provide inter-agency training and teaching of UN staff. Based……
“Police Taking Action to Combat Violence Against Women and Girls in Afghanistan” is a new initiative launched this week……
“The gains that chemicals can provide must not come at the expense of human health and the environment. Pollution and disease……
“Six weeks ago, in visiting the memorial at Srebrenica, I said I did not want my successors to apologize years from now for……
When you watch the video Peace Keeping and Rule of Law there are going to be some conflicting emotions that come to you. On the service……
Diplomacy has not worked very well for Syria. So how about rethinking the whole diplomacy thing in Syria-Diplomats not talking so……
“Very few of the convicted perpetrators are effectively serving a sentence, due to the low penalties imposed or other benefits……
Australia’s Parliament adopted an act that would allow the re-opening of offshore detention center for migrant asylum……
“These are already some of the most vulnerable families in the West Bank – forcibly displacing them from their……
Why has Syria still not been referred to the ICC? Big Power ambiguity/hostility to the ICC, particularly China, Russia but also the……
Central Asia is on the cusp of greater chaos or immense prosperity depending on the perception of the past, present and future.……
... or at least, can UN borrow "intelligence" capacities of others? The UN does try to anticipate both crisis, threats to international……
Assad, Kremlin and Beijing had counted on Kofi Annan’s diplomacy to effectively act as buffer against more sanctions or greater……
Despite threats from Taliban, insecurity and a challenging geography, a UN/Afghanistan government program to eradicate measles……
“Our staff and partners in Uganda, Rwanda and eastern DRC have been receiving regular and extensive reports of widespread human……
It had become more of a stand-off between the big powers than about Syria’s neighbors or even that country’s citizens.……
US jobs report delivered another disappointing report for June. The global picture looks as bad or worse (better in some Asian states……
“UNSMIS is not a static mission – it will continually adapt and reconfigure to best serve the needs and aspirations……
Turkey can invoke NATO’s mutual defense pact under Article V in what is now a direct military confrontation with the……
Mali has been now embroiled in coups and rebel fighting complicated by famine that threatens to tear apart the country at its most……
New Russia in Syria is looking very much like the old one as Putin seeks to regenerate the Empire. The UN is blocked from acting……
A “Press Statement” representing the consensus of all 15 members, the UNSC “urge(d) Libyan authorities at……
BRICS falling? Recent news about economic slowdown and a rapidly falling currency complicate India’s active effort to……
Blocking UN Observers from performing their mandated task may appear to pale in comparison to the continued killing and massacres.……
“Those who bear the greatest responsibility have been indicted. The current challenge is their arrest,” according……
“Autism is not limited to a single region or a country; it is a worldwide challenge that requires global action. People with……
On January 27, 2012, the United Nations paid tribute to the children of the Holocaust. More than 1.5 million Jewish children perished……